The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

Not so “tiny,” and yes it was/is.
Yea, I guess perspective is everything, nothing seems tiny to a tiny person. Seems you need another history lesson, which is pretty much true every time you post.
* "However," claims the Smithsonian, "the use of the bombs led to the immediate surrender of Japan and made unnecessary the planned invasion of the Japanese home islands." Presented as fact, this sentence is actually a highly contentious interpretation. For example, an April 30, 1946 study by the War Department's Military Intelligence Division concluded, "The war would almost certainly have terminated when Russia entered the war against Japan."[3]​
Yet, history shows that Japan attempted to surrender to Russia, and that Russia refused to accept a surrender from japan. That is the short story. Of course mikegriffter1 posted that japan was conversing with russia about a surrender (dumb asses' post was cherry picked and paraphrased revisionist history) here: The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

But all that aside, the obvious fact of history is, Japan did not surrender the day russia attacked the helpless defenseless japanese. In fact, Japan fought against russia for another 8 days after the surrendered!

Yep, so afraid of the Russians, the Japanese fought against Russia until they officially surrendered to us which forced them to stop all hostilities against russia.

I firmly believe, had we not dropped the bomb on hiroshima and nagasaki, had we not continued our war with Japan. Japan would of totally destroyed Russia.
Whatever labored, embarrassing arguments one can make for the nuking of Hiroshima cannot be made for the nuking of Nagasaki just three days later. From my article "Did We Really Need to Use the Atomic Bomb Against Japan?":

On August 9, 1945, just three days after we nuked Hiroshima, and before Japan’s leaders had sufficient time to process and respond to our nuclear attack on Hiroshima, we dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki, which was home to Japan’s largest Christian population. The atomic bombing of Nagasaki was even more inexcusable than the nuking of Hiroshima. . . .

On August 9, we nuked Nagasaki, just three days after Hiroshima, and hours after the Soviets began to maul the Japanese army in Manchuria,, and while Japan’s civilian leaders were understandably absorbed with trying to process what had happened to Hiroshima and with responding to the Soviet attack in Manchuria. Surely Truman and other high officials knew that three days was not enough time for Japan’s government to formulate a formal response to the unprecedented use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and to the Soviet invasion in Manchuria. Even McGeorge Bundy, who helped Henry Stimson write his defense of the atomic bombing of Japan, acknowledged that Truman was too quick to nuke Nagasaki:​

"It is hard to see that much could have been lost if there had been more time between the two bombs. . . . Such a delay would have been relatively easy, and I think right." (
The Japanese were not even able to get a scientific team to Hiroshima until August 7, the day after the attack. Meanwhile, Japan's leaders were getting conflicting, fragmentary information about what had happened in Hiroshima. Some Army officials were telling the government that the bombing of Hiroshima was merely a very large conventional bombing raid, and they were suppressing information about the kinds of wounds that had been inflicted. There was no Internet back then, no fax machines, no Skype.

Surely it was obscene for us to nuke Nagasaki just three days, 72 hours, after we had nuked Hiroshima.

I'm a History teacher. How about you, big mouth?
You do not post like one, you seem very stupid when it comes to this subject.

Maybe you should back off on trying to insult, and try history. Ah, never mind, you have done both and are lousy at both. Hey, maybe you could rate my post as funny cause that really hurts.

It is spurious to assert as fact that obliterating Hiroshima in August was needed to obviate an invasion in November. This is interpretation--the very thing you said would be banned from the exhibit.

Yet we did obliterate Hiroshema and that did obviate the invasion in November.
What a very stupid thing to say. I can not call it ignorant because the facts are actually stated in the sentence, so ignorance is no excuse.

Yes, a very stupid statement.

Who did the cut/paste here. I think they simply find something on google and post it not realizing that it actually proves the morality in ending the war in early August, instead of over a half year later.

Link yourself. .....

Yeah, I thought so.

You thought WHAT ...?

That you have been doing nothing but talking out your ass all along, liar.
You attracted to toobs ass there huh kid...……………...

You and Salty can go be stupid together somewhere else.

I guess as a 3rd rate Bostonian substitute teacher / shit freak working two jobs just to make ends meet, you'd be an expert in stupid and talking out of your ass! :dance: Still waiting for you to show us you know the first thing about military strategy, history OR fighting techniques; my guess is that like everything else, it's just more empty blather and any 8th grade child could probably knock you down with a handful of peanuts.
I'm a History teacher. How about you, big mouth?
You do not post like one, you seem very stupid when it comes to this subject.

Maybe you should back off on trying to insult, and try history. Ah, never mind, you have done both and are lousy at both. Hey, maybe you could rate my post as funny cause that really hurts.


I thought he was a wrestling instructor!
No, I thought he was a Jiu Jitsu instructor!
No actually he's probably a french frier and milkshake technician at some Bostonian Burger King. :lmao:
I'm a History teacher. How about you, big mouth?
I guess, I am someone that shows you dont know the first thing about teaching.

Maybe you could link to s post tha th you believe highlights your teaching of history. Mostly you troll, so I guess you must teach history you just have not demonstrated a knowledge of history or teaching.

I guess you could be a common core teacher, ha, ha, ha!

Look, I can see John Toland's Rising Sun, referenced here in this thread by mikegriffter1
....... OR fighting techniques; my guess is that like everything else, it's just more empty blather and any 8th grade child could probably knock you down with a handful of peanuts.


I knew you couldn't resist playing the clown again soon! You have a Cobra Kai tattoo, don't you stripmall hero?
I'm a History teacher. How about you, big mouth?
You do not post like one, you seem very stupid when it comes to this subject.

Maybe you should back off on trying to insult, and try history. Ah, never mind, you have done both and are lousy at both. Hey, maybe you could rate my post as funny cause that really hurts.


I thought he was a wrestling instructor!
No, I thought he was a Jiu Jitsu instructor!
No actually he's probably a french frier and milkshake technician at some Bostonian Burger King. :lmao:

Ah, so you and your 'buddy' feel threatened for different reasons, eh Cleese? :lol:
Surely it was obscene for us to nuke Nagasaki just three days, 72 hours, after we had nuked Hiroshima.
After 3.5 years of war, after countless tortures of prisoners. After 10's of thousands murders of helpless prisoners of war. After 3.5 years of torture and murder of American citizens you reduce the time in which the japs had to think of surrender to 3 days and you call that obscene.

Your appeal to emotion and for sympathy to an enemy actively engaged in murder of innocents is the first reason you lost your argument for morality, in war.

Your article is a false premise you were unable to defend.
Surely it was obscene for us to nuke Nagasaki just three days, 72 hours, after we had nuked Hiroshima.
After 3.5 years of war, after countless tortures of prisoners. After 10's of thousands murders of helpless prisoners of war. After 3.5 years of torture and murder of American citizens......

You don't hold America to a higher standard than WWII Imperial Japan? Really? That's insulting.

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