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The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

"Beginning with Occupy Wall Street in September 2011, a protest movement spread across the United States to 70 major cities and hundreds of other communities. Similar actions emerged in scores of other nations...

"Where does this movement go? What is to be done? The answers are already arising from the actions of the 99%:

"Discourage military recruitment and support conscientious objectors. Starve the empire of its legions. Organize massive tax resistance in protest of corrupt, wasteful, unlawful, and destructive Pentagon spending

"Transfer funds from corporate banks to credit unions and community banks. Support programs that assist the unemployed and the dispossessed.

"It was Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s embattled finance minister who declared: 'Salvate il popolo, non le banche' ('Save the people, not the banks'). It would be nice to hear such sentiments emanating from the U.S. Treasury Department or the White House.

"Coordinate actions with organized labor. Unions still are the 99%’s largest and best financed groups. Consider what was done in Oakland: occupiers joined with longshoremen, truckers, and other workers to close the port.

"Already there are plans for a general strike in various communities. Such actions improve greatly if organized labor is playing a role.

"We need new electoral strategies, a viable third party, proportional representation, and even a new Constitution, one that establishes firm rules for an egalitarian democracy and is not a rigmarole designed to protect the moneyed class.

"The call for a constitutional convention (a perfectly legitimate procedure under the present U.S. Constitution) seems long overdo.

"Perhaps most of all, we need ideological education regarding the relationship between wealth and power, the nature of capitalism, and the crimes of an unbridled profit-driven financial system.

"And again the occupiers seem to be moving in that direction: in early November 2011, people nationwide began gathering to join teach-ins on 'How the 1% Crashed the Economy.

Occupy America | Common Dreams

One more item on the OWS to-do list:

Convince millions of eligible voters who don't usually see anything worth voting for to register and vote AGAINST every Republican AND Democrat running for reelection in November 2012.

FLUSH the DC Toilet and the 1%.
You righties are missing the whole point of the OWS.

The OWSers are missing the whole point of the OWS. They've gone from "We hate Big Corp Bailouts" to being nothing more then a bunch of lazy criminals. But that's what we've come to expect from Lefties who are used to getting everything for free.
Why are those Ohio cities and counties cash strapped?
Organized labor, OWS or Wall Street?
$12.8 trillion is the total so far "lent, spent or guaranteed" for bailing out your Wall Street heroes.
And it appears their bad bets in Europe are coming due.
Are you ready for "Martial Law II?"

Organized labor in the US never had the muscle to compete with management compared to countries like Germany, for example. German unions have voting members sitting on the boards of directors of German Corporations. Which is why German factories didn't move to China when their US competition did. Which is why the richest 1% of Germans earned 11% of total German income in the 1970s and they earn the same 11% today.

By contrast, your role models among the richest 1% of US citizens earned 8% of total income in the 1970s and over 20% today.

Your solution is to give the 1% even more?
Good thinking.
Governments in the US should stop borrowing from the richest 1% and resume taxing them at the same levels they paid 40 years ago.

The true cost of the bank bailout | Need to Know | PBS
Easy.....The municipal government model is to spend more than it takes in.
Social programs. High cost of public employment due to out of control union demands, over stuffed government employment rolls, down economy with fewer people working, dwindling populations which results in far less revenue realized.
You can bloviate all 24 hours of the day about Wall Street. That is liberal clap trap.
Wall Street is not my hero..It's Obama's hero. He snuggles in bed with the financial captains of the country. It's part of his base both in political favors and campaign funding.
Who gives a fuck about German unions? Non sequitur.
The two largest German auto plants in the US are both in ......right to work states.
Nice try Geo.....FAIL
How much in tax subsidies did the governments' of those "right to slave states" have to pay to get those two German auto plants? Whose taxes rose to cover governments' bribes to corporations? Whose public services were cut because the richest 1% won't invest in a local economy if they're required to pay taxes?

Adam Smith saw all this clearly in 1776 when he wrote about the architects of society (manufacturers and merchants at the time) who consolidate state power and use it for their own selfish ends.

Obama is a corporate whore, we agree on that.
Do we also agree Romney, Cain and Perry are just as wedded to Wall Street as Barry is?
Nothing of substance changes on Wall Street or in the Pentagon by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
You righties are missing the whole point of the OWS. Then again, you only operate on sound bites. Anything deeper and you get out of your depth..
Okay, Mr. Deep-end. Answer me this multi-part question.

