The Nordic model is widely regarded as a benchmark.

Yeah. I've agreed with him elsewhere on the board. If he could knock that chip off his shoulder, he might invite some functional debate. Heck, I actually get along better with lefties, truth be told. At least they're intellectually honest about being statist. I can appreciate intellectual honesty. Heck, I get more peeved at my so-called conservative peers. A lot of em are just as statist, more so in many cases, than the lefties, except my conservative peers try to pretend othewise. But I digress.

Thing about Joe is that he's unprepared. Not that he's stupid.

Stupid is the easy conclusion, plus he seems like the sort of lib that rejects information. That's actually worse than just stupid.

Everyone can find themselves becoming authoritarian when they're certain their way of life is the only acceptable way to live.

That's why I don't get into abortion debates. I'm disgusted by the entire concept, but for me to demand government step in and force some sociopath woman to give birth that isn't "convenient" is counter productive. We have enough liberal voters in our ghettos as it is, and we have a prison population that rivals the rest of the world.

Sometimes you have to scrape the barnacles off the anchor.

It's also why I don't care about faggot weddings. Let them play "house" like kindergartners, and swallow or flush all their malignant DNA. Empowering the government to enforce all of the morality in Christianity leaves it open to enforce islamic morality and I don't think we need to be throwing faggots off roof tops.

No, you haven't. I can tell. :)

It's okay, though, Joe. My view on it is that it's more practical that people repeat the term rather than debate it. And that's the gosh darned truth, man.

Just put the napkin on the table and leave the hard work for us.

Guy, The "Natural Citizen" movement are nutters, not a real force. Sorry.

I like living in a civilized society with government and infrastructure.
In other words... You like to control people that you disagree with…
They don't have to spend any money on their national defense....they expect us to protect them...allowing them to have a hugely expensive social welfare state.


We don't spend huge amounts on the military-industrial complex because we HAVE to. We do it because we WANT to. Because big corporations found making an expensive stealth bomber that can't fly in the rain is more profitable than making a consumer TV people can actually use.

Now, I know that real numbers bother you, TooTinyGuy, but here's the reality.


The US spends nearly as much on our military than the rest of the world combined. The nations of Europe spend 20% of the world's military spending. Russia and China, neither of whom are really a military threat (they'd have more to lose in a war than we would) make up less than 13% of the World's military spending compared to the 76% spent by the US and it's allies.

They are not creating or building anything of any importance to the world...again, that is left to the U.S. and the Nordic countries simply sit their and benefit from our innovation.......

Not really. The US if falling behind in technological innovation, mostly because our schools keep pumping out dummies.

We have to import STEM workers.


If you are tiny country, with a homogenous population, allowing a foriegn country to provide for you national defense and all of your technological and medical could almost say your country works........

You mean while we piss away money, they spend it wisely?


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Where the heck's Tehon at, Tehon, get over here, man.

Tehon's actually a cool dude, believe it or not, he's a Marxist and all, and that's okay, because he's honest about it. I wanna see what he has to say. About the Nordic model, I mean.
The Nordic model is essentially managed capitalism. Managed in a particular way to suppress the worst excesses of unrestrained capitalism. It recognizes a healthy society as being a prerequisite for the promotion to all in the society of the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

I think that it is fine for a period, certainly better than what we have here, but unsustainable in the long run.
They don’t have to pay for their own defense, they depend on fossil fuel’s mostly, they don’t have to deal with illegal aliens on the grand scale, they rely on other people‘s money for their socialist programs, they are far from diverse on nationality, their government subsidizes Their endeavors, no one truly owns anything, they live in a bubble, And they are small in population...
Just to name a few of the things that dictate their situation… That is why whatever they are doing over there is irrelevant to anything that happens here.
They don't have to spend any money on their national defense....they expect us to protect them...allowing them to have a hugely expensive social welfare state.


We don't spend huge amounts on the military-industrial complex because we HAVE to. We do it because we WANT to. Because big corporations found making an expensive stealth bomber that can't fly in the rain is more profitable than making a consumer TV people can actually use.

Now, I know that real numbers bother you, TooTinyGuy, but here's the reality.

View attachment 216630

The US spends nearly as much on our military than the rest of the world combined. The nations of Europe spend 20% of the world's military spending. Russia and China, neither of whom are really a military threat (they'd have more to lose in a war than we would) make up less than 13% of the World's military spending compared to the 76% spent by the US and it's allies.

They are not creating or building anything of any importance to the world...again, that is left to the U.S. and the Nordic countries simply sit their and benefit from our innovation.......

Not really. The US if falling behind in technological innovation, mostly because our schools keep pumping out dummies.

We have to import STEM workers.


If you are tiny country, with a homogenous population, allowing a foriegn country to provide for you national defense and all of your technological and medical could almost say your country works........

You mean while we piss away money, they spend it wisely?

Yes...moron....we protect all the other countries who are too spoiled to do it for themselves.....they would rather let us protect them than do it themselves.....

And our military spending keeps us and the world safe from Russia, China and all the other socialist monsters out doofus.
That's why I don't get into abortion debates. I'm disgusted by the entire concept, but for me to demand government step in and force some sociopath woman to give birth that isn't "convenient" is counter productive. We have enough liberal voters in our ghettos as it is, and we have a prison population that rivals the rest of the world.

The sad thing is, you are so stupid you don't see how the One Percent get you distracted with this issue.
Where the heck's Tehon at, Tehon, get over here, man.

