The NEWEST Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

A couple of old maps to answer the idiots

This is an 1586 map of Israel.

And here is a 1588 map of Jerusalem.

Every couple of days the anti-Israel idiots find a map that says "Palestine" and not Israel, pretending that when the mapmakers wrote Palestine, they meant something other than the Land of Israel.

These maps are probably older than the ones they post, so you can respond with these.


Activist Akram Salhab on the Palestinian experience of British colonialism​

When Jews made the desert bloom…


Activist Akram Salhab on the Palestinian experience of British colonialism​

Jews restored the land, misused for centuries by Arabs and Muslims…

New York Times, 1953: “Israeli Land Plan Called A Model” “US soil conservation expert Professor Walter Lowdermilk Says Redemption Program Is Pilot Project For 1,500,000,000 Persons”

“The land redemption work being carried out in Israel is making the country a pilot area for 1,500,000,000 persons living in a subsistence agrarian economy, Prof. Walter Lowdermilk said today.

“The United States soil conservation expert expressed the view that in producing little more food than the world populace needed nations were “bedding the ground of social unrest and trouble all over the world.”

“Professor Lowdermilk, a representative of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, assisted in the inventory of all the land in Israel north of a line twenty miles south of Beersheba. He has been here two and one-half years.”

“Because of Israel’s necessity to restore land misused for centuries and because the people have been intelligent enough to recognize that necessity and willing to work, the country has been a pilot area for 1,500,000,000 persons, the professor declared.”


A couple of old maps to answer the idiots

This is an 1586 map of Israel.

And here is a 1588 map of Jerusalem.

Every couple of days the anti-Israel idiots find a map that says "Palestine" and not Israel, pretending that when the mapmakers wrote Palestine, they meant something other than the Land of Israel.

These maps are probably older than the ones they post, so you can respond with these.

Renowned Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: Self-inflicted Arab catastrophe

“The UN vote in 1947 was Israel’s title to statehood. Palestinians and Arab powers chose the path of war. Their choice was calamitous. Palestine became a great Arab shame. Few Arabs were willing to tell the story truthfully, to face its harsh verdict”

The U.N. Can't Deliver a Palestinian State
The UN vote in 1947 was Israel’s title to statehood.
Another Israeli lie. Resolution 181 was abandoned by the UN and was never implemented. It did nothing.

You seem to forget what it was that the UN planned to partition.

The Zionists were colonialist tools of Western imperialism.


“Colonialism means living by exploiting others,” Yehoshafat Harkabi has written. “But what could be further from colonialism than the ide- alism of city-dwelling Jews who strive to become farmers and laborers and to live by their own work?”26

Moreover, as British historian Paul Johnson noted, Zionists were hardly tools of imperialists given the powers’ general opposition to their cause. “Everywhere in the West, the foreign offices, defense min- istries and big business were against the Zionists.”27

Emir Faisal saw the Zionist movement as a companion to the Arab nationalist movement, fighting against imperialism, as he explained in a letter to Harvard law professor and future Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter on March 3, 1919, one day after Chaim Weizmannpresented the Zionist case to the Paris conference. Faisal wrote:

The Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with deep- est sympathy on the Zionist movement . . . We will wish the Jews a hearty welcome home . . . We are working together for a reformed and revised Near East and our two movements complete one another. The Jewish movement is nationalist and not imperialist. And there is room in Syria for us both. Indeed, I think that neither can be a real success without the other (emphasis added).28

In the 1940s, the Jewish underground movements waged an an- ticolonial war against the British. The Arabs, meanwhile, were con- cerned primarily with fighting the Jews rather than expelling the British imperialists.
Israel is never going away

But apparently neither will lib hatred toward Israel

How did the Nakba happen? | Al Jazeera English​

Renowned Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: Arabs caused their own catastrophe.

”The UN vote in 1947 was Israel’s title to statehood. Palestinians and Arab powers chose the path of war. Their choice was calamitous. Palestine became a great Arab shame. Few Arabs were willing to tell the story truthfully, to face its harsh verdict”

The U.N. Can't Deliver a Palestinian State

Pogroms, bombings, concentration camps: How Egypt treated its Jews in 1948

AP reported on the Egyptian and other Arab states' reaction to Israeli independence in 1948: "The weekly Akhbar el Yom said 600 persons, mostly Zionists, were rounded up and sent to concentration camps."

