The Obama legacy

I comment, then noticed it is just another teaper race baiting thread...tiresome as it could be an interesting conversation.
I comment, then noticed it is just another teaper race baiting thread...tiresome as it could be an interesting conversation.

What the hell are you talking about? Race baiting, that is what liberal do. If you have nothing to say quit saying it.
Yes, I'm a racist...or so I've been told!

Shit ain't fun anymore. The funny done gone out of living in America.

Fuck that delirious President.
Yes, I'm a racist...or so I've been told!


Honestly, most of that list is pure BS. But that does not eliminate the small part which is true.

Can we use THIS one?


You may do as you like. My point is that I don't really care if Obama is doing the bone dance with Mr. Sphincter. I don't really care if he used drugs in the past. What I do care about is his abuse of his power which is witnessed by the many times the SCOTUS ruled against him. One would think a constitutional scholar would get it right once in awhile, but not Obama.
I don't see his legacy as being a good one

he's been like tyrant thug, lying lying lying in order to put a NEW government Entitlement on our backs.
. Because of him his party lost control of both chambers in congress in just SIX years and the list is long
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Bin Laden dead! GM alive! Bush could not get him taken out! Thank you President Obama. You have made the world so much safer for us all.
If Bill Clinton had done his job, bin-Laden would have been just a bad DEAD memory on 9/11/2001. And about 3,000 people would have lived long useful lives.
Yes, I'm a racist...or so I've been told!


His legacy will be that he screwed the taxpayers of America with his ACA and his most open and transparant administration in history was a crock of shit just like him.

Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Solyndra and his green bullshit will all be his legacy.

The rest of the world thinks he's an idiot and doesnt' trust him with the sugar bowl.

Yep. He can go out proud of what he's accompled for the taxpayers of America and the world.

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