The NFL.....It's like they are advertising to junkies!

Taping the Cowboys game and for the first time ever Hulu progress bar, which shows ads in black, the show in green, has gone haywire and has 20 minute blocks that appear as ads, it cannot compute all these goddamn commericals
No choice but DISGUSTING FAKE NEWS CENSORSHIP NBC TV if you want to tune in to DET at home vs. LA Rams in about 1/2 hour start.
Evidently, Tyreek Hill got pulled over on the way to the game. Not sure what happened? Bu team officials rushed to the site? Internal Affairs involved? HUH?

I got pulled over 6 yrs ago. I just signed up fir online traffic school and paid my $219 dollars. Every Black guy has to bring in Obama and the NCAAP? Country is officially fully destroyed by CommeeCrat scum. Special Rules for gender and skin color too? Mercy.

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