the obama birth certificate media scandal...

Before It's News

i'm glad that i've studied this story so hard for the past year and a half or so. it makes it a lot more interesting and makes a lot more sense to me as i watch it unfold.

i'm glad for my knowldge and deep background, and especially now, personally having gotten to know many of the players in the birther controversy.

i think the mainstream media will have a hard time explaining things like this. i'm sure there has to be so much more coming, as the obama's provenance starts to be scrutinized.

as cross referenced anomalies continue to emerge, more and more average people will become interested. fox is in on the media scandal too, not just the obama news channels.

i'm still waiting for the media people who were threatened directly, to come forward, there is very little doubt in my mind now that this conspiracy/cover up will come to fruition as part of the upcoming campaign.
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Before It's News

i'm glad that i've studied this story so hard for the past year and a half or so. it makes it a lot more interesting and makes a lot more sense to me as i watch it unfold.

i'm glad for my knowldge and deep background, and especially now, personally having gotten to know many of the players in the birther controversy.

i think the mainstream media will have a hard time explaining things like this. i'm sure there has to be so much more coming, as the obama's provenance starts to be scrutinized.

as cross referenced anomalies continue to emerge, more and more average people will become interested. fox is in on the media scandal too, not just the obama news channels.

i'm still waiting for the media people who were threatened directly, to come forward, there is very little doubt in my mind now that this conspiracy/cover up will come to fruition as part of the upcoming campaign.

I read the article you linked, I even watched the CNN story, and I don't know wtf the article is talking about. You see a few pictures of birth certificates, but not once did I hear them claim anything about a certificate being held up as being 'locked in a vault'.
Yup, birfers are so powerful the president verbally slapped Chief Birfer Trump at a public dinner and Trump's candidacy was over.

That is the power of birferism. Political defeat for birfers.

Obama: the First Birfer

Frank, come on, buddy, you will live. You guys are wrong.

It's one of only two choices, Jake:

1. Obama is a pathological liar, narcissist and sociopath who told his publisher and colleges he was born in Kenya, or

2. He really was born in Kenya and is therefore ineligible to be POTUS and the LMSM is finished
Not surprising... most here lying their nasty little pie holes off for the kenyan are the boards dumbest and lowest rated members.

I guess that explains that. Only morons and retards appear to be supporting the kenyan at this point, not strange they're willing to lie for him too.
didn't know this was a popularity contest...if that and the non evidence you've presented are the basis for your delusions ..then the morons and retards label is a PERFECT FIT! for you, that is.
You know, it's really pathetic when the birthers can't even get their own bullshit straight.

BTW idiots, Obama spent some of his childhood in INDONESIA, which is a full 2 continents away from Kenya.

He didn't visit Kenya until after he'd turned 18.
This whole birther thing is a farce. The states did not begin offering birth certificates for almost 100 years after the Constitution was written. The Congress never filled in the evidence required to meet the Constitution requirement nor has any Court decision. There is a bill now sitting in the House of Representatives HR 1503 that would spell out the requirements but it sets in a Republican House and no one even suggests it be passed.

historically speaking these constitutional tests take a lot of time to play out. we're unprecedented. ultimately it will all belong to the supreme court, whether or not congress ever addresses the issue.
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Obama: the First Birfer

Frank, come on, buddy, you will live. You guys are wrong.

It's one of only two choices, Jake:

1. Obama is a pathological liar, narcissist and sociopath who told his publisher and colleges he was born in Kenya, or 2. He really was born in Kenya and is therefore ineligible to be POTUS and the LMSM is finished

1. He really is an American, the son of an American mother (end of story right there) or 2. He really is an American, the son of an American mother (end of story right there).

Romney after being elected will order the DOJ to open an investigation of birfers and birferism.

Frank, it won't be Obama going to jail and paying huge fines.
Birthers work on hearsay, bullshit and rumor.

Watch Wall St. (either part 1 or 2, it doesn't matter) and you'll see the way that those fuckers lie to enrich themselves.
Yes, we sure have enough rabid, frothing at the mouth, Saul Alinsky obama ass kissers in here doing their level best to out insult each other at the other half of the country that does NOT believe or has SERIOUS DOUBTS that odumbo was born in Hawaii.

