The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

We didn’t see them, nor did you, so how the fk you know what was in them? She said so? Every convict in prison is innocent too! You’re a joke
And you have no evidence they are anything but personal. Like every other secretary of state gets to do. You are a brainwashed functional moron. There is no crime to be covered up and the whole email thing is ridiculous just total garbage propaganda. Our punditocracy is a disgrace CNN and MSNBC included.
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
Evidence of what, about what. LOL.Talk about a ridiculous fishing expedition....

Yep, go ahead play stupid, you are playing right?
There is no crime and no cover up no matter how much your propagandists blow it out of all's innocent until proven guilty and there is no there is no case against the clintons, just the most ridiculous propaganda and Hate repeated endlessly. You are brainwashed functional morons...

Sure, innocent until proven guilty, words you live by...dumbass.
We didn’t see them, nor did you, so how the fk you know what was in them? She said so? Every convict in prison is innocent too! You’re a joke
And you have no evidence they are anything but personal. Like every other secretary of state gets to do. You are a brainwashed functional moron. There is no crime to be covered up and the whole email thing is ridiculous just total garbage propaganda. Our punditocracy is a disgrace CNN and MSNBC included.
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
Evidence of what, about what. LOL.Talk about a ridiculous fishing expedition....

Yep, go ahead play stupid, you are playing right?
Nope, he’s for real
So what are her crimes, dipsticks? Covering up nothing? Absolute idiocy that no law enforcement or any journalists in the whole world have any interest in. Unbelievable
And you have no evidence they are anything but personal. Like every other secretary of state gets to do. You are a brainwashed functional moron. There is no crime to be covered up and the whole email thing is ridiculous just total garbage propaganda. Our punditocracy is a disgrace CNN and MSNBC included.
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
Evidence of what, about what. LOL.Talk about a ridiculous fishing expedition....

Yep, go ahead play stupid, you are playing right?
There is no crime and no cover up no matter how much your propagandists blow it out of all's innocent until proven guilty and there is no there is no case against the clintons, just the most ridiculous propaganda and Hate repeated endlessly. You are brainwashed functional morons...

Sure, innocent until proven guilty, words you live by...dumbass.
You will make great little Nazis believe in all that right wing billionaire greedy idiot propaganda. Even the Nazis propaganda. They're socialists LOL Jesus the greatest generation is spinning in their graves....
With good reason. 25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true. GOP propaganda machine the GOP and you idiots are a disgrace. The whole world knows but you.

25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true.

She knew a lot about cattle futures, eh?
That was investigated by a rightwing Republican who wrote a brief for the Paula Jones case. He found no wrong-doing on Hillary's part. Time for you to move on.

Right, because she learned from reading the Wall Street Journal.
Again, it was investigated and no wrong-doing was found. All you have to work with are delusions. Sad really :(

Again, investigated by whom, next you can tell us the FBI flips a coin, one day they're sucking up to Clinton, the next day not so much.
The FBI is all business. You people are conspiracy nut jobs and treasonous.
No such thing as an expert in my field.

They looked good, that's good news.

Now, let me know when you're ready to provide some intelligent, informed, independent thought.

I won't hold my breath.

What is Trump doing that is causing this?

Consumer confidence drops more than expected, reaching its lowest point in nearly two years
PUBLISHED TUE, JUN 25 2019 10:01 AM JUN 25 2019 11:21 AM EDT
The recovery is long in the tooth. Household debt is getting up there. Corporate debt is high and it's slowing capital spending. Global growth is slow. The trade mess hasn't helped.

It's always a combination of things. It could turn back up. Right now we don't know.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs.

The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)
With good reason. 25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true. GOP propaganda machine the GOP and you idiots are a disgrace. The whole world knows but you.

25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true.

She knew a lot about cattle futures, eh?
That was investigated by a rightwing Republican who wrote a brief for the Paula Jones case. He found no wrong-doing on Hillary's part. Time for you to move on.

