The Obama Economy Is Wrecking NASCAR


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

"The only part I like is the left turn"

The Obama Economy Is Wrecking NASCAR
May 15, 2012 • By MICHAEL WARREN

The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) has been considered America’s fastest growing sport, quickly becoming a national phenomenon. But a new economic study shows even NASCAR’s powerful engines haven’t been able to keep up with the Obama-era economy.

The study, from the pro-market think tank Public Notice and Race Fans 4 Freedom, finds that the economic downturn of the last several years has directly affected how NASCAR fans watch and enjoy their sport. Since 2009, race attendance per year has fallen below 4 million people, and the number has been declining severely as the unemployment rate has skyrocketed. The cost of attending—with higher gas prices, less disposable income, and diminished financial security—has increased.

The Obama Economy Is Wrecking NASCAR | The Weekly Standard
What's next? Will Obama be blamed for a lack of hillbilly inbreeding?

BTW, that picture of Michelle Obama in the OP was of her honoring veterans.
When the working classes are losing their expendable purchasing power to the cost of living, they really have little choice but to cut back on their descretionary spending.

Blaming ALL THAT on Obama is, of course, ignorant and misguided, but the complaint that the economy is costing things like NASCAR its audience certainly has merit.
When the working classes are losing their expendable purchasing power to the cost of living, they really have little choice but to cut back on their descretionary spending.

Blaming ALL THAT on Obama is, of course, ignorant and misguided, but the complaint that the economy is costing things like NASCAR its audience certainly has merit.

Everything to you liberals is ignorant and misguided, why don't you go have a box of wine and stfu...:eusa_shhh:

I thought this post would suck liberals in like a hoover...:lol:
The cost of the tickets is what has turned me off with NASCAR. Example. I wanted to attend the race in Chicagoland one Sunday. In order to get tickets for the race on Sunday, you had to buy a package of tickets that included the Friday night truck race and the race on Saturday. That's the only way you could get a ticket for the main event on Sunday. This is horse shit. So, I just stayed home and watched it on tv for free. NASCAR, like all of the other sporting events are killing their fans with the high cost of the tickets. It isn't Obama's fault and I am not a supporter of Obama. It's the individual sports fault for the ever increasing cost of the tickets. I refuse to go to a baseball game because the tickets are so damned high. Football? Forget it. They are even worse. Hell with them. Sooner or later they are going to cut their own throats with their greed.
The only reason to watch NASCAR is to see the wrecks. Otherwise it's just the same 5 rednecks that win every time right?

The same thing is happening to Drag Racing. The only teams that are competitive have huge sponsors like The US Army and a Saudi Sheik (I think he's Saudi I can't remember) Everyone else runs on a shoestring budget or doesn't go to all 23 or so races.

A solution that has been floated for the last 10 years or so to go back to old style drag racing. One magneto (instead of three), One standard blower size, manual transmission (yeah the drivers used to shift them), limited nitro content. The cars would slow down so they could go back to 1/4 mile racing (It's currently 1000 ft for the Nitro cars).

This way no real money has to be spent on R&D because everyone would be using almost the same equipment and many more teams could compete instead of the Huge money teams practically buying a Championship every year.

This is the first year I've not paid attention to Drag Racing because it looks like the cars haven't changed in 15 years or so.
Here comes the birth defect pandemic. All the fans won't be able to attend so they'll be bangin' sisters and cousins again. Back to them thar good ole daze.
is that the sport where you get in the car and floor it then turn left then floor it then turn left then floor it then turn left then...?

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