The normalization of a scandal machine.

GOP Maryland Governor: Now Is ā€˜The Worst Possible Timeā€™ To Reopen Economy

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) stated in no uncertain terms on Thursday that reopening the economy right now during the COVID-19 outbreak really isnā€™t an option, despite President Donald Trumpā€™s wishes.

ā€œItā€™d really be the worst possible time for us to try to put more people out there and endanger them,ā€ the governor said during an interview on NBCā€™s ā€œ3rd Hour of TODAY.ā€

Hogan, who leads the National Governors Association, mentioned that he and his colleagues would be speaking to Trump and Vice President Mike Pence later on in the day to discuss the federal governmentā€™s guidelines.

However, there are several ā€œbuilding blocksā€ that all the states need to attain before they allow non-essential businesses to reopen, according to Hogan: Increased testing, the ability for health experts to do contact tracing, procuring all the PPEs that medical professionals need and ensuring the hospitals have the overall capability to handle the outbreak.
Instead of forming a task force to open the economy Capt. Chaos should form one to organize the steps necessary to open parts of it in the safest way possible.
Remember when the ACA website problems were mercilessly criticized by conservatives?

IRSā€™s coronavirus stimulus check tracking tool is not working for some people

Don.............he gets a pass from the cult of Trumpery.

Caused by incompetence, of course.

From your article:
"In most cases, this happened because the system was overloaded, Luis Garcia, an IRS spokesperson, told CNBC Make It. "

YOUR incompetence in not reading the article.
I read it. It's the same problem the ACA website had. But that didn't stop regressives from harping about it for months.
The problem - well, ONE of the problems - is that virtually everything Trump says and does first passes through the prism of what his base will think about it.
And what the base thinks about it is shaped by it passing through the prism of Faux, a euphemism for all of the right wing media sound machine.

Without Faux there is no doubt that hairdo pretending to be the POTUS (piece of total unmitigated shit) would have approval ratings well below 40%...............perhaps below 30%.

How big is his base ?

How many people watch Fox ?
GOP Maryland Governor: Now Is ā€˜The Worst Possible Timeā€™ To Reopen Economy

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) stated in no uncertain terms on Thursday that reopening the economy right now during the COVID-19 outbreak really isnā€™t an option, despite President Donald Trumpā€™s wishes.

ā€œItā€™d really be the worst possible time for us to try to put more people out there and endanger them,ā€ the governor said during an interview on NBCā€™s ā€œ3rd Hour of TODAY.ā€

Hogan, who leads the National Governors Association, mentioned that he and his colleagues would be speaking to Trump and Vice President Mike Pence later on in the day to discuss the federal governmentā€™s guidelines.

However, there are several ā€œbuilding blocksā€ that all the states need to attain before they allow non-essential businesses to reopen, according to Hogan: Increased testing, the ability for health experts to do contact tracing, procuring all the PPEs that medical professionals need and ensuring the hospitals have the overall capability to handle the outbreak.
Instead of forming a task force to open the economy Capt. Chaos should form one to organize the steps necessary to open parts of it in the safest way possible.

Maryland can sink into the ocean for all I care.

Let them stay closed. They deserve each other.
Maryland can sink into the ocean for all I care.

Let them stay closed. They deserve each other.
Does that inhumane attitude address the nation's preparedness for re-opening the economy? No.

Is the Gov. of MD simply stating the facts? Yes.

Are you an ass clown? Unquestionably.
The senate democrats don't want to extend any benefits, so lets see who can hold their breath longer, the states that reopen their economies or those that stay shutdown.
TDS thread 1,394.
Trumpism isn't about Trump. It's about the people who adore him, spin for him, attack for him, and enable his worst impulses.

He's just one guy. The problem is, there are plenty of examples in history of "just one guy" doing a lot of damaged when enabled by sycophants.

Like the democrats covering for a senile groper, who now has a bimbo problem?
TDS thread 1,394.
Trumpism isn't about Trump. It's about the people who adore him, spin for him, attack for him, and enable his worst impulses.

He's just one guy. The problem is, there are plenty of examples in history of "just one guy" doing a lot of damaged when enabled by sycophants.

Like the democrats covering for a senile groper, who now has a bimbo problem?
No, like Trumpism.

Clumsy attempt at deflection noted.
TDS thread 1,394.
Trumpism isn't about Trump. It's about the people who adore him, spin for him, attack for him, and enable his worst impulses.

He's just one guy. The problem is, there are plenty of examples in history of "just one guy" doing a lot of damaged when enabled by sycophants.

Like the democrats covering for a senile groper, who now has a bimbo problem?
No, like Trumpism.

