Zone1 The Number One Driver Of The Debt Is The Bush, And Trump Tax Cuts ForThe Rich

Productivity is high.
Unemployment is low.
Yet there are huge disparities in income and wealth.
Please help me understand what you're asking. The total net worth of all U.S. individuals is about $148,000B on the last day of 2022. Total U.S. personal income on the last day of 2022 was $58B.

Would you be happier if we compared total private net worth to total personal income over ten years?
What, you're saying that doctors and lawyers make less money than some clown mopping floors at GM?

Unionized factory workers earn more than ununionized workers, especially if they're working service sector jobs. The person mopping floors in a factory also buffs them with a buffing machine and has more responsibilities than just mopping floors. Would you prefer to work in a factory with filthy floors, bathrooms, and lightbulbs popping everywhere because no one is replacing them? The cleaning staff in the factory where I work now, handle hazardous chemicals and work around dangerous machinery. You're the clown for pretending janitors are inferior to you or others. Let's see what would happen if no one picked up your garbage for a month or two. You'd have a mountain of trash in your front yard and your town or city would smell and look like shit.
as evidenced by Red Front , the poor did get poorer under Reaganomics.
so it's hoarding, no matter what type of definition bending you attempt.
I'm pretty well off and I don't hoard my money (all my wealth is in money). It's invested in various interest-bearing accounts that provide loans for others. Rich people make investments that provide employment and capital for others. Wealth other than money is paid for with money, which also provides employment for others. It's all good.
I'm pretty well off and I don't hoard my money (all my wealth is in money). It's invested in various interest-bearing accounts that provide loans for others. Rich people make investments that provide employment and capital for others. Wealth other than money is paid for with money, which also provides employment for others. It's all good.
a socialist would say that loans are generally speaking a rip-off.
but relax, i'm no longer a socialist, as of tonight.
Red Front i'd love to be able to continue to support the socialist cause.
but i can't.
i have long-held desires of making it to riches myself, and i don't want to be a hypocritical traitor to the unipolarist capitalist doctrine followers.
Unionized factory workers earn more than ununionized workers, especially if they're working service sector jobs. The person mopping floors in a factory also buffs them with a buffing machine and has more responsibilities than just mopping floors. Would you prefer to work in a factory with filthy floors, bathrooms, and lightbulbs popping everywhere because no one is replacing them? The cleaning staff in the factory where I work now, handle hazardous chemicals and work around dangerous machinery. You're the clown for pretending janitors are inferior to you or others. Let's see what would happen if no one picked up your garbage for a month or two. You'd have a mountain of trash in your front yard and your town or city would smell and look like shit.
My issue is not w/ unions but rather your statement that service sector jobs pay less than manufacturing jobs. Just because the guy at GM mopping floors buffs the floors too does not gain him more income than doctors and lawyers. We can dig out the hard numbers if you're interested.
Considering the opportunities for wealth building in America why don't people have more wealth?
Dang --some folks would complain if you hanged them w/ a new rope!

Look, Americans are just about the richest in the world Total private net worth is at an all time high:


imho a seven-fold increase in less than 40 years is pretty good.
Red Front i'd love to be able to continue to support the socialist cause.
but i can't.
i have long-held desires of making it to riches myself, and i don't want to be a hypocritical traitor to the unipolarist capitalist doctrine followers.
I started out as a CNC machinist when I was younger. About 12 years ago, in my thirties, I learned how to program CNC machines, and I get paid well, but I know that AI is now replacing me. I'm working with AI, unlike in the past when I had to do everything from scratch. Now I'm more of an AI CNC Prompt engineer. I know what to ask the AI, and how to make it do what I want (how to effectively "prompt" it) hence I now work like 70% less than before, for the same pay. This gravy train isn't going to last for long. Eventually, before I retire (I'm 50 1/2 now), that AI is going to say "Ciao, I don't need you anymore" and I will be out of a great job. The Tech-Apocalypse is coming to a theater near you. The shit is going to hit the fan in the not-too-distant future.