1. The Occupados desire change from Capitalism.
a. What do they wish to change to?
b. How do they propose to get to that new system?
c. Who will be in charge of the system after it is created?

Since this has not been answerered in about 5 threads and over 2000 posts, I'm pretty sure you'll resort to soundbites and bullshit rhetoric instead of the solid answers you are required to give. Step up or step off.

At its most basic, they want to know why those on Wall St are paid shitloads of money, given massive bonuses, even when the companies they are in charge of either don't make a profit, or lose money.

Most of them don't want capitalism changed, they just don't want unfettered, unregulated capitalism. Look what happened when that occured in 2008, and it looks like the worst is yet to come.

What they don't like is Wall St being in charge of Wall St. They want accountability, but every time it is mentioned, these Wall St retards try and scare the crap out of people by saying it wont' work, it will case the collapse of Western Civilisation, whereas, what it is really about is they don't like being held accountable.

And it doesn't matter how many times you right wing loons go after the peripheral players of the OWS movement as if they are the norm (in order to bolster your argument - hell, is it even an argument you are interesting in providing???), they do not represent the majority. Makes nice sounds bites though
At its most basic, they want to know why those on Wall St are paid shitloads of money, given massive bonuses, even when the companies they are in charge of either don't make a profit, or lose money.

It's called Capitalism. The other part of capitalism is you don't have to use any service or product from any company you don't find ethical or tasteful. That's your vote. Put your money where your mouth is.

Most of them don't want capitalism changed, they just don't want unfettered, unregulated capitalism. Look what happened when that occured in 2008, and it looks like the worst is yet to come.

Show me one single person on this board touting Lassaiez Faire capitalism. I know of none because the 1930's proved it just as dangerous as tyranny of government. The issue has always been not IF there should be guardrails on the highway of economics... but rather how WIDE those guardrails should be. You can't have a robust economy without having a lot of space to work in.

2008 was caused by collusion between corrupt politicians and crony capitalism rigging the rules and the system to protect a few corrupt actors in the economic scene at the expense of everyone else. The real question is why aren't those people being prosecuted by this administration. The short answer is this administration would have to string up too many of it's own supporters at this point the same way the Bush administration would have had to do the same.

Both sides are corrupt and colluding. Vote in people who will prosecute without exception.

What they don't like is Wall St being in charge of Wall St. They want accountability, but every time it is mentioned, these Wall St retards try and scare the crap out of people by saying it wont' work, it will case the collapse of Western Civilisation, whereas, what it is really about is they don't like being held accountable.
Everyone wants accountability. Not everyone wants tyranny to be it's replacement. People want the criminals prosecuted and the innocent protected. But massive government control will NOT help when they are ALSO part of the problem.

Western Civ will not collapse and disappear. It will adapt after the unsustainable elements have died off due to the collapse of the corrupt systems. Unless of course we are invaded and usurped by another culture opportunistic enough to take advantage of our weakness.

And it doesn't matter how many times you right wing loons go after the peripheral players of the OWS movement as if they are the norm (in order to bolster your argument - hell, is it even an argument you are interesting in providing???), they do not represent the majority. Makes nice sounds bites though

Peripheral players like the SEIU, Tides Foundation and the useful idiots they hire to push forth civil unrest in an attempt to destabilize current American culture eh don't represent the movement. Sorry they ARE the norm of the movement. I see these people every day when I drive by them. all 12-14 of them are professional rabble rousers with occasional useless idiots fired up and foaming.

So my question remains. I want specifics not rhetoric. Real solutions with real plans, not just silly inspirational garbage to fool the useless idiots. You say you want Accountability? Give me the old fashioned reporting 5W's and How.
Organized labor has hitched their busted wheel wagon to a bunch of freeloading pricks. Good move. 93% of us are union free. Unions are on their death bed because most people cannot stand them.
Oh, before you go off on tangent about the repeal of the anti collective bargaining law in Ohio, that vote was the knockout blow to public worker unions in the Buckeye State.
Beginning in 2012, public employment in Ohio will see thousands of permanent layoffs as cash strapped cities and counties will have no alternative but to slash public employment.
The voters basically ties the hands of their own elected officials.

