The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

I don't think he fears Muslims...

I don't think that most Americans fear Muslims...

They simply do not trust this alien Warrior Religion and its Intrusive Secular Attributes...

And they choose not to concede so much as an inch to this unwelcome dogmatic scheme...

Common sense continues to reign amongst the American People, in this context...

I think that's true. It's only here in the anonymity of the Internets that the wackadoodles ply their tirade. A tiny but vocal minority.

Nope, we were in Manchester too.

True enough. But I didn't say y'all don't go out in the light of day when the Internet and Pam Geller tell you to.

In fact I think we have a picture from the event...

Is that really fair? No. But we aren't being attacked by just one tribe (gang, sect, clan, division, or whatever) either. People who use terror tactics have no bitch coming when it comes to "fairness" anyway. If you fight nasty it should come as no surprise if you are dealt with in a similar fashion. Nor do you as a group deserve anything better.

Most Muslims have nothing to do with terror attacks. Assuming you're Christian (if not then no biggie it doesn't diminish my point). Should I lump you together with the Christian soldiers in the Congo who burned 16 people alive today?

The utilization of mass guilt by association is silly.

If you lump all non-Muslims together you do exactly that.
The only thing I know about Pam Geller is that you seem to hate her so she is probably a fine person.
If you lump all non-Muslims together you do exactly that.

I don't lump all non-Muslims together. That's the point. It would be silly to do so, just like it is silly for you to try to lump all Muslims together.

You don't think that people who follow Islam are in any way different or better than other people? And you wouldn't take liberties with the truth when communicating with an Infidel?

Read a little more closely. I agreed that it wasn't fair. Sometimes being entirely fair is not an option.
You don't think that people who follow Islam are in any way different or better than other people?

I don't view them only as Muslims. I view them as individual people, and no I don't think being a Muslim makes one better than someone else.

And you wouldn't take liberties with the truth when communicating with an Infidel?

I'm an atheist.

Read a little more closely. I agreed that it wasn't fair. Sometimes being entirely fair is not an option.

Well don't you sound like a nice little radical.
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If you lump all non-Muslims together you do exactly that.

I don't lump all non-Muslims together. That's the point. It would be silly to do so, just like it is silly for you to try to lump all Muslims together.

You don't think that people who follow Islam are in any way different or better than other people? And you wouldn't take liberties with the truth when communicating with an Infidel?

Where do you people come up with this shit?

More to the point, don't you notice that ..... odor?
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You don't think that people who follow Islam are in any way different or better than other people?

I don't simply view them as Muslims. I view them as individual people, and no I don't think being a Muslim makes one better than someone else.

And you wouldn't take liberties with the truth when communicating with an Infidel?

I'm an atheist.

Read a little more closely. I agreed that it wasn't fair. Sometimes being entirely fair is not an option.

Well don't you sound like a nice little radical.

It may take acting a bit radical to deal with the radicals attacking us.
And-BTW-I consider myself an agnostic.
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It may take acting a bit radical to deal with the radicals attacking us.

That's pretty poor logic, especially when you are trying to attack them from a moralistic standpoint. Or rather it makes you the very thing that you are claiming to be against.

Untrue. And what gave you the misguided idea that I'm "attacking from a moralistic standpoint"?
So working with Africa I remember the Rwandan Genocide very well and the time the country spent prior to that under Habyarimana. I remember the news broadcasts, the fear mongering, the generalizations, stereotypes, outright propaganda, justification of radicalism in self defense. Then of course came the mass killings followed quickly by the main genocide. Then of course after that we witnessed the eruption of the largest international war since WWII, in part because of the side effects of that violence. Even today the legacy remains with death, mass rapes, violence, human trafficking, still ongoing.

radicalism won't save you, it will destroy you and your country.

People like you are more dangerous to your country than any terrorist group could ever be.
Are we still trying to pretend that Islam is not a hybrid Political-Cultural-Legal-Militancy framework cloaked within a set of Religious Dogma?

Are we still trying to pretend that its Founder and its Sacred Texts do not (repeatedly, and bloodily) give examples and permission to make war and to commit violence in the name of God and to advance the cause of The Faith and to defend Co-Religionists, unlike the teachings of the Founders of other existing mainstream religions?

Are we still trying to fool ourselves that its adherents do not lie low and quietly, biding their time, until they reach a tipping-point in their population, to begin demanding and forcing special accommodations for their belief-system, such as may be seen in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe?

Are we still trying to fool ourselves that this is JUST a religion and therefore to be treated in the same Egalitarian fashion as other less aggressive and hostile belief-systems?

