The Obama College Myth Debunked By...

Obama, like most college students paid for college by working, money from his relatives, scholarships and loans

Of course, you can't prove that. So an assertion that he got the money by selling pot to his rich liberal student friends is just as valid.

Idk maybe he was Rudy..Why the fuck does Obozo have to prove everything anyways? whats fucking next he has to take a DNA test and appear on the maury show that he is the father of his adorable kids? fuck off my right winger friends.
Obama, like most college students paid for college by working, money from his relatives, scholarships and loans

Of course, you can't prove that. So an assertion that he got the money by selling pot to his rich liberal student friends is just as valid.

Idk maybe he was Rudy..Why the fuck does Obozo have to prove everything anyways? whats fucking next he has to take a DNA test and appear on the maury show that he is the father of his adorable kids? fuck off my right winger friends.

Subtle hyperbole is a fine art.
No kidding I live in the south, we dont hate Obama. We like him as a person.just one neg.... He just dont understand the 50 states.. he just dont get it.
OK, JED. Now the rest of the story. How did he pay for it? Columbia and Harvard are very expensive schools.

Only the radical right claimed that he never attended or graduated, the real question is did he commit fraud by taking scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students.


It just never ends with you folks.
The truth is persistent.
Obama, like most college students paid for college by working, money from his relatives, scholarships and loans

Of course, you can't prove that. So an assertion that he got the money by selling pot to his rich liberal student friends is just as valid.

Ths is how Obama claims he paid for college

Now, if you believe otherwise, it is up to you to provide proof

The President is under no obligation to jump through the petty hoops of conspiracy theorists
Obama, like most college students paid for college by working, money from his relatives, scholarships and loans

Of course, you can't prove that. So an assertion that he got the money by selling pot to his rich liberal student friends is just as valid.

Ths is how Obama claims he paid for college

Now, if you believe otherwise, it is up to you to provide proof

The President is under no obligation to jump through the petty hoops of conspiracy theorists

So if the President was a drug dealer, you would not care? Not even a little?
Well folks, however paid for, it is very apparent that the President put his education to very good use. A couple of books that have netted him a few millions, elected to the US Senate, and elected President of the United States of America twice. Kind of a hard record to beat.

And, in the meantime, what have you done:razz:
Well folks, however paid for, it is very apparent that the President put his education to very good use. A couple of books that have netted him a few millions, elected to the US Senate, and elected President of the United States of America twice. Kind of a hard record to beat.

And, in the meantime, what have you done:razz:

And he got the Nobel Peace Prize. Can't forget that.
Bullshit. People have questioned his attendance there. It's happening right now, on this board, in a thread by Freewill. Why would you lie like that?

And here's a funfact for Saturday morning: there is no such thing as a foreign exchange student in college. There just isn't.

It's really NOT that I question his "attendance" at Columbia. My question is how can it be that virtually no one knows him, remembers him (to include his Professors) and no one can ever remember ever seeing him in a classroom.

I graduated from the University of Lousville over 40 years ago. I remember Professors and classmates. THEY remember me. Yet, only one, maybe two have any recollection of this "man". Say what you want - I ain't buying it.

You just contradicted yourself in one post. Not too consistent, are you?

I'm consistent enough to prove that you are intellectually dishonest. But then, you ARE a liberal, aren't you?

And STILL not one person here can account for Dr Henry Graff. The 46 year Tenured Professor at Columbia who has stated on numerous occasions that Obama WOULD HAVE HAD GO THROUGH MY CLASS TO GRADUATE and knows EVERY graduate who went on to careers in politics, that HE DOES NOT KNOW THIS MAN.

And yet...nothing. Dr Graff personally knows every student who graduated from his department, yet he has never met Obama.

Obama is, was, and always WILL BE a fraud.
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It's really NOT that I question his "attendance" at Columbia. My question is how can it be that virtually no one knows him, remembers him (to include his Professors) and no one can ever remember ever seeing him in a classroom.

I graduated from the University of Lousville over 40 years ago. I remember Professors and classmates. THEY remember me. Yet, only one, maybe two have any recollection of this "man". Say what you want - I ain't buying it.

You just contradicted yourself in one post. Not too consistent, are you?

I'm consistent enough to prove that you are intellectually dishonest. But then, you ARE a liberal, aren't you?

And STILL not one person here can account for Dr Henry Graff. The 46 year Tenured Professor at Columbia who has stated on numerous occasions that Obama WOULD HAVE HAD GO THROUGH MY CLASS TO GRADUATE and knows EVERY graduate who went on to careers in politics, that HE DOES NOT KNOW THIS MAN.

And yet...nothing. Dr Graff personally knows every student who graduated from his department, yet he has never met Obama.

