The Obama Economy is BOOMING!

Oh are you a little worked up because your man child is a failure? My great parenting abilities doesn't have anything to do with a stagnant economy. It also has nothing to do with the failure in chief your dumbass supports. Another example is that welfare rolls aren't coming down. That also doesn't have anything to do with my great parenting skills. I guess you are to young for kids or had yours aborted, but my son and I are just fine.

Yet he's too dumb to find a full time job. Obama's fault, right? I guess personal responsibility is for everyone else, just not you and your family.
I bet you $50.00 you won't say that to my face. Dumb are a bunch of liberals that think the economy is booming. My son is working so that automatically makes him more of a man than you.

LOL. I bet you $50 you live on a diet of microwavable mac-n-cheez and busch beer. Do you want to mail me the money or maybe you can send your son to drop it off since he's not working full time anyway.
Nope, wrong again. When you work up the balls I'll tell you where I am at. I won't hold my breath.

PM me your address. Then I'll look you up on Google maps and I'll put another $50 down that says I'll see at least one couch on your front porch. I'll go double or nothing that says your house needs air added to the tires too.
Easy to be a pussy behind a key board. When you grow balls I'll let you know where I'm at. Till then shut the fuck up. I wouldn't let you know where I live, you would rape my dog. Sicko
You post proves obama has tightened the border becAuse they are bouncing more people before they even get in!

I'm looking for a real conversation Timmy

no cut and paste

We are not bouncing more people before they get in

Border Patrol Agents are working on a "catch & release" plan, in fact, they have been told that they should not even hand out notices to appear. Morale for border agents is at all time lows

Our southern border is a sieve, we are not even trying to stop illegal entry into the country

We can talk about sanctuary cities, or cases where the Obama Administration has used executive power to prevent law enforcement for attempting to enforce border laws

If you want to argue that we SHOULD have an open border, let's go down that road - fine

But anyone that has any modicum of intelligence knows that we basically have an open border with Mexico

Do you REALLY think we have a secure border Timmy?

Really, do you?
The Obama Economy is BOOMING!

Yup, and...
Obamacare won't cost a dime.
Obamacare will pay for itself.
If you like your plan you can keep your plan.
We didn't lose a single man in Libya while Hillary was SoS...


...meanwhile approx. 94 Million Americans are out of work, black unemployment is still twice that of whites...
Standard economic indicators ;

Housing starts
Industrial production
retail sales
Stock market prices
Money supply changes

These are areas we have stats for going back decades .
You post proves obama has tightened the border becAuse they are bouncing more people before they even get in!

I'm looking for a real conversation Timmy

no cut and paste

We are not bouncing more people before they get in

Border Patrol Agents are working on a "catch & release" plan, in fact, they have been told that they should not even hand out notices to appear. Morale for border agents is at all time lows

Our southern border is a sieve, we are not even trying to stop illegal entry into the country

We can talk about sanctuary cities, or cases where the Obama Administration has used executive power to prevent law enforcement for attempting to enforce border laws

If you want to argue that we SHOULD have an open border, let's go down that road - fine

But anyone that has any modicum of intelligence knows that we basically have an open border with Mexico

Do you REALLY think we have a secure border Timmy?

Really, do you?

I don't want open borders .

I don't know how secure the border is but what I want is good use of our immigration control dollar .

I don't think building a wall gets u bang for your buck. In fact , I think its a southwest money grab .

40% of illegals come in legally . A wall does nothing to address that .
The Obama Economy is BOOMING!

Yup, and...
Obamacare won't cost a dime.
Obamacare will pay for itself.
If you like your plan you can keep your plan.
We didn't lose a single man in Libya while Hillary was SoS...


...meanwhile approx. 94 Million Americans are out of work, black unemployment is still twice that of whites...

Do you all get the email to push the "93 million out of work " lie?
I don't want open borders .

I don't know how secure the border is but what I want is good use of our immigration control dollar .

I don't think building a wall gets u bang for your buck. In fact , I think its a southwest money grab .

40% of illegals come in legally . A wall does nothing to address that .

OK, great, now we are getting somewhere...

Right now, we have an open southern border, and this issue is about much more than illegal immigrants, it also has to do with the drug trade

Trump has essentially stated with a wink and a nod that he will start a trade war with Mexico through the use of tariffs, I am not sure that is a great idea

Insofar as immigrants that simply overstay their visas, why wouldn't they? They are not even followed up with and there are no penalties if they get caught
I don't want open borders .

I don't know how secure the border is but what I want is good use of our immigration control dollar .

I don't think building a wall gets u bang for your buck. In fact , I think its a southwest money grab .

40% of illegals come in legally . A wall does nothing to address that .

OK, great, now we are getting somewhere...