I'll tell ya, I like keeping the issue alive just to aggravate these morons, even though there truly is more irrefutable evidence he was born in Mombasa, Kenya than Hawaii, mostly because the man himself has spent MILLIONS keeping his past HIDDEN. Yeah, that REEEEAAAALLY sounds like someone with NOTHING TO HIDE.

And just for the record, no amount of insults, no amount of name calling, no amount of shit talk, distortions and lies from odumbobots will ever change my mind. I firmly believe that someday the TRUTH will be known, and it sure the hell won't be obama was born Hawaii. Someday the dude is going to be in a world of shit for what he's done, and a lot of people are going to go down with him, and a lot of people here are going to look real stupid for helping perpetuate the fraud and pretending nothing was going on.

Yes, we sure have enough rabid, frothing at the mouth, Saul Alinsky obama ass kissers in here doing their level best to out insult each other at the other half of the country that does NOT believe or has SERIOUS DOUBTS that odumbo was born in Hawaii.

I'll tell ya, I like keeping the issue alive just to aggravate these morons, even though there truly is more irrefutable evidence he was born in Mombasa, Kenya than Hawaii, mostly because the man himself has spent MILLIONS keeping his past HIDDEN. Yeah, that REEEEAAAALLY sounds like someone with NOTHING TO HIDE.

And just for the record, no amount of insults, no amount of name calling, no amount of shit talk, distortions and lies from odumbobots will ever change my mind. I firmly believe that someday the TRUTH will be known, and it sure the hell won't be obama was born Hawaii. Someday the dude is going to be in a world of shit for what he's done, and a lot of people are going to go down with him, and a lot of people here are going to look real stupid for helping perpetuate the fraud and pretending nothing was going on.


The portion I put in bold....there is MORE irrefutable evidence he was born in Kenya than Hawaii? So there is irrefutable evidence he was born in both places? That sure is a conundrum, isn't it? After all, it's irrefutable evidence! I guess he was born in two places. :eek:
Yes, we sure have enough rabid, frothing at the mouth, Saul Alinsky obama ass kissers in here doing their level best to out insult each other at the other half of the country that does NOT believe or has SERIOUS DOUBTS that odumbo was born in Hawaii.

I'll tell ya, I like keeping the issue alive just to aggravate these morons, even though there truly is more irrefutable evidence he was born in Mombasa, Kenya than Hawaii, mostly because the man himself has spent MILLIONS keeping his past HIDDEN. Yeah, that REEEEAAAALLY sounds like someone with NOTHING TO HIDE.

And just for the record, no amount of insults, no amount of name calling, no amount of shit talk, distortions and lies from odumbobots will ever change my mind. I firmly believe that someday the TRUTH will be known, and it sure the hell won't be obama was born Hawaii. Someday the dude is going to be in a world of shit for what he's done, and a lot of people are going to go down with him, and a lot of people here are going to look real stupid for helping perpetuate the fraud and pretending nothing was going on.


The portion I put in bold....there is MORE irrefutable evidence he was born in Kenya than Hawaii? So there is irrefutable evidence he was born in both places? That sure is a conundrum, isn't it? After all, it's irrefutable evidence! I guess he was born in two places. :eek:
that's what he wants you to think!
Yes, we sure have enough rabid, frothing at the mouth, Saul Alinsky obama ass kissers in here doing their level best to out insult each other at the other half of the country that does NOT believe or has SERIOUS DOUBTS that odumbo was born in Hawaii.

I'll tell ya, I like keeping the issue alive just to aggravate these morons, even though there truly is more irrefutable evidence he was born in Mombasa, Kenya than Hawaii, mostly because the man himself has spent MILLIONS keeping his past HIDDEN. Yeah, that REEEEAAAALLY sounds like someone with NOTHING TO HIDE.