Right, because she learned from reading the Wall Street Journal.
Again, it was investigated and no wrong-doing was found. All you have to work with are delusions. Sad really :(

They couldn't prove the 100K bribe was really a bribe.....because she's just so smart.
It was a $100,000 gain in an investment as was not that rare at that moment. Zzzzzzzzxzzz
But he got rid of regulation and handed out huge tax cuts to corporations and increased deficits drastically...
The tax cuts resulted in increased revenues to the federal government. Which proves the deficits are because we have a spending problem (thanks to you greedy parasites).

I marvel at your ability to completely disregard reality.
With good reason. 25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true. GOP propaganda machine the GOP and you idiots are a disgrace. The whole world knows but you.

25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true.

She knew a lot about cattle futures, eh?
That was investigated by a rightwing Republican who wrote a brief for the Paula Jones case. He found no wrong-doing on Hillary's part. Time for you to move on.

Right, because she learned from reading the Wall Street Journal.
Again, it was investigated and no wrong-doing was found. All you have to work with are delusions. Sad really :(

Again, investigated by whom, next you can tell us the FBI flips a coin, one day they're sucking up to Clinton, the next day not so much.
Holyfuck! :eusa_doh:

I just said. Can't you read?. A rightwing Republican who contributed a friend-of-the-court brief on Paula Jones' behalf in for her lawsuit against Clinton. You can't get much more biased than that -- and he found no wrong-doing on Hillary's part.

Try dealing with reality for once in your miserable life. <smh>
With good reason. 25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true. GOP propaganda machine the GOP and you idiots are a disgrace. The whole world knows but you.

25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true.

She knew a lot about cattle futures, eh?
That was investigated by a rightwing Republican who wrote a brief for the Paula Jones case. He found no wrong-doing on Hillary's part. Time for you to move on.

Right, because she learned from reading the Wall Street Journal.
Again, it was investigated and no wrong-doing was found. All you have to work with are delusions. Sad really :(

They couldn't prove the 100K bribe was really a bribe.....because she's just so smart.

No matter how hard you try, you'll never prove something was there when Ken Starr, who had vastly more information than you, couldn't.

Time to move on.
But he got rid of regulation and handed out huge tax cuts to corporations and increased deficits drastically...
The tax cuts resulted in increased revenues to the federal government. Which proves the deficits are because we have a spending problem (thanks to you greedy parasites).

I marvel at your ability to completely disregard reality.

why do you tell such blatant lies?
25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true.

She knew a lot about cattle futures, eh?
That was investigated by a rightwing Republican who wrote a brief for the Paula Jones case. He found no wrong-doing on Hillary's part. Time for you to move on.

Right, because she learned from reading the Wall Street Journal.
Again, it was investigated and no wrong-doing was found. All you have to work with are delusions. Sad really :(

Again, investigated by whom, next you can tell us the FBI flips a coin, one day they're sucking up to Clinton, the next day not so much.
The FBI is all business. You people are conspiracy nut jobs and treasonous.

Sure, save it for Comey, McCabe, or even Strzok, dumbass.
And you have no evidence they are anything but personal. Like every other secretary of state gets to do. You are a brainwashed functional moron. There is no crime to be covered up and the whole email thing is ridiculous just total garbage propaganda. Our punditocracy is a disgrace CNN and MSNBC included.
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
Evidence of what, about what. LOL.Talk about a ridiculous fishing expedition....

Yep, go ahead play stupid, you are playing right?
Nope, he’s for real
So what are her crimes, dipsticks? Covering up nothing? Absolute idiocy that no law enforcement or any journalists in the whole world have any interest in. Unbelievable
You wouldn’t understand cause your brain has been processed
25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true.

She knew a lot about cattle futures, eh?
That was investigated by a rightwing Republican who wrote a brief for the Paula Jones case. He found no wrong-doing on Hillary's part. Time for you to move on.

Right, because she learned from reading the Wall Street Journal.
Again, it was investigated and no wrong-doing was found. All you have to work with are delusions. Sad really :(

Again, investigated by whom, next you can tell us the FBI flips a coin, one day they're sucking up to Clinton, the next day not so much.
Holyfuck! :eusa_doh:

I just said. Can't you read?. A rightwing Republican who contributed a friend-of-the-court brief on Paula Jones' behalf in for her lawsuit against Clinton. You can't get much more biased than that -- and he found no wrong-doing on Hillary's part.

