"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

One of the most touted benefits of President Obama’s health care overhaul law is the provision allows parents to keep their adult children on their health insurance until age 26.

TRICARE, the Department of Defense program that provides health coverage to active duty and retired military members and their families, only covers young adult dependents up until age 21, or age 23 if they are enrolled full-time in college.

Military members, veterans missing out on key ObamaCare provision | Fox News

This is messed up!

When people heard that they could keep their adult children on their insurance until age 26, they were very happy because they would get to keep their children on their insurance policies for free. When they found out how much the policies for 26 year olds were, it wasn't that attractive, especially since 26 year olds have to pay more than sick people.
The ObamaCare Potemkin Village is getting more and more populated. Not only are the Obamonoids planning to count as Enrolled people who have only put a plan in their shopping cart, they armies of Navigators are ACORN Fraudsters! Hopenchange!

The Truth about Navigators:

...This time, his undercover investigators focused on Obamacare’s “navigators,” the nearly 50,000 people who, in the words of the Department of Health and Human Services, “will serve as an in-person resource for Americans who want additional assistance in shopping for and enrolling in plans” on the Obamacare exchanges (at least when they’re finally working). The total value of grants doled out for nonprofits and community organizations to hire navigators has topped $67 million nationwide, and some of the money is going to a group run by ACORN’s highly controversial founder.

The events of O’Keefe’s video of a Texas navigator site run by the National Urban League are a familiar sight to viewers of his past efforts exposing Medicaid and voter fraud. Government-paid workers supposedly trained to uphold the law advise clients on how to lie on government forms, evade legal requirements, and ignore proper procedures.

“You lie because your premiums will be higher,” one navigator advises an investigator for O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, who tells the worker he sometimes smokes. “Don’t tell them that. Don’t tell ’em.”

The investigator then poses as a low-income worker at a university who has unreported cash income on the side, worrying about how that might affect his premium subsidies. That’s no problem for a navigator, who says, “Don’t get yourself in trouble by declaring it now.”

“Yeah, it didn’t happen,” another navigator says. One more chimes in: “Never report it.”

Records show that the National Urban League was paid $376,000 by the federal government for its Obamacare outreach in Texas....

The Truth about Navigators | National Review Online
Kay Hagan on the Ropes | National Review Online

The Obamacare rollout has been almost universally problematic, but North Carolina is having a particularly rough time, which could spell trouble for Senator Kay Hagan (D., N.C.), who is beginning to look vulnerable heading into 2014.

The state is experiencing many of the problems typically associated with the controversial law. Local businesses are cutting hours; individuals (at least 160,000 of them) are losing their existing insurance plans and now face premium costs that have more than doubled as a result of Obamacare. In some cases, premiums have jumped by more than 400 percent, and federal subsidies aren’t nearly enough to offset to the cost.

For once I'm grateful for Obama's hypocrisy -- by pushing off the employer mandate he has pushed off the stories reporting on how that will affect jobs and insurance coverage.

At least I'm grateful if the timing works out as I hope.

The news about that should start hitting the waves about a month before the 2014 election.

Of course the media could try to sit on it until after the election but I don't think they'll be so inclined to do that this time around.
What a vile & arrogant despot Obama & his supporters are. To come between individuals & their doctors, with their rules of how, what & when they will get their care is something straight out of the Socialist playbook. To hell with them!
Death by Obamacare: 'Reform' reams cancer patients | New York Post

ObamaCare is supposed to be a huge boon for anyone with a pre-existing condition. Count that another promise broken: It’s actually denying care because of pre-existing conditions.

Millions of Americans with cancer and other chronic illnesses will wind up paying more for lifesaving care, if they can get it all.

To keep costs down, the White House designed ObamaCare plans as cut-rate HMOs. The low profit margins have forced insurers to downsize the number of doctors and hospitals in their networks — and to slash what they cover for out-of-network treatment.

So most ObamaCare plans don’t include the vast majority of the best cancer doctors and cancer centers. That’s a huge problem for these patients. As Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former Medicare official, writes: “Cancer patients often need the help of specialized doctors and cancer institutions that won’t make it into many of these cheapened networks.”

All across the country, leading cancer centers — including New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering — are excluded by the largest plans. In Washington state, the largest exchange plans exclude world-class cancer care for kids such as the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. California’s state-of-the-art Cedars-Sinai cancer center isn’t in any ObamaCare plan. Only a few plans include the Mayo Clinic.

And if you want a doctor outside such networks, you’ll generally have to pay the full cost of care.

The good news is that eventually the bad news will get out. It's probably too late to do much good. Jobs, income and insurance policies are already lost -- even if there is a delay Blue Cross Blue Shield won't be able to say, "Come back to us at your old rates and deductions". Nor will employers be able to say, "Come back to work for us at your old hourly level for one more year before we have to let you go again". But at least the news will eventually be told. I hope.

