the obama birth certificate media scandal...

Obama is birfer. Probably his white half told his publisher that he was born in Kenya
DirferFrank, already asked and answered. And if true, which it isn't, his Mom was an American citizen. So was John McCain's. John was born in Panama.

Frank, this makes birfers look really crazy.
why doesn't he just show his records and his birth certificate ?? cause he's already president and doesn't have to ? cause he's too busy ? cause frank marshall davis might be his father and he got foreign scholarships?

cause he himself got born in kenya wrong but raised in indonesia and hawaii correct. cause he has a ct. ss # and a funky draft card ? cause his birth certificate has many layers and can't be recreated as a scan ? cause he and michelle surrendered their law licenses ? cause he never heard of bill ayers but axelrod said they're kids went to school together even though they're of different generations. cause his parking tickets were paid off. cause he was shitfaced and stoned and never went to class junior and senior year high school then got into columbia and harvard ? cause bill ayers wrote dreams from my father, the fictional account of his life. cause chyome fukino said his bc was half typed half written. cause he had to have a special waiver to get release of a long form which couldn't be obatained that didn't exist then suddenly appeared. savanah guthrie ? cause bill o'reilly said it was a fact that obama's father lived in ct for years. cause obama's uncle onyango is an illegal with a ss number and a drivers license? cause we still after four years don't even know if a long form exists ? cause he co sponsored a bill to make it ok for mccain to run. cause his friend the governor of hawaii passed a house resolution saying he was a citizen ? cause breitbart was killed a couple of hours after talking to sheriff joe the day before the press conference ? cause records have been scrubbed destroyed or are missing ? cause he worked "under the table" at baskin robbins ? cause he told bill ayer's parent's he was going to be president ??
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. . . 'cause nothing would ever satisfy the irrational nonsense of the birthers?

The birfers are now the issue, not the President's right to hold office. The birfers nonsense, their hatred, their stupidity, their irrationality, their fascist-like hatred of what they perceive "the other" . . . that is the issue and nothing else.
you got it alinsky, nothing to see here but a whole lot of transparency. he was born in kenya before he was born at queens hospital... i mean kapiolani, yeah,.... that's the ticket.... jack !
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Alinsky describes the birfers' tactics: a whole lot of nothing followed by demonization and threats.
. . . 'cause nothing would ever satisfy the irrational nonsense of the birthers?

The birfers are now the issue, not the President's right to hold office. The birfers nonsense, their hatred, their stupidity, their irrationality, their fascist-like hatred of what they perceive "the other" . . . that is the issue and nothing else.

Sure jakey... over HALF THE COUNTRY, 150 MILLION PEOPLE, are irrational, full of hatred, they're stupid and they're fascists because they all share doubt as to obama legally being able to hold the office... sure jakey... you're just soooo smart and cool believing the lies... you da man...

Show us the numbers, Pale Rider, that they are birfers. You can't, you won't, because they are not.

It is a movement of fantasy and you are one of the dancing, singing animals in it.

When Romney wins, the far right will farther marginalized, and the hearings on the birfers will begin.
Yup, birfers are so powerful the president verbally slapped Chief Birfer Trump at a public dinner and Trump's candidacy was over.

That is the power of birferism. Political defeat for birfers.
So where in the Constitution, in law, in a Court decision does it require a president or presidential candidate to have a birth certificate?
So where in the Constitution, in law, in a Court decision does it require a president or presidential candidate to have a birth certificate?

Interesting point.

But our president does and its has been public record since he was a senator. Even if he did not have a birth certificate on public record, doesn't matter because his mother was a citizen.

I see that that the froot loop brigade still has not posted any proof. They never do. Nor do they have any explanation for the those two inconvenient birth announcements, placed in two different newspapers in Honolulu.

Thirty five pages of nothing.
This whole birther thing is a farce. The states did not begin offering birth certificates for almost 100 years after the Constitution was written. The Congress never filled in the evidence required to meet the Constitution requirement nor has any Court decision. There is a bill now sitting in the House of Representatives HR 1503 that would spell out the requirements but it sets in a Republican House and no one even suggests it be passed.
YOO - HOO ... Earth to Froot Loops ...

The President's mommy was a US citizen.

End of story.
if he wasn't worried about eligibility there would be no need for an elaborate conspiracy cover up. probably no one ever suspect in this country. maybe a few.

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