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The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

In many states, sworn officers must attend a police academy.
Here in NC, all sworn police officers (power of arrest on public or private property) must attend a police academy and acquire Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) certification.
Look, the protesters are smart. They know what buttons to push. They know how to push the envelope.
The general public has had enough and probably, so has law enforcement.
OWS is losing public support. With each day, the next traffic snarl or street closing pisses off working people, OWS loses credibility.
Enough! Time to set things right again. If the politically correct hand wringers don't like it, they will just have to be upset.

I give out lunches to those who need them on Mondays. Everyone who comes in for one, that talks about it, favors the protests. The problem is that mw no longer pays even for a roof over your head and we have working people that are living in tents. Every so often, the cops find them and bulldoze the tents and all their belongings just disappear. These people are trying to survive in a world that has no place for them..Apparently you think they should just die and "decrease the surplus population".

I'm in favor of whatever it takes to bring this country back to a large middleclass and a living wage for the lowest paid workers. No one who is working should have to live in a tent and lose everything when the cops find their places.

I wish some of you would do what I do, go spend some time around these people. Yes some are drug addicts, but not all. In fact few of the ones I see are on drugs.
What the hell are you talking about?
Sandwiches? "MW"? Bulldozing tents? What people are surviving with "no place"? Except the homeless that is ...
Decrease the WHAT?!!!!
Why should I or anyone who has things to do such as WORK, provide for their family and otherwise be a productive law abiding citizen go and see these people? Why would anyone want to waste their time on a bunch of freeloaders and do nothings?
Look, these protesters have worn out their welcome. They are not going to change a thing. In fact they are just pissing everyone off. They are committing crimes against each other committing crimes against private property, blocking traffic, interfering with commerce, preventing individuals from getting into their place of business, etc.
The fact is unlike the protesters of the 60's who had a message( end the Vietnam war and "live and let live") these OWS people have no message other than they want all their debt to be wiped away with a magic wand and they want total equality of outcome.
These are two things that will NOT going to happen.

A lot of the homeless are WORKING! Do you really believe they don't deserve to be paid enough to provide a home for themselves?
If that's true then I think it's very unfortunate that OWS has shifted the conversation away from the debt/deficit because that's a very serious problem. Though what would you expect from a bunch of spoiled hipsters who know nothing about math/economics and are up to their eyeballs in debt getting their degrees in sociology/communism.
I give out lunches to those who need them on Mondays. Everyone who comes in for one, that talks about it, favors the protests. The problem is that mw no longer pays even for a roof over your head and we have working people that are living in tents. Every so often, the cops find them and bulldoze the tents and all their belongings just disappear. These people are trying to survive in a world that has no place for them..Apparently you think they should just die and "decrease the surplus population".

I'm in favor of whatever it takes to bring this country back to a large middleclass and a living wage for the lowest paid workers. No one who is working should have to live in a tent and lose everything when the cops find their places.

I wish some of you would do what I do, go spend some time around these people. Yes some are drug addicts, but not all. In fact few of the ones I see are on drugs.
What the hell are you talking about?
Sandwiches? "MW"? Bulldozing tents? What people are surviving with "no place"? Except the homeless that is ...
Decrease the WHAT?!!!!
Why should I or anyone who has things to do such as WORK, provide for their family and otherwise be a productive law abiding citizen go and see these people? Why would anyone want to waste their time on a bunch of freeloaders and do nothings?
Look, these protesters have worn out their welcome. They are not going to change a thing. In fact they are just pissing everyone off. They are committing crimes against each other committing crimes against private property, blocking traffic, interfering with commerce, preventing individuals from getting into their place of business, etc.
The fact is unlike the protesters of the 60's who had a message( end the Vietnam war and "live and let live") these OWS people have no message other than they want all their debt to be wiped away with a magic wand and they want total equality of outcome.
These are two things that will NOT going to happen.

