The Obama Economy In Pictures

Yea, and all the sequester did was slow down the economy. Why in the Hell do you think Reagan nearly doubled the size of the federal government during his eight years in office? The economy didn't grow so strong under Reagan just because he cut tax rates. Remember that he increased many taxes after the initial tax cuts.

The sequester did not slow down the economy. Reagan did not double the size of the federal gov't.
Geez its like ancient history with some people.

Pretty difficult to argue with someone who just chooses to ignore facts. Enjoy your fantasy world. BTW, if you were literate you would have seen that I said Reagan nearly doubled the size of the federal government. During his eight years, federal spending increased almost 70%. That is heading very close to double, but you obviously know much more about history and facts, since you are the literate one.

OK, you understand that "doubling the size of the federal government" is not the same as increasing spending 70%, right? You also understand that Congress passes budgets, right? Who controlled Congress during that time? Right, Democrats. That was a graph somewhere in the link I posted. The one you didnt read.
And there was no 70% increase either.
So your post is a prime example of someone who doesnt know what the hell he's talking about. Thanks for clarifying.
Americans net worth is up $18 trillion dollars since 2009.
America will be energy independent by 2030.
Unemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 7%
The stock market has more than doubled since the stimulus.
11 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

Obama has done a very good job.

That' why his approval ratings are in the tank.

I hope you enjoy your intimate times with your Obama blow up doll.


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