The NRA Way Of Life Is Ruining Our Nation; Decades Of Gun Propaganda Has Created A Nation Of Sociopaths

The grim reality is that the entire nation is in the thrall to a minority of extremely insecure mostly white men who, drunk on decades of NRA-fueled propaganda, have decided that having the ability to commit mass murder at a moment's notice is a crucial component of maintaining their manhood against the ever-encroaching threats from de-gendered Potato Heads and lady video game players. Most of these men claim exoneration because they don't personally grab one of their many overpriced killing machines to lay waste to a grocery store or high school. Grotesquely, some even use these mass shootings to indulge in public fantasies about how they would totally stop an active shooter, though somehow they never seem to actually get around to doing it. But ultimately, they've become complacent in the face of mass murder from decades of being told by right-wing media that there's a binary choice between preventing murder and watching Michelle Obama personally run off with their testicles in her handbag. Worse, the right has cultivated an overall suspicion of the very concept of concern for the lives of others at all.

Pollster Frank Luntz recently held a focus group of vaccine-hesitant Republicans, and one of the justifications offered for refusing to get the vaccine was chilling precisely because the defiance was conveyed so matter-of-factly: "We are not all in this together."

The comment really cut to the heart of the cultivated stance of sociopathy that has fueled the GOP for decades now. There is much that conservatives think is owed to them, like the icons of their childhood such as Mr. Potato Head or Dr. Seuss to never change with the times, or for Ghostbusters to never be female, or to never have to press 1 for English nor ever see a Black athlete kneel instead of stand during the national anthem.

And lets not leave out the sociopaths in Congress. The majority of America wants tighter gun restrictions, and the tyranny of the minority won't be able to hide behind the filibuster much longer.


Big horseshit.
The grim reality is that Muslims are mass murderers and communist democrats want them at the very least beheading people.
(SIGH), as always, its a redneck white fuck, that don't get any puss* and just hates everybody, next

I'd be mad too, if I was just 21 and looked like a aged 90 year old white maggot..damn you ppl age badly
The grim reality is that the entire nation is in the thrall to a minority of extremely insecure mostly white men who, drunk on decades of NRA-fueled propaganda, have decided that having the ability to commit mass murder at a moment's notice is a crucial component of maintaining their manhood against the ever-encroaching threats from de-gendered Potato Heads and lady video game players. Most of these men claim exoneration because they don't personally grab one of their many overpriced killing machines to lay waste to a grocery store or high school. Grotesquely, some even use these mass shootings to indulge in public fantasies about how they would totally stop an active shooter, though somehow they never seem to actually get around to doing it. But ultimately, they've become complacent in the face of mass murder from decades of being told by right-wing media that there's a binary choice between preventing murder and watching Michelle Obama personally run off with their testicles in her handbag. Worse, the right has cultivated an overall suspicion of the very concept of concern for the lives of others at all.

Pollster Frank Luntz recently held a focus group of vaccine-hesitant Republicans, and one of the justifications offered for refusing to get the vaccine was chilling precisely because the defiance was conveyed so matter-of-factly: "We are not all in this together."

The comment really cut to the heart of the cultivated stance of sociopathy that has fueled the GOP for decades now. There is much that conservatives think is owed to them, like the icons of their childhood such as Mr. Potato Head or Dr. Seuss to never change with the times, or for Ghostbusters to never be female, or to never have to press 1 for English nor ever see a Black athlete kneel instead of stand during the national anthem.

And lets not leave out the sociopaths in Congress. The majority of America wants tighter gun restrictions, and the tyranny of the minority won't be able to hide behind the filibuster much longer.
Weapons ownership is our heritage. Only people in urban shit holes think that guns are only used to kill.
Oh, so Vegas, Colorado, Texax, Florida, D.C etc are all shit ho's, you mass murdering red fucks seem to want to target, eh? Listen the only heritage you white scumbags should own, is that your a race of violence to the utmost degree. OWN IT AND BE PROUD
Fucking whiney pussy.....