Keep in mind, that during our great depression in the 1930s, there was about 23% unemployment. The projected unemployment that is coming due to advanced, intelligent automation within the next 15 years is around 45%. Imagine will it will be in 30 or 40 years?

I started a business "side hustle" selling digital products online, with my wife and children (my "kids" are adults), and It's doing well, so I'm not that concerned anymore. Socialists like us living under this capitalist system, before it all crumbles due to advanced automation, need to do whatever we need to do to survive and avoid the inevitable "tech-armageddon" that's coming. Workers who don't prepare are going to be in hell until people figure out what the solution is (a non-profit, marketless system of production a.k.a. socialism/democratic communism). This is our future until people wake up and "smell the coffee":

Technofeudalism, until the people get smart and ask "Why the hell are we allowing the rich to own all of the robots and factories? We should own everything collectively and improve our lives, rather than remaining, the worthless, unemployed slave meat of the wealthy tech lords". The people who are wealthy today will become the communists of tomorrow, living together in gated communities, surrounded by big walls and canons. That's the irony.

The American public at large, the so-called working class (that was once employed by the residents of "Elysium"), will be consigned to the compost heap (poverty, crime, drugs, incarceration, wars, pandemics),, receiving a UBI (Universal Basic Income) from Uncle Sam, at least for a certain period of time while the rich-owner class figures out a way to get rid of them (the worthless members of the now defunct, former working-class, who are no longer needed by the rich).

The rich will live in Elysium, in absolute abundance, and opulence, thanks to advanced, intelligent automation and nano-technology. They will live like gods, in a democratic communist utopia of high-tech luxury and security. They will choose to produce everything they consume by employing intelligent automation (robotics, nano-tech.. etc.) and will own everything collectively as a community of wealthy elites.

Production will no longer be for a profit or to sell goods in a marketplace because all of that is meaningless and superfluous when technology replaces wage labor. When a human worker earning a wage can be replaced with an intelligent robot, why the hell do you need to hire human labor? Human beings need to be paid hourly, they complain, they unionize, they sue, they eat and sleep, and they're a fucking pain in the ass...Forget it. Intelligent robots are more efficient, they work 24/7, they're smarter, stronger, and do everything they're told without question.

The wealthy elites aren't idiots, they know that in the future they will have to create "enclaves" or colonies of the wealthy class, where they and their families can survive and thrive, while the American public at large (96% of the American population is of the working-class, selling their labor-power to the wealthy elites/owner class), will be gradually but surely, culled. Consigned to extinction.

Ironically, those who during the capitalist age, hated communism the most, will in a post-capitalist world, be in the best position to establish a utopian, high-tech, democratic communist society. The rich will become the democratic high-tech socialists, living together in Elysium, without the need for markets or profits, and the rest of humanity will be up the creek without a paddle
(unemployed and living off the government until they're eliminated, one way or another).
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My issue is not w/ unions but rather your statement that service sector jobs pay less than manufacturing jobs. Just because the guy at GM mopping floors buffs the floors too does not gain him more income than doctors and lawyers. We can dig out the hard numbers if you're interested.
/——-/ And a janitor in Pig Snot Kansas doesn’t make as a janitor doing the same job in NYC. How are libs gonna rectify that outrage?
Dang --some folks would complain if you hanged them w/ a new rope!

Look, Americans are just about the richest in the world Total private net worth is at an all time high:

View attachment 831723
imho a seven-fold increase in less than 40 years is pretty good.
Most of that wealth is at the top of the totem poll. GDP and such figures, as the one you're citing are misleading. If the cost of living in the empire (USA) is through the roof, with most people living paycheck to paycheck, without health insurance (or under insured with high premiums, deductibles, and co-payments), heavily burdened in credit card and student debt, on the precipice of being replaced (pushed off the cliff) by intelligent robots (advanced automation), then your figures don't reflect reality. It's a mirage of bullshit. The good old days after WW2, when America was the manufacturing hub of the world is a faint memory. Productive capitalism is GONE and replaced with crap finance capitalism. Wall Street speculation and bankers, produce NOTHING but misery for everyone.