In the early 1980's many copper mines in AZ were going on strike. Phelps Dodge had warned they were going to be closing mines as it was and could not afford a labor issue.

The unions thought they were bluffing (high quality ore in Chile was kicking PD's rear).

They went on strike. Most of the mines closed for good.
The discussion has moved from deficits to jobs, and the policy discussions have moved distinctly to the left. The OWS movement has had a dramatic impact on the political landscape.

Most people hate the OWS dicks..Now the unions have foolishly joined up with them.
Unions...."note to self"...."If few people like you, it's best to fly under the radar and at the most, stay out of controversy that can make you less popular."
I havew no idea what the fuck you're blathering on about.
Looks like whiny wishful thinking on your part.
Moved left.....Jeez.
The only thing that's moved Left IS the left.
That's where the liberal movement goes to die. It's gotten so far to the left, even main stream libs and left leaning moderates are acting as if their proverbial band aid is being pulled off very slowly...
How much in tax subsidies did the governments' of those "right to slave states" have to pay to get those two German auto plants? Whose taxes rose to cover governments' bribes to corporations? Whose public services were cut because the richest 1% won't invest in a local economy if they're required to pay taxes?

Adam Smith saw all this clearly in 1776 when he wrote about the architects of society (manufacturers and merchants at the time) who consolidate state power and use it for their own selfish ends.

Obama is a corporate whore, we agree on that.
Do we also agree Romney, Cain and Perry are just as wedded to Wall Street as Barry is?
Nothing of substance changes on Wall Street or in the Pentagon by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
Right to slave? Very funny.
VW and BMW were NOT looking in forced union states. Period. Stop the nonsense.
Unfortunately, state governments hand out tax breaks to large employers wanting to relocate or build new facilities as much as NBA team owners hand out free agent deals.
It's the "well if our state doesn't pay, another one will".....All 50 states do this. I think it's wrong.
All politics is run by funding. Politicians will say what they must to the people who will help fund their campaigns.
Legislators are also whores. For decades, our Senators and House members were taling what were tantamount to bribes offered by lobbyists in the form of, well , that list is miles long. Of course that stuff is illegal now( Chuckle chuckle)....However lobbying is still a contact sport.
Anyway....What really pisses me off is those on the political left who accuse those on the right of doing the same thing their side does.
OWS lost middle America pretty quick.

What do you think killed the movement?

A. Obama hitching his wagon to the movement.
B. defacating on cop cars.
C. Molesting 14 year old girls.
D. Raping women.
E. defecating in the lobby of small banks.
F. Throwing urine and feces on hot dog vendors.
G. Electing a dog as your spokesperson and leader.
H. Starting riots and burning down businesses.
I. Protesting capitalism by using your iPhone running twitter to organize.
J. Lice, mites and flea outbreaks
K. Tuberculosis outbreak
L. All of the above.

And if you were wondering, yes all that is true and has happened at a OWS protest.
Yes, just like the Tea Party

MAN SHOT DEAD AT OCCUPY OAKLAND PLAZA – Protesters Harass & Block Reporters From Taking Pictures (Video)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mX8fvNc42M]OWS: Man Fatally Shot at Occupy Oakland Camp; 2 Fatalities in One Day So Far For Occupiers - YouTube[/ame]
Most of the Occutards are mad as hell because they have 100K in college loans and can not find a job in organic gardening, gender studies, African American studies, Greek literature and such.
They have never suffered anything in their lives, were not allowed to fail by their parents and can not deal with any stresses on their fragile egos.
If the OWS movement wasn't such a threat to the masters, we would not see multiple posts catigating it by the right wing tools on this board.

If it was as irrelevant and clueless and pointless as our resident trolls on the right pretend it is?

We would NOT be discussing it over and over and over again in one thread (mostly started by right wing tools) after the other.

The OWS movement scares the shit out of this tools, that's bloody obvious.
If the OWS movement wasn't such a threat to the masters, we would not see multiple posts catigating it by the right wing tools on this board.

If it was as irrelevant and clueless and pointless as our resident trolls on the right pretend it is?

We would NOT be discussing it over and over and over again in one thread (mostly started by right wing tools) after the other.

