The Obama Economy is BOOMING!

1st - link it up TIA

2nd - how do so many of my friends on the left make it through life without seeing what is happening around them?
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

How do so many of you mindless Wing-nuts on the Right make it through life without seeing what is happening all around you?

those numbers are still substantially higher than they were 10 years ago, or 9 years ago

where are all these new good paying full time jobs?
They are up due to the Bush Depression.
9 or 10 years ago has nothing to do with the time period following Obamacare, which is the basis of the Cruz lie!!!

There was no "Bush Depression."

The mortgage meltdown was due to Democrat policies....

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.

I don't believe you can handle the details.
Lies, all lies.
Well at least you are consistent!

Show any of that to be untrue.

Dare ya.'
If he turned it around the welfare rolls wouldn't be at an all time high. Is what I am saying.
That is a lie like the original lie you are deflecting from that FT workers were moved to PT because of Obamacare.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

How do so many of you mindless Wing-nuts on the Right make it through life without seeing what is happening all around you?

those numbers are still substantially higher than they were 10 years ago, or 9 years ago

where are all these new good paying full time jobs?
They are up due to the Bush Depression.
9 or 10 years ago has nothing to do with the time period following Obamacare, which is the basis of the Cruz lie!!!

There was no "Bush Depression."

The mortgage meltdown was due to Democrat policies....

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.

I don't believe you can handle the details.
Lies, all lies.
Well at least you are consistent!

Show any of that to be untrue.

Dare ya.'
It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble bursting and Frank and Dodd were POWERLESS MINORITY members of Congress, the GOP MAJORITY blocked ALL reform in committee!
Standard economic indicators ;

Housing starts
Industrial production
retail sales
Stock market prices
Money supply changes

These are areas we have stats for going back decades .

This just

58. "U.S. retail sales dropped in February and the prior month’s gain was revised to a decline, calling into question the narrative that bigger gains in consumer spending would propel economic growth at the start of 2016. The 0.1 percent decline in purchases followed a revised 0.4 percent January decrease, Commerce Department figures showed Tuesday.... “We’re seeing higher rents, higher healthcare expenses,.... Retail sales excluding autos fell 0.1 percent after a 0.4 percent decrease in January, according to Tuesday’s report."
Retail Sales in U.S. Decline After January Revised Down

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction


Ok. That's one month of data. How about a graph over the last 10 years then we can judge what Obama's been doing.
those numbers are still substantially higher than they were 10 years ago, or 9 years ago

where are all these new good paying full time jobs?
They are up due to the Bush Depression.
9 or 10 years ago has nothing to do with the time period following Obamacare, which is the basis of the Cruz lie!!!

There was no "Bush Depression."

The mortgage meltdown was due to Democrat policies....

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.

I don't believe you can handle the details.
Lies, all lies.
Well at least you are consistent!

Show any of that to be untrue.

Dare ya.'
It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble bursting and Frank and Dodd were POWERLESS MINORITY members of Congress, the GOP MAJORITY blocked ALL reform in committee!

"It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble ..."

Watch me bury you:

a. Congress passed a bill in 1975 requiring banks to provide the government with information on their lending activities in poor urban areas. Two years later, it passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which gave regulators the power to deny banks the right to expand if they didn’t lend sufficiently in those neighborhoods. In 1979 the FDIC used the CRA to block a move by the Greater NY Savings Bank for not enough lending.

b. Clinton Administration housing secretary, Henry Cisneros, declared that he would expand homeownership among lower- and lower-middle-income renters. His strategy: pushing for no-down-payment loans; expanding the size of mortgages that the government would insure against losses; and using the CRA and other lending laws to direct more private money into low-income programs.

c. Pressuring nonbank lenders to make more loans to poor minorities didn’t stop with Sears. If it didn’t happen, Clinton officials warned, they’d seek to extend CRA regulations to all mortgage makers. In Congress, Representative Maxine Waters called financial firms not covered by the CRA “among the most egregious redliners.”

d. When in early 2000 the FDIC proposed increasing capital requirements for lenders making “subprime” loans—loans to people with questionable credit, that is—Democratic representative Carolyn Maloney of New York told a congressional hearing that she feared that the step would dry up CRA loans. Her fellow New York Democrat John J. LaFalce urged regulators “not to be premature” in imposing new regulations.
Obsessive Housing Disorder

Smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh?

The good news: it improved your looks.
Last edited:
Standard economic indicators ;

Housing starts
Industrial production
retail sales
Stock market prices
Money supply changes

These are areas we have stats for going back decades .

