The news is out Trump Campaign obstructed

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Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

You've given up the ability to use the "Trump lies" by constantly lying about what he said then pointing to YOUR lie and saying Trump lied.

Hillary had every advantage and still lost. She was the worst candidate ever
And yes, Trump is a Traitor....for taking help from the Russians, in order to win the 2016 election....

What was that Russian help again?
Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.
So we didn't have a right to know the DNC and Hillary rigged the nomination?
It wasn't rigged. That's the power of the email hack. It's not what they said, it's what people could make others believe they said.

Like getting people to believe the nomination was rigged.

Of course the nomination was rigged. Bernie would have been in it up until nearly the end if it were based on actual voting. But the party elites had already clinched it for Hillary. Yeah, Democrats care about democracy, sure you do

Sure. And if the presidential election were based on actual voting, Clinton would be president.
It was actual voting, that's how my country works, Trump won the EC
The EC doesn't reflect the voters. It reflects the votes transformed by an arbitrary system of electoral votes.

Kinda like delegates...
Wrong the EC reflects the voters
People want guys in dresses in little girls bathrooms in California..

They don't in texas
Do they? Trump won 4.4 million votes in California. How many electoral college votes did that get him?


How's that for reflecting the voters? Those 4.4 million Trump voters are thrown in the trash.
The biggest joke of the century is that Republicans are the "Law & Order" party.


Says the asshole supporting Burn Loot Murder as they terrorize Democrat run cities.

You really are a fucking clown.
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Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

Trump gives back to you what you've dished out for at least 40 years, which is as long as I remember politics. Before him, Republicans just took it. It's refreshing to see you finally get it back. And your refusal to recognize your own behavior and that you don't like it is what makes it funny. And sure the fuck not just to Trump
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

You've given up the ability to use the "Trump lies" by constantly lying about what he said then pointing to YOUR lie and saying Trump lied.

Hillary had every advantage and still lost. She was the worst candidate ever

Every advantage? Trump had a foreign nation's intelligence agencies committing felonies for him.

Don't even get me started on how Clinton was treated by the FBI.
And yes, Trump is a Traitor....for taking help from the Russians, in order to win the 2016 election....

What was that Russian help again?
Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.
So we didn't have a right to know the DNC and Hillary rigged the nomination?
It wasn't rigged. That's the power of the email hack. It's not what they said, it's what people could make others believe they said.

Like getting people to believe the nomination was rigged.

Of course the nomination was rigged. Bernie would have been in it up until nearly the end if it were based on actual voting. But the party elites had already clinched it for Hillary. Yeah, Democrats care about democracy, sure you do

Sure. And if the presidential election were based on actual voting, Clinton would be president.
It was actual voting, that's how my country works, Trump won the EC
The EC doesn't reflect the voters. It reflects the votes transformed by an arbitrary system of electoral votes.

Kinda like delegates...
Wrong the EC reflects the voters
People want guys in dresses in little girls bathrooms in California..

They don't in texas
Do they? Trump won 4.4 million votes in California. How many electoral college votes did that get him?


How's that for reflecting the voters? Those 4.4 million Trump voters are thrown in the trash.

Good, because the huge preponderance of voters in cali, who brainlessly voted for the shrilary threw their votes away.

The Founders were a hell of a lot smarter than you russki pricks.
Trump gives back to you what you've dished out for at least 40 years, which is as long as I remember politics. Before him, Republicans just took it. It's refreshing to see you finally get it back. And your refusal to recognize your own behavior and that you don't like it is what makes it funny. And sure the fuck not just to Trump
Pathetic. No Democratic president has ever trolled the country like this.

You're using imagined attacks to justify real ones.
And yes, Trump is a Traitor....for taking help from the Russians, in order to win the 2016 election....

What was that Russian help again?
Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.
So we didn't have a right to know the DNC and Hillary rigged the nomination?
It wasn't rigged. That's the power of the email hack. It's not what they said, it's what people could make others believe they said.