You're an expat in Panama. Why did you leave the US? I lived in Costa Rica for a few years when I was in my 20s back when my father lived there. He was also an American expat living in Latin America. The GDP of Costa Rica is a micron-speck compared to that of the US, and yet people have healthcare. Full coverage. No one in Costa Rica is going bankrupt with medical bills. I love Costa Rica. Pura Vida!
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I started out as a CNC machinist when I was younger. About 12 years ago, in my thirties, I learned how to program CNC machines, and I get paid well, but I know that AI is now replacing me. I'm working with AI, unlike in the past when I had to do everything from scratch. Now I'm more of an AI CNC Prompt engineer. I know what to ask the AI, and how to make it do what I want (how to effectively "prompt" it) hence I now work like 70% less than before, for the same pay. This gravy train isn't going to last for long. Eventually, before I retire (I'm 50 1/2 now), that AI is going to say "Ciao, I don't need you anymore" and I will be out of a great job. The Tech-Apocalypse is coming to a theater near you. The shit is going to hit the fan in the not-too-distant future.

Keep in mind, that during our great depression in the 1930s, there was about 23% unemployment. The projected unemployment that is coming due to advanced, intelligent automation within the next 15 years is around 45%. Imagine will it will be in 30 or 40 years?

I started a business "side hustle" selling digital products online, with my wife and children (my "kids" are adults), and It's doing well, so I'm not that concerned anymore. Socialists like us living under this capitalist system, before it all crumbles due to advanced automation, need to do whatever we need to do to survive and avoid the inevitable "tech-armageddon" that's coming. Workers who don't prepare are going to be in hell until people figure out what the solution is (a non-profit, marketless system of production a.k.a. socialism/democratic communism). This is our future until people wake up and "smell the coffee":

Technofeudalism, until the people get smart and ask "Why the hell are we allowing the rich to own all of the robots and factories? We should own everything collectively and improve our lives, rather than remaining, the worthless, unemployed slave meat of the wealthy tech lords". The people who are wealthy today will become the communists of tomorrow, living together in gated communities, surrounded by big walls and canons. That's the irony.

The American public at large, the so-called working class (that was once employed by the residents of "Elysium"), will be consigned to the compost heap (poverty, crime, drugs, incarceration, wars, pandemics),, receiving a UBI (Universal Basic Income) from Uncle Sam, at least for a certain period of time while the rich-owner class figures out a way to get rid of them (the worthless members of the now defunct, former working-class, who are no longer needed by the rich).

The rich will live in Elysium, in absolute abundance, and opulence, thanks to advanced, intelligent automation and nano-technology. They will live like gods, in a democratic communist utopia of high-tech luxury and security. They will choose to produce everything they consume by employing intelligent automation (robotics, nano-tech.. etc.) and will own everything collectively as a community of wealthy elites.

Production will no longer be for a profit or to sell goods in a marketplace because all of that is meaningless and superfluous when technology replaces wage labor. When a human worker earning a wage can be replaced with an intelligent robot, why the hell do you need to hire human labor? Human beings need to be paid hourly, they complain, they unionize, they sue, they eat and sleep, and they're a fucking pain in the ass...Forget it. Intelligent robots are more efficient, they work 24/7, they're smarter, stronger, and do everything they're told without question.

The wealthy elites aren't idiots, they know that in the future they will have to create "enclaves" or colonies of the wealthy class, where they and their families can survive and thrive, while the American public at large (96% of the American population is of the working-class, selling their labor-power to the wealthy elites/owner class), will be gradually but surely, culled. Consigned to extinction.

Ironically, those who during the capitalist age, hated communism the most, will in a post-capitalist world, be in the best position to establish a utopian, high-tech, democratic communist society. The rich will become the democratic high-tech socialists, living together in Elysium, without the need for markets or profits, and the rest of humanity will be up the creek without a paddle
(unemployed and living off the government until they're eliminated, one way or another).

The solution is to greatly reduce population. Fewer people, fewer problems. Unfortunately for us millions of immigrants will glut the unskilled labor market even more. Worse yet much of their wages will be sent to their families back home.
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