The Nordic model is widely regarded as a benchmark.

Well, you two guys can work that out.

I noticed you seem to prefer sitting on the fence and antagonizing them rather than proposing any valid solutions. It's a whole lot easier for you to throw turds in all directions and call everyone else a shit faced scumbag.

A number of comparative studies of economic and social performance have ranked the Nordics high. A common finding of cross-country comparisons is that the Nordics succeed better than other countries in combining economic efficiency and growth with a peaceful labour market, a fair distribution of income and social cohesion. The model is pointed to as a source of inspiration for other people in their search for a better social and economic system. On the other hand, many observers around the world are amazed that “the bumble-bee can fly” – that the Nordic economies can prosper and grow in spite of the presumably weak economic incentives associated with high tax wedges, a generous social security system and an egalitarian distribution of income. Critics have been looking for inner contradictions in the model and they have questioned its sustainability. Some argue that the economic performance of the Nordic countries is simply a result of exceptional and temporary advantages, bound to disappear over time. This report deals with the Nordic model, the reasons why it has worked in the past, and the challenges it is being subjected to in the future. Present economic and social trends, including globalization and demographic change, pose significant challenges to the model as we know it. The model will remain viable and successful only if the challenges and the need for reform are understood – and if action is taken. THE NORDIC MODEL Embracing globalization and sharing risks Torben M. Andersen, Bengt Holmström, Seppo Honkapohja, Sixten Korkman, Hans Tson Söderström, Juhana Vartiainen

Fair is fair...tell us about the Venezuelan benchmark.

Norway and Sweeden are free market economies, not Socialist economies.
I noticed you seem to prefer sitting on the fence and antagonizing them rather than proposing any valid solutions. It's a whole lot easier for you to throw turds in all directions and call everyone else a shit faced scumbag.
Well, where to begin.

First, I don't engage in nasty personal insults like "shit faced scumbag".

Second, wingers on both ends just love illustrating the first line of my sig for me.

Third, one of them is my stalker, whom I flushed a long time ago, and his posts don't appear on my screen.

And finally, I made a point about the sociological ramifications of wealth disparity, and none of the wingers here appear to have the capacity to address it directly.

I'm getting a lot of vague bitching, as usual, though.
To quote (mostly) another poster here:

A strong safety net is insurance against a social revolution.

The libertarianism-consumed Right just doesn't see that. It doesn't understand that. Nor does it want to.

Actually a "strong safety net" is the best way to guarantee the existence of a despondent zombie horde in the country. And of course, they breed and multiply like no one else, while those having to foot the bill don't.

This will never work in diverse society like the USA. Unless you are planning to make a whole race a dependent with no future. That's utterly racist...
What does race have to do with this?

Haha...sometimes you seem smart...sometimes it’s like you’re afraid to acknowledge the truth...That’s weird.
I know you already know this but I’ll play along as if you don’t.
Fertility rates among blacks and browns are much higher than whites while the NEED for a taxpayer spoon feeding is much higher among blacks and browns. TA-DA!
My point had/has nothing to do with race.

If you guys feel a need to break it down to race, that's up to you.

The Regressive Left does the same thing. How similar you folks can be.

I know you’re afraid to hear this but the reality is; considering the current data your desire for communism-lite could only work if America was all white.
Our darkies are just too lazy, too taxpayer dependent and they procreate more of their same too fast. Sorry bud.
(Tards, grab your straightjackets and get in your cry closets...shits getting real here)
To quote (mostly) another poster here:

A strong safety net is insurance against a social revolution.

The libertarianism-consumed Right just doesn't see that. It doesn't understand that. Nor does it want to.

Actually a "strong safety net" is the best way to guarantee the existence of a despondent zombie horde in the country. And of course, they breed and multiply like no one else, while those having to foot the bill don't.

This will never work in diverse society like the USA. Unless you are planning to make a whole race a dependent with no future. That's utterly racist...
What does race have to do with this?

Haha...sometimes you seem smart...sometimes it’s like you’re afraid to acknowledge the truth...That’s weird.
I know you already know this but I’ll play along as if you don’t.
Fertility rates among blacks and browns are much higher than whites while the NEED for a taxpayer spoon feeding is much higher among blacks and browns. TA-DA!
My point had/has nothing to do with race.

If you guys feel a need to break it down to race, that's up to you.

The Regressive Left does the same thing. How similar you folks can be.

