The Obama College Myth Debunked By...

Plus he is black. When they first elected Bush and them re-elected him again?

not really, his mother was you ALL love to ignore that..
then you couldn't shove his SKIN COLOR in peoples FACES

His skin color is enough that it would have required him to ride on the back of the bus

Now that he is President, the racists jump to point out that he his half white......or Halfrican like Rush likes to point out

wow, now it's racist to point he is half white..TELL that too his MOTHER and GRANDPARENTS... and I don't give a shit what Rush says, Bill Maher called Palin a Cxxt, you must agree and your dumb dramatics...Obama never lived the life of having to sit in the back of the are A JOKE
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What I have noticed is the birthers are never satisfied. They get a copy of a birth certificate then they want an official copy, they get that and claim it is fake, then they want proof he graduated from Columbia, they get that and now they want the transcripts.

Just think, his term will be over in less than 4 years and he can never run again. Doesn't that make you happy?
What I have noticed is the birthers are never satisfied. They get a copy of a birth certificate then they want an official copy, they get that and claim it is fake, then they want proof he graduated from Columbia, they get that and now they want the transcripts.

Just think, his term will be over in less than 4 years and he can never run again. Doesn't that make you happy?

OK, JED. Now the rest of the story. How did he pay for it? Columbia and Harvard are very expensive schools.

Only the radical right claimed that he never attended or graduated, the real question is did he commit fraud by taking scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students.


It just never ends with you folks.

Oh please, this JERK has lied so much, no one can believe a word out of his mouth. He's been busted lately too many times to count.. the latest??? "No one is reading your email." Well today we learned he's a fucking liar AGAIN.. so save the theatrics for your leftists comrades.. No one buys Obama's snake oil any longer except extreme leftwing nuts.

Oh please, only a JERK calls the elected President of the United States a "JERK". And I posted a similar message on the old MSNBC Message Board when others called George W. Bush names. As much as I thought him incompetent I alwasys referred to him as Mr. Bush or President Bush.

Then again I'm not an hysteric nor a member of the far left or far right fringe.
committing fraud is not affirmative action, it is a crime. We have the right to know how he paid for those expensive colleges.
And I think the entire "fraud" claim is bogus and silly.

Why? No one knows how he paid for those colleges. How do you think he paid the tuition at Columbia and Harvard?
The same way most college students do, student loans and scholarships. Where Did Obama's Money Come From?

As both Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, have noted many times, they paid for their educations via scholarships and student loans, in the process (like many people) incurring debts which were not fully paid off until many years later. (In the Obamas' case, it was largely the revenue derived from Barack's pair of best-selling books that finally allowed them to retire their student loan debts.)
Why not release the damned transcripts then

You find it funny the lamestream media can dig up peoples Divorce records and RELEASE them, but couldn't ever find this...

Yeah it's a known fact that obama is a card carrying member of man's country a gay mans club in chicago. I mean it suppose to be cool to be gay. Whats the media affraid of?
Why not release the damned transcripts then

You find it funny the lamestream media can dig up peoples Divorce records and RELEASE them, but couldn't ever find this...

Yeah it's a known fact that obama is a card carrying member of man's country a gay mans club in chicago. I mean it suppose to be cool to be gay. Whats the media affraid of?

You're an idiot.
Listen guys you lost, LOST, get over it, now you can look forward to the election of Hillary. Let's hope for a democratic congress in 14, wouldn't that be a trip. The wingnuts would go even more crazy - Is that possible?

I may need to finally change my avatar, but since I am no fan of Bill the family theme will be missing.
Listen guys you lost, LOST, get over it, now you can look forward to the election of Hillary. Let's hope for a democratic congress in 14, wouldn't that be a trip. The wingnuts would go even more crazy - Is that possible?

I may need to finally change my avatar, but since I am no fan of Bill the family theme will be missing.

What do ya think it's a prom queen game? kind of shallow dont you think? the only type of poster who thinks winning the white house means you "won" is the type of person who bitches about the the house doing its job,.....that the people elected to do.

Q: Are Obama’s early records “sealed”?

A: No. Many records that presidential candidates don’t ordinarily release do remain confidential, but they are not “sealed” by a court. The 16 claims in a widely distributed graphic are mostly false or distorted.

Claims #1, 2 and 4, college records. Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

More: : Obama's 'Sealed' Records

I was Barack Obama ’83’s roommate at Columbia College in fall 1981. I met him in 1979, when we were freshmen at Occidental College (Oxy) in Los Angeles and our dorm rooms were directly opposite each other.

More: Barack Obama ’83, My Columbia College Roommate | Alumni Corner | Columbia College Today

Birthers claim that no one from Barack Obama's past has come forward saying they knew him. Who were his roommates? No one remembers him in class. No professors remember him. People knew him under different names. He went to college as a foreign student, Barry Soretoro. He never wrote anything. No one has pictures. He never really went to college.

Like everything else Birther, this meme is easily debunked.

California: Occidental College

New York: Columbia University

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Occidental and Columbia

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Through High School

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: New York, Chicago and Harvard
I don't know of anyone who disputed him going to college.. Red is correct.. we want to know who paid his tuition? What does he application say? Did he come as a foreign exchange student seeking grants, government monies reserved for FOREIGN students?

Did you ever ask this about bush? Serious question. If not why are youaasking this about the balack guy? :)
Obama, like most college students paid for college by working, money from his relatives, scholarships and loans

Of course, you can't prove that. So an assertion that he got the money by selling pot to his rich liberal student friends is just as valid.
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Obama, like most college students paid for college by working, money from his relatives, scholarships and loans

Of course, you can't prove that. So an assertion that he got the money by selling pot his the rich liberal student friends is just as valid.

He also could have gotten the money by kidnapping babies and selling them on the black market!!!!! I demand an investigation and full disclosure and maybe even a deposition or two!
Obama, like most college students paid for college by working, money from his relatives, scholarships and loans

Of course, you can't prove that. So an assertion that he got the money by selling pot his the rich liberal student friends is just as valid.

He also could have gotten the money by kidnapping babies and selling them on the black market!!!!! I demand an investigation and full disclosure and maybe even a deposition or two!

Dan Rather can cook up some fake documentation for you.

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