The normalization of a scandal machine.

WHO fucked up, royally. They are held accountable just like anybody else. This type of lack of accountability is exactly why Trump was elected.

Further, whose agenda are they fulfilling?

The sheer volume of offenses is as disorienting as it is shocking. It's at this point when cultists typically invoke the TDS accusation. In reality, those who invoke it suffer from Trump Denial Syndrome.
The problem - well, ONE of the problems - is that virtually everything Trump says and does first passes through the prism of what his base will think about it. He "learned" in 2016 that his base can get him elected under the right conditions, no doubt his media masters have pounded that in to him in the interim, and it saturates everything he does.

So any intelligence, wisdom, common sense and reason Trump might be able to muster is distorted by that first.

Dangerous stuff. We need to be operating on all cylinders, and with clarity, and we're not.


It currently seems that the virus is being defeated. That does not mean to not be cautious, but the numbers look very good, beyond all expectations as of now. We need to open the economy back up.

Of course, the media hates this because without the greatest depression emerging, president Trump is guaranteed a re-election. Yet, that's a fact, the virus IS being defeated.
Dittos Rush.

Operating with perfect clarity and observing all angles actually requires registering what other people say.

But Mac always chooses to deflect, apparently he also projects his own behavior on Trump.
I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.

If you don't like my posts, I guess I'll just have to live with that.

Nope, you said that you won't ever even consider arguing with "someone like me".

That is the definition of bigotry, you are a bigot Mac... while crying about non-existent bigotry of Trump.

Mac can't be a bigot because Mac Is Perfect

Just ask him
Remember when the ACA website problems were mercilessly criticized by conservatives?

IRS’s coronavirus stimulus check tracking tool is not working for some people

Don.............he gets a pass from the cult of Trumpery.
WHO fucked up, royally. They are held accountable just like anybody else. This type of lack of accountability is exactly why Trump was elected.
Jeeeeeeeeez, can you hear yourself? TRUMP FUCKED UP ROYALLY. Why not hold him accountable?
WHO fucked up, royally. They are held accountable just like anybody else. This type of lack of accountability is exactly why Trump was elected.
Jeeeeeeeeez, can you hear yourself? TRUMP FUCKED UP ROYALLY. Why not hold him accountable?

He did no such thing. America is doing extremely well with the virus, even after WHO propaganda and your calls of xenophobia. Much beyond expectations...

Trump is working on the subject hours every day. When's the last time you have even worked for hours?
Remember when the ACA website problems were mercilessly criticized by conservatives?

IRS’s coronavirus stimulus check tracking tool is not working for some people

Don.............he gets a pass from the cult of Trumpery.
LOL!! Comparing Obama's healthcare disaster, train-wreck, embarrassment, the rollout that failed, with a Trump site that doesn't work "for some people" is a joke. Maybe those "some people" need to upgrade from DOS?!
Any thought by Trumpist's on this quid pro quo?

WWE’s Reckless Approach to Covid-19
The clueless rube known as the Groper-in-Chief's attempt to enlist corporate executives (like Vince McMahon) in a push to reopen parts of the economy is a disorganized, premature mess.
"It’s difficult to imagine a more rancid and more dangerous cross-pollination than that of Trump, DeSantis, and the WWE. Sure enough, the same day that McMahon announced that WWE would be doing live tapings in Florida, former Trump cabinet official Linda McMahon’s (former WWE executive and Vince’s spouse, of course) committed her Trump reelection PAC to spending $18.5 million in Florida in 2020.

Whether it caused a delay or not Don's demand that his name be placed on stimulus checks is an appallingly transparent effort to take credit for (propagandize) the relief program.

Crooked Donald is claiming authority he does not possess in threatening to force the Senate to adjourn.

The Orange Buffoon has stopped funding to the WHO at the worst possible time.
Trump Administration Officials Warned Against Halting Funding to WHO, Leaked Memo Shows

President Petulance made the unfounded, unconstitutional claim he alone has the power to order the re-start of the economy by overruling state's governors.

Individual 1 just had two IG's removed from their jobs.
Why Is Trump’s Inspector General Purge Not a National Scandal?

After claiming COVID-19 was "under control" the US death toll has just exceeded 32,000 with over 600K confirmed cases.

No need to list the instances of abject failure by the admin in dealing with COVID-19, they are well documented and irrefutable.

Even as Vlad's favorite candidate seeks to boost his re-election chances by getting businesses up and running medical experts explain it is too early.

The Grifter-in-Chief has refused to comply with the legal requirement included in the relief bill he signed that gives oversight power to Congress with regard to the dispersal of funds to corporations.

If any one of these things occurred during a Dem admin right wing media and Trumpleton's would be lighting their hair on fire. We would be hearing about them for months on end. Congressional investigations would be launched. But because President Shithole does the football equivalent of flooding the zone with illegal, immoral, incompetent actions one can hardly catch their breath before the next half dozen are unleashed.

The sheer volume of offenses is as disorienting as it is shocking. It's at this point when cultists typically invoke the TDS accusation. In reality, those who invoke it suffer from Trump Denial Syndrome.
How does it feel to be such an enemy to your own people in Israel?

I guess it feels good.

What a disgrace. Did you erect an actual golden calf where disgraces like you dance around?
Remember when the ACA website problems were mercilessly criticized by conservatives?

IRS’s coronavirus stimulus check tracking tool is not working for some people

Don.............he gets a pass from the cult of Trumpery.

Trump did not BUILD those sites

Obama's admin did, for Obamacare

Remember when the ACA website problems were mercilessly criticized by conservatives?

IRS’s coronavirus stimulus check tracking tool is not working for some people

Don.............he gets a pass from the cult of Trumpery.

Caused by incompetence, of course.

From your article:
"In most cases, this happened because the system was overloaded, Luis Garcia, an IRS spokesperson, told CNBC Make It. "

YOUR incompetence in not reading the article.
That's their separate, isolated, closed-circuit universe. The echo chamber of all echo chambers.
It's why the country is in such trouble. Even after the Orange Fraud is gone the right wing disinformation machine will remain.
so will the Left wing disinformation machine.

Kinda makes things equal, wouldn't you say?
Trump Advisers Prep To Shield POTUS If Economy Reopening Results In More Deaths

"President Donald Trump’s advisers are reportedly gearing up to spread the blame if the President’s plan to jumpstart the economy by May 1 amid the COVID-19 pandemic crashes and burns and results in the loss of additional American lives.

The Washington Post reported that while the White House is frantically piecing together a strategy to reopen businesses at the end of the month, it also hopes to shield Trump from the political consequences of the outbreak and his sluggish response to it. Staffers are reportedly aware of the risks of lifting social distancing guidelines so soon, and Trump himself knows that suddenly forcing the economy to open up again spells danger.

“Even he realizes that’s a bad idea,” an unnamed former official told the Post."
It's its own living, breathing organism now.
Almost every factually inaccurate thing Trumpleton's write on this board, and there are hundreds of them, virtually all of which have been debunked, are attributable to the disinformation of right wing media.
It's its own living, breathing organism now.
Almost every factually inaccurate thing Trumpleton's write on this board, and there are hundreds of them, virtually all of which have been debunked, are attributable to the disinformation of right wing media.
It doesn't matter to them. They've sold their soul to this guy.

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