The NFL can go to hell

Although this is the saddest picture I believe I've ever seen, thank you for sharing it with us.

Its a staged pic.


No, its a staged picture. We are in wars we have no right to be in. They are protecting the oil men and after minerals. We do not fight for human reasons. Besides there is no room for being anti racial in the military.
Tell Obama....

and what does this have to do with race?

The kneelers were about white police getting off when shooting unarmed black men.

No they were crying that blacks couldn't be obnoxious asshole
That's retarded. President Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He owns the military.


Still the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces last I checked.

Conversations like these, for the last year, make me feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Trump gets into a feud with the parents of a dead veteran, suddenly the lefties are all huge supporters of the military and defending the vets and their service against mean old mister Trump, to the point that, get this, they're mad at him for opting out of the Vietnam war! Because we all know how legitimate a war that was, particularly from a lefty perspective, and how angry the liberals always are about pot smoking hippy draft dodgers.

Then, Trump gets accused of colluding with the Russians to "game the election" (if you could use that terminology to describe saying things on the internet to try and convince people. I'm still not sold on that idea, personally), and all of a sudden the same people who cheered on Michelle Obama when it was the first time she ever felt proud to be an American, the same people who describe the American flag as a symbol of white supremacy, are suddenly self-avowed fucking patriots!

After about 6 years (voted for Obama in '08 and didn't actually start paying enough attention to regret that until a couple years in) of having it thrown in my face all over TV, news publications, and online political message boards that I was just a racist who automatically disliked anything Obama liked and automatically liked anything he disliked, watching those same accusers take such ridiculously reactionary positions every time Trump speaks tickles me pink, like white girl clitoris. (Thank you Pusha T for your wise simile)

No, its a staged picture. We are in wars we have no right to be in. They are protecting the oil men and after minerals. We do not fight for human reasons. Besides there is no room for being anti racial in the military.
Tell Obama....

and what does this have to do with race?

The kneelers were about white police getting off when shooting unarmed black men.

No they were crying that blacks couldn't be obnoxious asshole
yep they cant be racist nor can the be held accountable for their actions........thanks to the Liberal mans burden

No, its a staged picture. We are in wars we have no right to be in. They are protecting the oil men and after minerals. We do not fight for human reasons. Besides there is no room for being anti racial in the military.
Tell Obama....

and what does this have to do with race?

The kneelers were about white police getting off when shooting unarmed black men.

No they were crying that blacks couldn't be obnoxious asshole

I didn't see any crying and by the way I did get a ticket long long long ago.

No, its a staged picture. We are in wars we have no right to be in. They are protecting the oil men and after minerals. We do not fight for human reasons. Besides there is no room for being anti racial in the military.
Tell Obama....

and what does this have to do with race?

The kneelers were about white police getting off when shooting unarmed black men.

No they were crying that blacks couldn't be obnoxious asshole

I didn't see any crying and by the way I did get a ticket long long long ago.
have you seen Penelope's's hilarious.....

it describes the Clintons, but she replaces it with trump......
Do you think kneeling football players are kneeling to disrespect the troops? Here's a hint: they are kneeling to protest police brutality. It has nothing to do with the troops.

Just because you think otherwise does not make it so.

Where in the Star Spangled Banner does it mention anything about the police?
The Star Spangled Banner is the medium for protests, not the target of protests.

What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.

Well, presuming that the "problem" is an alleged unjustified shooting, they should be protesting at the local police station or courthouse where the incident occurred. Shitting on the entire country by protesting the National Anthem sort of misses the point. So when you have a misguided and idiotic protest like these NFL morons are doing, it serves no real purpose and just pisses everybody off.

I agree. The NFL can go to Hell. Repeat.
That's retarded. President Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He owns the military.


Still the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces last I checked.

Conversations like these, for the last year, make me feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Trump gets into a feud with the parents of a dead veteran, suddenly the lefties are all huge supporters of the military and defending the vets and their service against mean old mister Trump, to the point that, get this, they're mad at him for opting out of the Vietnam war! Because we all know how legitimate a war that was, particularly from a lefty perspective, and how angry the liberals always are about pot smoking hippy draft dodgers.

Then, Trump gets accused of colluding with the Russians to "game the election" (if you could use that terminology to describe saying things on the internet to try and convince people. I'm still not sold on that idea, personally), and all of a sudden the same people who cheered on Michelle Obama when it was the first time she ever felt proud to be an American, the same people who describe the American flag as a symbol of white supremacy, are suddenly self-avowed fucking patriots!

After about 6 years (voted for Obama in '08 and didn't actually start paying enough attention to regret that until a couple years in) of having it thrown in my face all over TV, news publications, and online political message boards that I was just a racist who automatically disliked anything Obama liked and automatically liked anything he disliked, watching those same accusers take such ridiculously reactionary positions every time Trump speaks tickles me pink, like white girl clitoris. (Thank you Pusha T for your wise simile)
No, its a staged picture. We are in wars we have no right to be in. They are protecting the oil men and after minerals. We do not fight for human reasons. Besides there is no room for being anti racial in the military.
Tell Obama....

and what does this have to do with race?

