The Obama College Myth Debunked By...

Why not release the damned transcripts then? For fuck's sake you intellectually bankrupt hypocrites on the left droned on and on about Bush being a shit student and having poor grades but at least he was man enough to release his transcripts. All modern presidents have, but Mr Transparency and openness won't release his transcripts. And questioning this is...racist? Go fuck yourself.

You lie!

Oh but you know what all modern presidents have released? Their fucking tax records for at least ten years prior to running for office.
ah, so leaks are good as long as they are against Bush
but not one person thought to leak out the Dear Leaders records.. HOW amazing

Do us a favor and have your brain donated to science after your death.

Did I say that a leak of Obama's records would be bad? I really couldn't care less if somebody leaked them. That's not the point. The point is, here you people are demanding that Obama release his records, insisting that every modern POTUS is obligated to do so, yet Bush didn't do it either.

sure you don't care Bushs records were leaked but you are all up in arms over people asking for Obama's records...
I'd say donate your brain but you have to one to donate.

Can you read? I said that I couldn't care less if Obama's records were leaked. It's right there in bold.

I'm not up in arms over any of this. And by the way, this thread isn't about his records; it's about the right-wing myth that Obama never attended Columbia in the first place. You and the USMB Wingnut Brigade are the ones who made this into a "discussion" about his college records. I guess since you got pwned on the lie that he never attended Columbia, you had to take it someplace else.
Obama promised to release his college transcripts?


Keep the fuck up. I fucking spelled it out, it's like you had to go full retard to get what you did out of that.

So, Obama didn't promise to release his college transcripts.

Thanks for playing, douche nozzle :fu:

Correct, he made a general/broad/bold/big/all encompassing statement that "he/I would be the most transparent Admin in US history." As it turns out Obama is the most secretive admin in US history, thus failing to live up to his promise.

Where am I wrong?
No, you don't know. Lots of people, including the colleges know. And there is zero evidence, except an abject dislike of Obama that would suggest he defrauded the government to pay for college, instead of paying for it the same way as every other American does.

Yes, someone knows. Do you know what a year at Harvard costs? Obama claims to have come from very humble beginnings, with no money. So, he had to get financial help to pay for his expensive education. If it was "affirmative action" stuff like loans or scholarships, why hide it? Is he ashamed of it? Or is there something more? This is a legitimate question.
Obama has repeatedly said he paid for college via scholarships and student loans. His tax returns show the student loans.

then that should be easy to prove. Why is he hiding it? What loans? What scholarships? What would he lose by telling the truth about them?

People only hide things when they have something to hide.
This is a legitimate question.

No, it's not.

How about wanting to see his Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records.

Is mentioning his many fabrications in his autobiography legitimate criticism?

How far does your delusion run? Is the IRS scandal legitimate?
This is a legitimate question.

No, it's not.

then do you agree that questioning Bush's military service was not legitimate? that asking for his college grades was not letitimate?

Questioning someone's military service who is going to be Commander in Chief when they "served" during a time of war is not the same as demanding to know how someone paid their way through college.
then do you agree that questioning Bush's military service was not legitimate? that asking for his college grades was not letitimate?

I do. I didn't care then, and I don't care now.

So you care nothing about the character, honesty, and ethics of the man we put in the white house and give the keys to the nuclear trigger? really?

If you had some actual evidence that fraud was committed as opposed to speculation pulled from Glenn Beck's ass, you might have a point.
Yes, someone knows. Do you know what a year at Harvard costs? Obama claims to have come from very humble beginnings, with no money. So, he had to get financial help to pay for his expensive education. If it was "affirmative action" stuff like loans or scholarships, why hide it? Is he ashamed of it? Or is there something more? This is a legitimate question.
Obama has repeatedly said he paid for college via scholarships and student loans. His tax returns show the student loans.

then that should be easy to prove. Why is he hiding it? What loans? What scholarships? What would he lose by telling the truth about them?

People only hide things when they have something to hide.

And I already answered this too

He doesn't have to release them , hes already won the election, he gains nothing from doing so now and .... No one important has asked for their release. Sorry but right wing pundits, bloggers, and media whores don't count as important to make demands of POTUS.
when Obama is gone the WHOLE TRUTH will come OUT on him...
not just what HE with the help from the lapdog media want's you to have..
I think a lot are going to disappointed and feel like fools..
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I do. I didn't care then, and I don't care now.

So you care nothing about the character, honesty, and ethics of the man we put in the white house and give the keys to the nuclear trigger? really?

If you had some actual evidence that fraud was committed as opposed to speculation pulled from Glenn Beck's ass, you might have a point.

the only evidence is that the records have been blocked from view by the public. If there is nothing to hide why not produce them and make all of the right wingers look like lunatics? Why not ram it up our asses? Why not release them and score some big political points?

There is only one possible reason, there is something in them that would be damaging to him.
OK, JED. Now the rest of the story. How did he pay for it? Columbia and Harvard are very expensive schools.

Only the radical right claimed that he never attended or graduated, the real question is did he commit fraud by taking scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students.


It just never ends with you folks.

Oh please, this JERK has lied so much, no one can believe a word out of his mouth. He's been busted lately too many times to count.. the latest??? "No one is reading your email." Well today we learned he's a fucking liar AGAIN.. so save the theatrics for your leftists comrades.. No one buys Obama's snake oil any longer except extreme leftwing nuts.