Right now, we have an open southern border, and this issue is about much more than illegal immigrants, it also has to do with the drug trade

Trump has essentially stated with a wink and a nod that he will start a trade war with Mexico through the use of tariffs, I am not sure that is a great idea

Insofar as immigrants that simply overstay their visas, why wouldn't they? They are not even followed up with and there are no penalties if they get caught

Ok . Now how is the current situation and differnt than before ?

The INS has split in two . With one arm being the enforcement . From what I can tell , obama has them focused on deporting the worst offenders. Which makes sense.

No one talks about expanding immigration courts . More courts= quicker deportation .

And the drug trade is about opioids . But we let the drug companies and doctors poison us with no recourse.
I don't know how secure the border is but what I want is good use of our immigration control dollar .

I don't think building a wall gets u bang for your buck. In fact , I think its a southwest money grab .

Ya know what does provide a good bang for the bush regarding immigration? Here's 3 solutions / ideas for you:

1. Enforcing all existing immigration laws.
- Currently our President refuses to enforce immigration laws, creates non-existent Constitutional / Legal rights that apply ONLY to illegals, ordered the DOJ not to arrest / charge / jail illegals for anything less than a felony - a 'right' not given to US citizens, releases criminal illegals who victimize US citizens, do ont even give illegals arrested a notice to return to court because they know they won't do so, etc... These are INCENTIVES for illegals to keep coming and for those already here on Visas to illegally stay after their visas expire.

- Our current President has engaged in Human trafficking, has violated court orders demanding he give the locations of illegals in which his administration has dumped them without informing local and state agencies they are coming.

- Our government is protecting federal law-violating cities that provide safe havens for illegal criminals who victimize US citizens....

** If we simply enforce ALL existing laws we would not need to deport illegals entering this country. e-Verify would prevent illegals from getting jobs - No jobs, they go home. When you catch companies hiring illegals you fine / punish the living SHITE out of would stop.
- The US does not lack the ability to stop illegal immigration, it lacks the DESIRE!
- Bill gates lied to Congress saying we do not have enough technology-educated Americans and we need more H1B Visas...then was caught FIRING a LOT of AMERICANS who had the expertise so Gates could hire H1B Visa-carrying foreigners for LESS! THAT is where the lack of desire to limit / stop the abuse of our immigration system comes from.

2. Registering all foreigners who enter this country.
- you mentioned 40% of immigrants come here legally. but the problem is they illegally stay past their Visa dates. Creating a national database - as Trump said he wanted - would provide a database to be used by ALL immigration and law enforcement officials for controlling who is here. If a car is stopped, the ID is checked, and the database shows the person is here illegally due to over-staying their Visa, DEPORT / PUNISH THEM.

Even several top Democrats in Congress admitted that a national database for those coming into the country would drastically help solve the broken Visa system in this country!

3. Instead of giving Mexico, who already gets millions in US dollars from the US by way of illegals here sending money back to their family members in Mexico, one more dollar in Foreign aid - while they have encouraged and aided in the illegal immigration problem rather than tried to stop it - they should be CUT OFF!

That money should be used to secure our border, build the wall, pay for the huge and growing cost to this nation from illegal immigration, for compensation to the family members of those Americans killed by illegals, etc....

Until illegal immigration is DRASTICALLY cut or stopped they should not get 1 more dime from the US.
1). Not feasible . Not without adding bazzillions tonthe budget

2). All immigrants are "registered ". But see #1 and the logistics of rounding everyone up.

3). Also not feasible . Probably unconstitutional to prevent someone from sending money to their family . I don't see how it's feasible to distinguish tween who is sending money .

If u are going to have ideas . They have to be practicle.
* Although the standard (U-3) unemployment rate is at 5.0 percent, the U-6 unemployment rate, which gives a much more complete employment picture, is at 9.9 percent, and has gone up .3 percentage points since November (from 9.6 to 9.9). The U-3 does not count the long-term unemployed/those who have given up on finding work and those who are under-employed because they can't find full-time work, whereas the U-6 includes these people.

* The average U-6 rate under Bush was a good 2 points lower than it has been under Obama. Under Bush, the U-6 averaged under 8 percent. Under Obama, the U-6 has averaged right around 11 percent.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

Unemployment Rate | President : George Walker Bush

* The labor force participation rate (LFPR) has been trending markedly downward since 2009, even soon after the start of Obama’s “recovery.”

United States Labor Force Participation Rate | 1950-2016 | Data | Chart (use the "max" view option)

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest in 38 Years

In contrast, during the Reagan and Clinton years, the LFPR trended markedly upward. And you can’t blame Obama’s LFPR drop all on retiring Baby Boomers. Indeed, many Baby Boomers have found it necessary to keep working or to re-enter the workforce because of the weak economy and/or declining retirement income caused by the Fed’s unnaturally low interest rates (my own parents saw their retirement income drop by about $700 a month because of the drop in interest rates).