The kneelers were about white police getting off when shooting unarmed black men.

No they were crying that blacks couldn't be obnoxious asshole

I didn't see any crying and by the way I did get a ticket long long long ago.
have you seen Penelope's's hilarious.....

it describes the Clintons, but she replaces it with trump......

I'm about ready to change it to autocrat.
Do you think kneeling football players are kneeling to disrespect the troops? Here's a hint: they are kneeling to protest police brutality. It has nothing to do with the troops.

Just because you think otherwise does not make it so.

Where in the Star Spangled Banner does it mention anything about the police?
The Star Spangled Banner is the medium for protests, not the target of protests.

What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.

Well, presuming that the "problem" is an alleged unjustified shooting, they should be protesting at the local police station or courthouse where the incident occurred. Shitting on the entire country by protesting the National Anthem sort of misses the point. So when you have a misguided and idiotic protest like these NFL morons are doing, it serves no real purpose and just pisses everybody off.

I agree. The NFL can go to Hell. Repeat.

Don't watch them. The song itself is rather racist to begin with ,and who was free in this country in the war of 1812. Think about it.
That's retarded. President Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He owns the military.


Still the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces last I checked.

Conversations like these, for the last year, make me feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Trump gets into a feud with the parents of a dead veteran, suddenly the lefties are all huge supporters of the military and defending the vets and their service against mean old mister Trump, to the point that, get this, they're mad at him for opting out of the Vietnam war! Because we all know how legitimate a war that was, particularly from a lefty perspective, and how angry the liberals always are about pot smoking hippy draft dodgers.

Then, Trump gets accused of colluding with the Russians to "game the election" (if you could use that terminology to describe saying things on the internet to try and convince people. I'm still not sold on that idea, personally), and all of a sudden the same people who cheered on Michelle Obama when it was the first time she ever felt proud to be an American, the same people who describe the American flag as a symbol of white supremacy, are suddenly self-avowed fucking patriots!

After about 6 years (voted for Obama in '08 and didn't actually start paying enough attention to regret that until a couple years in) of having it thrown in my face all over TV, news publications, and online political message boards that I was just a racist who automatically disliked anything Obama liked and automatically liked anything he disliked, watching those same accusers take such ridiculously reactionary positions every time Trump speaks tickles me pink, like white girl clitoris. (Thank you Pusha T for your wise simile)
Tell Obama....

and what does this have to do with race?

The kneelers were about white police getting off when shooting unarmed black men.

No they were crying that blacks couldn't be obnoxious asshole

I didn't see any crying and by the way I did get a ticket long long long ago.
have you seen Penelope's's hilarious.....

it describes the Clintons, but she replaces it with trump......

I'm about ready to change it to autocrat.

Autocrat would be perfect. All these executive overreaches in the last year. All those times that Trump abused executive power by, um. . . when he, like. . . uhh. . . limited immigration? Wait, no, that's actually his constitutionally appointed duty. Oh! When he tried to take over the judiciary by appointing judges to be confirmed by the senate! Wait, that's his constitutional duty, as well? Well what about his tax cuts!? Oh, the house and senate passed those properly? Well, fuck his tweets! He says mean things on the internet, and that makes him bad. Trump's bad, and he's rich, and autocrats are bad, and they're usually rich, so BAM! Trump's a fuckin autocrat!

Don't you miss when words like autocrat and authoritarian had specific meanings, before the democrats decided they were just metaphors for bad, designed to be thrown at anyone who dares challenge the narrative? ALL GLORY TO THE NARRATIVE
Where in the Star Spangled Banner does it mention anything about the police?
The Star Spangled Banner is the medium for protests, not the target of protests.

What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.

Well, presuming that the "problem" is an alleged unjustified shooting, they should be protesting at the local police station or courthouse where the incident occurred. Shitting on the entire country by protesting the National Anthem sort of misses the point. So when you have a misguided and idiotic protest like these NFL morons are doing, it serves no real purpose and just pisses everybody off.

I agree. The NFL can go to Hell. Repeat.

Don't watch them. The song itself is rather racist to begin with ,and who was free in this country in the war of 1812. Think about it.

Everything is racist to you..
"Taking a knee" is stupid.

Unless they're praying that black people will quit shooting the shit out of other black people in Chicago. Then it's allowed.

Rahm is closing down whole sections of black Chicago....schools, markets, hospitals closing....he's driving them out.
How so? Link?
And...wherever they go, they will make wherever they land just another Chicago. It's in their DNA.
That's retarded. President Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He owns the military.


Still the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces last I checked.

Conversations like these, for the last year, make me feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Trump gets into a feud with the parents of a dead veteran, suddenly the lefties are all huge supporters of the military and defending the vets and their service against mean old mister Trump, to the point that, get this, they're mad at him for opting out of the Vietnam war! Because we all know how legitimate a war that was, particularly from a lefty perspective, and how angry the liberals always are about pot smoking hippy draft dodgers.