A lot of the homeless are WORKING! Do you really believe they don't deserve to be paid enough to provide a home for themselves?
People in general are paid what their employer and the local marketplace sets as an appropriate rate for a particular job.
"deserve" has nothing to do with anything.
Workers who believe their wage is not sufficient have many options. Those options include but are not limited to, asking for a raise by presenting their case as " I believe I have shown my value to the company as being more than the rate I am paid." Or, the worker can improve their on time/attendance performance, go the extra mile when a project needs their attention and a deadline needs to be met, show initiative by presenting an idea that the worker could implement to help others do their jobs better thus saving the employer an unwanted expense.
It is with these and other ideas people can increase their income potential.
Did it ever occur to you bleeding heart libs that perhaps several people who make pow wages can pool their resources and move into a place they all can afford together?
Say three people rent a three bed apartment or house?
They Want Jobs!

"Third, what do the Occupy Wall Street protesters really want? According to Mike Konczal’s careful assessment of their published grievances, jobs are the number one issue. So again we should ask: Who caused the financial crisis that destroyed so many jobs?"

Too-Big-to-Fail Wall Street Banks caused the destruction of 8 million US jobs so far.
Stay tuned for Europe's Lehman Brother's moment.

Wall Street v. Elizabeth Warren « The Baseline Scenario

No they do not. As depicted in the Washington DC videos where the head hunters had applications for jobs in many categories. One woman said "we don't do that" and "we won't work for them"....Another said, "how am I supposed to pay my student loan with that?"
At Occupy Charlotte a woman who said she was not a participant but a supporter said she offered donuts and coffee from a local Dunkin' Donuts shop. The leader of the protesters refused the gifts saying that Dunkin Donuts was one of the companies on their protest list.
The woman who offered the donuts called into the talk radio station and discussed this.
The station sent the host down to Occupy Charlotte to ask why. The spokesperson when informed that most DD shops were privately owned by small business people said that the interview was concluded. in other words he had egg on his face and probably felt stupid.
These people are a waste of time. Millions of dollars in taxpayer money is being squandered to deploy police to deal with them and of course the additional costs to clean up their filth.
Wall Street's a waste of time, money and energy.

"It (Wall Street) has used Americans’ savings to make wildly risky trades that fed bankers’ profits. It has not abided by free-market practices. It has traded complex securities in secret; it is rife with conflicts of interest; it has charged monopoly fees to underwrite securities, advise on takeovers, manage portfolios and make loans.

"Wall Street has paid its workers to take risks and hasn’t penalized them when they were wrong. And, judging by the findings of a Senate investigative committee and the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Wall Street has bought favorable credit ratings from Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. Its practices have driven speculation through the roof in every decade since the 1980s, always ending with a crash."

Does America need Wall Street? - The Washington Post

DD is NOT the problem.
The 1% is.
Poor Old OWS

The victim thing is getting old and no one is buying it

Here’s one that will just break the Left's heart :

A few years ago, Joe Therrien, a graduate of the NYC Teaching Fellows program, was working as a full-time drama teacher at a public elementary school in New York City. Frustrated by huge class sizes, sparse resources and a disorganized bureaucracy, he set off to the University of Connecticut to get an MFA in his passion — puppetry. Three years and $35,000 in student loans later, he emerged with degree in hand, and because puppeteers aren’t exactly in high demand, he went looking for work at his old school.​

Poor guy he thought his master’s in puppetry would open up new avenues of financial opportunity…

But the past decade of stagnant wages for the 99 percent and million-dollar bonuses for the 1 percent has awakened the kids of the middle class to a national nightmare: the dream that coaxed their parents to meet the demands of work, school, mortgage payments and tuition bills is shattered.​

So when the Leftist run utopia called Higher Education fails you with their useless degrees and bloated costs subsidized by gov't and
you make bad educational choices, it must be Wall Street's fault

Typical, the Left always wants to hold someone else responsible and never
wants to admit to the failure of their programs
How progressive of them
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I give out lunches to those who need them on Mondays. Everyone who comes in for one, that talks about it, favors the protests. The problem is that mw no longer pays even for a roof over your head and we have working people that are living in tents. Every so often, the cops find them and bulldoze the tents and all their belongings just disappear. These people are trying to survive in a world that has no place for them..Apparently you think they should just die and "decrease the surplus population".

