"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

25,000 Alabama children to be added to Medicaid rolls - WSFA.com: News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Alabama children are finding the "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" pledge broken. They're being forced out of an excellent insurance program and into Medicaid. I learned about this from my friend whose granddaughter has lost her doctor because her doctors and the hospital where the girl got her surgery don't take Medicaid. It's not clear yet whether there will be any lapse in her rehab. The parents are still scrambling for information.

does anybody pay for anything on their own anymore?

VIDEO: Watch Obama (kinda, sorta) apologize to Americans losing their health plans

The lies continue:

"And in good faith, tried to write the law in such a way that people could keep their care."

"And I am sorry that they-- you know, are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me."

What does that mean?

Flat. Out. Lie.

Read this from the WH blog, 2010:

Keeping the Plan You Like | The White House

HHS changed the grandf-father rule, though, to benefit group coverage only but nnot individual coverage.

In November 2010, HHS modified the regulation to provide even further flexibility for larger companies, even allowing them to change insurance providers without losing grandfathered status, despite already giving them favorable treatment. According to the HHS fact-check:

“Previously, one of the ways an employer group health plan could lose its grandfather status was if the employer changed issuers – switching from one insurance company to another. The original regulation only allowed self-funded plans to change third-party administrators without necessarily losing their grandfathered plan status. Today’s amendment allows all group health plans to switch insurance companies and shop for the same coverage at a lower cost while maintaining their grandfathered status, so long as the structure of the coverage doesn’t violate one of the other rules for maintaining grandfathered plan status.”

By comparison, HHS regulations for individual insurance coverage ensured that relatively minor changes to these plans — for example, an increase in the deductible above a certain amount — would result in these plans losing grandfathered status. Whereas the regulations allowed businesses to swap out one insurance carrier for another, buyers in the individual insurance market could not even change plans with the same carrier without losing protected status.

obama KNEW from Nov 2010 on that millions with individual policies would be losing their plans yet he continuously touted the 'if you like your plan you can keep your plan, period' line. No mention/clarification that this pertained to group policies only, no mention that individual policies couldn't even have a premium increase without being cancelled. HE LIED and anyone who defends him on this is nothing short of a raving loon.

Also note this massive obama dodge (it's what he doessss):

During a White House meeting with President Obama in February 2010, then-House Minority Whip Eric Cantor challenged the President directly about his repeated claims that Americans would be able to keep their existing insurance plans if they desired. The President’s response was that they were not being forced to change, but that they would do so voluntarily in order to get a “better deal.”

“The eight to nine million Americans that you refer that might have to change their health insurance—keep in mind out of the 300 million Americans that we’re talking about—would be folks who the CBO—the Congressional Budget Office—estimates would find the deal in the exchange better, would be a better deal,” Obama said in response to a question from Cantor. “So yes, they would change coverage because they’ve got more choice and competition.”

Only four months later, President Obama’s administration would release the regulations, ensuring that most of the seventeen million people with individual coverage would lose their plans, whether they liked them or not.
The last bolded? Once again, proof that obama outright lied to millions.

Obama modified 'grandfathering' rules to benefit businesses | The Daily Caller

VIDEO: Watch Obama (kinda, sorta) apologize to Americans losing their health plans

The lies continue:

"And in good faith, tried to write the law in such a way that people could keep their care."

"And I am sorry that they-- you know, are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me."

What does that mean?

Where does it say that he's sorry for lying to people about being able to keep their plan if they like it? Lame-assed president gives lame-assed "apology".
That CBS story I just posted is old news now -- that was from Monday.

Question of the hour: Now that Obama has said something which the media can take as an apology no matter how dishonest it was, will they keep sharing the bad news about O-care?
Obamacare adviser says healthcare website encountering new issues

The Obama administration's HealthCare.gov adviser Jeffrey Zeints said on Friday that the trouble-plagued federal healthcare website is improving, but that higher volumes of visitors are exposing new capacity and software issues.

In a conference call with reporters, Zeints said progress this week has been marred by roadblocks. He described HealthCare.gov as being "a long way from where it needs to be."

The administration is struggling to resolve problems with the website by the end of November, when it has pledged to have the system operating smoothly for the vast number of users including uninsured people interested in obtaining subsidized private health insurance.
Not sure how to look that up. Any leads?

Jindal looks to privatize health care programs | News | The Advocate ? Baton Rouge, LA

About Bobby Jindal - Governor Bobby Jindal | State of Louisiana

Gov. Bobby Jindal on ObamaCare rollout, dysfunction in Washington; Reps. Becerra, Blackburn talk changes to individual mandate | Interviews | Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace - Fox News

JINDAL: Chris, I think we need to do health care reform from the bottom up. This is what we do in Louisiana. We're the only state that has a state operated network of charity hospitals. We transformed those. We had 10 state operated hospitals when I became governor.

Now, nine of those are public/private partnerships, saving taxpayers over $100 million, improving the quality of care for example in Baton Rouge, going from a 10-day wait to a 10-minute wait to get prescriptions. Six-month wait for cancer services in another city where they're seeing specialists now right now, to another city like Charleston where if you had a broken bone or if you need special service that a lot of times, you had to travel many miles, and now you can get that care locally partnering with the private sector. In our managed care and our Medicaid program, we took 900,000 individuals got them into private insurance plans where they're getting preventative care and primary care, again, saving taxpayers another $100 million improving health care outcomes.

If you believe the federal government, if you believe the Obama administration and all the numbers they put out, our uninsured rate with the exchanges and everything else, should be 6 percent or less. To us, it made no sense to expand Medicaid, where over for every uninsured person you're covering, you take more than one person out of private insurance. So I think if you let the states approach health care reform, we can do it better in a D.C.-based approach.

In Louisiana, we're not only putting more people on private plans. Not only are we reforming the charity hospital system, we're also going to have more people working in the private sector more than any time in our state's history. And you see average incomes going up. And that's really the best solution, is to give people good paying jobs and the ability to afford their own health care.

Read the entire transcript. Good stuff!
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"I have been as clear as I could be -- if you like your health care plan you keep your health care plan"

These people are evil and insulting and I don't understand how their supporters can accept that the people they elected would have so little respect for their intelligence.

Welcome to Wonderland.

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