The NFL can go to hell

Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

So you glad that obozo stuck his nose in Boeing and tried like hell to prevent jobs in south Carolina, what kind of hypocrite are you?

Oh yea you are a commie bastard.

No, I was not glad about those things either.

Once again this is the difference between you and I. As a partisan zealot your entire value system is tied to party affiliation. Thus you base "right" and "wrong" not on the action but upon who is performing it. If the action is done by someone from your party, then it is good and wonderful, if the exact same action is done by someone from the "other" party then it is evil and the end of the world.

I do not live that way, but I do understand that you will never be able to grasp what is like to not have your value system dictated by party line.

I agree with you, conceptually, that basing your judgement on the actor and not the action is stupid as shit, and way too many people engage in that sort of thinking.

In this case, however, comparing Trump tweeting his opinion that the NFL should fire players to president Obama actually infusing businesses with taxpayer money, or actually using the EPA to shut down the coal industry, isn't apples and oranges. It's apples and fucking cheeseburgers. I know that, in the age of "dangerous speech" and "online violence" it's easy to forget, but saying shit =/= doing shit.

I would agree they are not a good comparison, which is why I did not make the comparison. It was the Trump zealot that did so.
Another thread for cons to say "we support our Constitutional freedoms except you can never actually USE them. Freedom of speech yes! Except where it makes me uncomfortable. The very definition of snowflake."

Another thread where dumbass leftists can prove they have no idea what the First Amendment even means.

Too funny. Conservatives change the meaning of the Constitution and every other founding document to fit their memes for the day. Tomorrow you will believe something else.
No moral compass is the motto of the Republican party now.

Funny, you're projecting again

You guys are the ones that change it with the living, breathing model........aka whatever I want it to say.
The NFL is going to hell

NFL’s TV ratings drop following a season of injuries, anthem protests

I can't wait for the new XFL to start!

yeah, they are really hurting...

Of the top ten most-watched telecasts last year, seven of them were NFL events, including the Super Bowl, which drew 111.3 million viewers. Thirty-three of the top 50 TV programs were NFL games. NBC’s “Sunday Night Football,” was still the #1 watched TV program last year averaging more than 18 million viewers, despite being down 10% from last season, according to Nielsen. The NFL Network also had a big year coming in as the second most watched cable sports network behind only ESPN.

I would suggest that the death of the NFL is a bit overstated. Last year they had higher revenue than all but like 6 states.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

And yet they were still far and away the most popular sports league in the nation.

They will have a revenue of 14 billion dollars this year, even with the "plummet".

As I said, the death of the NFL is a bit overstated.
NFL is as relevant in American life as soccer is.
The NFL is going to hell

NFL’s TV ratings drop following a season of injuries, anthem protests

I can't wait for the new XFL to start!

yeah, they are really hurting...

Of the top ten most-watched telecasts last year, seven of them were NFL events, including the Super Bowl, which drew 111.3 million viewers. Thirty-three of the top 50 TV programs were NFL games. NBC’s “Sunday Night Football,” was still the #1 watched TV program last year averaging more than 18 million viewers, despite being down 10% from last season, according to Nielsen. The NFL Network also had a big year coming in as the second most watched cable sports network behind only ESPN.

I would suggest that the death of the NFL is a bit overstated. Last year they had higher revenue than all but like 6 states.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

And yet they were still far and away the most popular sports league in the nation.

They will have a revenue of 14 billion dollars this year, even with the "plummet".

As I said, the death of the NFL is a bit overstated.
NFL is as relevant in American life as soccer is.

Whoa whoa whoa, this thread was only saying "fuck the NFL". Now you're gonna go and turn it all insulting and unpleasant? Geez.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

So you glad that obozo stuck his nose in Boeing and tried like hell to prevent jobs in south Carolina, what kind of hypocrite are you?

Oh yea you are a commie bastard.

No, I was not glad about those things either.

Once again this is the difference between you and I. As a partisan zealot your entire value system is tied to party affiliation. Thus you base "right" and "wrong" not on the action but upon who is performing it. If the action is done by someone from your party, then it is good and wonderful, if the exact same action is done by someone from the "other" party then it is evil and the end of the world.

I do not live that way, but I do understand that you will never be able to grasp what is like to not have your value system dictated by party line.

I agree with you, conceptually, that basing your judgement on the actor and not the action is stupid as shit, and way too many people engage in that sort of thinking.

In this case, however, comparing Trump tweeting his opinion that the NFL should fire players to president Obama actually infusing businesses with taxpayer money, or actually using the EPA to shut down the coal industry, isn't apples and oranges. It's apples and fucking cheeseburgers. I know that, in the age of "dangerous speech" and "online violence" it's easy to forget, but saying shit =/= doing shit.

I would agree they are not a good comparison, which is why I did not make the comparison. It was the Trump zealot that did so.