This just

58. "U.S. retail sales dropped in February and the prior month’s gain was revised to a decline, calling into question the narrative that bigger gains in consumer spending would propel economic growth at the start of 2016. The 0.1 percent decline in purchases followed a revised 0.4 percent January decrease, Commerce Department figures showed Tuesday.... “We’re seeing higher rents, higher healthcare expenses,.... Retail sales excluding autos fell 0.1 percent after a 0.4 percent decrease in January, according to Tuesday’s report."
Retail Sales in U.S. Decline After January Revised Down

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction


Ok. That's one month of data. How about a graph over the last 10 years then we can judge what Obama's been doing.

How about repeating the lie that these were all right wing sites?
That one was

And the other 57 included Bloomberg, Forbes, MarketWatch, the NYTimes, among others.

You're busted.
One month not enough??


Comment on this- his entire presidency:

Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "...annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama’s Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. "....first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth." Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

And three sources.....
Wanna whine about this link???

I can't hear ya'
Last edited:
Actually the 94 million number is accurate using govt numbers. The age range is generally considered 20 to 65. 20 million in school, I've seen numbers around 15 million on some form of disability. that gets you down to 59 million of which 12.5 million are unemployed. So we have 46.5 million stay at home moms or dads and people wealthy enough to retire early. Something doesn't add up.
The age range is 16 years and older, the 15 million disabled includes dependents of the disabled, 9 million disabled workers not counting dependents, 40 million retires, 12 million stay at home moms, 1 million stay at home dads, 12 million HS students, 10 million college students, 11 million stay at home family care givers caring for sick or elderly family members. The 8 million unemployed are not counted in the 94 million not in labor force.
They are up due to the Bush Depression.
9 or 10 years ago has nothing to do with the time period following Obamacare, which is the basis of the Cruz lie!!!

There was no "Bush Depression."

The mortgage meltdown was due to Democrat policies....

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.

I don't believe you can handle the details.
Lies, all lies.
Well at least you are consistent!

Show any of that to be untrue.

Dare ya.'
It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble bursting and Frank and Dodd were POWERLESS MINORITY members of Congress, the GOP MAJORITY blocked ALL reform in committee!

"It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble ..."

Watch me bury you:

a. Congress passed a bill in 1975 requiring banks to provide the government with information on their lending activities in poor urban areas. Two years later, it passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which gave regulators the power to deny banks the right to expand if they didn’t lend sufficiently in those neighborhoods. In 1979 the FDIC used the CRA to block a move by the Greater NY Savings Bank for not enough lending.

b. Clinton Administration housing secretary, Henry Cisneros, declared that he would expand homeownership among lower- and lower-middle-income renters. His strategy: pushing for no-down-payment loans; expanding the size of mortgages that the government would insure against losses; and using the CRA and other lending laws to direct more private money into low-income programs.

c. Pressuring nonbank lenders to make more loans to poor minorities didn’t stop with Sears. If it didn’t happen, Clinton officials warned, they’d seek to extend CRA regulations to all mortgage makers. In Congress, Representative Maxine Waters called financial firms not covered by the CRA “among the most egregious redliners.”

d. When in early 2000 the FDIC proposed increasing capital requirements for lenders making “subprime” loans—loans to people with questionable credit, that is—Democratic representative Carolyn Maloney of New York told a congressional hearing that she feared that the step would dry up CRA loans. Her fellow New York Democrat John J. LaFalce urged regulators “not to be premature” in imposing new regulations.
Obsessive Housing Disorder

Smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh?

The good news: it improved your looks.
The CRA, as you well know, was about REDLINING, not sub-prime loans, as your own quote shoved your own foot into your own mouth of your custard pie covered face!
Thank you.
There was no "Bush Depression."

The mortgage meltdown was due to Democrat policies....

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.

I don't believe you can handle the details.
Lies, all lies.
Well at least you are consistent!

Show any of that to be untrue.

Dare ya.'
It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble bursting and Frank and Dodd were POWERLESS MINORITY members of Congress, the GOP MAJORITY blocked ALL reform in committee!

"It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble ..."

