The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton

The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.
Did you read this part?

Page also testified that the DOJ and FBI had "multiple conversations ... about charging gross negligence," and the DOJ decided that the term was "constitutionally vague" and "had either never been done or had only been done once like 99 years ago," and so "they did not feel they could sustain.


  • Roberts Commission - Pearl Harbor - 285 days

  • 9/11 Commission - 478 days

  • Warren Commission - Kennedy Assassination - 300 days

  • Senate Watergate investigation - 406 days
    (69 indictments, 48 jailed).
  • Benghazi Committee - 956 days
0 indictments, 0 prosecutions 0 incarcerations.
The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.

Where's your link? You saying it happened, doesn't make it so.
When will Obama be asked about this?
already has been, everything gets investigated and there's nothing there, super duper. Change the channel
Two years of non fucking stop Russia, Russia......
turns up empty. Democrats were really the bad guys and it's , oh well shit happens, la dee da, turn the page.
maybe we should wait for the findings of the Mueller investigation, super duper. How are the Democrats bad? You appear to be a conspiracy nut job like most Republicans at this point. change the channel.
Hillary was on Obamas plane flying to South Carolina while comey was about to speak about not charging Hillary

So Obama already knew what was gonna be said

All in collusion

Now what will happen to an ex president trying to do a coup on a current president in order to protect hillarys crimes?
When will Obama be asked about this?
already has been, everything gets investigated and there's nothing there, super duper. Change the channel
Two years of non fucking stop Russia, Russia......
turns up empty. Democrats were really the bad guys and it's , oh well shit happens, la dee da, turn the page.
maybe we should wait for the findings of the Mueller investigation, super duper. How are the Democrats bad? You appear to be a conspiracy nut job like most Republicans at this point. And many Independents and Democrats
Yes Obamas Justice department.

So all true

Now what happens for treason crimes?
You know CIA Director (until 2017) John O. Brennan is up to his neck in this shit.
Why else would he be going on the Rachel Maddow Show calling the president a traitor for
having a private meeting with Putin ?
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Listen to him still bitching on MSNBC about Trump's family security clearances.

I think he's a closet something...maybe just gay.
Clearly it was Obamas team trying to not charge Hillary and then trying to black mail trump with the witch hunt and trying to do a coup of the American voters

This is high treason crimes for the whole bunch
Clearly it was Obamas team trying to not charge Hillary and then trying to black mail trump with the witch hunt and trying to do a coup of the American voters

This is high treason crimes for the whole bunch
Obama Had a Secret Plan in Case Trump Rejected 2016 Election Results
The Obama White House plan, according to interviews with Rhodes and Jen Psaki, Obama’s communications director, called for congressional Republicans, former presidents, and former Cabinet-level officials including Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, to try and forestall a political crisis by validating the election result. In the event that Trump tried to dispute a Clinton victory, they would affirm the result as well as the conclusions reached by the U.S. intelligence community that Russian interference in the election sought to favor Trump, and not Clinton. Some Republicans were already aware of Russian interference from intelligence briefings given to leaders from both parties during the chaotic months before the election. “We wanted to handle the Russia information in a way that was as bipartisan as possible,” Rhodes said.
I have said it before and I will again because it feels good

Before I retired in 2016 I was a manager for (17) DoD Federal employees and (14) DoD contractors. Of those, (2) Feds and (1) contractor had Top Secret Clearances. I can tell you factually if anyone of those individuals did what Her Thighness Clinton did, they would have been terminated and prosecuted. FACT!

During my separation- exit interview with personnel security they broke out the form I singed in 1984 stating I would safeguard classified information under the threat of prosecution for not doing so. And further, I was directed that even though I am no longer a DoD employee, what I saw, and heard relative to classified information was not to be discussed or I would be prosecuted just as if I was employed, After signing the document for the second time, I jokingly asked

"Does that mean I can't keep classified information on my home PC?"

I actually got a smile out of the security gal and she grabbed a fly swatter and said I have something for people like you.

I just had to say it

Bottom line- Hillary is guilty of a crime most others would have been convicted for

She is above the law....... for now


DOJ lawyers say you don't know wtf you are talking about.

Republican named Comey descided that the case did not have sufficient merrit and bringing charges would be unprecedented.

Inspector General re-affirmed that descision in 2018 report.

The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.

No surprise here. No way you commit all that crime and walk away free without someone backing you up. Just wonder what secret dirt Hillary has on the Obamas.
Just the usual way of doing things when the person is obviously not guilty, super duper. No it is not a gigantic conspiracy of everyone in government law enforcement and journalism. Change the channel.
The problem with your theory is that Hillary is obviously guilty.
The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.

No surprise here. No way you commit all that crime and walk away free without someone backing you up. Just wonder what secret dirt Hillary has on the Obamas.
Just the usual way of doing things when the person is obviously not guilty, super duper. No it is not a gigantic conspiracy of everyone in government law enforcement and journalism. Change the channel.
The problem with your theory is that Hillary is obviously guilty.

Reality says you are obviously nuts.

Seriously, if Clinton is obviously guilty then you need the GREATEST CONSPIRACY OF ALL TIME to explain her not getting prosecuted for commiting obvious crimes.

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