I know you’re afraid to hear this but the reality is; considering the current data your desire for communism-lite could only work if America was all white.
Our darkies are just too lazy, too taxpayer dependent and they procreate more of their same too fast. Sorry bud.
(Tards, grab your straightjackets and get in your cry closets...shits getting real here)
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the next time a right winger pretends people like you don't exist.
Benito Mussolini wasnt that bad

Ha. Sure, they could have some unimportant freedoms under Benito. They could own property, for example. Just so long as the collective didn't need that property.
you think the rich should have all the rights, i think we should just kill them all , and then we all would be free of them

Without the 'rich' you idiots would be fighting in the streets over scraps of food. ^^^ this one is a 100% indoctrinated liberal sheeple.
Actually a "strong safety net" is the best way to guarantee the existence of a despondent zombie horde in the country. And of course, they breed and multiply like no one else, while those having to foot the bill don't.

This will never work in diverse society like the USA. Unless you are planning to make a whole race a dependent with no future. That's utterly racist...
What does race have to do with this?

Haha...sometimes you seem smart...sometimes it’s like you’re afraid to acknowledge the truth...That’s weird.
I know you already know this but I’ll play along as if you don’t.
Fertility rates among blacks and browns are much higher than whites while the NEED for a taxpayer spoon feeding is much higher among blacks and browns. TA-DA!
My point had/has nothing to do with race.

If you guys feel a need to break it down to race, that's up to you.

The Regressive Left does the same thing. How similar you folks can be.

I know you’re afraid to hear this but the reality is; considering the current data your desire for communism-lite could only work if America was all white.
Our darkies are just too lazy, too taxpayer dependent and they procreate more of their same too fast. Sorry bud.
(Tards, grab your straightjackets and get in your cry closets...shits getting real here)
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the next time a right winger pretends people like you don't exist.

What part am I lying about or embellishing?
Don’t be scared. Why avoid the truth?
What does race have to do with this?

Haha...sometimes you seem smart...sometimes it’s like you’re afraid to acknowledge the truth...That’s weird.
I know you already know this but I’ll play along as if you don’t.
Fertility rates among blacks and browns are much higher than whites while the NEED for a taxpayer spoon feeding is much higher among blacks and browns. TA-DA!
My point had/has nothing to do with race.

If you guys feel a need to break it down to race, that's up to you.

The Regressive Left does the same thing. How similar you folks can be.

I know you’re afraid to hear this but the reality is; considering the current data your desire for communism-lite could only work if America was all white.
Our darkies are just too lazy, too taxpayer dependent and they procreate more of their same too fast. Sorry bud.
(Tards, grab your straightjackets and get in your cry closets...shits getting real here)
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the next time a right winger pretends people like you don't exist.

What part am I lying about or embellishing?
Don’t be scared. Why avoid the truth?
Why would I continue this with you?
Haha...sometimes you seem smart...sometimes it’s like you’re afraid to acknowledge the truth...That’s weird.
I know you already know this but I’ll play along as if you don’t.
Fertility rates among blacks and browns are much higher than whites while the NEED for a taxpayer spoon feeding is much higher among blacks and browns. TA-DA!
My point had/has nothing to do with race.

If you guys feel a need to break it down to race, that's up to you.

The Regressive Left does the same thing. How similar you folks can be.

I know you’re afraid to hear this but the reality is; considering the current data your desire for communism-lite could only work if America was all white.
Our darkies are just too lazy, too taxpayer dependent and they procreate more of their same too fast. Sorry bud.
(Tards, grab your straightjackets and get in your cry closets...shits getting real here)
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the next time a right winger pretends people like you don't exist.

What part am I lying about or embellishing?
Don’t be scared. Why avoid the truth?
Why would I continue this with you?

It’s so bizarre to watch seemingly smart people turtle up when confronted with such basic, known facts...Who taught you people to ignore and fight your human instinct to reason and apply logic as soon as ethnicity becomes introduced into a discussion? FUCKING WEIRD!
My point had/has nothing to do with race.

If you guys feel a need to break it down to race, that's up to you.

The Regressive Left does the same thing. How similar you folks can be.

I know you’re afraid to hear this but the reality is; considering the current data your desire for communism-lite could only work if America was all white.
Our darkies are just too lazy, too taxpayer dependent and they procreate more of their same too fast. Sorry bud.
(Tards, grab your straightjackets and get in your cry closets...shits getting real here)
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the next time a right winger pretends people like you don't exist.

What part am I lying about or embellishing?
Don’t be scared. Why avoid the truth?
Why would I continue this with you?