He actually never said they were the same. What he said was that what Obama did also qualified as sticking his nose into private business. Just because telling someone your opinion might be consider sticking your nose into something, and actually taking action might also be described as sticking your nose into something, doesn't at all imply that both actions are on the same level.

The first time that implication arises in your conversation is in your own post, the one to which I was replying. Nice try, though.
I'm about ready to change it to autocrat.

Autocrat would be perfect. All these executive overreaches in the last year. All those times that Trump abused executive power by, um. . . when he, like. . . uhh. . . limited immigration? Wait, no, that's actually his constitutionally appointed duty. Oh! When he tried to take over the judiciary by appointing judges to be confirmed by the senate! Wait, that's his constitutional duty, as well? Well what about his tax cuts!? Oh, the house and senate passed those properly? Well, fuck his tweets! He says mean things on the internet, and that makes him bad. Trump's bad, and he's rich, and autocrats are bad, and they're usually rich, so BAM! Trump's a fuckin autocrat!

Don't you miss when words like autocrat and authoritarian had specific meanings, before the democrats decided they were just metaphors for bad, designed to be thrown at anyone who dares challenge the narrative? ALL GLORY TO THE NARRATIVE

He just appointed two prosecutors in NY, one for his district and one for Kushner's district after interviewing them. He wants Session to be Roy Cohn, his nasty scum lawyer back in the day who was his mentor.
He is an autocrat.

Appointing states attorneys is his job, and, get this, THE SENATE HAS TO CONFIRM THEM! That means that a body of 100 other politicians has to vote on whether or not his appointment actually stands. An autocrat is someone who governs by THEMSELVES. If his action is not only a constitutionally enshrined function of his position, but it requires the agreement of another government body, ITS NOT AUTOCRACY. Holy shit, it boggles my mind that I even have to explain this. Please, try to contain your arguments within the scope of shit you know even a little bit about.

You mean the senate who is turning a blind eye to Trump and his shenanigans. I do not have much respect for the Republican congress anymore.

Also, let's be fair. Did you -ever- have respect for the Republican congress? Shit, I like them marginally better than the idea of a congress staffed by the current democrats, and even saying that -I- have ever afforded them much respect, on the whole, would be a stretch.

I voted for McCain and it pissed me off when Trump called him a loser, and I also voted for Bush Sr. (not his son)
The Star Spangled Banner is the medium for protests, not the target of protests.

What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.

And what problem would that be?
Police brutality as I mentioned before. Try to keep up.
So..what does police brutality have to do with saluting the flag our military fights for? They can go kneel in front a police station if they want. NOT during sports games.

Since they have a platform on national TV thanks to the Army and NG, they deserve to use it.
The NFL is going to hell

NFL’s TV ratings drop following a season of injuries, anthem protests

I can't wait for the new XFL to start!

yeah, they are really hurting...

Of the top ten most-watched telecasts last year, seven of them were NFL events, including the Super Bowl, which drew 111.3 million viewers. Thirty-three of the top 50 TV programs were NFL games. NBC’s “Sunday Night Football,” was still the #1 watched TV program last year averaging more than 18 million viewers, despite being down 10% from last season, according to Nielsen. The NFL Network also had a big year coming in as the second most watched cable sports network behind only ESPN.

I would suggest that the death of the NFL is a bit overstated. Last year they had higher revenue than all but like 6 states.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

Another thread for cons to say "we support our Constitutional freedoms except you can never actually USE them. Freedom of speech yes! Except where it makes me uncomfortable. The very definition of snowflake."

Another thread where dumbass leftists can prove they have no idea what the First Amendment even means.

Why don't you educate us ignorant fools? Don't be shy.
What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.

And what problem would that be?
Police brutality as I mentioned before. Try to keep up.
So..what does police brutality have to do with saluting the flag our military fights for? They can go kneel in front a police station if they want. NOT during sports games.

Since they have a platform on national TV thanks to the Army and NG, they deserve to use it.
They deserve NOTHING.
Autocrat would be perfect. All these executive overreaches in the last year. All those times that Trump abused executive power by, um. . . when he, like. . . uhh. . . limited immigration? Wait, no, that's actually his constitutionally appointed duty. Oh! When he tried to take over the judiciary by appointing judges to be confirmed by the senate! Wait, that's his constitutional duty, as well? Well what about his tax cuts!? Oh, the house and senate passed those properly? Well, fuck his tweets! He says mean things on the internet, and that makes him bad. Trump's bad, and he's rich, and autocrats are bad, and they're usually rich, so BAM! Trump's a fuckin autocrat!

Don't you miss when words like autocrat and authoritarian had specific meanings, before the democrats decided they were just metaphors for bad, designed to be thrown at anyone who dares challenge the narrative? ALL GLORY TO THE NARRATIVE

He just appointed two prosecutors in NY, one for his district and one for Kushner's district after interviewing them. He wants Session to be Roy Cohn, his nasty scum lawyer back in the day who was his mentor.
He is an autocrat.