Then, Trump gets accused of colluding with the Russians to "game the election" (if you could use that terminology to describe saying things on the internet to try and convince people. I'm still not sold on that idea, personally), and all of a sudden the same people who cheered on Michelle Obama when it was the first time she ever felt proud to be an American, the same people who describe the American flag as a symbol of white supremacy, are suddenly self-avowed fucking patriots!

After about 6 years (voted for Obama in '08 and didn't actually start paying enough attention to regret that until a couple years in) of having it thrown in my face all over TV, news publications, and online political message boards that I was just a racist who automatically disliked anything Obama liked and automatically liked anything he disliked, watching those same accusers take such ridiculously reactionary positions every time Trump speaks tickles me pink, like white girl clitoris. (Thank you Pusha T for your wise simile)
The kneelers were about white police getting off when shooting unarmed black men.

No they were crying that blacks couldn't be obnoxious asshole

I didn't see any crying and by the way I did get a ticket long long long ago.
have you seen Penelope's's hilarious.....

it describes the Clintons, but she replaces it with trump......

I'm about ready to change it to autocrat.

Autocrat would be perfect. All these executive overreaches in the last year. All those times that Trump abused executive power by, um. . . when he, like. . . uhh. . . limited immigration? Wait, no, that's actually his constitutionally appointed duty. Oh! When he tried to take over the judiciary by appointing judges to be confirmed by the senate! Wait, that's his constitutional duty, as well? Well what about his tax cuts!? Oh, the house and senate passed those properly? Well, fuck his tweets! He says mean things on the internet, and that makes him bad. Trump's bad, and he's rich, and autocrats are bad, and they're usually rich, so BAM! Trump's a fuckin autocrat!

Don't you miss when words like autocrat and authoritarian had specific meanings, before the democrats decided they were just metaphors for bad, designed to be thrown at anyone who dares challenge the narrative? ALL GLORY TO THE NARRATIVE

He just appointed two prosecutors in NY, one for his district and one for Kushner's district after interviewing them. He wants Session to be Roy Cohn, his nasty scum lawyer back in the day who was his mentor.
He is an autocrat.
The Star Spangled Banner is the medium for protests, not the target of protests.

What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.

Well, presuming that the "problem" is an alleged unjustified shooting, they should be protesting at the local police station or courthouse where the incident occurred. Shitting on the entire country by protesting the National Anthem sort of misses the point. So when you have a misguided and idiotic protest like these NFL morons are doing, it serves no real purpose and just pisses everybody off.

I agree. The NFL can go to Hell. Repeat.

Don't watch them. The song itself is rather racist to begin with ,and who was free in this country in the war of 1812. Think about it.

Everything is racist to you..
She is just another Esmeralda.
"Taking a knee" is stupid.

Unless they're praying that black people will quit shooting the shit out of other black people in Chicago. Then it's allowed.

Rahm is closing down whole sections of black Chicago....schools, markets, hospitals closing....he's driving them out.
How so? Link?
And...wherever they go, they will make wherever they land just another Chicago. It's in their DNA.

Haven't you heard its ST Louis and Baltimore. You really should not listen to Trump.
The Star Spangled Banner is the medium for protests, not the target of protests.

What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.

Well, presuming that the "problem" is an alleged unjustified shooting, they should be protesting at the local police station or courthouse where the incident occurred. Shitting on the entire country by protesting the National Anthem sort of misses the point. So when you have a misguided and idiotic protest like these NFL morons are doing, it serves no real purpose and just pisses everybody off.

I agree. The NFL can go to Hell. Repeat.

Don't watch them. The song itself is rather racist to begin with ,and who was free in this country in the war of 1812. Think about it.

Everything is racist to you..

Who was free in the war of 1812??
What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.

Well, presuming that the "problem" is an alleged unjustified shooting, they should be protesting at the local police station or courthouse where the incident occurred. Shitting on the entire country by protesting the National Anthem sort of misses the point. So when you have a misguided and idiotic protest like these NFL morons are doing, it serves no real purpose and just pisses everybody off.

I agree. The NFL can go to Hell. Repeat.

Don't watch them. The song itself is rather racist to begin with ,and who was free in this country in the war of 1812. Think about it.

Everything is racist to you..

Who was free in the war of 1812??

Where you born in 1812?
"Taking a knee" is stupid.

Unless they're praying that black people will quit shooting the shit out of other black people in Chicago. Then it's allowed.

Rahm is closing down whole sections of black Chicago....schools, markets, hospitals closing....he's driving them out.
How so? Link?
And...wherever they go, they will make wherever they land just another Chicago. It's in their DNA.

Haven't you heard its ST Louis and Baltimore. You really should not listen to Trump.
Jackson Mississippi too. And Detroit. And cleveland. Anywhere you find a shitload of's going to be murder/ghetto city. Like I said..its in their DNA. And yes...I'm racist when it comes to truth.
Do you think kneeling football players are kneeling to disrespect the troops? Here's a hint: they are kneeling to protest police brutality. It has nothing to do with the troops.

Just because you think otherwise does not make it so.

Where in the Star Spangled Banner does it mention anything about the police?
The Star Spangled Banner is the medium for protests, not the target of protests.

What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.

And what problem would that be?
Police brutality as I mentioned before. Try to keep up.

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