I'm in favor of whatever it takes to bring this country back to a large middleclass and a living wage for the lowest paid workers. No one who is working should have to live in a tent and lose everything when the cops find their places.

I wish some of you would do what I do, go spend some time around these people. Yes some are drug addicts, but not all. In fact few of the ones I see are on drugs.
What the hell are you talking about?
Sandwiches? "MW"? Bulldozing tents? What people are surviving with "no place"? Except the homeless that is ...
Decrease the WHAT?!!!!
Why should I or anyone who has things to do such as WORK, provide for their family and otherwise be a productive law abiding citizen go and see these people? Why would anyone want to waste their time on a bunch of freeloaders and do nothings?
Look, these protesters have worn out their welcome. They are not going to change a thing. In fact they are just pissing everyone off. They are committing crimes against each other committing crimes against private property, blocking traffic, interfering with commerce, preventing individuals from getting into their place of business, etc.
The fact is unlike the protesters of the 60's who had a message( end the Vietnam war and "live and let live") these OWS people have no message other than they want all their debt to be wiped away with a magic wand and they want total equality of outcome.
These are two things that will NOT going to happen.

A lot of the homeless are WORKING! Do you really believe they don't deserve to be paid enough to provide a home for themselves?

Explain to us how an urban outsdoorman can work. Where does he shower, brush his teeth and shave before he goes to work?
Or do they all work as extras on the movie set as urban outsdoorsman?
What the hell are you talking about?
Sandwiches? "MW"? Bulldozing tents? What people are surviving with "no place"? Except the homeless that is ...
Decrease the WHAT?!!!!
Why should I or anyone who has things to do such as WORK, provide for their family and otherwise be a productive law abiding citizen go and see these people? Why would anyone want to waste their time on a bunch of freeloaders and do nothings?
Look, these protesters have worn out their welcome. They are not going to change a thing. In fact they are just pissing everyone off. They are committing crimes against each other committing crimes against private property, blocking traffic, interfering with commerce, preventing individuals from getting into their place of business, etc.
The fact is unlike the protesters of the 60's who had a message( end the Vietnam war and "live and let live") these OWS people have no message other than they want all their debt to be wiped away with a magic wand and they want total equality of outcome.
These are two things that will NOT going to happen.

A lot of the homeless are WORKING! Do you really believe they don't deserve to be paid enough to provide a home for themselves?
People in general are paid what their employer and the local marketplace sets as an appropriate rate for a particular job.
"deserve" has nothing to do with anything.
Workers who believe their wage is not sufficient have many options. Those options include but are not limited to, asking for a raise by presenting their case as " I believe I have shown my value to the company as being more than the rate I am paid." Or, the worker can improve their on time/attendance performance, go the extra mile when a project needs their attention and a deadline needs to be met, show initiative by presenting an idea that the worker could implement to help others do their jobs better thus saving the employer an unwanted expense.
It is with these and other ideas people can increase their income potential.
Did it ever occur to you bleeding heart libs that perhaps several people who make pow wages can pool their resources and move into a place they all can afford together?
Say three people rent a three bed apartment or house?

First one has to QUALIFY for a job.
THEN they have to earn it.
Things that the Occutard has no comprehension of. They have been given everything since birth.
Now I do believe they worked hard getting their degrees in organic gardening, gender studies and Greek history but what does that qualify them to do?
"Do you want fries with that?".
I still have to believe that those dumb kids were told that they were going to get sprayed and they accepted it as a matter of course. What we truly do not know is if the police actually told them if they were going to be arrested. There was an attempt by police to physically move them. Me, I would have moved them. And if they got hurt then it would have been my fault for that too.......