Obama is, was, and always WILL BE a fraud.
so Harvard Law admitted him on his "say so" that he graduated from Columbia. Riiiiiiiiight.
Well folks, however paid for, it is very apparent that the President put his education to very good use. A couple of books that have netted him a few millions, elected to the US Senate, and elected President of the United States of America twice. Kind of a hard record to beat.

And, in the meantime, what have you done:razz:

And he got the Nobel Peace Prize. Can't forget that.

so did that war criminal, Henry Kissinger. It's not like he vied for it.
You just contradicted yourself in one post. Not too consistent, are you?

I'm consistent enough to prove that you are intellectually dishonest. But then, you ARE a liberal, aren't you?

And STILL not one person here can account for Dr Henry Graff. The 46 year Tenured Professor at Columbia who has stated on numerous occasions that Obama WOULD HAVE HAD GO THROUGH MY CLASS TO GRADUATE and knows EVERY graduate who went on to careers in politics, that HE DOES NOT KNOW THIS MAN.

And yet...nothing. Dr Graff personally knows every student who graduated from his department, yet he has never met Obama.

Obama is, was, and always WILL BE a fraud.
so Harvard Law admitted him on his "say so" that he graduated from Columbia. Riiiiiiiiight.

No one is saying that. It is apparent there exists paperwork that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Barry graduated from Columbia. No one here has stated otherwise.

The problem arises when noted Professors are asked about Barry. No one seems to know this guy. No one remembers seeing him at classes that would have been indicative of his Major (to include the Professor Emiterus). As Dr Graff has stated on numerous occasions: "He would have HAD to have come through MY department in order to receive his "degree", yet I have never met him".

I'm quite sure that Barry has his degree displayed for all to see....but still, few, if any, ever came into contact with this guy.

Now, to liberals - who claim to rely on "intellectual integrity" - Barry seems to receive a pass, because to search for the truth might impune the integrity of "their boy" and make them look foolish. Now, we can't have THAT, now can we?
Good stuff - but wingnuts won't like it...

Birthers claim that no one from Barack Obama's past has come forward saying they knew him. Who were his roommates? No one remembers him in class. No professors remember him. People knew him under different names. He went to college as a foreign student, Barry Soretoro. He never wrote anything. No one has pictures. He never really went to college.

Like everything else Birther, this meme is easily debunked.

California: Occidental College

New York: Columbia University

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Occidental and Columbia

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: Through High School

The Fogbow: Birthers Debunked :: New York, Chicago and Harvard
It's really NOT that I question his "attendance" at Columbia. My question is how can it be that virtually no one knows him, remembers him (to include his Professors) and no one can ever remember ever seeing him in a classroom.

I graduated from the University of Lousville over 40 years ago. I remember Professors and classmates. THEY remember me. Yet, only one, maybe two have any recollection of this "man". Say what you want - I ain't buying it.

You just contradicted yourself in one post. Not too consistent, are you?

I'm consistent enough to prove that you are intellectually dishonest. But then, you ARE a liberal, aren't you?

But not consistent enough to keep from contradicting yourself within the same post. Your point?
No one on the right ever questions how Bush got into graduate school at Harvard with a C average. The school that I attended for graduate school would not even consider you if your GPA was less than a B. It was a good school, but it was not Harvard.
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Listen guys you lost, LOST, get over it, now you can look forward to the election of Hillary. Let's hope for a democratic congress in 14, wouldn't that be a trip. The wingnuts would go even more crazy - Is that possible?

I may need to finally change my avatar, but since I am no fan of Bill the family theme will be missing.

really? he won?
then why does he and his followers still bring up Booooooooooooooooooooooooosh when ever you talk about Obama?
Obama's problems ALL seem to the fault OF BUSH..

he's some winner eh?
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Listen guys you lost, LOST, get over it, now you can look forward to the election of Hillary. Let's hope for a democratic congress in 14, wouldn't that be a trip. The wingnuts would go even more crazy - Is that possible?

I may need to finally change my avatar, but since I am no fan of Bill the family theme will be missing.

really? he won?
then why does he and his followers still bring up Booooooooooooooooooooooooosh when ever you talk about Obama?
Obama's problems ALL seem to the fault OF BUSH..

he's some winner eh?

Because Bush caused so much damage that is still effecting the world.
Listen guys you lost, LOST, get over it, now you can look forward to the election of Hillary. Let's hope for a democratic congress in 14, wouldn't that be a trip. The wingnuts would go even more crazy - Is that possible?

I may need to finally change my avatar, but since I am no fan of Bill the family theme will be missing.

really? he won?
then why does he and his followers still bring up Booooooooooooooooooooooooosh when ever you talk about Obama?
Obama's problems ALL seem to the fault OF BUSH..

he's some winner eh?

Because Bush caused so much damage that is still effecting the world.

Help! I think I need to whip this baby out.


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