The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

So what?

What would have happened if we gave them five seconds between each bombing?

We were going to invade Japan if they had kept refusing to surrender.

It's hard to think of a target more military than Hiroshima was.

That is incorrect. We did bomb military targets.
Once we tested the bomb there was no longer a need to invade.
We could bomb them into submission any time we chose

We had three bombs, one to test, two to drop
We could also continue to produce as many as we needed

There was no rush, Japan was at our mercy

No need to bomb civilians
Once we tested the bomb there was no longer a need to invade.
We could bomb them into submission any time we chose

We had three bombs, one to test, two to drop
We could also continue to produce as many as we needed

There was no rush, Japan was at our mercy

No need to bomb civilians
Japan was defeated. That wanted one thing to surrender and we gave that to them anyway
Not even remotely incorrect. You know nothing about this subject.

That's why you keep making untrue claims that you can't back up.
Unlike you, I HAVE backed up everything I've said about the topic. You're just having a tantrum like a small child now.
True, because FDR should not have provoked Japan to attack us. In the months leading up to Pearl Harbor, the Japanese tried repeatedly to get FDR to lift the crippling sanctions he had imposed on Japan. They offered enormous concessions, including ignoring the Tripartite Treaty. But, FDR, who was ever willing to excuse Soviet atrocities and tyranny, refused to show even half as much flexibility toward anti-communist Japan. Instead of making Japan our ally and letting the Japanese carry out their plan to invade the Soviet Union, FDR, desperate to save the Soviet experiment, provoked Japan to war.
So you've been fed.
We can move on without you.
You'd like to be able to move on without me. But you won't be able to. I'll still be here to point out all your falsehoods and irrelevancies.

You are not here for debate with comments like I dont care
Wrong. That is a perfectly appropriate response to your irrelevant trivia.

You are dismissed
Wrong again. I'm still here.

Japan was defeated.
Then Japan really goofed by refusing to surrender didn't they?

That wanted one thing to surrender and we gave that to them anyway
Wrong. Japan was not willing to surrender until after both atomic bombs had already been dropped.

See? I told you I'd still be here to correct any falsehoods you spewed.

How do you think the Cuban Missile Crisis would have turned out if the US and USSR had not had the example of Hiroshima to restrain them from launching a nuclear war?
Once we tested the bomb there was no longer a need to invade.
We could bomb them into submission any time we chose

We had three bombs, one to test, two to drop
We could also continue to produce as many as we needed

There was no rush, Japan was at our mercy
If Japan had refused to submit despite us bombing them, we would have invaded.

No need to bomb civilians
That's why we dropped the atomic bombs on military targets.
I really, really, really doubt that, Junior.
That's because you don't know anything about this subject.

I've been teaching history for over 28 years.
That's scary considering how many falsehoods you post.

How about you?
My private life is my business.

The men who fought and won WWII were "whiny"?
The men who fought and won WWII say that the atomic bombs saved their lives.

You want to stick to that position, Junior?
Your lack of knowledge makes you the junior here.

Unlike you, I HAVE backed up everything I've said about the topic.
Linking to lies on the internet is not backing up your statements.

But feel free to request a cite for any of my facts. I'm pretty sure you won't (no one ever does). But the option is open if you want to ask for a cite.

You're just having a tantrum like a small child now.
No I'm not. You are the only person here who is acting that way.
You'd like to be able to move on without me. But you won't be able to. I'll still be here to point out all your falsehoods and irrelevancies.

Wrong. That is a perfectly appropriate response to your irrelevant trivia.

Wrong again. I'm still here.

Then Japan really goofed by refusing to surrender didn't they?

Wrong. Japan was not willing to surrender until after both atomic bombs had already been dropped.

See? I told you I'd still be here to correct any falsehoods you spewed.

How do you think the Cuban Missile Crisis would have turned out if the US and USSR had not had the example of Hiroshima to restrain them from launching a nuclear war?
I dont care
I know. But I corrected your falsehood anyway.
Assistant Secretary Bard was convinced that a standard bombardment and naval blockade would be enough to force Japan into surrendering. Even more, he had seen signs for weeks that the Japanese were actually already looking for a way out of the war. His idea was for the United States to tell the Japanese about the bomb, the impending Soviet entry into the war, and the fair treatment that citizens and the Emperor would receive at the coming Big Three conference. Before the bombing occurred, Bard pleaded with Truman to neither drop the bombs (at least not without warning the population first) nor to invade the entire country, proposing to stop the bloodshed.[1

Assistant Secretary Bard was convinced that a standard bombardment and naval blockade would be enough to force Japan into surrendering. Even more, he had seen signs for weeks that the Japanese were actually already looking for a way out of the war. His idea was for the United States to tell the Japanese about the bomb, the impending Soviet entry into the war, and the fair treatment that citizens and the Emperor would receive at the coming Big Three conference. Before the bombing occurred, Bard pleaded with Truman to neither drop the bombs (at least not without warning the population first) nor to invade the entire country, proposing to stop the bloodshed.[1

Many people, like our unfortunately misinformed and limited of mind and character friend posting here, are not aware of the extent of starvation and crumbling morale in Japan towards the end of the war.
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Assistant Secretary Bard was convinced that a standard bombardment and naval blockade would be enough to force Japan into surrendering. Even more, he had seen signs for weeks that the Japanese were actually already looking for a way out of the war. His idea was for the United States to tell the Japanese about the bomb, the impending Soviet entry into the war, and the fair treatment that citizens and the Emperor would receive at the coming Big Three conference. Before the bombing occurred, Bard pleaded with Truman to neither drop the bombs (at least not without warning the population first) nor to invade the entire country, proposing to stop the bloodshed.[1

So what do you think? Are we gonna nuke them?

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