* Given these facts, some might be wondering how Obama could claim, as he did during his SOTU speech, that the economy has added 14 million jobs on his watch, a claim that Fareed Zakaria repeated on CNN a few days ago. Well, the simple fact is: it hasn’t. Obama cooked up this number by ignoring the worst economic months on his watch and then counting from there! No kidding. Even CNN has admitted that that’s how Obama came up with the figure of 14 million new jobs (see Did President Obama really create 14 million jobs? ).

Obama’s real job-creation number is 9.3 million. Never mind that many of those jobs have been part-time jobs and were created in spite of Obama’s policies, not because of them, Obama’s record pales in comparison to Reagan’s and Clinton’s records. Reagan created 12.6 million new jobs, and Clinton created nearly 21 million new jobs.

Both Reagan and Clinton raised a few taxes but slashed other taxes, and both signed several deregulation bills to ease the regulatory burden on American businesses. Overall, Reagan slashed the top two marginal tax rates by nearly 300% and also substantially cut taxes for the middle class. Clinton, although he allowed a modest increase in the top two marginal rates, cut the capital gains tax by a whopping 28 percent, created a new $500 child tax credit, raised the income limit for deductible IRAs, and nearly doubled the estate tax exemption (funny that liberals never mention these things when they praise Clinton’s economic record).

Obama’s job-creation record does top Bush’s: 9.3 million to 5.7 million. However, Bush’s numbers were affected by four events that were beyond his control: the huge economic damage done by 9/11, the enormous economic damage done by six of the 10 costliest hurricanes in American history (four of them are in the top six, including the most expensive of them all: Katrina; in contrast, Obama has had one top-ten hurricane: number 7, Irene), the recession that began soon after he took office (which obviously had nothing to do with anything he had done), and the Great Recession that began in 2008, which was largely caused by federal mortgage lending and securitization policies that Bush had repeatedly tried to stop (see, for example, Investor's Business Daily ; How Government Housing Policy Led to the Financial Crisis ).

* Under Obama, real median household income has dropped sharply and is still nowhere near its average during the Reagan, Clinton, and Bush years. During the Bush years, it averaged nearly $56K, whereas under Obama it has averaged below $54K.

Real Median Household Income in the United States (use the "max" view option)

* Under Obama, the national debt has skyrocketed and is now at $19 trillion. Obama has piled up nearly double the amount of debt that Bush did, and he’s done so in only 7 years compared to Bush’s 8 years. Bush added $4.9 trillion to the national debt during his 8 years in office, from $5.7 trillion in January 2001 to $10.6 trillion in January 2009. Obama has added $8.3 trillion to the national debt since taking office, from $10.6 trillion in January 2009 to $18.9 trillion as of December 2015.

And don’t let anyone tell you that some of Obama’s new debt is Bush’s fault because of the gigantic FY 2009 spending increase, as some liberals (such as Rex Nutting) have falsely claimed. In point of fact, the huge FY 2009 spending hike was done by the Democratic-controlled Congress. The Democrats stalled nine of the 12 spending bills until after Obama took office. Just go look at who signed nine of those 12 spending bills—it was Obama, not Bush (see The Truth about President Obama's Skyrocketing Spending ).

* Blacks have done especially poorly in Obama’s economy. From median household income to poverty to employment, blacks are markedly worse off now than they were when Obama took office.

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

Blacks Lose Ground under Obama

Tavis Smiley: On Every Leading Economic Issue Black Americans Have Lost Ground Under Obama (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
1). Not feasible . Not without adding bazzillions tonthe budget

2). All immigrants are "registered ". But see #1 and the logistics of rounding everyone up.

3). Also not feasible . Probably unconstitutional to prevent someone from sending money to their family . I don't see how it's feasible to distinguish tween who is sending money .

If u are going to have ideas . They have to be practicle.
All you have to do is make it illegal to rent a home or an apartment to an illegal. Having the punishment that they loose the property. Then the government can resale it on the market. Problem Solved over night. Give the renters 90 days to get them out in the beginning.
Standard economic indicators ;

Housing starts
Industrial production
retail sales
Stock market prices
Money supply changes

These are areas we have stats for going back decades .

This just

58. "U.S. retail sales dropped in February and the prior month’s gain was revised to a decline, calling into question the narrative that bigger gains in consumer spending would propel economic growth at the start of 2016. The 0.1 percent decline in purchases followed a revised 0.4 percent January decrease, Commerce Department figures showed Tuesday.... “We’re seeing higher rents, higher healthcare expenses,.... Retail sales excluding autos fell 0.1 percent after a 0.4 percent decrease in January, according to Tuesday’s report."
Retail Sales in U.S. Decline After January Revised Down

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "...annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%.
By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years."
Just Slow & Steady growth under Obama, not the Boom & Bust economies of the Right.
And who benefits from B&B economies? The cash rich, who buy during the bust and sell at the boom.
And who benefits from S&S economies? Hard-working wage earners.
So what kind of an economy do dumb clucks like PompousCheek want? B&B, of course, because fools never learn!