Tehon's actually a cool dude, believe it or not, he's a Marxist and all, and that's okay, because he's honest about it. I wanna see what he has to say. About the Nordic model, I mean.
The Nordic model is essentially managed capitalism. Managed in a particular way to suppress the worst excesses of unrestrained capitalism. It recognizes a healthy society as being a prerequisite for the promotion to all in the society of the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

I think that it is fine for a period, certainly better than what we have here, but unsustainable in the long run.
They don’t have to pay for their own defense, they depend on fossil fuel’s mostly, they don’t have to deal with illegal aliens on the grand scale, they rely on other people‘s money for their socialist programs, they are far from diverse on nationality, their government subsidizes Their endeavors, no one truly owns anything, they live in a bubble, And they are small in population...
Just to name a few of the things that dictate their situation… That is why whatever they are doing over there is irrelevant to anything that happens here.
I think the actual difference is that they try. They have a different mentality than we do. We have the material resources to make something work if we had the will.
Yes...moron....we protect all the other countries who are too spoiled to do it for themselves.....they would rather let us protect them than do it themselves.....

And our military spending keeps us and the world safe from Russia, China and all the other socialist monsters out doofus.

Russia just stole our election and China has been stealing our industry for years... seems to me that our military spending was misplaced.

Maybe if we spent that money on infrastructure and education and safeguarding our elections, this wouldn't be an issue.
Yes...moron....we protect all the other countries who are too spoiled to do it for themselves.....they would rather let us protect them than do it themselves.....

And our military spending keeps us and the world safe from Russia, China and all the other socialist monsters out doofus.

Russia just stole our election and China has been stealing our industry for years... seems to me that our military spending was misplaced.

Maybe if we spent that money on infrastructure and education and safeguarding our elections, this wouldn't be an issue.

The stupid is strong with you....the Russians spent 100,000 grand on internet adds.....hilary spent 1.2 billion dollars....Trump half are an idiot.
Guy, The "Natural Citizen" movement are nutters, not a real force. Sorry.

Heh heh. Joe, nutters like me put 10,000 young people in the Target Center screaming End The Fed while the GOP is having their Republican National Convention next door. Nutters like me, Joe, put 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10 thousand young people in buildings over and over and over and over again from one coast of this country to the other screaming the same thing over and over again. Nutters like me can put a Minority, a feminists, and a gay person, these people you refereenced previously, on an overpass in Wisconsin holding up the same sign. It's a process of continuing growth. There are those who talk about it, Joe, and there are those who be about it. Nutters like me get elected, Joe. We train delegates. We become delegates. We phone bank. We pen legislation, even, I'll bet you didn't know that. Ha. Nutters like me set single day political records, all hail the immortal moneybomb, Joe. Of course, there are imitators, but we are the innovators, make no mistake about that. That's how wining is done. That's how you prepare people to participate in the future. Getting elected isn't as important as changing the course of history, Joe. The quicker you learn that, the more prepared you will be. Because you just never know who you're going to run into in places like this. Now, you're making me look prideful here, and I don't like to be that way. So, stop it.

So. Yeah. Talking -- Doing - Two completely different phenomenon, Joe. K?
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Yes...moron....we protect all the other countries who are too spoiled to do it for themselves.....they would rather let us protect them than do it themselves.....

And our military spending keeps us and the world safe from Russia, China and all the other socialist monsters out doofus.

Russia just stole our election and China has been stealing our industry for years... seems to me that our military spending was misplaced.

Maybe if we spent that money on infrastructure and education and safeguarding our elections, this wouldn't be an issue.

hilary took 145 million dollars from putin, and since the 1990s she and her husband have been selling American technology to the Chinese.....spare me your concern...
Yes...moron....we protect all the other countries who are too spoiled to do it for themselves.....they would rather let us protect them than do it themselves.....

And our military spending keeps us and the world safe from Russia, China and all the other socialist monsters out doofus.

Russia just stole our election and China has been stealing our industry for years... seems to me that our military spending was misplaced.

Maybe if we spent that money on infrastructure and education and safeguarding our elections, this wouldn't be an issue.

LOL what a maroon. Your bitch got beat because she was the worst candidate in history.
The stupid is strong with you....the Russians spent 100,000 grand on internet adds.....hilary spent 1.2 billion dollars....Trump half are an idiot.

If you really think that's all the Russians did, you are delusional.

But that wasn't the point I was making. We piss away 700 billion a year in PEACETIME to defend ourselves against Russia, and Russia rigs our election and gets everything they want.
The stupid is strong with you....the Russians spent 100,000 grand on internet adds.....hilary spent 1.2 billion dollars....Trump half are an idiot.

If you really think that's all the Russians did, you are delusional.

But that wasn't the point I was making. We piss away 700 billion a year in PEACETIME to defend ourselves against Russia, and Russia rigs our election and gets everything they want.

Prove it Joey boy.
The stupid is strong with you....the Russians spent 100,000 grand on internet adds.....hilary spent 1.2 billion dollars....Trump half are an idiot.

If you really think that's all the Russians did, you are delusional.

But that wasn't the point I was making. We piss away 700 billion a year in PEACETIME to defend ourselves against Russia, and Russia rigs our election and gets everything they want.

How do you stop hilary from using her position as Secretary of State to sell state secrets to Russia and Japan, when the FBI is afraid to go after her, you doofus.
LOL what a maroon. Your bitch got beat because she was the worst candidate in history.

No, she won by 3 million votes. She lost because our archiac system designed by slave rapists didn't function as designed.

Nope sorry, she didn't. The "popular" vote isn't they way Presidential elections are run or have ever been run. You just need to whine about something.

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