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The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

One thing seems fairly obvious.

The technicque of calling OWS protestors "communists" isn't working.

I have little doubt the people who hate the OWS take some small conmfort believing that nonsense, but nobody else does.

The debate has shifted, folks.

OWS has already accomplished its goal.

What debate has shifted ?

In what I watch, there has hardly been any debate at all.

We are still in deep trouble with our debt and we need to elect folks to congress who will address it.

No new taxes is still at the front and will continue to be so until there are serious cuts in the budget, SS is addressed and Medicare is made to look like it might last more than a few years.

There is no debate if you bankrupt the country.

I will say that many conservatives have taken heart in the fact that these protests represent an admission tht the democratic party is a failure. This is seen as a the last gasp of the "Yes we can" crowd that figured out that "Well, really we are pretty inept and it seems like we can't"....but don't want to let go of their dreams.

The OWS is an open admission that the democratic approach is a failure.
Now at least the time for debate has passed. Now there is only how to deal with the increasing violence and destruction.

Why is this bowel movement getting more violent? Because it is LOSING. It is having no effect. Even in Oakland where a general strike was supposed to shut down the city, it failed. The only shut downs where those places that were violently attacked.

Businesses in the area under attack tried to save themselves from vandalism by putting up signs of support for the shitters. They had the same sense of pathetic desperation as the black business owners in the 1992 Los Angeles riot when they put up signs saying "Black owned". Then they watched their windows smashed, their business looted and then burned to the ground. Just like the shitters in Oakland are doing.

Whatever point the OWS intended to make, it is now incapable of making any point at all. It is a mob. Like all mobs, it is mindless. There is no way they can demand anything, there is no "there" there to deal with.

Because it is indulged and encouraged, the mindless mob will get less coherent and more violent. It will stop when the people they are attacking get tired of it. Just like the 1992 riots when the Korean shop owners manned the rooftops with snipers.
OWS is still going on? Must be nice to have all that free time to sit around doing nothing. I wonder if we'll get thank-you cards for paying for all this frivolity?
One thing seems fairly obvious.

The technicque of calling OWS protestors "communists" isn't working.

I have little doubt the people who hate the OWS take some small conmfort believing that nonsense, but nobody else does.

The debate has shifted, folks.

OWS has already accomplished its goal.

Bully for them!

Now can they clean up their shit and go home??
One thing seems fairly obvious.

The technicque of calling OWS protestors "communists" isn't working.

I have little doubt the people who hate the OWS take some small conmfort believing that nonsense, but nobody else does.

The debate has shifted, folks.

OWS has already accomplished its goal.

Debate? What debate? That noise I hear from the Left is only an inarticulate grunt of rage and frustration with the failure of a Leftist administration. It's hardly surprising; the Left cannot govern; all it can do, is screech like a startled cat! Small wonder, as it is about as cohesive as this silly little "movement" of losers, malcontents and whiners it spawned.

Goal? What goal? OWS has never been able to articulate that either; they have no objective, beyond chaos and anarchy. Communists? Only in the slogans they mouth, without understanding. No, all I see, is an unruly, unwashed, snot-nosed pack of hyenas.
Its true.

The OWS movement has changed the debate.

Maybe. If it has I just hope it hasn't it changed it the wrong way. Where the OWS should be protesting is on the capital steps if they're serious about ending crony capitalism. I am afraid unfortunately that the debate is turning more toward one of entitlements. If we're talking about income disparity, what's the next logical step? It would seem to be a push for some type of control over what people 'deserve' to make, both rich and poor.
Its true.

The OWS movement has changed the debate.
No. It's been a minor distraction like Rip Taylor running through the room throwing confetti at an Orthodontist Convention. Noisy, silly, funny to look at but having no point or context to being there, and even less effect on the discussions being held, save for at the bar when they are laughed at by those attending, over drinks.
How popular has the Occupy Movement made itself over the last few weeks? At first, it enjoyed a plurality of support, thanks to generous media coverage and lingering mainstream frustration over bailouts and the state of the economy. After the demonstrations turned violent in ways large and small, that support has begun to erode. In the latest national poll from Quinnipiac, the movement has a plurality disapproving of the demonstrations and demonstrators:

By a 39 – 30 percent margin, American voters have an unfavorable opinion of the Occupy Wall Street movement, with 30 percent who don’t know enough about it for an opinion.

I’ll return to the comparison in a moment. First, National Journal notes the significance of the shift:

A sign that the Occupy Wall Street movement isn’t the best long-term vehicle for Democrats to connect themselves with: A new Quinnipiac poll, showing a plurality of voters viewing the group unfavorably.

The poll, released today, show 30 percent of voters surveyed view the movement favorably, 39 percent unfavorably, with an additional 30 percent not hearing enough to have an opinion. It’s one of the first national polls to suggest voters are growing skeptical of Occupy Wall Street- and it comes as police have clashed with protesters in several cities. Previous national polls have shown a plurality of adults supporting the movement.
Q-poll approval rating for Occupy movement: 30/39 « Hot Air
- The Tea Party support the Wealthy

- The 99%ers Occupying Wall Street support the Middle Class

Choose your side and lets get on with it!
- The Tea Party support the Wealthy

What does this mean? Has anyone actually stopped to ask that? So what if I support the wealthy? The only logical reason I can think that someone would oppose that would be that somehow they believe supporting the wealthy somehow inherently means hurting the middle class.

- - The 99%ers Occupying Wall Street support the Middle Class

What does this mean? What exactly do you support? I assume it means you want better for them? I think we all want that. But what does that look like in your eyes? What is someone supposed to actually do for them? What is it that someone else is doing to them that is hurting them exactly?

Choose your side and lets get on with it!