This just

58. "U.S. retail sales dropped in February and the prior month’s gain was revised to a decline, calling into question the narrative that bigger gains in consumer spending would propel economic growth at the start of 2016. The 0.1 percent decline in purchases followed a revised 0.4 percent January decrease, Commerce Department figures showed Tuesday.... “We’re seeing higher rents, higher healthcare expenses,.... Retail sales excluding autos fell 0.1 percent after a 0.4 percent decrease in January, according to Tuesday’s report."
Retail Sales in U.S. Decline After January Revised Down

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.”Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction

Just an out and out lie.

When Obamacare was passed there were 9,233,000 working PT who wanted FT jobs. There are 5,988,000.
A DECREASE of over 3.2 MILLION!!!!!

1st - link it up TIA

2nd - how do so many of my friends on the left make it through life without seeing what is happening around them?
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

How do so many of you mindless Wing-nuts on the Right make it through life without seeing what is happening all around you?

those numbers are still substantially higher than they were 10 years ago, or 9 years ago

where are all these new good paying full time jobs?
They are up due to the Bush Depression.
9 or 10 years ago has nothing to do with the time period following Obamacare, which is the basis of the Cruz lie!!!
So Obama is a failure after over 7 years of failed policies, because of Bush?
No, Obama has successfully reversed the failed Bush/GOP policies.
1st - link it up TIA

2nd - how do so many of my friends on the left make it through life without seeing what is happening around them?
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

How do so many of you mindless Wing-nuts on the Right make it through life without seeing what is happening all around you?

those numbers are still substantially higher than they were 10 years ago, or 9 years ago

where are all these new good paying full time jobs?
They are up due to the Bush Depression.
9 or 10 years ago has nothing to do with the time period following Obamacare, which is the basis of the Cruz lie!!!
So Obama is a failure after over 7 years of failed policies, because of Bush?
No, Obama has successfully reversed the failed Bush/GOP policies.
If he turned it around the welfare rolls wouldn't be at an all time high. Is what I am saying.
Ok . Now how is the current situation and differnt than before ?

well, we were at least pretending to enforce border laws before, right now, border agents have been told to stand down...

deporting the worst offenders does make sense, but so does checking everybody and stopping people from just walking in

we have already derailed this topic enough - we can talk about big pharma some other time...
Just an out and out lie.

When Obamacare was passed there were 9,233,000 working PT who wanted FT jobs. There are 5,988,000.
A DECREASE of over 3.2 MILLION!!!!!

1st - link it up TIA

2nd - how do so many of my friends on the left make it through life without seeing what is happening around them?
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

How do so many of you mindless Wing-nuts on the Right make it through life without seeing what is happening all around you?

those numbers are still substantially higher than they were 10 years ago, or 9 years ago

where are all these new good paying full time jobs?
They are up due to the Bush Depression.
9 or 10 years ago has nothing to do with the time period following Obamacare, which is the basis of the Cruz lie!!!

There was no "Bush Depression."

The mortgage meltdown was due to Democrat policies....

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.

I don't believe you can handle the details.
Lies, all lies.
Well at least you are consistent!
Standard economic indicators ;

Housing starts
Industrial production
retail sales
Stock market prices
Money supply changes

These are areas we have stats for going back decades .

This just

58. "U.S. retail sales dropped in February and the prior month’s gain was revised to a decline, calling into question the narrative that bigger gains in consumer spending would propel economic growth at the start of 2016. The 0.1 percent decline in purchases followed a revised 0.4 percent January decrease, Commerce Department figures showed Tuesday.... “We’re seeing higher rents, higher healthcare expenses,.... Retail sales excluding autos fell 0.1 percent after a 0.4 percent decrease in January, according to Tuesday’s report."
Retail Sales in U.S. Decline After January Revised Down

"OBAMA: Anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” Obama: Anyone Claiming America's Economy Is In Decline Is Peddling Fiction


funny how one of his main points was the actual topic of this thread...
You meant bombing right? 94million working age citizens not working, this billion dollar pos with his name OscamNoCare , bombing, his foreign policy BOMBING. his party is bombing because of his bombing.

that was the worst mistake we ever made and we'll be paying for the damage he's caused for a long long time.

Because they are retired or in school! Again wh your 94 million lie .
Actually the 94 million number is accurate using govt numbers. The age range is generally considered 20 to 65. 20 million in school, I've seen numbers around 15 million on some form of disability. that gets you down to 59 million of which 12.5 million are unemployed. So we have 46.5 million stay at home moms or dads and people wealthy enough to retire early. Something doesn't add up.

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