Do better then, loser.
What the fuck you whining about Cop Killer?
To the OT- horse shit- stop with the fear mongering- it isn't flattering and it doesn't maker the less than intelligent appear intelligent-
The grim reality is that Muslims are mass murderers and communist democrats want them at the very least beheading people.
(SIGH), as always, its a redneck white fuck, that don't get any puss* and just hates everybody, nextView attachment 471491
I'd be mad too, if I was just 21 and looked like a aged 90 year old white maggot..damn you ppl age badly

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa may look like a white maggot but he is indeed a muslim maggot who hates Americans.
Judge Blocked Boulder’s Assault Weapons Ban Just Days Before Deadly Shooting
“This [shooting] is directly on the heels of the trial court staying the assault weapons ban our city had enacted,” Boulder City Councilor Rachel Friend said.
I am sick and tired of Texas voters and now Colorado voters waking up and finding exactly what there votes do the people of their state. ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL PPL.

As soon as democrats get to run the FBI, the mass shootings start - all over again
The grim reality is that the entire nation is in the thrall to a minority of extremely insecure mostly white men who, drunk on decades of NRA-fueled propaganda, have decided that having the ability to commit mass murder at a moment's notice is a crucial component of maintaining their manhood against the ever-encroaching threats from de-gendered Potato Heads and lady video game players. Most of these men claim exoneration because they don't personally grab one of their many overpriced killing machines to lay waste to a grocery store or high school. Grotesquely, some even use these mass shootings to indulge in public fantasies about how they would totally stop an active shooter, though somehow they never seem to actually get around to doing it. But ultimately, they've become complacent in the face of mass murder from decades of being told by right-wing media that there's a binary choice between preventing murder and watching Michelle Obama personally run off with their testicles in her handbag. Worse, the right has cultivated an overall suspicion of the very concept of concern for the lives of others at all.

Pollster Frank Luntz recently held a focus group of vaccine-hesitant Republicans, and one of the justifications offered for refusing to get the vaccine was chilling precisely because the defiance was conveyed so matter-of-factly: "We are not all in this together."

The comment really cut to the heart of the cultivated stance of sociopathy that has fueled the GOP for decades now. There is much that conservatives think is owed to them, like the icons of their childhood such as Mr. Potato Head or Dr. Seuss to never change with the times, or for Ghostbusters to never be female, or to never have to press 1 for English nor ever see a Black athlete kneel instead of stand during the national anthem.

And lets not leave out the sociopaths in Congress. The majority of America wants tighter gun restrictions, and the tyranny of the minority won't be able to hide behind the filibuster much longer.

To the OT- horse shit- stop with the fear mongering- it isn't flattering and it doesn't maker the less than intelligent appear intelligent-

Fear mongering is the vast majority of what the left wrong has to stand on, any more. If people weren't so easily manipulated and frightened, the left wrong would go extinct.

See also: The #CoronaHoax2020.
The grim reality is that the entire nation is in the thrall to a minority of extremely insecure mostly white men who, drunk on decades of NRA-fueled propaganda, have decided that having the ability to commit mass murder at a moment's notice is a crucial component of maintaining their manhood against the ever-encroaching threats from de-gendered Potato Heads and lady video game players. Most of these men claim exoneration because they don't personally grab one of their many overpriced killing machines to lay waste to a grocery store or high school. Grotesquely, some even use these mass shootings to indulge in public fantasies about how they would totally stop an active shooter, though somehow they never seem to actually get around to doing it. But ultimately, they've become complacent in the face of mass murder from decades of being told by right-wing media that there's a binary choice between preventing murder and watching Michelle Obama personally run off with their testicles in her handbag. Worse, the right has cultivated an overall suspicion of the very concept of concern for the lives of others at all.

Pollster Frank Luntz recently held a focus group of vaccine-hesitant Republicans, and one of the justifications offered for refusing to get the vaccine was chilling precisely because the defiance was conveyed so matter-of-factly: "We are not all in this together."

The comment really cut to the heart of the cultivated stance of sociopathy that has fueled the GOP for decades now. There is much that conservatives think is owed to them, like the icons of their childhood such as Mr. Potato Head or Dr. Seuss to never change with the times, or for Ghostbusters to never be female, or to never have to press 1 for English nor ever see a Black athlete kneel instead of stand during the national anthem.

And lets not leave out the sociopaths in Congress. The majority of America wants tighter gun restrictions, and the tyranny of the minority won't be able to hide behind the filibuster much longer.