It’s so bizarre to watch seemingly smart people turtle up when confronted with such basic, known facts...Who taught you people to ignore and fight your human instinct to reason and apply logic as soon as ethnicity becomes introduced into a discussion? FUCKING WEIRD!
Start a thread on it, tag me, and I'll comment.

Until then, all you're doing is avoiding my point.

Which is pretty much par for the course around here.
I know you’re afraid to hear this but the reality is; considering the current data your desire for communism-lite could only work if America was all white.
Our darkies are just too lazy, too taxpayer dependent and they procreate more of their same too fast. Sorry bud.
(Tards, grab your straightjackets and get in your cry closets...shits getting real here)
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the next time a right winger pretends people like you don't exist.

What part am I lying about or embellishing?
Don’t be scared. Why avoid the truth?
Why would I continue this with you?

It’s so bizarre to watch seemingly smart people turtle up when confronted with such basic, known facts...Who taught you people to ignore and fight your human instinct to reason and apply logic as soon as ethnicity becomes introduced into a discussion? FUCKING WEIRD!
Start a thread on it, tag me, and I'll comment.

Until then, all you're doing is avoiding my point.

Which is pretty much par for the course around here.

Mac, I’ve done nothing but directly address your point.
Thanks. I'm looking forward to the next time a right winger pretends people like you don't exist.

What part am I lying about or embellishing?
Don’t be scared. Why avoid the truth?
Why would I continue this with you?

It’s so bizarre to watch seemingly smart people turtle up when confronted with such basic, known facts...Who taught you people to ignore and fight your human instinct to reason and apply logic as soon as ethnicity becomes introduced into a discussion? FUCKING WEIRD!
Start a thread on it, tag me, and I'll comment.

Until then, all you're doing is avoiding my point.

Which is pretty much par for the course around here.

Mac, I’ve done nothing but directly address your point.
Okay, sure. Then you're just too darned smart for me.
Why would I continue this with you?

To bring it too a conclusion?

While I don't agree with his blanket statement about blacks being lazy, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he knows not all blacks are ghetto rats. If you're so certain of your own intellectual superiority, bring it out and teach the man.

Then we can discuss the difference between name calling and labeling people through implication.

Why would I continue this with you?

To bring it too a conclusion?

While I don't agree with his blanket statement about blacks being lazy, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he knows not all blacks are ghetto rats. If you're so certain of your own intellectual superiority, bring it out and teach the man.

Then we can discuss the difference between name calling and labeling people through implication.

Please see post 132.
From someone smarter than me:

Norway has 5.2 million people; Finland has 5.5 million; Denmark has 5.7 million; Sweden has just under 10 million. This is fewer people than the population of the state of Texas. Wealth creation in Nordic countries long predated the advent of nationalization and socialist enterprise; so did income equality. And state ownership of enterprise in Nordic countries does not mean that those enterprises run along the anti-profit lines that democratic socialists tend to favor; precisely the opposite. It would be more apt to call Nordic ownership of assets a model of state-run capitalism than of socialism per se.

But the most irritating aspect of the Left’s new addiction to Nordic “socialism” is that it causes us to ignore the actual conditions under which Nordic programs flourish — conditions that we would do well to actually mimic. The major advantage held by Nordic countries is a cultural focus on education, law-abiding behavior, and hard work.

The crime rate in the Nordic countries is exceedingly low, and it has been for generations. Every single Nordic country except Iceland ranks below the OECD average in terms of single-parent households, and well below the United States. Nordic countries have long been linked with a strong work ethic, thanks in part to geographic difficulties that require long hours. As Nima Sanandaji writes, “High levels of trust, a strong work ethic and social cohesion are the perfect starting point for successful economies.” Of course, socialist welfare schemes tend to undermine both family relations and work ethic, and Norway has been facing serious problems with people opting out of work. (“This is an oil-for-leisure program,” Norwegian economist Knut Anton Mork told the New York Times a decade ago.)

Then there are the institutional differences that aren’t discussed all that often.

Oren Cass points out, “[Denmark and Sweden] don’t require workplace elections, good-faith bargaining by employers, or compulsory dues payments; yet a majority of workers are union members.” To achieve the same level of unionization in the United States would require heavy government restrictions on business, because the Nordic model is so different.

