Zone1 The Obsession with Getting TRUMP...

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Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
The Opinion and Views expressed here are mine.

What is with this obsession to get Trump?

While writing another article I realized that it is based on fear... Total Fear. SO, what do they fear.

The DNC and the Socialist Party USA have been inserting themselves for over 40 or so years into our school systems. It took years to orchestrate this. The goal, if you read Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals (bio), was to indoctrinate the very young and then use them to take over the country. They have been working very long and very hard to do this. Using Randi Weingarten and the Unions, they took control of the schools and then the school boards to control all of the government mandated indoctrination. They used every avenue to break the family bonds and weaken the Family unit. They used Alinsky's book as a road map to slowly turn up the heat on, the not yet boiling pot of water, our children. Then along came COVID and the parents got to see what the children were being taught; the outrage began. They were indoctrinating them with transgenderism, and every other ism that is contrary to their parents and western values. Then called the parents terrorist for trying to stop this intentional degradation and indoctrination in our schools.

The 30-40 plus years of dumbing down our education system, by these people, is going to be very hard to reverse without some head rolling. This is why they fought to have total power over the schools in the 70's and 80's... That is why they hate school choice and private schools not subject to government control in the instruction. Trump reinstituted school choice and the ability to privately school or home school children. Trump took away unilateral power of the Federal control over schools and what they teach. With parents regaining control over their children, the Left began to attack our morals. They put males in women's sports and bathrooms. As they further lost control of the indoctrination mill, they have now resorted to other legal means to harass and intimidate by labeling parents' domestic terrorists, jailing them if they dare point out assaults by pedophiles that they now embrace. They send the FBI out then the IRS and any other federal agency they have now weaponized against We the People.

They must be able to indoctrinate all of the children or there will be pockets of people who can think, they are a threat to their power as they can lead the dumbed down masses, they currently control. And here is where Trump comes in. They have toiled for forty plus years to create this control and the first thig Trump does is stop the indoctrination mill. Then Trump lowers taxes and limits "Social Spending". This infuriated the left indoctrination camp.

Trump then killed the over regulation they were using to create winners and losers (Command control of the means of production through regulation). Our economy took off and soon there were good paying jobs for almost everyone. Trump secured the border. This cutoff the flow of cheap labor and soon even the low wage earners were making a living wage and every person of color was either employed and off welfare or making more than they ever had before. This gave the people hope as they could again see a path to the American dream that the democrats and socialist had been trying to kill for forty years. This very low unemployment, by people of color, scared the democrats to death, their lie was being exposed.

Trump did all of this inside three years. The left was trying every dishonest trick in the book, to include illegal ways to kill the Trump Agenda. Those the left kept in low wage jobs and on welfare handouts began to see that the handouts were just a chainless means of slavery to the state. People of Color we beginning to see what the lies of the democrat party had done to them for 50 plus years. The people began to coalesce around American greatness, their ability to be self-sufficient and without need for large government.

The globalists and control fanatics were apoplectic. Trump was undoing what it took them decades to accomplish in just a few years.

Simply look at Trump and how they fear him... Trump was bringing 'We the People' together and exposing the lies of the globalist's democrats and RINOS. Trump was removing the divisions in the people, the infighting, proving there was no racism issue which they need to keep the populace under their control. They are sparing no avenue legal or illegal to get him. That is how desperate they are to regain control of the masses. They are freighted... Trump was the person they feared the most. A person people would follow, because he truly cared about the people unlike the elitists and deep state bureaucrats who only serve themselves.

To validate my point of view, what did the Biden Administration do in the first two weeks of the presidency. Killed our oil and gas industries, literally shutting them down. Opened up the border, while using US funds to place over 6 million illegal entries into the US, Aiding the drug and human trafficking of young children to pedophiles all over the US. Taking the Cartell drop offs and paying for the destination travel where they can be indentured slaves to the cartels. Imposed heavy regulations that had been removed to regain total control over the US economy. The list goes on and on of panic to regain control.

Trump is enemy Number One, because he singlehandedly destroyed the Socialist Control Agenda and the command and control of the US economy they had created, in just three short years, despite the ways they attempted to thwart him. Two failed impeachments, countless lawsuits, countless defamations of character, and now a made-up charge from the NY DA. Even Jan 6 has now been shown to be a Nancy Pelosi concocted and operated false flag operation. This was, and is still, an orchestrated Coup De'Taut by the left, not only for Trump but the US Constitution. NO DUE PROCESS, ILLEGAL SERARCHES AND SIEZURES, and the saga continues until today. The persecution of his family and friends. The weaponization of all federal agencies against him and now all who support him. The two-tier justice system where democrats walk away from crimes that should land them in prison for life while they make up charges on their political opponents.

The end of our Representative Republic is near. We either take back our government from these people or put in someone who can flush this swamp of corruption. Trump tried but did not have long enough to flush it and that is why they fear him.