Marc Thiessen: The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think - The Washington Post

From the opinion piece:

Plans with the least expensive monthly premiums — highlighted by state and federal officials as proof the new law will keep costs low for consumers — have deductibles as high as $6,350 for individuals and $12,700 for families.” Even with federal subsidies, few Americans will bother to buy insurance with a $4,000 to $12,700 deductible — and millions won’t even be eligible for the subsidies.

The author seems to be ignorant of the fact that the Bronze plans are the ones which have the high deductibles. The Silver and Gold plans are the ones with subsidies. He's conflating the different plans.

The Bronze plans are for the voluntarily uinsured who are mandated to buy insurance but don't want to pay a lot.

If you are voluntarily uninsured, you have an infinite deductible, so a $5,000 Bronze plan deductible is far less painful should you get ill.

So where's the silver lining?

Fact is, there is none.

We can't afford to subsidize all of the people that will apply for Obamacare. It's going to create another tax that will be taken out of our paychecks, or it will increase the debt. My guess is it will do both. Anyone who is stupid enough to sign up risks having their identity stolen by hackers because the site isn't even remotely secure.

But according to Obama it pays for itself and we can all keep our insurance if we like it.
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The good news is that eventually the bad news will get out. It's probably too late to do much good. Jobs, income and insurance policies are already lost -- even if there is a delay Blue Cross Blue Shield won't be able to say, "Come back to us at your old rates and deductions". Nor will employers be able to say, "Come back to work for us at your old hourly level for one more year before we have to let you go again". But at least the news will eventually be told. I hope.

Marc Thiessen: The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think - The Washington Post

From the opinion piece:

Plans with the least expensive monthly premiums — highlighted by state and federal officials as proof the new law will keep costs low for consumers — have deductibles as high as $6,350 for individuals and $12,700 for families.” Even with federal subsidies, few Americans will bother to buy insurance with a $4,000 to $12,700 deductible — and millions won’t even be eligible for the subsidies.

The author seems to be ignorant of the fact that the Bronze plans are the ones which have the high deductibles. The Silver and Gold plans are the ones with subsidies. He's conflating the different plans.

The Bronze plans are for the voluntarily uinsured who are mandated to buy insurance but don't want to pay a lot.

If you are voluntarily uninsured, you have an infinite deductible, so a $5,000 Bronze plan deductible is far less painful should you get ill.

So where's the silver lining?

Fact is, there is none.

We can't afford to subsidize all of the people that will apply for Obamacare. It's going to create another tax that will be taken out of our paychecks, or it will increase the debt. My guess is it will do both.

But according to Obama it pays for itself and we can all keep our insurance if we like it.

Maybe we'll all get lucky and the people that ObamaCare Navigators sell our identities to will get socked with the taxes.
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The ObamaCare Potemkin Village is getting more and more populated. Not only are the Obamonoids planning to count as Enrolled people who have only put a plan in their shopping cart, they armies of Navigators are ACORN Fraudsters! Hopenchange!

The Truth about Navigators:

...This time, his undercover investigators focused on Obamacare’s “navigators,” the nearly 50,000 people who, in the words of the Department of Health and Human Services, “will serve as an in-person resource for Americans who want additional assistance in shopping for and enrolling in plans” on the Obamacare exchanges (at least when they’re finally working). The total value of grants doled out for nonprofits and community organizations to hire navigators has topped $67 million nationwide, and some of the money is going to a group run by ACORN’s highly controversial founder.

The events of O’Keefe’s video of a Texas navigator site run by the National Urban League are a familiar sight to viewers of his past efforts exposing Medicaid and voter fraud. Government-paid workers supposedly trained to uphold the law advise clients on how to lie on government forms, evade legal requirements, and ignore proper procedures.

“You lie because your premiums will be higher,” one navigator advises an investigator for O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, who tells the worker he sometimes smokes. “Don’t tell them that. Don’t tell ’em.”

The investigator then poses as a low-income worker at a university who has unreported cash income on the side, worrying about how that might affect his premium subsidies. That’s no problem for a navigator, who says, “Don’t get yourself in trouble by declaring it now.”

“Yeah, it didn’t happen,” another navigator says. One more chimes in: “Never report it.”

Records show that the National Urban League was paid $376,000 by the federal government for its Obamacare outreach in Texas....

The Truth about Navigators | National Review Online

Trust us.......

......we know what we're doing.......

Thanks to Oblammer we didn't lose our health insurance...

No today in my inbox was a notice from HR that on 1/1/2014 I will pay $43.67 more per month, that's $524.04 more per year for the Annual Fee on Health Insurers and Transitional Reinsurance Contribution Fee...

Gotta Love the f'ing Liberal POS, doesn't he know he isn't Robin Hood?

Less than a $100 dollars away from $5K a year now...

Can't wait until I am retired...

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