Try dealing with reality for once in your miserable life. <smh>

Yep, when I'm looking for reality a frcken lib isn't even on the list...idiot.
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
Evidence of what, about what. LOL.Talk about a ridiculous fishing expedition....

Yep, go ahead play stupid, you are playing right?
There is no crime and no cover up no matter how much your propagandists blow it out of all's innocent until proven guilty and there is no there is no case against the clintons, just the most ridiculous propaganda and Hate repeated endlessly. You are brainwashed functional morons...

Sure, innocent until proven guilty, words you live by...dumbass.
You will make great little Nazis believe in all that right wing billionaire greedy idiot propaganda. Even the Nazis propaganda. They're socialists LOL Jesus the greatest generation is spinning in their graves....
Ahh look at hitler
25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true.

She knew a lot about cattle futures, eh?
That was investigated by a rightwing Republican who wrote a brief for the Paula Jones case. He found no wrong-doing on Hillary's part. Time for you to move on.

Right, because she learned from reading the Wall Street Journal.
Again, it was investigated and no wrong-doing was found. All you have to work with are delusions. Sad really :(

Again, investigated by whom, next you can tell us the FBI flips a coin, one day they're sucking up to Clinton, the next day not so much.
The FBI is all business. You people are conspiracy nut jobs and treasonous.
Yep sure peter
And you have no evidence they are anything but personal. Like every other secretary of state gets to do. You are a brainwashed functional moron. There is no crime to be covered up and the whole email thing is ridiculous just total garbage propaganda. Our punditocracy is a disgrace CNN and MSNBC included.
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
Evidence of what, about what. LOL.Talk about a ridiculous fishing expedition....

Yep, go ahead play stupid, you are playing right?
Nope, he’s for real
So what are her crimes, dipsticks? Covering up nothing? Absolute idiocy that no law enforcement or any journalists in the whole world have any interest in. Unbelievable

Covering up nothing? So I suppose the 30,000+ email were all sent to Bill (who doesn't use email) and the destruction of devices was just because she was having a bad really are fricken stupid.
25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true.

She knew a lot about cattle futures, eh?
That was investigated by a rightwing Republican who wrote a brief for the Paula Jones case. He found no wrong-doing on Hillary's part. Time for you to move on.

Right, because she learned from reading the Wall Street Journal.
Again, it was investigated and no wrong-doing was found. All you have to work with are delusions. Sad really :(

They couldn't prove the 100K bribe was really a bribe.....because she's just so smart.
It was a $100,000 gain in an investment as was not that rare at that moment. Zzzzzzzzxzzz

Investment? You think all that trading was an investment? LOL!
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
Evidence of what, about what. LOL.Talk about a ridiculous fishing expedition....

Yep, go ahead play stupid, you are playing right?
Nope, he’s for real
So what are her crimes, dipsticks? Covering up nothing? Absolute idiocy that no law enforcement or any journalists in the whole world have any interest in. Unbelievable

Covering up nothing? So I suppose the 30,000+ email were all sent to Bill (who doesn't use email) and the destruction of devices was just because she was having a bad really are fricken stupid.
She must sit on his face nightly
Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.
Um... “another”? Can you name even a single “Trump Failure” so far? Let’s see...
  • Record highs in the market
  • Record lows in unemployment
  • Wages up across the nation
  • Manufacturing at 30 year HIGH
  • Liberty expanded and increased
But he got rid of regulation and handed out huge tax cuts to corporations and increased deficits drastically...
The tax cuts resulted in increased revenues to the federal government. Which proves the deficits are because we have a spending problem (thanks to you greedy parasites).

I marvel at your ability to completely disregard reality.

why do you tell such blatant lies?
The last time you challenged me on taxes, you suffered the worst humiliation in USMB history. Why does your dumb ass come back for more? It’s a well known fact that tax revenues to the federal government increased after the tax cuts. Idiot.

Income Tax Revenues Are Up 9% As Trump's Pro-Growth Tax Cuts Kick In

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