Yes, only three years after the Holocaust, Jews were being rounded up again. Reports of Jews in Egyptian and Iraqi concentration camps trickled into the media during 1948.

In August, 18 French Jews who were interned started a hunger strike after efforts by France to free them were fruitless. At the time it was estimated that 3,000 Jews were imprisoned in these camps. British Jews in Egypt were also arrested without charge. (The French internees were finally released in September.)

In November:

A large number of Jews, most of whom were born in Egypt and whose families have lived there for generations, were ordered to leave the country this week-end or “face the alternative of imprisonment in desert concentration camps,” the American Jewish Committee reported in a telegram to Acting Secretary of State Herbert C. Hoover, Jr.

The Committee disclosed that leaders of the Jewish Communities of Cairo and Alexandria “have already been placed in concentration camps.” At the same time, it reported that the property of Jews in Egypt has been seized as “enemy property” and placed under the custodianship of the Egyptian government.

And that wasn't the worse thing for Egypt's Jews. They were being murdered in the streets.

22 Jews were killed in a June bombing in the Karaite Jewish quarter of Cairo. 19 more were murdered by another bomb in the main Jewish quarter of Cairo in September. Four Jewish-owned department stores were bombed in July and August.

JTA reported this horrific testimony:

The situation of the Jews in Egypt was termed today as "highly alarming" by a Frenchman who returned from Cairo and gave the first detailed and uncensored report of the pogroms, mob violence, mass looting and terrorism which is now taking place throughout Egypt against the Jewish population.

Egyptian mobs, he revealed, killed three rabbis by splitting their throats, after dragging them into a Cairo slaughter house. He estimated that at least 150 Jews had either been killed or had "disappeared" in Cairo incidents during the last four weeks. A substantial number of Jews had been wounded, he said. The pogroms and anti-Jewish terrorism are tacitly encouraged by the passive attitude of the Egyptian Government, he charged.

The gravest single incident, he reported, occurred on July 20 at one of Cairo’s chief street car junctions, in Malika Farida Placo. An organized group of Egyptians ejected all the European passengers from several trolleys. All passengers suspected of being Jews were savagely killed on the spot, and many had their eyes pierced or were knifed, while non-Jews and Europeans were robbed of all cash and belongings. The police made no effort to intervene, the French visitor emphasized.

Of the large number of Jews in Cairo who have been wounded, he continued, 120 are now undergoing treatment in the Jewish hospital there and an unannounced number are in government or private institutions. Scattered incidents of knifing of Jews are repeatedly reported in various parts of the Egyptian capital, he said. The killing of three rabbis in the slaughter house took place on July 21, he reported.

I haven't seen verification of the specifics, but there are many reports of pogroms in Egypt against Jews and scores were known to have been killed.

Then, as now, the excuse given for antisemitism was "Zionism." Yet then as now, they were attacked because they were Jews.


How did the Nakba happen? | Al Jazeera English​

”Nakba”: Arabic word, roughly translated: “We are dumbasses who foolishly tried to run the Jews into the sea, we got our asses kicked by the Jews, and we whine about being dumbasses AND losers since 1947.
”Nakba”: Arabic word, roughly translated: “We are dumbasses who foolishly tried to run the Jews into the sea, we got our asses kicked by the Jews, and we whine about being dumbasses AND losers since 1947.
Israel's military has been pounding on Palestinian civilians for over 70 years and have not won yet.
Israel's military has been pounding on Palestinian civilians for over 70 years and have not won yet.

Renowned Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: “The Palestinian ruin was a long time in coming. No other movement has had the indulgence granted Palestinians over the last half-century, and the results can be seen in the bravado and senseless violence...” “The Palestinians tipped power to Hamas whose very charter is pledged to the destruction of the Jewish state and the imposition of Islamist rule.”

It’s easy for archaeologists to detach themselves from ancient finds, but the discovery of a brass compass from a massacre of 35 Israeli soldiers in 1948 left two researchers feeling like they received a “punch in the stomach.”

The Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Monday the discovery of the compass from what Israeli history calls “The Battle of the 35” during the War of Independence, known in Hebrew as the story of the Lamed Heh (35 in Hebrew alphabetic numerals).

(full article online)


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