Clumsy attempt at deflection noted.

LOL!! Deflection? How long do you think you can keep Biden in the safe room?
Sooner or later Joe will be under that microscope in the bright light.....its just a matter of time.
Trump has been thru it all, and nothing matters, Biden can't hide forever.
The clueless rube known as the Groper-in-Chief's attempt to enlist corporate executives (like Vince McMahon) in a push to reopen parts of the economy is a disorganized, premature mess.
"Itā€™s difficult to imagine a more rancid and more dangerous cross-pollination than that of Trump, DeSantis, and the WWE. Sure enough, the same day that McMahon announced that WWE would be doing live tapings in Florida, former Trump cabinet official Linda McMahonā€™s (former WWE executive and Vinceā€™s spouse, of course) committed her Trump reelection PAC to spending $18.5 million in Florida in 2020.

Whether it caused a delay or not Don's demand that his name be placed on stimulus checks is an appallingly transparent effort to take credit for (propagandize) the relief program.

Crooked Donald is claiming authority he does not possess in threatening to force the Senate to adjourn.

The Orange Buffoon has stopped funding to the WHO at the worst possible time.
Trump Administration Officials Warned Against Halting Funding to WHO, Leaked Memo Shows

President Petulance made the unfounded, unconstitutional claim he alone has the power to order the re-start of the economy by overruling state's governors.

Individual 1 just had two IG's removed from their jobs.
Why Is Trumpā€™s Inspector General Purge Not a National Scandal?

After claiming COVID-19 was "under control" the US death toll has just exceeded 32,000 with over 600K confirmed cases.

No need to list the instances of abject failure by the admin in dealing with COVID-19, they are well documented and irrefutable.

Even as Vlad's favorite candidate seeks to boost his re-election chances by getting businesses up and running medical experts explain it is too early.

The Grifter-in-Chief has refused to comply with the legal requirement included in the relief bill he signed that gives oversight power to Congress with regard to the dispersal of funds to corporations.

If any one of these things occurred during a Dem admin right wing media and Trumpleton's would be lighting their hair on fire. We would be hearing about them for months on end. Congressional investigations would be launched. But because President Shithole does the football equivalent of flooding the zone with illegal, immoral, incompetent actions one can hardly catch their breath before the next half dozen are unleashed.

The sheer volume of offenses is as disorienting as it is shocking. It's at this point when cultists typically invoke the TDS accusation. In reality, those who invoke it suffer from Trump Denial Syndrome.

It's fascinating to see what is considered a "scandal" by the left wing.

In the 1990s, Bill Clinton got money from a Chinese front company, in order to stamp his approval on the sale of high end missile guidance technology, which today China now has missiles that could destroy the GPS satellites.

That was, to the left-wing... not a scandal.

But today, Trump putting his name on stimulus relief checks.... now that's... that is a scandal.

Giving potential enemies of the US, missile tech that could be used in nuclear war... not a scandal. Name on check... holy crap! Huge scandal!

This is why Trump is president. You people are insane.
TDS thread 1,394.
Trumpism isn't about Trump. It's about the people who adore him, spin for him, attack for him, and enable his worst impulses.

He's just one guy. The problem is, there are plenty of examples in history of "just one guy" doing a lot of damaged when enabled by sycophants.

I would agree.

We need look no further than GWB or Obama.
The clueless rube known as the Groper-in-Chief's attempt to enlist corporate executives (like Vince McMahon) in a push to reopen parts of the economy is a disorganized, premature mess.
"Itā€™s difficult to imagine a more rancid and more dangerous cross-pollination than that of Trump, DeSantis, and the WWE. Sure enough, the same day that McMahon announced that WWE would be doing live tapings in Florida, former Trump cabinet official Linda McMahonā€™s (former WWE executive and Vinceā€™s spouse, of course) committed her Trump reelection PAC to spending $18.5 million in Florida in 2020.

Whether it caused a delay or not Don's demand that his name be placed on stimulus checks is an appallingly transparent effort to take credit for (propagandize) the relief program.

Crooked Donald is claiming authority he does not possess in threatening to force the Senate to adjourn.

The Orange Buffoon has stopped funding to the WHO at the worst possible time.
Trump Administration Officials Warned Against Halting Funding to WHO, Leaked Memo Shows

President Petulance made the unfounded, unconstitutional claim he alone has the power to order the re-start of the economy by overruling state's governors.

Individual 1 just had two IG's removed from their jobs.
Why Is Trumpā€™s Inspector General Purge Not a National Scandal?

After claiming COVID-19 was "under control" the US death toll has just exceeded 32,000 with over 600K confirmed cases.