Watch me bury you:

a. Congress passed a bill in 1975 requiring banks to provide the government with information on their lending activities in poor urban areas. Two years later, it passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which gave regulators the power to deny banks the right to expand if they didn’t lend sufficiently in those neighborhoods. In 1979 the FDIC used the CRA to block a move by the Greater NY Savings Bank for not enough lending.

b. Clinton Administration housing secretary, Henry Cisneros, declared that he would expand homeownership among lower- and lower-middle-income renters. His strategy: pushing for no-down-payment loans; expanding the size of mortgages that the government would insure against losses; and using the CRA and other lending laws to direct more private money into low-income programs.

c. Pressuring nonbank lenders to make more loans to poor minorities didn’t stop with Sears. If it didn’t happen, Clinton officials warned, they’d seek to extend CRA regulations to all mortgage makers. In Congress, Representative Maxine Waters called financial firms not covered by the CRA “among the most egregious redliners.”

d. When in early 2000 the FDIC proposed increasing capital requirements for lenders making “subprime” loans—loans to people with questionable credit, that is—Democratic representative Carolyn Maloney of New York told a congressional hearing that she feared that the step would dry up CRA loans. Her fellow New York Democrat John J. LaFalce urged regulators “not to be premature” in imposing new regulations.
Obsessive Housing Disorder

Smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh?

The good news: it improved your looks.
The CRA, as you well know, was about REDLINING, not sub-prime loans, as your own quote shoved your own foot into your own mouth of your custard pie covered face!
Thank you.

Ooooo......poor, suffering more "It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble..."


Retreat further: there is no such thing as 'redlining'...unless you mean banks acting with the fiduciary responsibility they exercised before the CRA.

Stop lying....Democrat policy forced loans to people who should never have received them....hence....the Democrat housing bubble.

Memorize this:

  1. A NINJA loan is a slang term for a loan extended to a borrower with "no income, no job and no assets". Whereas most lenders require the borrower to show a stable stream of income or sufficient collateral, aNINJA loan ignores the verification process.
    NINJA Loan Definition | Investopedia
    And that is the proximate cause of the Democrat mortgage crisis..... Now finish wiping that pie off your face.
Lies, all lies.
Well at least you are consistent!

Show any of that to be untrue.

Dare ya.'
It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble bursting and Frank and Dodd were POWERLESS MINORITY members of Congress, the GOP MAJORITY blocked ALL reform in committee!

"It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble ..."

Watch me bury you:

a. Congress passed a bill in 1975 requiring banks to provide the government with information on their lending activities in poor urban areas. Two years later, it passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which gave regulators the power to deny banks the right to expand if they didn’t lend sufficiently in those neighborhoods. In 1979 the FDIC used the CRA to block a move by the Greater NY Savings Bank for not enough lending.

b. Clinton Administration housing secretary, Henry Cisneros, declared that he would expand homeownership among lower- and lower-middle-income renters. His strategy: pushing for no-down-payment loans; expanding the size of mortgages that the government would insure against losses; and using the CRA and other lending laws to direct more private money into low-income programs.

c. Pressuring nonbank lenders to make more loans to poor minorities didn’t stop with Sears. If it didn’t happen, Clinton officials warned, they’d seek to extend CRA regulations to all mortgage makers. In Congress, Representative Maxine Waters called financial firms not covered by the CRA “among the most egregious redliners.”

d. When in early 2000 the FDIC proposed increasing capital requirements for lenders making “subprime” loans—loans to people with questionable credit, that is—Democratic representative Carolyn Maloney of New York told a congressional hearing that she feared that the step would dry up CRA loans. Her fellow New York Democrat John J. LaFalce urged regulators “not to be premature” in imposing new regulations.
Obsessive Housing Disorder

Smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh?

The good news: it improved your looks.
The CRA, as you well know, was about REDLINING, not sub-prime loans, as your own quote shoved your own foot into your own mouth of your custard pie covered face!
Thank you.

Ooooo......poor, suffering more "It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble..."


Retreat further: there is no such thing as 'redlining'...unless you mean banks acting with the fiduciary responsibility they exercised before the CRA.

Stop lying....Democrat policy forced loans to people who should never have received them....hence....the Democrat housing bubble.

Memorize this:

  1. A NINJA loan is a slang term for a loan extended to a borrower with "no income, no job and no assets". Whereas most lenders require the borrower to show a stable stream of income or sufficient collateral, aNINJA loan ignores the verification process.
    NINJA Loan Definition | Investopedia
    And that is the proximate cause of the Democrat mortgage crisis..... Now finish wiping that pie off your face.

oh, you want me to prove that I have a job and can pay you back?

you must be a racist...
Show any of that to be untrue.

Dare ya.'
It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble bursting and Frank and Dodd were POWERLESS MINORITY members of Congress, the GOP MAJORITY blocked ALL reform in committee!

