The ObamaCare nightmare has only just begun


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
1) my dad goes to the doctor because his arm hurt ...or some BS , and they tell him they will send him to therapy.
he goes into a room and they tell him he needs to lay on the ground and place a tennis ball under his back.
"i walked into the room and there's a bunch of people rolling around on the ground with a ball. i said i don't think i need this and walked out"

do you realise that with forced health care insurance, health providers can MAKE YOU participate for hours with these "therapies" or deny the next steps of "treatment"?

2) the days of you getting a second opinion are over.
all medical records are being standardized.
every doctor is going to perform a standard procedure, it doesn't matter which one you go to.
they will always assume it's a minor issue before they spend the money to check for serious issues.

3) health insurance is set by zip codes.
do you realise, the government and the insurance companies are going to decide who pays a lot and who gets health care for free?
Didn't a couple just lose their kids because they wanted a second opinion on their daughter?

It isn't "the government and the insurance companies" doing anything. The government intends to put the insurance companies out of business. You might THINK you are dealing with an insurance company, but it will be the government under a name that sounds good.
all medical records are being standardized.

It is already this way~ All doctors ethically are legally bound to go by what the FDA approves only. Which is letting the American people down with allow poisons and crap in our food, and medication, imports, ect.
1) my dad goes to the doctor because his arm hurt ...or some BS , and they tell him they will send him to therapy.
he goes into a room and they tell him he needs to lay on the ground and place a tennis ball under his back.
"i walked into the room and there's a bunch of people rolling around on the ground with a ball. i said i don't think i need this and walked out"

do you realise that with forced health care insurance, health providers can MAKE YOU participate for hours with these "therapies" or deny the next steps of "treatment"?

2) the days of you getting a second opinion are over.
all medical records are being standardized.
every doctor is going to perform a standard procedure, it doesn't matter which one you go to.
they will always assume it's a minor issue before they spend the money to check for serious issues.

3) health insurance is set by zip codes.
do you realise, the government and the insurance companies are going to decide who pays a lot and who gets health care for free?
So, instead of Obamacare (A program similar to what the republican Heritage Foundation proposed) you are for a healthcare system which offers the following:
1) A medical system that was out of control with rising prices that were making medical insurance unafordable for millions of Americans.
2) A medical system where 1 major illness could lead to people losing everything, being forced into bankrupcy, and eventually being forced into the streets.
3) A medical system where people without insurance could go to emergency rooms for help, stiff the hospital by not paying their bill, and eventually being responsible for forcing the hospitals and insurance companies to raise their rates along with everyone else's medical costs.
4) A medical system where insurance companies could deny coverage for pre-existing conditions and drop people because of high costs to cover them.
5) A medical system where only the wealthy can afford quality care and where the poor (and soon middle class) are pretty much pushed into the corner to die.
That is what you want instead of ACA? Here is an idea, why doesn't the gop come up with an alternate plan to help ALL Americans rather than just the wealthy. Perhaps if the gop had something to offer other than "NO" people like you would be listened to. Get back to us when the gop has a plan!
ObamaCare is a Statist Solution to thin out the unproductive population.
1) my dad goes to the doctor because his arm hurt ...or some BS , and they tell him they will send him to therapy.
he goes into a room and they tell him he needs to lay on the ground and place a tennis ball under his back.
"i walked into the room and there's a bunch of people rolling around on the ground with a ball. i said i don't think i need this and walked out"

do you realise that with forced health care insurance, health providers can MAKE YOU participate for hours with these "therapies" or deny the next steps of "treatment"?

2) the days of you getting a second opinion are over.
all medical records are being standardized.
every doctor is going to perform a standard procedure, it doesn't matter which one you go to.
they will always assume it's a minor issue before they spend the money to check for serious issues.

3) health insurance is set by zip codes.
do you realise, the government and the insurance companies are going to decide who pays a lot and who gets health care for free?

What insurance companies??
We have before ACA 1,300 companies.
These companies are NOT participating with the "exchange"..

Aetna (AET, Fortune 500) has actually pulled out of at least five exchanges after submitting proposals in 14 states. Its policies will not be found on the exchanges in Maryland, New York, Georgia, Ohio or its home state of Connecticut. The insurer recently bought Coventry Health Plans, which had also filed to be on several state exchanges, so Aetna is now reviewing both companies' remaining fillings.
"We believe it is critical that our plans not only be competitive, but also financially viable, in order to meet the long-term needs of the exchanges in which we choose to participate," the company said last month after withdrawing from the New York exchange. It will offer individual plans outside of Obamacare in the Empire State.
UnitedHealthcare (UNH, Fortune 500) is also planning limited participation in the new exchanges, at least for 2014. The company said it is taking its time to evaluate the exchanges, which it believes have the potential to be a growth market. It is only participating in about a dozen exchanges next year.
"[We] see 2014 as just the very start of the exchange markets," said spokesman Tyler Mason.
For Cigna (CI, Fortune 500), the decision came down to its customer base. A giant player in the employer market, Cigna is relatively new to the individual insurance side of the business. So it decided to join the exchanges in only the five states where it writes 80% of its individual policies, said spokesman Joseph Mondy. But Cigna will continue to offer plans outside the exchange in all 10 states where it is involved in the individual market.
These cautious moves contrast sharply with a company such as WellPoint (WLP, Fortune 500), a Blue Cross Blue Shield licensee that's embracing the exchanges. It plans to be involved in each of its 14 states as "essential players," a spokeswoman said.