Appointing states attorneys is his job, and, get this, THE SENATE HAS TO CONFIRM THEM! That means that a body of 100 other politicians has to vote on whether or not his appointment actually stands. An autocrat is someone who governs by THEMSELVES. If his action is not only a constitutionally enshrined function of his position, but it requires the agreement of another government body, ITS NOT AUTOCRACY. Holy shit, it boggles my mind that I even have to explain this. Please, try to contain your arguments within the scope of shit you know even a little bit about.

You mean the senate who is turning a blind eye to Trump and his shenanigans. I do not have much respect for the Republican congress anymore.

Also, let's be fair. Did you -ever- have respect for the Republican congress? Shit, I like them marginally better than the idea of a congress staffed by the current democrats, and even saying that -I- have ever afforded them much respect, on the whole, would be a stretch.

I voted for McCain and it pissed me off when Trump called him a loser, and I also voted for Bush Sr. (not his son)
LOL. No surprise, that.
The NFL is going to hell

NFL’s TV ratings drop following a season of injuries, anthem protests

I can't wait for the new XFL to start!

yeah, they are really hurting...

Of the top ten most-watched telecasts last year, seven of them were NFL events, including the Super Bowl, which drew 111.3 million viewers. Thirty-three of the top 50 TV programs were NFL games. NBC’s “Sunday Night Football,” was still the #1 watched TV program last year averaging more than 18 million viewers, despite being down 10% from last season, according to Nielsen. The NFL Network also had a big year coming in as the second most watched cable sports network behind only ESPN.

I would suggest that the death of the NFL is a bit overstated. Last year they had higher revenue than all but like 6 states.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

And yet they were still far and away the most popular sports league in the nation.

They will have a revenue of 14 billion dollars this year, even with the "plummet".

As I said, the death of the NFL is a bit overstated.
NFL is as relevant in American life as soccer is.

You do live in a fantasy world. Which explains why you are a such a Trump zealot
How did you manage to come up with all that while being on your knees?

I served in the US Army and yes, Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Don't believe me?

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces - Bing

Yes, Trump is the Commander in Chief. But the Commander in Chief does not FUCKING own the military you dumb ass.

It is hard to belive you served and still think that the CIC owns the military. I guess being such a fucking partisan hack has killed off too many brain cells.

It's only natural that you rear-echelon mofos wouldn't know anything about the military. You've probably never been owned by a drill sergeant in your life.

President Donald trump owns the military. He can send them to kill anyone he wants.
You are realy fucking stupid. He does not own the military and he can not send them to kill any one he wants. I have a very hard time beliveing you were in the military making these statements. You were certainly not a ranking officer spouting that drivle.
The NFL is going to hell

NFL’s TV ratings drop following a season of injuries, anthem protests

I can't wait for the new XFL to start!

yeah, they are really hurting...

Of the top ten most-watched telecasts last year, seven of them were NFL events, including the Super Bowl, which drew 111.3 million viewers. Thirty-three of the top 50 TV programs were NFL games. NBC’s “Sunday Night Football,” was still the #1 watched TV program last year averaging more than 18 million viewers, despite being down 10% from last season, according to Nielsen. The NFL Network also had a big year coming in as the second most watched cable sports network behind only ESPN.

I would suggest that the death of the NFL is a bit overstated. Last year they had higher revenue than all but like 6 states.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

Another thread for cons to say "we support our Constitutional freedoms except you can never actually USE them. Freedom of speech yes! Except where it makes me uncomfortable. The very definition of snowflake."

Another thread where dumbass leftists can prove they have no idea what the First Amendment even means.

Why don't you educate us ignorant fools? Don't be shy.

You answered your own question. Why should I waste my time on an ignorant fool like you when clearly up to now in your life you've ignored every other person in the world that's attempted to educate you on the Constitution?
The NFL is going to hell

NFL’s TV ratings drop following a season of injuries, anthem protests

I can't wait for the new XFL to start!

yeah, they are really hurting...

Of the top ten most-watched telecasts last year, seven of them were NFL events, including the Super Bowl, which drew 111.3 million viewers. Thirty-three of the top 50 TV programs were NFL games. NBC’s “Sunday Night Football,” was still the #1 watched TV program last year averaging more than 18 million viewers, despite being down 10% from last season, according to Nielsen. The NFL Network also had a big year coming in as the second most watched cable sports network behind only ESPN.

I would suggest that the death of the NFL is a bit overstated. Last year they had higher revenue than all but like 6 states.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

Another thread for cons to say "we support our Constitutional freedoms except you can never actually USE them. Freedom of speech yes! Except where it makes me uncomfortable. The very definition of snowflake."