"It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble ..."

Watch me bury you:

a. Congress passed a bill in 1975 requiring banks to provide the government with information on their lending activities in poor urban areas. Two years later, it passed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which gave regulators the power to deny banks the right to expand if they didn’t lend sufficiently in those neighborhoods. In 1979 the FDIC used the CRA to block a move by the Greater NY Savings Bank for not enough lending.

b. Clinton Administration housing secretary, Henry Cisneros, declared that he would expand homeownership among lower- and lower-middle-income renters. His strategy: pushing for no-down-payment loans; expanding the size of mortgages that the government would insure against losses; and using the CRA and other lending laws to direct more private money into low-income programs.

c. Pressuring nonbank lenders to make more loans to poor minorities didn’t stop with Sears. If it didn’t happen, Clinton officials warned, they’d seek to extend CRA regulations to all mortgage makers. In Congress, Representative Maxine Waters called financial firms not covered by the CRA “among the most egregious redliners.”

d. When in early 2000 the FDIC proposed increasing capital requirements for lenders making “subprime” loans—loans to people with questionable credit, that is—Democratic representative Carolyn Maloney of New York told a congressional hearing that she feared that the step would dry up CRA loans. Her fellow New York Democrat John J. LaFalce urged regulators “not to be premature” in imposing new regulations.
Obsessive Housing Disorder

Smashed another custard pie in your kisser, huh?

The good news: it improved your looks.
The CRA, as you well know, was about REDLINING, not sub-prime loans, as your own quote shoved your own foot into your own mouth of your custard pie covered face!
Thank you.

Ooooo......poor, suffering more "It's ALL untrue, and YOU know it.
CRA had nothing to do with Bush's housing bubble..."


Retreat further: there is no such thing as 'redlining'...unless you mean banks acting with the fiduciary responsibility they exercised before the CRA.

Stop lying....Democrat policy forced loans to people who should never have received them....hence....the Democrat housing bubble.

Memorize this:

  1. A NINJA loan is a slang term for a loan extended to a borrower with "no income, no job and no assets". Whereas most lenders require the borrower to show a stable stream of income or sufficient collateral, aNINJA loan ignores the verification process.
    NINJA Loan Definition | Investopedia
    And that is the proximate cause of the Democrat mortgage crisis..... Now finish wiping that pie off your face.

oh, you want me to prove that I have a job and can pay you back?

you must be a racist...

That was clever...but far too subtle for the Leftists to get.

I need to explain to 'em that Democrat housing policy had nothing to do with folks paying back the loans that Democrats/ the CRA forced them to hand out.

Dr. Sowell covers the idea in
"Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One"

Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear
That was clever...but far too subtle for the Leftists to get.

I need to explain to 'em that Democrat housing policy had nothing to do with folks paying back the loans that Democrats/ the CRA forced them to hand out.

Dr. Sowell covers the idea in
"Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One"

Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear

the thing that is worth pointing out is that the lion's share of the blame for the crisis falls into the lap of those that forced lending institutions to make loans that would otherwise not have been approved

loans were made with racial quotas in mind, disregarding all common sense

it had to be George Bush's fault...
That was clever...but far too subtle for the Leftists to get.

I need to explain to 'em that Democrat housing policy had nothing to do with folks paying back the loans that Democrats/ the CRA forced them to hand out.

Dr. Sowell covers the idea in
"Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One"

Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear

the thing that is worth pointing out is that the lion's share of the blame for the crisis falls into the lap of those that forced lending institutions to make loans that would otherwise not have been approved

loans were made with racial quotas in mind, disregarding all common sense

it had to be George Bush's fault... you're doing it again!

There is no place for nuance nor subtlety when trying to train and educate the government school grads.

Like this....

A long time ago a farmer wanted to buy a mule from his neighbor. He asked the neighbor if the mule had any problems.

"Not a problem," the neighbor said. "This mule will do anything you ask. All you have to do is ask him nicely." The neighbor added, "Just make sure you never mistreat my mule."

The price for the mule was fair, so the farmer bought the mule. The very next day the farmer wanted to plow his field. He hitched the mule to the plow. The mule had no intention of pulling that plow!

The farmer said, "Git up!" But the mule paid no attention. The farmer tried talking nicely until his face almost turned blue. It did no good. So, he called his neighbor over.

The neighbor came right away. When he heard the problem, he walked over and picked up a two-by-four. He hit the mule right in the head. Then he whispered in the mule's ear. That mulee started plowing back and forth the field, turning the soil over without anyone standing behind the plow.