I am sure they were.
But that does not matter. Bank tellers accept the bank getting robbed each and every time.
Wrong is wrong and there is no escuses for wrong.
The plan was to spray them. Read Intense's excellent analysis of how the police were there to do just as they did.
They acted the wrong way. Watch COPS on TV, officers wrestling old women to the ground for nothing. We had a case here in Atlanta where they shot an oldblack woman, lied and covered it up and the woman died. Big case.
No excuse and gives the police a bad name.
How can you make that claim when NOBODY has seen all the evidence?

All we've seen is an edited video that does not show the entire incident, beginning to end.

I've seen other students imterviewed, stating that those protesters were given repeated orders to move to the demonstration square, that ALL state Universities in California have, for the purpose of protest an demonstration.....That they were ILLEGALLY blocking the right of way of students trying to get to their classes.....That it appeared the protesters were looking to provoke a confrontation with campus security......Make no mistake, theY are not cops, they are campus security.

I've said it before, i'll say it again....god forbid many on this board ever sit on a jury of their peers......Many seem to just rush to judgement, without seeing or hearing all the evidence to be presented.

How many times have I stated here "they are campus security"?
"that it appeared the protestors were looking to provoke a confrontation with police"
Really? You think? Well no shit.
If they were "illegally blocking the right of way" and I also believe they were THEN THEY SHOULD BE ARRESTED FOR IT as I stated many times.
THE LAW states in California that you can not disperse a crowd with pepper spray to the face.
Now which is it? Were they trying to disperse the crowd or were they attempting to arrest?
After all, you correctly state A CRIME WAS BEING COMMITTED.
We are a nation OF LAW, not men and their various beliefs.
What we have are a bunch of dumb ass campus police, THAT UNDER HOMELAND SECURITY have the same arrest powers as any state police, that were lazy and wanted to pepper spray these "protestors".
Like I said from the start, these Occutard kids are dumbass whiny babies. Arrest them and then mommy and daddy has to pay their freight once again-probably in the thousands on this arrest and I am all for that-and then the kids do not do it again because of fear mommy and daddy will cut their $$$$ off.
This ain't my first rodeo in these matters. I took crowd control classes as they are mandatory for CE credits.
Dumb ass college kids and these cops dressed in riot gear and damn guns can not do anything but spray pepper spray directly in their face.
Anyone that supports this kind of shoddy "police" work is a damn sadist.
OWS is okay with me but these kids are by and large a bunch of dumb asses.
How about OAJ?
occupy a JOB!
The Occupy Wall Street Movement is WORKING!!!

23 pages into this debate?

Yeah, its working.

Nice try.

At one point it was about whether or not they should have been pepper sprayed.

Now, I find myself debating why they didn't use more pepper spray.

I so enjoy watching that film. It does my heart good to see kids getting what they deserve in life.
They Want Jobs!

"Third, what do the Occupy Wall Street protesters really want? According to Mike Konczal’s careful assessment of their published grievances, jobs are the number one issue. So again we should ask: Who caused the financial crisis that destroyed so many jobs?"

Too-Big-to-Fail Wall Street Banks caused the destruction of 8 million US jobs so far.
Stay tuned for Europe's Lehman Brother's moment.

Wall Street v. Elizabeth Warren « The Baseline Scenario

No they do not. As depicted in the Washington DC videos where the head hunters had applications for jobs in many categories. One woman said "we don't do that" and "we won't work for them"....Another said, "how am I supposed to pay my student loan with that?"
At Occupy Charlotte a woman who said she was not a participant but a supporter said she offered donuts and coffee from a local Dunkin' Donuts shop. The leader of the protesters refused the gifts saying that Dunkin Donuts was one of the companies on their protest list.
The woman who offered the donuts called into the talk radio station and discussed this.
The station sent the host down to Occupy Charlotte to ask why. The spokesperson when informed that most DD shops were privately owned by small business people said that the interview was concluded. in other words he had egg on his face and probably felt stupid.
These people are a waste of time. Millions of dollars in taxpayer money is being squandered to deploy police to deal with them and of course the additional costs to clean up their filth.
Wall Street's a waste of time, money and energy.

