"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

If you like more competition between insurers, you can't have it | WashingtonExaminer.com

First, President Obama said that if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Now he has shifted to arguing that you shouldn't have liked it, but he's sorry if his deception caused you any inconvenience.

Not to say this argument is going over well, but it might be harder still to defend his promise that you could keep your doctor.

At some point, the various government health insurance exchange websites will work. Consumers will discover that in addition to the other things insurers are doing to cope with the Affordable Care Act's burdensome regulations (raising premiums, deductibles, and out of pocket costs, for example) they are also paring down provider networks.

Perhaps Obama will defend this breach by vilifying “junk doctors” – tonsil-thieves who perform needless surgeries and prescribe unnecessary medications in an effort to enrich themselves.

These deceptions will not be the last shoes to fall. Obamacare is a centipede of broken promises. The promises about health plans and doctors were the most explicit and frequent, but they were not the only ones made, nor will they be the only ones broken.


In 78 percent of U.S. counties, customers have a choice between three ACA insurers or fewer. And in 17 percent of U.S. counties – including all counties in New Hampshire and West Virginia – just one insurer has a monopoly on the subsidized exchanges.

In 31 of the 50 states, not a single customer has a choice on the exchange of more than four insurance companies.

In 21 states (including five of the six New England states and five Southern states), no customer has a choice of more than three insurers.


With more important promises being broken, this implicit promise – that government could wave a magic wand and suddenly create competition – may go unnoticed.

But it demonstrates yet another clash between reality and the arguments used to sell the Affordable Care Act.
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I continue to see articles saying that Republican opposition to the implementation of Obamacare is threatening our democracy.

This enrages me. No one who supports Obamacare has any ground to stand on whatsoever with regard to our democracy. If the people claiming that Republicans should essentially just "lie back and think of England" cared about democracy, they would care about the fraud Obama and his confederates deliberately perpetrated on the American people to pass Obamacare and to obscure the realities of Obamacare until it was too late for the people to do anything about it electorally.

That was the blow to democracy. Supporting Obamacare in any way is agreeing that democracy means jack sh*t. And I still don't agree. Obama and his partners in fraud haven't lowered me to that level of noncaring yet. I still have fight left in me.
I continue to see articles saying that Republican opposition to the implementation of Obamacare is threatening our democracy.

This enrages me. No one who supports Obamacare has any ground to stand on whatsoever with regard to our democracy. If the people claiming that Republicans should essentially just "lie back and think of England" cared about democracy, they would care about the fraud Obama and his confederates deliberately perpetrated on the American people to pass Obamacare and to obscure the realities of Obamacare until it was too late for the people to do anything about it electorally.

That was the blow to democracy. Supporting Obamacare in any way is agreeing that democracy means jack sh*t. And I still don't agree. Obama and his partners in fraud haven't lowered me to that level of noncaring yet. I still have fight left in me.

It's not about healthcare, it's about government control
There is one Really Great Thing about ObamaCare:

It is the Moment We've Been Waiting for When Progressivism Finally Jumps The Shark.

So the best thing to do is just to stand back and let it crumble under its own unsustainable weight.

Obama's Latest Lie (this one about not adding One Dime to the Deficit): the Obamanoids are considering raising the subsidy to 5X the poverty rate, thus increasing the O-Care spending by $1.2T over a 5 year period.

Yes run on Obamacare...:cuckoo:

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday that Democratic congressional candidates would win by running on Obamacare in the 2014 midterm elections. “I think, actually, Candy, that Democratic candidates will be able to run on ObamaCare as an advantage leading into the 2014 election,” Wasserman Schultz told host Candy Crowley

Wasserman Schultz: Democrats Will Win in 2014 Running on Obamacare | CNS News
Yes run on Obamacare...:cuckoo:

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday that Democratic congressional candidates would win by running on Obamacare in the 2014 midterm elections. “I think, actually, Candy, that Democratic candidates will be able to run on ObamaCare as an advantage leading into the 2014 election,” Wasserman Schultz told host Candy Crowley

Wasserman Schultz: Democrats Will Win in 2014 Running on Obamacare | CNS News
Yep let's hope they are smart enough to run on obamacare. :lol:
One of the most touted benefits of President Obama’s health care overhaul law is the provision allows parents to keep their adult children on their health insurance until age 26.

TRICARE, the Department of Defense program that provides health coverage to active duty and retired military members and their families, only covers young adult dependents up until age 21, or age 23 if they are enrolled full-time in college.

Military members, veterans missing out on key ObamaCare provision | Fox News

This is messed up!

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