The majority of Americans buy whatever he is presenting, true or otherwise. How do I know? He won the Presidency twice.
Obama has repeatedly said he paid for college via scholarships and student loans. His tax returns show the student loans.

then that should be easy to prove. Why is he hiding it? What loans? What scholarships? What would he lose by telling the truth about them?

People only hide things when they have something to hide.

And I already answered this too

He doesn't have to release them , hes already won the election, he gains nothing from doing so now and .... No one important has asked for their release. Sorry but right wing pundits, bloggers, and media whores don't count as important to make demands of POTUS.

you are correct, the cover up worked. He won the election twice. Why bother to seek the truth when it won't change anything, Is that your conclusion? Then why continue the lying rants about Bush and WMDs? Nothing is going to change.

Admit it steph, you just love and worship obama and you will do anything to protect your glorious opinion of him. You don't want your dream demolished by the truth, so you continue to buy the lies.
And it isn't just his transcripts mr transparency had sealed from the American public it's his Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records or his adoption records.

But when it comes to Republicans the media shows much more interest and a uncanny ability to get divorce records, medical records, passport records--can't find shit on Obama. Not one damn scandal currently surrounding president magoo was broken by any American news outlet. They are incapable of journalism, the NYT even edited an editorial to make it less damning to the president.

I'd like to hear that argument:)

I already made the argument. Him being POTUS makes my list public by default. Any expectations of these lowest levels of privacy go out the window when you are POTUS. The people he serves deserve the transparency if POTUS expects their trust and their cooperation (via the House of Representatives). The fact that the election is over is immaterial to his administration of the office.

Or did you mean the argument that we think you are hiding something?

That is an argument for why they should be made public, and I said earlier, I wouldn't oppose a law that makes them so.

However, they aren't public just because he's president. Presidents have never, in the history of our nation, lost the constitutional right to privacy simply by being President.

If a given president has a right to privacy, which is correct, how would one justify a law requiring a president to surrender information he considers personal and private?

Actually no ‘law’ is needed, as the case law exists establishing the criteria as to when a president may no longer realize an expectation of privacy or executive privilege. See: US v. Nixon (1974).

If any citizen believes a given president is withholding relevant information not justified by executive privilege or the president’s personal right to privacy, then he’s free to file suit in Federal court and attempt to compel that president to release the information in question.

It just never ends with you folks.

Oh please, this JERK has lied so much, no one can believe a word out of his mouth. He's been busted lately too many times to count.. the latest??? "No one is reading your email." Well today we learned he's a fucking liar AGAIN.. so save the theatrics for your leftists comrades.. No one buys Obama's snake oil any longer except extreme leftwing nuts.

The majority of Americans buy whatever he is presenting, true or otherwise. How do I know? He won the Presidency twice.

the ignorance of roughly half of the american population is truly sad.
And it isn't just his transcripts mr transparency had sealed from the American public it's his Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records or his adoption records.

But when it comes to Republicans the media shows much more interest and a uncanny ability to get divorce records, medical records, passport records--can't find shit on Obama. Not one damn scandal currently surrounding president magoo was broken by any American news outlet. They are incapable of journalism, the NYT even edited an editorial to make it less damning to the president.

I already made the argument. Him being POTUS makes my list public by default. Any expectations of these lowest levels of privacy go out the window when you are POTUS. The people he serves deserve the transparency if POTUS expects their trust and their cooperation (via the House of Representatives). The fact that the election is over is immaterial to his administration of the office.

Or did you mean the argument that we think you are hiding something?

That is an argument for why they should be made public, and I said earlier, I wouldn't oppose a law that makes them so.

However, they aren't public just because he's president. Presidents have never, in the history of our nation, lost the constitutional right to privacy simply by being President.

If a given president has a right to privacy, which is correct, how would one justify a law requiring a president to surrender information he considers personal and private?

Actually no ‘law’ is needed, as the case law exists establishing the criteria as to when a president may no longer realize an expectation of privacy or executive privilege. See: US v. Nixon (1974).

If any citizen believes a given president is withholding relevant information not justified by executive privilege or the president’s personal right to privacy, then he’s free to file suit in Federal court and attempt to compel that president to release the information in question.

As stated earlier, many jobs require college transcripts. I wouldn't oppose making college transcripts and tax returns a job requirement for POTUS
Thanks Obama, for letting every single American down on another promise.

Obama promised to release his college transcripts?

I believe the specific promise was the "most transparent administration ever". It is reasonable to expect that the subject of debate here goes to a transparency issue. Admittedly not the biggest transparency issue Obama has at the moment, but still in the mix.

Can you name an administration more transparent?

Go for it
I'm not in charge of keeping up with the records at Columbia, but if I were amd decided to leak someone's transcripts in hopes to do damage to them politically, like what was done to Bush--yes that would be lacking in morals.

Surely you see the differce? Again, criticsm for concealing portions of the life of a sitting president that ran on openness and transparency is legitimate, get the hell over it. Resist that reflex from your repitilian brain to scream racism.

So, the people demanding to see Obama's records aren't hoping to find info that might be damaging to him? They're just curious?


Do you really believe the bs that comes out of your mouth?

I'm not an evil gun toting red neck Republican as the bigoted left describes them... And so yes, I'd like to simply know more about the President of the fucking United states of where the fuck I live.... Do you have an issue with that? All I know about Obama's past is he went to a racist church for 20 years, has issues with white people and off and on pretends he a constitutional scholar who can't pass a fucking constitutinal law or war...

ummm..... this was all discussed PRIOR to his being reelected & 44 STILL won. :eusa_whistle:

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