"It (Wall Street) has used Americans’ savings to make wildly risky trades that fed bankers’ profits. It has not abided by free-market practices. It has traded complex securities in secret; it is rife with conflicts of interest; it has charged monopoly fees to underwrite securities, advise on takeovers, manage portfolios and make loans.

"Wall Street has paid its workers to take risks and hasn’t penalized them when they were wrong. And, judging by the findings of a Senate investigative committee and the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Wall Street has bought favorable credit ratings from Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. Its practices have driven speculation through the roof in every decade since the 1980s, always ending with a crash."

Does America need Wall Street? - The Washington Post

DD is NOT the problem.
The 1% is.
We're not discussing Wall Street or the mythical one percent...The discussion is about the protesters. Stay on point.
BTW according to yahoo news, the nationwide tally for municipal expenses to look after and clean up after OWS people has topped $13 million.
I'd make THEM pay it back.
BTW, well over 50% of the so called one percent are democrat voters and contribute to liberal causes. But you lefties cannot acknowledge that. It would ruin the class envy chapter in the lib play book.
One point about Wall Street, since you opened the door...The federal government has done one investigation after another. This has been going on for years and both parties have had opportunities to take a big hack at the financial world and have failed to enact ANY significant legislation. So why is OWS protesting Wall Street?
This is another example of OWS Stupidity and lack of direction. These idiots are protesting the wrong people. The should be in Washington DC. But they will never protest the center of political power. Why? Because that is where the GOODIES come from.
OWS is not about Wall Street and complex derivatives or anything else financial. OWS is about seeing how much free shit the federal government is willing to give these lazy good for nothing bastards.
I am sure they were.
But that does not matter. Bank tellers accept the bank getting robbed each and every time.
Wrong is wrong and there is no escuses for wrong.
The plan was to spray them. Read Intense's excellent analysis of how the police were there to do just as they did.
They acted the wrong way. Watch COPS on TV, officers wrestling old women to the ground for nothing. We had a case here in Atlanta where they shot an oldblack woman, lied and covered it up and the woman died. Big case.
No excuse and gives the police a bad name.
How can you make that claim when NOBODY has seen all the evidence?

All we've seen is an edited video that does not show the entire incident, beginning to end.

I've seen other students imterviewed, stating that those protesters were given repeated orders to move to the demonstration square, that ALL state Universities in California have, for the purpose of protest an demonstration.....That they were ILLEGALLY blocking the right of way of students trying to get to their classes.....That it appeared the protesters were looking to provoke a confrontation with campus security......Make no mistake, theY are not cops, they are campus security.

I've said it before, i'll say it again....god forbid many on this board ever sit on a jury of their peers......Many seem to just rush to judgement, without seeing or hearing all the evidence to be presented.

How many times have I stated here "they are campus security"?
"that it appeared the protestors were looking to provoke a confrontation with police"
Really? You think? Well no shit.
If they were "illegally blocking the right of way" and I also believe they were THEN THEY SHOULD BE ARRESTED FOR IT as I stated many times.
THE LAW states in California that you can not disperse a crowd with pepper spray to the face.
Now which is it? Were they trying to disperse the crowd or were they attempting to arrest?
After all, you correctly state A CRIME WAS BEING COMMITTED.
We are a nation OF LAW, not men and their various beliefs.
What we have are a bunch of dumb ass campus police, THAT UNDER HOMELAND SECURITY have the same arrest powers as any state police, that were lazy and wanted to pepper spray these "protestors".
Like I said from the start, these Occutard kids are dumbass whiny babies. Arrest them and then mommy and daddy has to pay their freight once again-probably in the thousands on this arrest and I am all for that-and then the kids do not do it again because of fear mommy and daddy will cut their $$$$ off.
This ain't my first rodeo in these matters. I took crowd control classes as they are mandatory for CE credits.
Dumb ass college kids and these cops dressed in riot gear and damn guns can not do anything but spray pepper spray directly in their face.
Anyone that supports this kind of shoddy "police" work is a damn sadist.
The best part of that video was the stupid chick not seen on camera screaming OH MY GOD over and over as though the protesters were about to be shot with guns.
That whole incident was staged by the OWS people. They wanted to be sprayed.
They have drawn the conclusion that the only way they are going to get any attention is to provoke law enforcement into conflict.
Guess what you lazy filthy animals. WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR STUPID PROTEST.
How can you make that claim when NOBODY has seen all the evidence?