I CAN'T! That's what's so damn frustrating. I'm not a sheep. I'm not going to support something if I don't know what it's about or what they specifically want. The only thing I can tell at this point is that someone thinks being for one side means being against the other and that's a premise I simply don't buy.
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There has not been 13 trillion in bailouts and many of the banks have repaid their loans. In many instances we made a profit.
TARP funds have been largely repaid.
TARP was the tip of the iceberg.
There are $trillions in outstanding loan guarantees and other 1% crimes enacted through the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department.
When Europe finally has its Lehman Brothers moment, Wall Street's pet pigs in the US Congress will resume their squeals of "martial law."

The loan guarantees are for loans gone bad that American consumers ran on and are not paying back.
Respectfully, that is what a loan guarantee is. They are backing the depositors, American citizens. That is the $$ that banks loaned out.
"Goldman was entitled to be paid $12.9 billion out of the $182 billion bailout that American International Group received in one of the largest federal rescues, and Goldman Chief Financial Officer David Viniar said the government had an obligation to honor AIG's full debts"

Goldman Sachs wants share of AIG's bailout money

"According to a team at Bloomberg News, at one point last year the U.S. had lent, spent or guaranteed as much as $12.8 trillion to rescue the economy. The Bloomberg reporters have been following that money. Alison Stewart spoke with one, Bob Ivry, to talk about the true cost to the taxpayer of the Wall Street bailout."

The true cost of the bank bailout | Need to Know | PBS

This ain't over.
Wall Street will be coming back for more taxpayer bailouts.
Some of the 1% never acquire enough money to satisfy their desires.
I'm not clear why working Americans should continue to subsidize them.
That's right choose your side.

Once you start feeding the animals, you can't stop or they will attack.


The coffee and hot dog carts were located in Civic Center Plaza, the same location as the Occupy San Diego protesters.

That group first settled in to the plaza Oct. 7 and set up a tent city which has since twice been taken down by police.

Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.

And according to one city councilman, bodily fluids were used in the attacks
That's right choose your side.

Once you start feeding the animals, you can't stop or they will attack.


The coffee and hot dog carts were located in Civic Center Plaza, the same location as the Occupy San Diego protesters.

That group first settled in to the plaza Oct. 7 and set up a tent city which has since twice been taken down by police.

Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.

And according to one city councilman, bodily fluids were used in the attacks

Yes, that really has changed the dialogue.

I don't hold this against the OWS, 99.9% probably would never think of doing this.

But in the world of real time disinformation, if this gets out....you are screwed.
When I was about five, we were at the pool.

My father called me over to him. I didn't understand the concept of a deep end (or just how deep it was). He said it was time for my first swimming lesson. The next thing I know, he throws me several yards out into the pool (in today's world, he might have been arrested). I sank to the bottom and he eventually came and got me.

I quickly figured out how to swim after that because he indicated we would be coming back in two weeks to repeat the lesson.

When I was young, my daddy Loof did the same thing with me. I mean, it was Folsom lake, not a pool, but the same "toss em in and let em swim" kind of thing.

Learning to swim wasn't so hard, but getting out of that gunny sack was a bitch... He tied it really tight. Took me over an hour to get back to shore.
That's right choose your side.

Once you start feeding the animals, you can't stop or they will attack.


The coffee and hot dog carts were located in Civic Center Plaza, the same location as the Occupy San Diego protesters.

That group first settled in to the plaza Oct. 7 and set up a tent city which has since twice been taken down by police.

Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.

And according to one city councilman, bodily fluids were used in the attacks
Yes. It shows their true colors: thieves one and all at all levels. If they can't use pity, threats or the law... they'll use force to take what they think they deserve without merit.

How is this different from the clean shirted assholes demanding we do this to the rich?

Simple Simon met a Pie Man
Going to the Fair
Said Simple Simon to the Pie Man
Give me your pies....
or I'll cave your head in.
That's right choose your side.

Once you start feeding the animals, you can't stop or they will attack.


The coffee and hot dog carts were located in Civic Center Plaza, the same location as the Occupy San Diego protesters.

That group first settled in to the plaza Oct. 7 and set up a tent city which has since twice been taken down by police.

Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.

And according to one city councilman, bodily fluids were used in the attacks
Yes. It shows their true colors: thieves one and all at all levels. If they can't use pity, threats or the law... they'll use force to take what they think they deserve without merit.

How is this different from the clean shirted assholes demanding we do this to the rich?

Simple Simon met a Pie Man
Going to the Fair
Said Simple Simon to the Pie Man
Give me your pies....
or I'll cave your head in.

It isn't.
"'We think the Occupy movement has given voice to something very basic about what’s going on in our country right now,' said Damon Silvers, the A.F.L.-C.I.O.’s policy director. 'The fact that they’ve figured out certain concepts and language for doing that, we think is really important and positive.'

"Over the last month, unions have provided extensive support to Occupy protesters around the country, from rain ponchos to cash donations.

"National Nurses United is providing staff members for first-aid tables at many encampments, while the A.F.L.-C.I.O.’s headquarters two blocks from the White House is providing shower facilities for the protesters occupying McPherson Square, 300 yards to the east.

"Unions have also intervened with politicians on behalf of the protesters. In Los Angeles, labor leaders have repeatedly lobbied Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa not to evict the protesters.

"When New York City officials were threatening to evict the Occupy Wall Street protesters from Zuccotti Park, hundreds of union members showed up before daybreak to discourage any eviction, and the city backed down."

Occupy Movement Inspires Unions to Embrace Bold Tactics | Truthout

The "basic truth" that OWS has figured out is the same one that Adam Smith wrote about in 1776. The principal architects of policy (the richest 1% of humanity) consolidate state power and use it for their own selfish interests.

FLUSH the 1% along with Republicans AND Democrats.
Vote OWS and Labor in 2012.

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