The NFL can go to hell

Such a statement would carry a lot more weight from someone that did not use daddy's money to get out of being in the military.

Trump is CIC and serving the American people for no pay, you?

No pay! What a rube! He makes more money off of one golf trip to his properties than his annual salary that he so boastfully gives away.

As for me, I got paid when I was serving the American people for 20 years in the Corps.

How about you?

yep, I am crazy for thinking you might have served your country. My bad

As a former Marine Corpsman, I would have expected you to have more understanding for the motto "Semper fidelis", and the significance of how it represents the dedication and loyalty that individual Marines have for 'Corps and Country'.

How any former corpsman could not be disgusted with the display NFL players are putting on during the National Anthem is beyond me.

Even the Rifleman's Creed states "...Before God, I swear this creed. My rifle and I are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.

So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but peace!"

How can it possibly be that someone such as yourself, doesn't find the NFL player's antics an atrocity and disrespectful to everything you served for?

Because I served so they can have the right to do this very thing. I think they are morons, but they have every right to be so. I didn’t serve just for the people I agree with.

As far as other Marines, based on TWS, Facebook and the local Marine Corps league, it is about 60/40 against the protest

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Do you think kneeling football players are kneeling to disrespect the troops? Here's a hint: they are kneeling to protest police brutality. It has nothing to do with the troops.

Just because you think otherwise does not make it so.

Where in the Star Spangled Banner does it mention anything about the police?
The Star Spangled Banner is the medium for protests, not the target of protests.

What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.
So you did 20 plus years and spent it all in the same outfit? I am calling bullshit.

I’m retired Marine and in 20 years was assigned to 8 different units

Nah, you're a moron wanna-be who never got through boot camp and we both know it.

Do you have one of these you faker?


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"Taking a knee" is stupid.

Unless they're praying that black people will quit shooting the shit out of other black people in Chicago. Then it's allowed.
Because I served so they can have the right to do this very thing. I think they are morons, but they have every right to be so. I didn’t serve just for the people I agree with.

As far as other Marines, based on TWS, Facebook and the local Marine Corps league, it is about 60/40 against the protest

More horseshit....I served to shoot communists and did myself proud. Anybody talking about higher moral principles was never in the shit.
Do you think kneeling football players are kneeling to disrespect the troops? Here's a hint: they are kneeling to protest police brutality. It has nothing to do with the troops.

Just because you think otherwise does not make it so.

Where in the Star Spangled Banner does it mention anything about the police?
The Star Spangled Banner is the medium for protests, not the target of protests.

What the hell gobbledygook is that? Why then would they wait to perform their monkeyshines during the National Anthem? Why not sometime later?
Did they get your attention, misguided as it may be? The purpose of protest is to draw attention to problems.

And what problem would that be?
Yeah! Fuck the NFL!

Wanna act like Chip Kelly can't coach just because these pro sports prima donna motherfuckers are like, "I already made it pro, I'm not trying to work this hard in practice!"

Fuck them, good to have you back in the Pac, Chip. Time to cop me some UCLA gear.
Do you have one of these you faker?

View attachment 169862

Uh, I wasn't a Marine and neither were you....who's is that?

That is what I thought. You are full of shit.

The term stolen valor mean anything to you?

Fucking fake!

Better get to an ER, Betty....seems your tampon went sideways on ya.

Keep digging the hole deeper, you have been proven to be a fraud. Fucking stolen valor dirt bag

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Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

So you glad that obozo stuck his nose in Boeing and tried like hell to prevent jobs in south Carolina, what kind of hypocrite are you?

Oh yea you are a commie bastard.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

I am not a lefty you moron and the POTUS has no right to stick his nose into that of a private business. How a "righty" can think that is the right and proper use for the Fed Govt is beyond me, but you fucking zealots have given up all pretense of being for smaller government long ago

The NFL Owners and Commissioners are a bunch of prideful 'deniers':

1. 'The decline in attendance / viewing has nothing to do with kneeling...lalalala..."

Yeah, how is that working out for you.

2. 'Even if it does, players have a right to overshadow the game / NFL with political propaganda / rhetoric / messages, and instead of focusing on the game and delivering an awesome product free of political distraction we will stand by our players, lettig to do what they want'.

Good for you. Again, how is that working out for you?
If you don’t like players kneeling don’t turn on the fucking game or look away while they do it.
All you stupid mfers are only taking up this stupid cause because your fuhrer told you to.
Baaaaaaaaaaaa Mr Sheep.

Say what?

Trump took it from us numb nuts he read what we were saying

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