All we've seen is an edited video that does not show the entire incident, beginning to end.

I've seen other students imterviewed, stating that those protesters were given repeated orders to move to the demonstration square, that ALL state Universities in California have, for the purpose of protest an demonstration.....That they were ILLEGALLY blocking the right of way of students trying to get to their classes.....That it appeared the protesters were looking to provoke a confrontation with campus security......Make no mistake, theY are not cops, they are campus security.

I've said it before, i'll say it again....god forbid many on this board ever sit on a jury of their peers......Many seem to just rush to judgement, without seeing or hearing all the evidence to be presented.

How many times have I stated here "they are campus security"?
"that it appeared the protestors were looking to provoke a confrontation with police"
Really? You think? Well no shit.
If they were "illegally blocking the right of way" and I also believe they were THEN THEY SHOULD BE ARRESTED FOR IT as I stated many times.
THE LAW states in California that you can not disperse a crowd with pepper spray to the face.
Now which is it? Were they trying to disperse the crowd or were they attempting to arrest?
After all, you correctly state A CRIME WAS BEING COMMITTED.
We are a nation OF LAW, not men and their various beliefs.
What we have are a bunch of dumb ass campus police, THAT UNDER HOMELAND SECURITY have the same arrest powers as any state police, that were lazy and wanted to pepper spray these "protestors".
Like I said from the start, these Occutard kids are dumbass whiny babies. Arrest them and then mommy and daddy has to pay their freight once again-probably in the thousands on this arrest and I am all for that-and then the kids do not do it again because of fear mommy and daddy will cut their $$$$ off.
This ain't my first rodeo in these matters. I took crowd control classes as they are mandatory for CE credits.
Dumb ass college kids and these cops dressed in riot gear and damn guns can not do anything but spray pepper spray directly in their face.
Anyone that supports this kind of shoddy "police" work is a damn sadist.
The best part of that video was the stupid chick not seen on camera screaming OH MY GOD over and over as though the protesters were about to be shot with guns.
That whole incident was staged by the OWS people. They wanted to be sprayed.
They have drawn the conclusion that the only way they are going to get any attention is to provoke law enforcement into conflict.
Guess what you lazy filthy animals. WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR STUPID PROTEST.

Many desperate people try to get shot and killed by police, especially in domestic problem rersponse cases for the police. That is why all domestic related calls require a back up unit response.
Doesn't give license to shoot anyone though.
Something about rules, the law and DISCIPLINE which these police did not have.
We are a nation of LAW, not men and their various and changing beliefs.
Something about THE CONSTITUTION.
Stand up for it or you stand for NOTHING.
Unfortunately though the entire protest has gained momentum and it's definitely doing well, so what do organizations do with this? They try to take leverage of it and manipulate it like any other self interested group.

Unfortunately though the entire protest has gained momentum and it's definitely doing well, so what do organizations do with this? They try to take leverage of it and manipulate it like any other self interested group.


which organizations are leveraging OWS ?
Unfortunately though the entire protest has gained momentum and it's definitely doing well, so what do organizations do with this? They try to take leverage of it and manipulate it like any other self interested group.


which organizations are leveraging OWS ?

Well there was an attempt that is being rethought.

Unfortunately though the entire protest has gained momentum and it's definitely doing well, so what do organizations do with this? They try to take leverage of it and manipulate it like any other self interested group.

You've obviously been unaware that the Minneapolis Occupados went from crowds of hundreds to not even 25 showing for their scheduled Friday Rally with only a skeleton crew of 6-10 on average to make sure the city doesn't remove their shit from the plaza.

That said, there has been growth in that they got 3 Biffys back so they can stop trashing the local restaurant restrooms.

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