"I thought you said never to mistreat your mule," stated the farmer. "You said all that I had to do was to talk nicely to him."

"Well," answered the neighbor. "You just have to get his attention first before talking to him."
The Storyteller Online - Dr. Mike Lockett
One month not enough??


Comment on this- his entire presidency:

Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "...annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama’s Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. "....first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth." Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

And three sources.....
Wanna whine about this link???

I can't hear ya'

More oddly worded stats. "Never a year of 3% growth " . How about just a GDP graph. Everythinh is oddly qualified with you .

And you had 57 links ! Who's gonna read that ?
That was clever...but far too subtle for the Leftists to get.

I need to explain to 'em that Democrat housing policy had nothing to do with folks paying back the loans that Democrats/ the CRA forced them to hand out.

Dr. Sowell covers the idea in
"Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One"

Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear

the thing that is worth pointing out is that the lion's share of the blame for the crisis falls into the lap of those that forced lending institutions to make loans that would otherwise not have been approved

loans were made with racial quotas in mind, disregarding all common sense

it had to be George Bush's fault...

What bullshit . Like the poor defenseless banks had to make all these loans they didn't want to do . And forced to make record profits and fees too!!! And then forced to buy n sell derivatives and bet against the market!!

Lol. U really believe it was the gov dictating tonthe banks !?
One month not enough??


Comment on this- his entire presidency:

Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "...annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama’s Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. "....first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth." Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

And three sources.....
Wanna whine about this link???

I can't hear ya'

More oddly worded stats. "Never a year of 3% growth " . How about just a GDP graph. Everythinh is oddly qualified with you .

And you had 57 links ! Who's gonna read that ?

Pick a dozen...two dozen....I kept 'em short.

Point is.....they lead to an undeniable conclusion.....the one I often post about Barack Obama: an unmitigated failure in ability to improve the American economy.

A terrible President....and the most destructive one since FDR.

Spike before the law change in 06. Peak in 10' , have been dropping since .
That was clever...but far too subtle for the Leftists to get.

I need to explain to 'em that Democrat housing policy had nothing to do with folks paying back the loans that Democrats/ the CRA forced them to hand out.

Dr. Sowell covers the idea in
"Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One"

Dr. Thomas Sowell, in “Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One,” challenges individuals to analyze not only their short term (Stage One) impact but to also think ahead to their long term (Stage Two, Three, etc) impact. Politicians do not think beyond Stage One because they will be praised (and elected) for the short term benefits but will not be held accountable much later when the long term consequences appear

the thing that is worth pointing out is that the lion's share of the blame for the crisis falls into the lap of those that forced lending institutions to make loans that would otherwise not have been approved

loans were made with racial quotas in mind, disregarding all common sense

it had to be George Bush's fault...

What bullshit . Like the poor defenseless banks had to make all these loans they didn't want to do . And forced to make record profits and fees too!!! And then forced to buy n sell derivatives and bet against the market!!

Lol. U really believe it was the gov dictating tonthe banks !?

Watch your language.

Banks were forced to make the I showed earlier....but were allowed to push bundles of mortgage securities, hiding bad loans in there.

Bottom line: had Democrats not operated via 'what feels good...home mortgages for everyone'....there would never have been a mortgage meltdown.

The best picture last year was The Big Short.....except that it declined to place the blame where it belonged.

Educate yourself:

"In 1994, the "National Homeownership Strategy" of the Clinton administration advanced "financing strategies fueled by creativity to help homeowners who lacked the cash to buy a home or the income to make the down payments" to buy a home nonetheless. It became U.S. government policy to intervene in the marketplace by lowering the standards necessary to qualify for mortgages so that Americans with lower incomes could participate in the leveraged purchases of homes.

The goal of expanding home ownership led to the creation of new mortgage subsidies across the board. The loosening of standards became the policy of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the pseudo-private "government-sponsored enterprises" that bought mortgages from originating lenders.

The housing bubble was thus a fully rational response to a set of distortions in the free market—distortions created primarily by the public sector. The heads of large financial institutions, as Prince's remark suggested, recognized the risk-taking subsidy inherent in public policy, but felt they had no choice but to play along or fall behind the other institutions that were also responding rationally to the incentives created by government intervention.

The long-term solution is for government to stop playing favorites, as it has for decades with housing. Home ownership should neither be penalized nor favored under government policy."

A Government Failure, Not a Market Failure
We have the strongest economy in the world and our dollar is stronger than it has been in decades

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