The OWS movement scares the shit out of this tools, that's bloody obvious.

I m not right wing but I do have a tool.
If the OWS movement wasn't such a threat to the masters, we would not see multiple posts catigating it by the right wing tools on this board.

If it was as irrelevant and clueless and pointless as our resident trolls on the right pretend it is?

We would NOT be discussing it over and over and over again in one thread (mostly started by right wing tools) after the other.

The OWS movement scares the shit out of this tools, that's bloody obvious.

Oh sure..Nice try.
Hey creampuff, the OWS is like a house fly. An annoyance. And once we get frustrated with an annoyance we attempt to eliminate it.
Which is about what is going to happen to OWS. Time for these useless drones of society to return to their homes. Or else..They will get swatted.
Tell us..Why is it you support a movement made up of well, leftover 60's radicals, lazy people who won't work, people that can work but refuse to work, people that will work but "we don't work there/ we don't do that", anarchists and others who are camping because they have nothing better to do?.....How any person who works or owns a business could support such behavior is a mystery
So, your turn to fill us in.....Please limit your answer to facts. We've heard all the nonsense about Wall Street, CEO's, rich people. wealth gaps, military and the evil corporations.
Ok...GO! Fire away.
Organized labor has hitched their busted wheel wagon to a bunch of freeloading pricks. Good move. 93% of us are union free. Unions are on their death bed because most people cannot stand them.
Oh, before you go off on tangent about the repeal of the anti collective bargaining law in Ohio, that vote was the knockout blow to public worker unions in the Buckeye State.
Beginning in 2012, public employment in Ohio will see thousands of permanent layoffs as cash strapped cities and counties will have no alternative but to slash public employment.
The voters basically ties the hands of their own elected officials.

In the early 1980's many copper mines in AZ were going on strike. Phelps Dodge had warned they were going to be closing mines as it was and could not afford a labor issue.

The unions thought they were bluffing (high quality ore in Chile was kicking PD's rear).

They went on strike. Most of the mines closed for good.

The mines closed eh? Then how come this article from a year ago says:

Arizona's vast copper reserves generate billions of dollars of annual revenue.
How much in tax subsidies did the governments' of those "right to slave states" have to pay to get those two German auto plants? Whose taxes rose to cover governments' bribes to corporations? Whose public services were cut because the richest 1% won't invest in a local economy if they're required to pay taxes?

Adam Smith saw all this clearly in 1776 when he wrote about the architects of society (manufacturers and merchants at the time) who consolidate state power and use it for their own selfish ends.

Obama is a corporate whore, we agree on that.
Do we also agree Romney, Cain and Perry are just as wedded to Wall Street as Barry is?
Nothing of substance changes on Wall Street or in the Pentagon by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
Right to slave? Very funny.
VW and BMW were NOT looking in forced union states. Period. Stop the nonsense.
Unfortunately, state governments hand out tax breaks to large employers wanting to relocate or build new facilities as much as NBA team owners hand out free agent deals.
It's the "well if our state doesn't pay, another one will".....All 50 states do this. I think it's wrong.
All politics is run by funding. Politicians will say what they must to the people who will help fund their campaigns.
Legislators are also whores. For decades, our Senators and House members were taling what were tantamount to bribes offered by lobbyists in the form of, well , that list is miles long. Of course that stuff is illegal now( Chuckle chuckle)....However lobbying is still a contact sport.
Anyway....What really pisses me off is those on the political left who accuse those on the right of doing the same thing their side does.
OWS has been clear so far on at least one issue: the richest 1% of Americans control the political and economic system in the US. This is nothing new; it's been this way for thousands of years.

"Choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth changes the tool used by the 1% and NOTHING else.

The same social networking tools that toppled Mubarak in Egypt can be used to FLUSH Republicans AND Democrats from DC in 2012. That would be revolutionary.
If the OWS movement wasn't such a threat to the masters, we would not see multiple posts catigating it by the right wing tools on this board.

If it was as irrelevant and clueless and pointless as our resident trolls on the right pretend it is?

We would NOT be discussing it over and over and over again in one thread (mostly started by right wing tools) after the other.

The OWS movement scares the shit out of this tools, that's bloody obvious.


Maybe from disease and stupidity. But thats as far as that dog hunts.

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