A major factor in the success of the Finnish school system, for example, is largely ignored by the American Left: Half of Finland’s students opt for vocational schools, meaning that Finnish education focuses more on job skills than on general education. That’s why 14 percent of degrees earned in Finland are in STEM fields and 18 percent are in the liberal arts, as compared with 8 percent in STEM and 38 percent in the liberal arts in the United States. The conditions in which Nordic unions thrive are similarly ignored by American liberals: So many Nords belong to unions because those unions work cooperatively with employers and the government, instead of in the adversarial mode employed by their American counterparts. As Oren Cass points out, “[Denmark and Sweden] don’t require workplace elections, good-faith bargaining by employers, or compulsory dues payments; yet a majority of workers are union members.” To achieve the same level of unionization in the United States would require heavy government restrictions on business, because the Nordic model is so different.

In short, many of the ideas that make Nordic social programs effective operate in a different context than that of the United States. To take those programs out of their context and plop them down in the United States would be, in many cases, to ignore just why they worked in the first place. An honest discussion of the efficacy of government programs in the Nordic “socialist” countries would start by taking into account factors other than mere government control and redistribution.
Why would I continue this with you?

To bring it too a conclusion?

While I don't agree with his blanket statement about blacks being lazy, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he knows not all blacks are ghetto rats. If you're so certain of your own intellectual superiority, bring it out and teach the man.

Then we can discuss the difference between name calling and labeling people through implication.


Guys look, we’re posting on the internet...we don’t really need to be paranoid of retaliation, we can talk like smart adults do. We’re supposed to be intelligent beings, we stereotype, we profile, we use data and statistics to forecast and make projections...THATS WHAT WE DO.
To Macs point, we have way too many bottom feeders whom are totally comfortable feeding on the bottom for communism-lite to ever work here...we should have known this when we opened our nation to thirdworlders. THE END.
Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent
From someone smarter than me:

Norway has 5.2 million people; Finland has 5.5 million; Denmark has 5.7 million; Sweden has just under 10 million. This is fewer people than the population of the state of Texas. Wealth creation in Nordic countries long predated the advent of nationalization and socialist enterprise; so did income equality. And state ownership of enterprise in Nordic countries does not mean that those enterprises run along the anti-profit lines that democratic socialists tend to favor; precisely the opposite. It would be more apt to call Nordic ownership of assets a model of state-run capitalism than of socialism per se.

But the most irritating aspect of the Left’s new addiction to Nordic “socialism” is that it causes us to ignore the actual conditions under which Nordic programs flourish — conditions that we would do well to actually mimic. The major advantage held by Nordic countries is a cultural focus on education, law-abiding behavior, and hard work.

The crime rate in the Nordic countries is exceedingly low, and it has been for generations. Every single Nordic country except Iceland ranks below the OECD average in terms of single-parent households, and well below the United States. Nordic countries have long been linked with a strong work ethic, thanks in part to geographic difficulties that require long hours. As Nima Sanandaji writes, “High levels of trust, a strong work ethic and social cohesion are the perfect starting point for successful economies.” Of course, socialist welfare schemes tend to undermine both family relations and work ethic, and Norway has been facing serious problems with people opting out of work. (“This is an oil-for-leisure program,” Norwegian economist Knut Anton Mork told the New York Times a decade ago.)

Then there are the institutional differences that aren’t discussed all that often.

Oren Cass points out, “[Denmark and Sweden] don’t require workplace elections, good-faith bargaining by employers, or compulsory dues payments; yet a majority of workers are union members.” To achieve the same level of unionization in the United States would require heavy government restrictions on business, because the Nordic model is so different.

A major factor in the success of the Finnish school system, for example, is largely ignored by the American Left: Half of Finland’s students opt for vocational schools, meaning that Finnish education focuses more on job skills than on general education. That’s why 14 percent of degrees earned in Finland are in STEM fields and 18 percent are in the liberal arts, as compared with 8 percent in STEM and 38 percent in the liberal arts in the United States. The conditions in which Nordic unions thrive are similarly ignored by American liberals: So many Nords belong to unions because those unions work cooperatively with employers and the government, instead of in the adversarial mode employed by their American counterparts. As Oren Cass points out, “[Denmark and Sweden] don’t require workplace elections, good-faith bargaining by employers, or compulsory dues payments; yet a majority of workers are union members.” To achieve the same level of unionization in the United States would require heavy government restrictions on business, because the Nordic model is so different.

In short, many of the ideas that make Nordic social programs effective operate in a different context than that of the United States. To take those programs out of their context and plop them down in the United States would be, in many cases, to ignore just why they worked in the first place. An honest discussion of the efficacy of government programs in the Nordic “socialist” countries would start by taking into account factors other than mere government control and redistribution.

Let’s all pretend it doesn’t matter...but, what do the race demographics look like in the Nordics?

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