The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

No. They didn't need to be three days apart.

The wait between bombs should have been much less than three days.

What we should have done is never made Little Boy, and instead made a bunch of composite implosion cores with that uranium.

Then we should have started off by nuking Hiroshima. Then a day later Kyoto (let Stimson whine). Then a day later Kokura Arsenal. Then a day later Yokohama (which we should have spared conventional bombing). Then a day later we should have topped it off by simultaneously bombing Nagasaki and Niigata at the same moment.
I know…I know
The only good Jap is a dead Jap
Let God sort them out
On August 9, we nuked Nagasaki, just three days after Hiroshima, and hours after the Soviets began to maul the Japanese army in Manchuria,, and while Japan’s civilian leaders were understandably absorbed with trying to process what had happened to Hiroshima and with responding to the Soviet attack in Manchuria. Surely Truman and other high officials knew that three days was not enough time for Japan’s government to formulate a formal response to the unprecedented use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and to the Soviet invasion in Manchuria. Even McGeorge Bundy, who helped Henry Stimson write his defense of the atomic bombing of Japan, acknowledged that Truman was too quick to nuke Nagasaki:
hmmm, do you know how long after the dropping of the second bomb it was before Japan surrendered? did they have enough time to "process that bomb"?

And how many soviet lives were lost in manchuria?
hmmm, do you know how long after the dropping of the second bomb it was before Japan surrendered? did they have enough time to "process that bomb"?

And how many soviet lives were lost in manchuria?
Would they have surrendered without a second bomb?
We Will never know
If he does not care, chances are they are not relative to the subject.
He was quoting some people whining that Japan was secretly willing to surrender and just wasn't telling us, and the atomic bombs were therefore unnecessary.

That is possible, but if Japan was secretly willing to surrender but chose to hold back and not tell us, that was a catastrophic blunder on Japan's part.

We are certainly not to blame for continuing to attack when they were not surrendering.

So anyway, he kept quoting all this whining about Japan secretly being willing to surrender and not telling us, as if I was supposed to attach any sort of significance to that, and I just said something like "So what?"
Were the post I quoted facts?
Yes or no. Last chance
I assume that you are referring to the post where you quoted all that hysterical whining from Ike and Leahy and the like? If not you'll need to clarify what post of yours you mean.

It is impossible to know with 100% certainty if it is true that Japan was secretly willing to surrender and just decided to wait and let the war drag out without telling us.

But it is certainly possible that it is true.

It was a really bad move on Japan's part if that's what they did.

And again, even if it is true, so what?

By the way, in my original post when I declined to say it was false, and merely said "so what", you could have inferred my acceptance that it could be true.

Had I thought that it was definitely not true, I would have challenged it as not being true.
Would they have surrendered without a second bomb?
We Will never know
I think clearly they would have. Without the first one either. Once the Soviets invaded japan knew it was over. Truman knew the exact date of that invasion and rushed to get the bomb dropped. He beat them by one day
Would they have surrendered without a second bomb?
no, and we have proof, the first bomb
We Will never know
we know they did not surrender after one but did after two
would you happen to have the answers to my questions? [as an honest answer would alleviate your confusion]...
seeing that your above response is obviously just an attempt to run from the actual questions I asked and instead answer the question you wish I had asked
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I assume that you are referring to the post where you quoted all that hysterical whining from Ike and Leahy and the like? If not you'll need to clarify what post of yours you mean.

It is impossible to know with 100% certainty if it is true that Japan was secretly willing to surrender and just decided to wait and let the war drag out without telling us.

But it is certainly possible that it is true.

It was a really bad move on Japan's part if that's what they did.

And again, even if it is true, so what?

By the way, in my original post when I declined to say it was false, and merely said "so what", you could have inferred my acceptance that it could be true.

Had I thought that it was definitely not true, I would have challenged it as not being true.
So I did post facts then....correct?
I think clearly they would have. Without the first one either. Once the Soviets invaded japan knew it was over. Truman knew the exact date of that invasion and rushed to get the bomb dropped. He beat them by one day
Simply not true the Government of Japan REFUSED to surrender after 2 atomic bombs and Soviet entry. It took the Emperor to override the Government and surrender and THEN the Army staged a Coup to stop that.

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