Like getting people to believe the nomination was rigged.

Of course the nomination was rigged. Bernie would have been in it up until nearly the end if it were based on actual voting. But the party elites had already clinched it for Hillary. Yeah, Democrats care about democracy, sure you do

Sure. And if the presidential election were based on actual voting, Clinton would be president.
It was actual voting, that's how my country works, Trump won the EC
The EC doesn't reflect the voters. It reflects the votes transformed by an arbitrary system of electoral votes.

Kinda like delegates...

Arbitrary? WTF? Another Democrat who failed their high school civics class
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

You've given up the ability to use the "Trump lies" by constantly lying about what he said then pointing to YOUR lie and saying Trump lied.

Hillary had every advantage and still lost. She was the worst candidate ever

Every advantage? Trump had a foreign nation's intelligence agencies committing felonies for him.

Don't even get me started on how Clinton was treated by the FBI.

No, he didn't. But the FBIwas certainly spying on him for the Dems. And that IS a felony.

You clowns tried to turn this country in tug o a banana Republic but the banana got shoved up your ass.
Good, because the huge preponderance of voters in cali, who brainlessly voted for the shrilary threw their votes away.

The Founders were a hell of a lot smarter than you russki pricks.
The Founder's designed the EC to specifically prevent people like Trump from becoming president.

No, the EC was designed so that large States wouldn't control the vote.

Duh. You ruuskkis are so cute!
And yes, Trump is a Traitor....for taking help from the Russians, in order to win the 2016 election....

What was that Russian help again?
Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.
So we didn't have a right to know the DNC and Hillary rigged the nomination?
It wasn't rigged. That's the power of the email hack. It's not what they said, it's what people could make others believe they said.

Like getting people to believe the nomination was rigged.

Of course the nomination was rigged. Bernie would have been in it up until nearly the end if it were based on actual voting. But the party elites had already clinched it for Hillary. Yeah, Democrats care about democracy, sure you do

Sure. And if the presidential election were based on actual voting, Clinton would be president.
It was actual voting, that's how my country works, Trump won the EC
The EC doesn't reflect the voters. It reflects the votes transformed by an arbitrary system of electoral votes.

Kinda like delegates...

Arbitrary? WTF? Another Democrat who failed their high school civics class

Of course it's arbitrary. It's based on the borders and populations of states, which are by definition arbitrary. Let's break California up into 30 states and see how many elections Republicans win. Not many, but not because of any legitimate reason. We just changed the arbitrary rules of how votes are counted.
And yes, Trump is a Traitor....for taking help from the Russians, in order to win the 2016 election....

What was that Russian help again?
Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.
So we didn't have a right to know the DNC and Hillary rigged the nomination?
It wasn't rigged. That's the power of the email hack. It's not what they said, it's what people could make others believe they said.

Like getting people to believe the nomination was rigged.

Of course the nomination was rigged. Bernie would have been in it up until nearly the end if it were based on actual voting. But the party elites had already clinched it for Hillary. Yeah, Democrats care about democracy, sure you do

Sure. And if the presidential election were based on actual voting, Clinton would be president.
It was actual voting, that's how my country works, Trump won the EC
The EC doesn't reflect the voters. It reflects the votes transformed by an arbitrary system of electoral votes.

Kinda like delegates...
Wrong the EC reflects the voters
People want guys in dresses in little girls bathrooms in California..

They don't in texas
Do they? Trump won 4.4 million votes in California. How many electoral college votes did that get him?


How's that for reflecting the voters? Those 4.4 million Trump voters are thrown in the trash.

Another double standard from you. You kept defending superdelegates where Democrat party insiders get the votes of hundreds of thousands of voters as fine because the rules were set in advance.

Now when it goes to the EC where the rules were set in advance, you say it's not democratic.

As I keep saying and you keep proving, when the parties flip your standard flips
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

You've given up the ability to use the "Trump lies" by constantly lying about what he said then pointing to YOUR lie and saying Trump lied.