Originally posted Here: The Obsession with Getting TRUMP...
This is an Essay that I have written. Please feel free to add or comment on what you think the democrats and deep state actors are so afraid of...
1) Stop insulting Benjamin Franklin !!

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin
, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

2). Your essay is written with Republican White supremacy gone amuck.

3) Just ask and and all Republicans who have abandoned the Republican Party in the past seven years, why they will not vote Republican again. What are THEY afraid of within their Party?

4) Many more Republicans are going to be walking out, or voting for Democrats in the coming election.

Figure out why all of these is happening or going to happen.
Stop insulting Benjamin Franklin !!

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin
, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
Irrelevance.... That is all you have?

Please, what is it you really fear? Attacking the poster is not part of it.
Irrelevance.... That is all you have?

Please, what is it you really fear? Attacking the poster is not part of it.
I was talking about your ignorance about what is going on in this country.

I do not fear you or anyone else. Neither do all the voters who are going to continue to vote Democrats in, just as it happened in Wisconsin.

Pay attention to what is really going on in parts of this country, including right now in Tennessee. Guess what is going to happen in Tennessee in the next election? Republicans are clearly not going to like it.

You.....have a lot to fear......from voters from all walks of life.....who are not going to seat around and allow their rights to continue to be taken away.
The 30-40 plus years of dumbing down our education system, by these people, is going to be very hard to reverse


Is there a literacy crisis?

In 2022 only 33% of 4th graders and 31% of 8th graders are at or above proficiency in reading. Over 50% of adults struggle to read a book written at a 6th-grade level. Due to the pandemic, students in 2nd and 3rd grade are now 30% behind from a typical year.

This is the answer OP! :dunno:

I was talking about your ignorance about what is going on in this country.

I do not fear you or anyone else. Neither do all the voters who are going to continue to vote Democrats in, just as it happened in Wisconsin.

Pay attention to what is really going on in parts of this country, including right now in Tennessee. Guess what is going to happen in Tennessee in the next election? Republicans are clearly not going to like it.

You.....have a lot to fear......from voters from all walks of life.....who are not going to seat around and allow their rights to continue to be taken away.
Funny, Republicans have a super majority in the state legislature Senate. It doesn't make sense. When Democrats want to win they simply cheat.
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Funny, Republicans have a super majority in the state legislature. It doesn't make sense. When Democrats want to win they simply cheat.
Keep lying for the rest of your life. It will never drown or bury the truth.

The truth so many who used to vote republican continue to see, and have and will continue in the for Democratic candidates.

Keep lying for the rest of your life. It will never drown or bury the truth.

The truth so many who used to vote republican continue to see, and have and will continue in the for Democratic candidates.

I am not lying.

Is there a literacy crisis?

In 2022 only 33% of 4th graders and 31% of 8th graders are at or above proficiency in reading. Over 50% of adults struggle to read a book written at a 6th-grade level. Due to the pandemic, students in 2nd and 3rd grade are now 30% behind from a typical year.

even into the 1990's it was much, much higher.. but its rapid descent is stunning...
I was talking about your ignorance about what is going on in this country.

I do not fear you or anyone else. Neither do all the voters who are going to continue to vote Democrats in, just as it happened in Wisconsin.

Pay attention to what is really going on in parts of this country, including right now in Tennessee. Guess what is going to happen in Tennessee in the next election? Republicans are clearly not going to like it.

You.....have a lot to fear......from voters from all walks of life.....who are not going to seat around and allow their rights to continue to be taken away.
You have no clue...

It is the democrat machine and the socialist machine that fears Trump. he was rebuilding the bonds between races and that scared you people to death. HE was lifting all people regardless of creed together. that unity is what made you people panic and do illegal things. That is what is fostering the double standards in crime and justice outcomes.

We are not a stupid as you think we are. We see what it is you fear and why.
The left requires division, infighting and fear to control the masses... These types of people can be driven to do illegal and irrational things. IF they stand as one you all have no power. Trump was showing them that we are not a racist country and that we can stand together. That is when you all went totally ape shit... You were losing control of everything ... Your power was being stripped from you...
You have no clue...

It is the democrat machine and the socialist machine that fears Trump. he was rebuilding the bonds between races and that scared you people to death. HE was lifting all people regardless of creed together. that unity is what made you people panic and do illegal things. That is what is fostering the double standards in crime and justice outcomes.

We are not a stupid as you think we are. We see what it is you fear and why.
"he was rebuilding the bonds between races"

How many more jokes like the one above do you have?

Oh, yes, the rest of your "Trump is a saint" essay.
"he was rebuilding the bonds between races"

How many more jokes like the one above do you have?

Oh, yes, the rest of your "Trump is a saint" essay.
The healing was due to people working together, which Trump fostered. You don't get it.. (or maybe you do and are scared to death, so you lie). You are grasping at straws in an attempt to keep the division alive. without division you are powerless. That is what scared you all to death.
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