No need to list the instances of abject failure by the admin in dealing with COVID-19, they are well documented and irrefutable.

Even as Vlad's favorite candidate seeks to boost his re-election chances by getting businesses up and running medical experts explain it is too early.

The Grifter-in-Chief has refused to comply with the legal requirement included in the relief bill he signed that gives oversight power to Congress with regard to the dispersal of funds to corporations.

If any one of these things occurred during a Dem admin right wing media and Trumpleton's would be lighting their hair on fire. We would be hearing about them for months on end. Congressional investigations would be launched. But because President Shithole does the football equivalent of flooding the zone with illegal, immoral, incompetent actions one can hardly catch their breath before the next half dozen are unleashed.

The sheer volume of offenses is as disorienting as it is shocking. It's at this point when cultists typically invoke the TDS accusation. In reality, those who invoke it suffer from Trump Denial Syndrome.
You worthless leftist traitor hacks seem to have a never ending supply of sewage.
Maryland can sink into the ocean for all I care.

Let them stay closed. They deserve each other.
Does that inhumane attitude address the nation's preparedness for re-opening the economy? No.

Is the Gov. of MD simply stating the facts? Yes.

Are you an ass clown? Unquestionably.

You seem to be missing a huge point.

The economy never fully closed in many places.

I have been posting examples out the wazoo.

So, are they ready.....they've always been ready.

Would I let New York out of the way. Those morons can't seem to figure it out.

You can call it a "lockdown" and I can show you that it's just a wish.
TDS thread 1,394.
Trumpism isn't about Trump. It's about the people who adore him, spin for him, attack for him, and enable his worst impulses.

He's just one guy. The problem is, there are plenty of examples in history of "just one guy" doing a lot of damaged when enabled by sycophants.

Like the democrats covering for a senile groper, who now has a bimbo problem?
No, like Trumpism.

Clumsy attempt at deflection noted.

LOL!! Deflection? How long do you think you can keep Biden in the safe room?
Sooner or later Joe will be under that microscope in the bright light.....its just a matter of time.
Trump has been thru it all, and nothing matters, Biden can't hide forever.
Somehow I guess you don't think I see you blatantly trying to change the subject.

I know this is how you are trained, but it doesn't work on everyone.
The clueless rube known as the Groper-in-Chief's attempt to enlist corporate executives (like Vince McMahon) in a push to reopen parts of the economy is a disorganized, premature mess.
"Itā€™s difficult to imagine a more rancid and more dangerous cross-pollination than that of Trump, DeSantis, and the WWE. Sure enough, the same day that McMahon announced that WWE would be doing live tapings in Florida, former Trump cabinet official Linda McMahonā€™s (former WWE executive and Vinceā€™s spouse, of course) committed her Trump reelection PAC to spending $18.5 million in Florida in 2020.

Whether it caused a delay or not Don's demand that his name be placed on stimulus checks is an appallingly transparent effort to take credit for (propagandize) the relief program.

Crooked Donald is claiming authority he does not possess in threatening to force the Senate to adjourn.

The Orange Buffoon has stopped funding to the WHO at the worst possible time.
Trump Administration Officials Warned Against Halting Funding to WHO, Leaked Memo Shows

President Petulance made the unfounded, unconstitutional claim he alone has the power to order the re-start of the economy by overruling state's governors.

Individual 1 just had two IG's removed from their jobs.
Why Is Trumpā€™s Inspector General Purge Not a National Scandal?

After claiming COVID-19 was "under control" the US death toll has just exceeded 32,000 with over 600K confirmed cases.

No need to list the instances of abject failure by the admin in dealing with COVID-19, they are well documented and irrefutable.

Even as Vlad's favorite candidate seeks to boost his re-election chances by getting businesses up and running medical experts explain it is too early.

The Grifter-in-Chief has refused to comply with the legal requirement included in the relief bill he signed that gives oversight power to Congress with regard to the dispersal of funds to corporations.

If any one of these things occurred during a Dem admin right wing media and Trumpleton's would be lighting their hair on fire. We would be hearing about them for months on end. Congressional investigations would be launched. But because President Shithole does the football equivalent of flooding the zone with illegal, immoral, incompetent actions one can hardly catch their breath before the next half dozen are unleashed.

The sheer volume of offenses is as disorienting as it is shocking. It's at this point when cultists typically invoke the TDS accusation. In reality, those who invoke it suffer from Trump Denial Syndrome.
You worthless leftist traitor hacks seem to have a never ending supply of sewage.

Look at the count. It may not be perfect....but it's close.

It goes up 5 to 10 a day.

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