Hillary had every advantage and still lost. She was the worst candidate ever

Every advantage? Trump had a foreign nation's intelligence agencies committing felonies for him.

Don't even get me started on how Clinton was treated by the FBI.

Now you're just making shit up
And yes, Trump is a Traitor....for taking help from the Russians, in order to win the 2016 election....

What was that Russian help again?
Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.
So we didn't have a right to know the DNC and Hillary rigged the nomination?
It wasn't rigged. That's the power of the email hack. It's not what they said, it's what people could make others believe they said.

Like getting people to believe the nomination was rigged.

Of course the nomination was rigged. Bernie would have been in it up until nearly the end if it were based on actual voting. But the party elites had already clinched it for Hillary. Yeah, Democrats care about democracy, sure you do

Sure. And if the presidential election were based on actual voting, Clinton would be president.
It was actual voting, that's how my country works, Trump won the EC
The EC doesn't reflect the voters. It reflects the votes transformed by an arbitrary system of electoral votes.

Kinda like delegates...

Arbitrary? WTF? Another Democrat who failed their high school civics class

No, this clown is a Russian stooge from pootins troll farm.
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And yes, Trump is a Traitor....for taking help from the Russians, in order to win the 2016 election....

What was that Russian help again?
Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.

Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.

Making Dem wrongdoing public must have really hurt Hillary.

There was no wrongdoing exposed.

There was no wrongdoing exposed.

Emails that exposed no wrongdoing were released by the Russians and cost Hillary the election?

Not sure if it "cost" her election, but it certainly helped. We could release Trump's financials, it might not show any wrongdoing but it would be damaging.

Not sure if it "cost" her election, but it certainly helped.

Why would emails, with nothing bad in them, harm Clinton?

"Bad" and "wrongdoing" are different concepts, and you've used them interchangeably.

As I said, it's not that there was anything wrong, but that they could be portrayed as such. As other posters have said, people have the impression that those emails demonstrated the DNC rigged the election, which is not true.

"Bad" and "wrongdoing" are different concepts, and you've used them interchangeably.

The bad things in the DNC emails cost Hillary the election?
Which bad things?
Trump gives back to you what you've dished out for at least 40 years, which is as long as I remember politics. Before him, Republicans just took it. It's refreshing to see you finally get it back. And your refusal to recognize your own behavior and that you don't like it is what makes it funny. And sure the fuck not just to Trump
Pathetic. No Democratic president has ever trolled the country like this.

You're using imagined attacks to justify real ones.

Demagoguery is not really any different than trolling.

And you're still saying shame, shame on Trump for what Democrats have done for 40 years without your caring about the Democrats.

Again, parties flip, your standard flips
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook

LMAO Oh you mean the "crook" Mueller cleared?? That crook??

You sure are a whiny little asshole.
And claudette you are one dumb pos with your head up the racist trumps butt

Why is Trump racist, in YOUR opinion?
Why?? Guess it's in his genes
Good, because the huge preponderance of voters in cali, who brainlessly voted for the shrilary threw their votes away.

The Founders were a hell of a lot smarter than you russki pricks.
The Founder's designed the EC to specifically prevent people like Trump from becoming president.

No, the EC was designed so that large States wouldn't control the vote.

Duh. You ruuskkis are so cute!
It was designed so that the president was elected by a small group of statesmen who wouldn't be swayed by the populism of a demagogue like Trump.
Trump gives back to you what you've dished out for at least 40 years, which is as long as I remember politics. Before him, Republicans just took it. It's refreshing to see you finally get it back. And your refusal to recognize your own behavior and that you don't like it is what makes it funny. And sure the fuck not just to Trump
Pathetic. No Democratic president has ever trolled the country like this.

You're using imagined attacks to justify real ones.

Demagoguery is not really any different than trolling.

And you're still saying shame, shame on Trump for what Democrats have done for 40 years without your caring about the Democrats.

Again, parties flip, your standard flips
What's the closest example you can think of a Democratic president acting like a troll?
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