And just for the record, no amount of insults, no amount of name calling, no amount of shit talk, distortions and lies from odumbobots will ever change my mind. I firmly believe that someday the TRUTH will be known, and it sure the hell won't be obama was born Hawaii. Someday the dude is going to be in a world of shit for what he's done, and a lot of people are going to go down with him, and a lot of people here are going to look real stupid for helping perpetuate the fraud and pretending nothing was going on.


Yanno.....................getting promoted to Mod didn't make you smarter Pole Slider............

It actually made you dumber. Apparently you think that your opinion matters, even when it's totally fucked up.

Good luck with that.................
[ame=]Gibbs Argues (and Argues) with Kinsolving - YouTube[/ame]

this goes back to before the press worked for mr. obama.

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Yes, we sure have enough rabid, frothing at the mouth, Saul Alinsky obama ass kissers in here doing their level best to out insult each other at the other half of the country that does NOT believe or has SERIOUS DOUBTS that odumbo was born in Hawaii.

I'll tell ya, I like keeping the issue alive just to aggravate these morons, even though there truly is more irrefutable evidence he was born in Mombasa, Kenya than Hawaii, mostly because the man himself has spent MILLIONS keeping his past HIDDEN. Yeah, that REEEEAAAALLY sounds like someone with NOTHING TO HIDE.

And just for the record, no amount of insults, no amount of name calling, no amount of shit talk, distortions and lies from odumbobots will ever change my mind. I firmly believe that someday the TRUTH will be known, and it sure the hell won't be obama was born Hawaii. Someday the dude is going to be in a world of shit for what he's done, and a lot of people are going to go down with him, and a lot of people here are going to look real stupid for helping perpetuate the fraud and pretending nothing was going on.


The portion I put in bold....there is MORE irrefutable evidence he was born in Kenya than Hawaii? So there is irrefutable evidence he was born in both places? That sure is a conundrum, isn't it? After all, it's irrefutable evidence! I guess he was born in two places. :eek:

There is no "IRREFUTABLE" evidence he was born in Hawaii. If there is, show it to me. But before you get to involved, please don't go dragging up one of his amateurish Adobe Illustrator forgeries that were released online. They have been proven forgeries over and over by experts. No one has ever seen a hard copy or a microfiche. Not to mention his selective service card has also been proven to be a fraud, and his social security number comes back to someone else in a state he never lived in. Oh, and the little notice of his birth in the newspaper in Hawaii, a couple things about that too, 1, it was put there automatically because a Certification of Live Birth was issued, that anyone could get even if they were born else where, ahem... by the DOH, and the address in the notice, obama and family never even lived there. How did they get that wrong?

Not to mention obama himself and his sister have gotten their stories crossed in recent years about what hospital he was supposedly born at in Hawaii. One said this and the other said that. How did they get that wrong?

It's all lies, and it's the biggest fraud to ever have been perpetuated on the American public in the history of our nation. But nothing this big will last forever. Our fine, constitution upholding, (as I now PUKE), elected officials are looking the other way for a myriad of reasons. 1, they're scared SHITLESS of what would happen if it were all exposed, the country would ERUPT in anarchy, and 2, they want to push Rubio or Gindal for president and niether one of them are any more constitutionally eligible than the kenyan is. And if the repubs look the other way and keep their mouths shut about obama, then they expect the dems to do the same for their man. But the house of cards will crumble, someday, it's just a matter of time. As I've said before, they'll wait until obama is out of office and then the shit will hit the fan, and they'll say oh well, there's nothing we can do about it now, and the sitting president will pardon him so he'll walk scott free.

The shit bag is a liar and a fraud, and truly belongs in PRISON.






Um, are the one who said there is MORE irrefutable evidence of his being born in Kenya than Hawaii. That implies there is at least SOME irrefutable evidence he was born in Hawaii. I was pointing that out.

Also, I'm pretty sure I've never seen or heard of ANY irrefutable evidence of Obama being born in Kenya. It's all been refuted. If it were all so irrefutable, the birthers would have probably gotten at least 1 court victory. :lol:

Even if Obama was born in Kenya, the evidence of it is anything but irrefutable. Perhaps you should use a different word, you seem to be confused as to the meaning of that one.

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