Another thread where dumbass leftists can prove they have no idea what the First Amendment even means.

Why don't you educate us ignorant fools? Don't be shy.

You answered your own question. Why should I waste my time on an ignorant fool like you when clearly up to now in your life you've ignored every other person in the world that's attempted to educate you on the Constitution?

So I take it you don't know then.
The NFL is going to hell

NFL’s TV ratings drop following a season of injuries, anthem protests

I can't wait for the new XFL to start!

yeah, they are really hurting...

Of the top ten most-watched telecasts last year, seven of them were NFL events, including the Super Bowl, which drew 111.3 million viewers. Thirty-three of the top 50 TV programs were NFL games. NBC’s “Sunday Night Football,” was still the #1 watched TV program last year averaging more than 18 million viewers, despite being down 10% from last season, according to Nielsen. The NFL Network also had a big year coming in as the second most watched cable sports network behind only ESPN.

I would suggest that the death of the NFL is a bit overstated. Last year they had higher revenue than all but like 6 states.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

And yet they were still far and away the most popular sports league in the nation.

They will have a revenue of 14 billion dollars this year, even with the "plummet".

As I said, the death of the NFL is a bit overstated.
NFL is as relevant in American life as soccer is.

You do live in a fantasy world. Which explains why you are a such a Trump zealot
2 scoops.gif
How did you manage to come up with all that while being on your knees?

I served in the US Army and yes, Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Don't believe me?

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces - Bing

Yes, Trump is the Commander in Chief. But the Commander in Chief does not FUCKING own the military you dumb ass.

It is hard to belive you served and still think that the CIC owns the military. I guess being such a fucking partisan hack has killed off too many brain cells.

It's only natural that you rear-echelon mofos wouldn't know anything about the military. You've probably never been owned by a drill sergeant in your life.

President Donald trump owns the military. He can send them to kill anyone he wants.

I liked my drill sergeants , all except one.
He actually never said they were the same. What he said was that what Obama did also qualified as sticking his nose into private business. Just because telling someone your opinion might be consider sticking your nose into something, and actually taking action might also be described as sticking your nose into something, doesn't at all imply that both actions are on the same level.

The first time that implication arises in your conversation is in your own post, the one to which I was replying. Nice try, though.

I get that you are defending your fellow Trump zealot, but she/he was the one that brought Obama into the discussion. I never mentioned him and Obama has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

But it is the classic Trump zealot defense, when all else fails evoke Obama.
yeah, they are really hurting...

Of the top ten most-watched telecasts last year, seven of them were NFL events, including the Super Bowl, which drew 111.3 million viewers. Thirty-three of the top 50 TV programs were NFL games. NBC’s “Sunday Night Football,” was still the #1 watched TV program last year averaging more than 18 million viewers, despite being down 10% from last season, according to Nielsen. The NFL Network also had a big year coming in as the second most watched cable sports network behind only ESPN.

I would suggest that the death of the NFL is a bit overstated. Last year they had higher revenue than all but like 6 states.
NFL ticket sales plummet 17.9%

And yet they were still far and away the most popular sports league in the nation.

They will have a revenue of 14 billion dollars this year, even with the "plummet".

As I said, the death of the NFL is a bit overstated.
NFL is as relevant in American life as soccer is.

You do live in a fantasy world. Which explains why you are a such a Trump zealot
View attachment 169926

Well done good and faithful partisan zealot! Your party masters are sure to be so proud of you
He just appointed two prosecutors in NY, one for his district and one for Kushner's district after interviewing them. He wants Session to be Roy Cohn, his nasty scum lawyer back in the day who was his mentor.
He is an autocrat.

Appointing states attorneys is his job, and, get this, THE SENATE HAS TO CONFIRM THEM! That means that a body of 100 other politicians has to vote on whether or not his appointment actually stands. An autocrat is someone who governs by THEMSELVES. If his action is not only a constitutionally enshrined function of his position, but it requires the agreement of another government body, ITS NOT AUTOCRACY. Holy shit, it boggles my mind that I even have to explain this. Please, try to contain your arguments within the scope of shit you know even a little bit about.

You mean the senate who is turning a blind eye to Trump and his shenanigans. I do not have much respect for the Republican congress anymore.

Also, let's be fair. Did you -ever- have respect for the Republican congress? Shit, I like them marginally better than the idea of a congress staffed by the current democrats, and even saying that -I- have ever afforded them much respect, on the whole, would be a stretch.

I voted for McCain and it pissed me off when Trump called him a loser, and I also voted for Bush Sr. (not his son)
LOL. No surprise, that.

Thank you. I'm proud of my voting record, how about you, who did you vote for in 08?
If some people don't have it in them to stand for our service people, the respect that they deserve had better be shown in some way!

God bless you and our troops always!!!


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