The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

LOL....oh those scary damned Muslims, they're such a huge threat. :lol:

Dude, seriously, breathe into reality a little bit, go out and live your life and have fun in our diverse society.

"...those scary damned Muslims, they're such a huge threat..."

Yes. The shades of 3,000 dead innocent American civilians can attest to that.
LOL....oh those scary damned Muslims, they're such a huge threat. :lol:

Dude, seriously, breathe into reality a little bit, go out and live your life and have fun in our diverse society.


Not all Muslims...

Radical Islam! They are the real scum of this earth!
"...those scary damned Muslims, they're such a huge threat..."

Yes. The shades of 3,000 dead innocent American civilians can attest to that.

Tsk tsk. Cheap fearmongering Kondor? For some reason I thought you were above that. Guess a vulture can't help himself.

Where's the religious angle? Play myth-ty for me...
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"...those scary damned Muslims, they're such a huge threat..."

Yes. The shades of 3,000 dead innocent American civilians can attest to that.

It's been over a decade, and things are looking good for the American Muslims community and interfaith groups, they've reached a much better understanding and are cooperating together everyday and most Americans don't use your broad brush. The point of my comment was, no matter how much fake concern some of your kind ramble about on the Internet, in reality it's a very different case and I'm Muslim and most of my friends happen to white Christians, and Catholics.

Sorry to ruin your day, but a lot of your fear is in your head, but what do you expect from someone spending all his time on the Internet manufacturing a false threat in his own head.

Cheer up, poppy.
LOL....oh those scary damned Muslims, they're such a huge threat. :lol:

Dude, seriously, breathe into reality a little bit, go out and live your life and have fun in our diverse society.


Not all Muslims...

Radical Islam! They are the real scum of this earth!

I know that, especially foreign radicals, the key would be for governments overseas and people there to reduce this but also for western nations to come out clear and some things and efforts need to be made by both sides, especially with the War on 'terror', which now is seeming like the 'Forever' war. Clarifications need to be made and western nations need to start bring clear and adopt a friendlier approach to some Muslim nations.

Because the war on 'terror' unfortunately may be the cause for increasing radicals although they are noticeably decreasing when the US takes a different approach the the Middle East.

Try it, Skye, and don't say a different approach doesn't work, we've never tried it.

Great things could happen and our nation has adopted to changes, we realize that is not the path to go on in the Middle East.
"...It's been over a decade..."
And those 3,000 Americans are just as dead today as they were 11-1/2 years ago.

America has not forgotten, nor is it likely to, in the lifetimes of anyone here.

"...and things are looking good for the American Muslims community..."

The very fact that the People of Tennessee (and in thousands of other American communities nationwide) had such a negative reaction tell a very different story.
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LOL....oh those scary damned Muslims, they're such a huge threat. :lol:

Dude, seriously, breathe into reality a little bit, go out and live your life and have fun in our diverse society.


Not all Muslims...

Radical Islam! They are the real scum of this earth!

I know that, especially foreign radicals, the key would be for governments overseas and people there to reduce this but also for western nations to come out clear and some things and efforts need to be made by both sides, especially with the War on 'terror', which now is seeming like the 'Forever' war. Clarifications need to be made and western nations need to start bring clear and adopt a friendlier approach to some Muslim nations.

Because the war on 'terror' unfortunately may be the cause for increasing radicals although they are noticeably decreasing when the US takes a different approach the the Middle East.

Try it, Skye, and don't say a different approach doesn't work, we've never tried it.

Great things could happen and our nation has adopted to changes, we realize that is not the path to go on in the Middle East.


Radical Islam is scum.
"...when the US takes a different approach the the Middle East..."
Code-speak for: Kow-tow to Muslim demands and drop support for Israel, and stop chasing al-Qaeda and the Taliban and that lot.

Newsflash: We will choose our friends and allies and our enemies, and we will not have those dictated to us by Muslims and their fifth-columnist sympathizers and apologists.
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"...It's been over a decade..."
And those 3,000 Americans are just as dead today as they were 11-1/2 years ago.

America has not forgotten, nor is it likely to, in the lifetimes of anyone here.

"...and things are looking good for the American Muslims community..."

