The NFL Clown Show with the so-called "black national anthem"

Republicans should embrace the song and its message celebrating how faith in God gives us the strength to triumph over oppression and the freedom and liberty found only in the USA. They should encourage the song to be played more and that we not make the song one that separates us but brings us together.
We already have a unifying song
to the extent anything is referred to as the black national anthem is due to the fact it has been the folks you hold up as "Heroes" who has made sure systematically that black folks were EXCLUDED from accepting the so-called one national anthem as their anthem....

That systematic exclusion is what prompted folks like Frederick Douglass to write....

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That systemic EXCLUSION lasted for decades upon decades.....that EXCLUSION is what prompted the creation of the gospel genre "Negro spirituals" - and when brave Americans of all colors fought for "INCLUSION" it was the conservatives who fought against it tooth and this day, you dic suckers view the terms of "inclusion" and "diversity" as evil because you feel everything should be centered on whiteness...

Now because that truth makes fragile conservatives like you feel triggered -- we are supposed to erase it...again, fuck outta here...
No we do not, what we have issues with is people like you blaming white people for all the ills of the world today.

Slavery ended in 1863 in the southern states, then 1865 in all. NO ONE LIVING TODAY is a slave (unless you wanna count sex traffickers coming over the border, slaves digging for cobalt or lithium mines for your green energy, or slaves in China making your electronics)

Be honest, you don't want equality anymore you want equity which is paying white people back for all your bs revenge fantasies.

My family is Irish, tell me more about a people who have been abused for 1000 years. Nah you call us colonizers you faggot
to the extent anything is referred to as the black national anthem is due to the fact it has been the folks you hold up as "Heroes" who has made sure systematically that black folks were EXCLUDED from accepting the so-called one national anthem as their anthem....

That systematic exclusion is what prompted folks like Frederick Douglass to write....

View attachment 756531

That systemic EXCLUSION lasted for decades upon decades.....that EXCLUSION is what prompted the creation of the gospel genre "Negro spirituals" - and when brave Americans of all colors fought for "INCLUSION" it was the conservatives who fought against it tooth and this day, you dic suckers view the terms of "inclusion" and "diversity" as evil because you feel everything should be centered on whiteness...

Now because that truth makes fragile conservatives like you feel triggered -- we are supposed to erase it...again, fuck outta here...
i don’t consider any dem a hero…segregation is wrong…your support for it is appalling
Is America the beautiful played solely as an anthem for one group of people? What a stupid comparison

Where did the NFL announce ….and now the Black National Anthem sung by….?.

They just announced the song would be sung and and
by whom……Just like they did for America the Beautiful

Conservatives pouted

We already have a unifying song
Not good enough cause it doesn't worship blacks apparently
Where did the NFL announce ….and now the Black National Anthem sung by….?.

They just announced the song would be sung and and
by whom……Just like they did for America the Beautiful

Conservatives pouted
wtf are you babbling about? Ask me something coherent next time
Do black people have their own nation within ours now? Why do they alone get a separate anthem?

You're a fool if you think it doesn't exclude
They get an inspiring song, just like any other inspiring song.

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