Are we still trying to discredit those who sound the warning about such an alien and insidious threat-vector?


Fortunately, most of the American People know better, and will not allow this alien belief-system to make the sort of inroads here that it is already making in places like Europe, where the spine has been bred out of the Sheeple there.
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Are we still trying to pretend that Islam is not a hybrid Political-Cultural-Legal-Militancy framework cloaked within a set of Religious Dogma?

Are we still trying to pretend that its Founder and its Sacred Texts do not (repeatedly, and bloodily) give examples and permission to make war and to commit violence in the name of God and to advance the cause of The Faith and to defend Co-Religionists, unlike the teachings of the Founders of other existing mainstream religions?

Are we still trying to fool ourselves that its adherents do not lie low and quietly, biding their time, until they reach a tipping-point in their population, to begin demanding and forcing special accommodations for their belief-system, such as may be seen in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe?

Are we still trying to fool ourselves that this is JUST a religion and therefore to be treated in the same Egalitarian fashion as other less aggressive and hostile belief-systems?

Are we still trying to discredit those who sound the warning about such an alien and insidious threat-vector?


Fortunately, most of the American People know better, and will not allow this alien belief-system to make the sort of inroads here that it is already making in places like Europe, where the spine has been bred out of the Sheeple there.

You at least still seem to be trying to paint Islam as a monolith which is still silly and at this point, outright intellectually dishonest.
"...You at least still seem to be trying to paint Islam as a monolith which is still silly and at this point, outright intellectually dishonest."
Already answered, sufficiently, in an earlier exchange on this subtopic. It is sufficiently unitary in its intolerance and militancy and war-making and hostility to The West across the board so as to negate such distinctions for our purposes here.
"...You at least still seem to be trying to paint Islam as a monolith which is still silly and at this point, outright intellectually dishonest."
Already answered, sufficiently, in an earlier exchange on this subtopic. It is sufficiently unitary in its intolerance and militancy and war-making and hostility to The West across the board so as to negate such distinctions for our purposes here.

Somewhere else in the world on some other board, this conversation is going on:

You at least still seem to be trying to paint Chrisitianity as a monolith which is still silly and at this point, outright intellectually dishonest.

Already answered, sufficiently, in an earlier exchange on this subtopic. It is sufficiently unitary in its intolerance and militancy and war-making and hostility to The Middle East across the board so as to negate such distinctions for our purposes here.

Yes, incessant Muslim propagandizing is, indeed, boring as hell, although, boringly, it requires constant counterpointing, in order to avoid the appearance that the Muslim sympathizers amongst us have won the field by default...
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Anyone who advocates imminent lawlessness or violence against a particular class of persons – be they Muslim or Christian – is subject to potential criminal prosecution, such speech is not entitled to First Amendment protection. See: Wisconsin v. Mitchell (1993).

To say the Federal government is protecting Muslims only at the expense of Christians is ignorant idiocy.

The law will be applied consistently to whomever violates it, Christian or Muslim.

Nobody was advocating violence....Tennessee folks just saw through the lying propaganda....

The government is being quite prejudiced when according to 2009 statistics Jews are 8 times more likely to experience religious hate why do Muslims get the special red carpet treatment when there are no similar government sessions for the Jews....?

I don't lump all non-Muslims together. That's the point. It would be silly to do so, just like it is silly for you to try to lump all Muslims together.

You don't think that people who follow Islam are in any way different or better than other people? And you wouldn't take liberties with the truth when communicating with an Infidel?

Where do you people come up with this shit?

More to the point, don't you notice that ..... odor?

Fear, ignorance, hate.
Anyone who advocates imminent lawlessness or violence against a particular class of persons – be they Muslim or Christian – is subject to potential criminal prosecution, such speech is not entitled to First Amendment protection. See: Wisconsin v. Mitchell (1993).

To say the Federal government is protecting Muslims only at the expense of Christians is ignorant idiocy.

The law will be applied consistently to whomever violates it, Christian or Muslim.

Nobody was advocating violence....Tennessee folks just saw through the lying propaganda....

The government is being quite prejudiced when according to 2009 statistics Jews are 8 times more likely to experience religious hate why do Muslims get the special red carpet treatment when there are no similar government sessions for the Jews....?

No one said they were.

The point of the meeting was to explain the fact that should someone indeed advocate violence, he’ll be subject to criminal prosecution if warranted – Christian or Muslim.

Consequently there is no ‘prejudice’ on the part of the government, no ‘propaganda,’ no ‘special treatment’ afforded anyone, including Muslims.

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