Big insurers ditching Obamacare exchanges - Sep. 10, 2013
1) my dad goes to the doctor because his arm hurt ...or some BS , and they tell him they will send him to therapy.
he goes into a room and they tell him he needs to lay on the ground and place a tennis ball under his back.
"i walked into the room and there's a bunch of people rolling around on the ground with a ball. i said i don't think i need this and walked out"

do you realise that with forced health care insurance, health providers can MAKE YOU participate for hours with these "therapies" or deny the next steps of "treatment"?

2) the days of you getting a second opinion are over.
all medical records are being standardized.
every doctor is going to perform a standard procedure, it doesn't matter which one you go to.
they will always assume it's a minor issue before they spend the money to check for serious issues.

3) health insurance is set by zip codes.
do you realise, the government and the insurance companies are going to decide who pays a lot and who gets health care for free?
No more second opinions.
Health insurance by zip code.
Being forced into "therapies."
I have not seen any of this. Perhaps you could provide some proof or I will be forced to place your post into the round file where "death panels" ended up.
Oh, and by the way, "standardized" medical records makes a lot of sense. Maybe you think it is a good idea to spend time filling out form after form as you go from doctor to doctor but it makes little sense since they pretty much ask the same questions.
And finally, doctors are taught to apply Occam's Razor to solve problems. Occam's Razor teaches that the simplist answer is usually the right answer. For example, if you hear hoof beats outside your door, think horses and not unicorns. Doctors are taught to eliminate the simple problems before looking for complicated ones. It is the medical method.
The ObamaCare nightmare has only just begun

Actually the nightmare of rightwing hyperbole and demagoguery has only just begun.

What a Barking Moonbat.

I will be forced to place your post into the round file where "death panels" ended up.

you're a fool.
do you think you're going to walk into a hospital and say "i need a kidney" and everyone will snap into action?

no, somone will decide if you get one or not.
it's like that now, and will be worse
My individual/self employed Assurant Health policy I bought in Missouri went up 220% since last year due to Obamacare.

Assurant Health front of card says: PPO Hospital/MD Plan, ER Access Fee $0, Fully Insured GWH-Cigna-PPO. Policy is $2k deductible & $5k Max out of pocket HSA. 100% coverage network, 80% out of network, $2 million lifetime limit each person. RxRelief Pharmacy discount card up to 75% off prescriptions.

It had a 3 year rate lock, the price was $67ea/$134couple last year when the wife was 48yrs & I was 45yrs. Now it cost $148ea/$297couple a month. I called them & got it good health re-rated answering underwriter questions down to $267 & they said they could add dental, vision & hearing for an additional $30 a month. Now policy provides preventive cancer screenings & no lifetime limit.

I thought the Assurant Health policy was using HealthLink network when I signed up years ago, somewhere along the line they switched me to Cigna which has fewer doctors in their network.
1) my dad goes to the doctor because his arm hurt ...or some BS , and they tell him they will send him to therapy.
he goes into a room and they tell him he needs to lay on the ground and place a tennis ball under his back.
"i walked into the room and there's a bunch of people rolling around on the ground with a ball. i said i don't think i need this and walked out"

do you realise that with forced health care insurance, health providers can MAKE YOU participate for hours with these "therapies" or deny the next steps of "treatment"?

2) the days of you getting a second opinion are over.
all medical records are being standardized.
every doctor is going to perform a standard procedure, it doesn't matter which one you go to.
they will always assume it's a minor issue before they spend the money to check for serious issues.

3) health insurance is set by zip codes.
do you realise, the government and the insurance companies are going to decide who pays a lot and who gets health care for free?


Win an election next time.
My individual/self employed Assurant Health policy I bought in Missouri went up 220% since last year due to Obamacare.

Assurant Health front of card says: PPO Hospital/MD Plan, ER Access Fee $0, Fully Insured GWH-Cigna-PPO. Policy is $2k deductible & $5k Max out of pocket HSA. 100% coverage network, 80% out of network, $2 million lifetime limit each person. RxRelief Pharmacy discount card up to 75% off prescriptions.

It had a 3 year rate lock, the price was $67ea/$134couple last year when the wife was 48yrs & I was 45yrs. Now it cost $148ea/$297couple a month. I called them & got it good health re-rated answering underwriter questions down to $267 & they said they could add dental, vision & hearing for an additional $30 a month. Now policy provides preventive cancer screenings & no lifetime limit.

I thought the Assurant Health policy was using HealthLink network when I signed up years ago, somewhere along the line they switched me to Cigna which has fewer doctors in their network.

Damn! Health insurance was so affordable before the ACA! What have we done???
Govt can't do anything right. Only capitalism works. When will stupid dems understand that.?
My individual/self employed Assurant Health policy I bought in Missouri went up 220% since last year due to Obamacare.

Assurant Health front of card says: PPO Hospital/MD Plan, ER Access Fee $0, Fully Insured GWH-Cigna-PPO. Policy is $2k deductible & $5k Max out of pocket HSA. 100% coverage network, 80% out of network, $2 million lifetime limit each person. RxRelief Pharmacy discount card up to 75% off prescriptions.

It had a 3 year rate lock, the price was $67ea/$134couple last year when the wife was 48yrs & I was 45yrs. Now it cost $148ea/$297couple a month. I called them & got it good health re-rated answering underwriter questions down to $267 & they said they could add dental, vision & hearing for an additional $30 a month. Now policy provides preventive cancer screenings & no lifetime limit.

Hey einstein. When 67/134 goes to 148/297, that's a 120% increase not 220%.

BTW, $148 each is still a good price for the coverage you're getting at your age.

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