STFU and quit projecting your sociopathic proclivities onto others.
What the fuck ever happened to SUICIDE? You got these lonely pussy starved young white boys, hating, running around the country shooting up cops and innocent ppl, why don't they just do the right and just things and take their prized arsenal and pop their fuckin brains out in the moms basement? Or better still, in front of a Trump rally?
As soon as democrats get to run the FBI, the mass shootings start - all over again

Makes me think of something that I observed in mid-2016…

I was looking over this article, about the deadliest mass shootings in our nation's history. It lists the fourteen deadliest incidents, going back to 1966; and it stood out right away to me that nearly half of them have occurred during the time that Obama has been in office as President—six in the less than eight years that Obama has been President, compared to eight in more than forty years before that. Total deaths in such incidents, 129 in the time that Obama has been in office, 146 in the more than forty-years before that.

There is something fishy, here.
The grim reality is that the entire nation is in the thrall to a minority of extremely insecure mostly white men who, drunk on decades of NRA-fueled propaganda, have decided that having the ability to commit mass murder at a moment's notice is a crucial component of maintaining their manhood against the ever-encroaching threats from de-gendered Potato Heads and lady video game players. Most of these men claim exoneration because they don't personally grab one of their many overpriced killing machines to lay waste to a grocery store or high school. Grotesquely, some even use these mass shootings to indulge in public fantasies about how they would totally stop an active shooter, though somehow they never seem to actually get around to doing it. But ultimately, they've become complacent in the face of mass murder from decades of being told by right-wing media that there's a binary choice between preventing murder and watching Michelle Obama personally run off with their testicles in her handbag. Worse, the right has cultivated an overall suspicion of the very concept of concern for the lives of others at all.

Pollster Frank Luntz recently held a focus group of vaccine-hesitant Republicans, and one of the justifications offered for refusing to get the vaccine was chilling precisely because the defiance was conveyed so matter-of-factly: "We are not all in this together."

The comment really cut to the heart of the cultivated stance of sociopathy that has fueled the GOP for decades now. There is much that conservatives think is owed to them, like the icons of their childhood such as Mr. Potato Head or Dr. Seuss to never change with the times, or for Ghostbusters to never be female, or to never have to press 1 for English nor ever see a Black athlete kneel instead of stand during the national anthem.

And lets not leave out the sociopaths in Congress. The majority of America wants tighter gun restrictions, and the tyranny of the minority won't be able to hide behind the filibuster much longer.
Lefties are ruining this nation. They are now in overdrive.
The grim reality is that the entire nation is in the thrall to a minority of extremely insecure mostly white men who, drunk on decades of NRA-fueled propaganda, have decided that having the ability to commit mass murder at a moment's notice is a crucial component of maintaining their manhood against the ever-encroaching threats from de-gendered Potato Heads and lady video game players. Most of these men claim exoneration because they don't personally grab one of their many overpriced killing machines to lay waste to a grocery store or high school. Grotesquely, some even use these mass shootings to indulge in public fantasies about how they would totally stop an active shooter, though somehow they never seem to actually get around to doing it. But ultimately, they've become complacent in the face of mass murder from decades of being told by right-wing media that there's a binary choice between preventing murder and watching Michelle Obama personally run off with their testicles in her handbag. Worse, the right has cultivated an overall suspicion of the very concept of concern for the lives of others at all.

Pollster Frank Luntz recently held a focus group of vaccine-hesitant Republicans, and one of the justifications offered for refusing to get the vaccine was chilling precisely because the defiance was conveyed so matter-of-factly: "We are not all in this together."

The comment really cut to the heart of the cultivated stance of sociopathy that has fueled the GOP for decades now. There is much that conservatives think is owed to them, like the icons of their childhood such as Mr. Potato Head or Dr. Seuss to never change with the times, or for Ghostbusters to never be female, or to never have to press 1 for English nor ever see a Black athlete kneel instead of stand during the national anthem.

And lets not leave out the sociopaths in Congress. The majority of America wants tighter gun restrictions, and the tyranny of the minority won't be able to hide behind the filibuster much longer.

Hey...idiot.....up until the democrat party declared a war on police.....?

Your post is stupid........there is no basis in actual facts, truth or reality.....

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

From the CDC.....

Accidental Gun deaths...


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