The very fact that the People of Tennessee had such a negative reaction (and in thousands of other American communities nationwide) tell a very different story.

Where did I say we have forgotten? Your America is also my America. Even though you're trying to distance me and other minorities from being part of this country.

Negative reactions can be common with many cases and don't tell a very different story.

Sorry again, but cave in to reality.
Not all Muslims...

Radical Islam! They are the real scum of this earth!

I know that, especially foreign radicals, the key would be for governments overseas and people there to reduce this but also for western nations to come out clear and some things and efforts need to be made by both sides, especially with the War on 'terror', which now is seeming like the 'Forever' war. Clarifications need to be made and western nations need to start bring clear and adopt a friendlier approach to some Muslim nations.

Because the war on 'terror' unfortunately may be the cause for increasing radicals although they are noticeably decreasing when the US takes a different approach the the Middle East.

Try it, Skye, and don't say a different approach doesn't work, we've never tried it.

Great things could happen and our nation has adopted to changes, we realize that is not the path to go on in the Middle East.


Radical Islam is scum.

Well informed response. :lol:
"...It's been over a decade..."
And those 3,000 Americans are just as dead today as they were 11-1/2 years ago.

As is your imaginary religious cause wishful thinking. Selectively applied of course; only counts for "them"...

America has not forgotten, nor is it likely to, in the lifetimes of anyone here.

"...and things are looking good for the American Muslims community..."

The very fact that the People of Tennessee had such a negative reaction (and in thousands of other American communities nationwide) tell a very different story.

At least the Pam Gellers did... you remember Pam Geller? Bonni Intall's equally evil twin?

And you wanna talk blind followers of Mohammed?
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I know that, especially foreign radicals, the key would be for governments overseas and people there to reduce this but also for western nations to come out clear and some things and efforts need to be made by both sides, especially with the War on 'terror', which now is seeming like the 'Forever' war. Clarifications need to be made and western nations need to start bring clear and adopt a friendlier approach to some Muslim nations.

Because the war on 'terror' unfortunately may be the cause for increasing radicals although they are noticeably decreasing when the US takes a different approach the the Middle East.

Try it, Skye, and don't say a different approach doesn't work, we've never tried it.

Great things could happen and our nation has adopted to changes, we realize that is not the path to go on in the Middle East.


Radical Islam is scum.

Well informed response. :lol:

you approve of radical Islam? of Jihadists spreading the word of Allah? to all infidels?

I don't. There ya go! :)
Are you paid by Obama, Al Qaeda, or both to lie about Islamic terrorism?

Nice attempt at a deflection, but a poor defense for the fact that you got the basic tenants of so many Islamic sects so very wrong.

It doesn't matter what Muslims believe. Americans have been targeted by Muslim extremists so it's very difficult for me to trust any Muslim at this point.
"...when the US takes a different approach the the Middle East..."
Code-speak for: Kow-tow to Muslim demands and drop support for Israel.

Newsflash: We will choose our friends and allies, and not have those dictated to us by Muslims and their fifth-columnist sympathizers and apologists.

No it actually had nothing to do with Israel, although naturally over time our unconditional support for israel will decrease largely depending on the path the Israeli government decides to go on. And they could isolate themselves in such a situation as Europe has also warned.

Israel hurts itself, Muslim nations can't hurt Israel, if anything israel will decide its future and they're doing a great job of isolating themselves and guaranteeing a not so good future.

Now, the point was with most middle eastern nations, to express a clear policy with the war on 'terror', but also to reduce efforts in the region is in the past three decades. Which was largely war, we should focus elsewhere and we are focusing elsewhere as it is no longer in our interest to adopt our old policies.

But, the military industrial complex is still pushing for more bloodshed for their gains. And we know these drone programs won't do much good even if host nations cooperate or agree with them.

I'm sure most Americans wouldn't appreciate a similar circumstance on our soil.
"...You at least still seem to be trying to paint Islam as a monolith which is still silly and at this point, outright intellectually dishonest."
Already answered, sufficiently, in an earlier exchange on this subtopic. It is sufficiently unitary in its intolerance and militancy and war-making and hostility to The West across the board so as to negate such distinctions for our purposes here.

Link? I don't remember you doing anything of the sort.

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