Zone1 The officer did not murder Floyd, should he get a new trial?

I am correct. Chavin is in prison for a crime he did not commit. He was probably guilty of negligence and what happened but not murder. I didn't flip flop and you just make shit up as you go sometimes don't you? Typical leftist
In my opinion there's a direct correlation between intelligence and willingness to assert being right. Weirdly enough the correlation is inverted. Claiming an opinion is correct is an exercise in futility. An opinion by definition is uncertain. Otherwise, it would be a fact.

I will nearly always at least allow for the possibility of being wrong unless I'm prepared and able to actually establish, I'm right.
In my opinion there's a direct correlation between intelligence and willingness to assert being right. Weirdly enough the correlation is inverted. Claiming an opinion is correct is an exercise in futility. An opinion by definition is uncertain. Otherwise, it would be a fact.

I will nearly always at least allow for the possibility of being wrong unless I'm prepared and able to actually establish, I'm right.
There are established parameters that determine what murder is and what murder isn't. It goes beyond opinion, there is also the injustice of putting someone in prison just because your opinion is of a selfish nature. I don't believe that it is my opinion that Chauvin is not a murderer, I believe it is a fact. Thus I am right and you are wrong
When did they check for a pulse? You know I'm sorry that St Floyd was a criminal and died of a fentanyl overdose. Chavin was a cop and probably a bit jaded by the corruption around him. I'll agree he was overzealous and deserved some punishment. Not murder though

It’s in the video. A second cop responding to the crowd shouting that Floyd was dying. He bent and checked for a pulse.

Odd that you know nothing about the events, except your theory that Floyd died of an overdose.

Perhaps you should consider learning more. It might make it easier for you to understand why Chauvin was convicted.

The ME used by the Defense in the trial for example. I’m betting you can quote him testifying that there were no signs of asphyxiation. Did you know that under cross examination he admitted that such signs are often absent in compression asphyxiation cases? Did you know that he put the nails in Chauvin’s coffin during the cross examination?
There are established parameters that determine what murder is and what murder isn't. It goes beyond opinion, there is also the injustice of putting someone in prison just because your opinion is of a selfish nature. I don't believe that it is my opinion that Chauvin is not a murderer, I believe it is a fact. Thus I am right and you are wrong

Ok. Truth is based upon fact. That is a forgive the term, fact. So what facts are you using as the foundation of your Truth?
There are established parameters that determine what murder is and what murder isn't. It goes beyond opinion, there is also the injustice of putting someone in prison just because your opinion is of a selfish nature. I don't believe that it is my opinion that Chauvin is not a murderer, I believe it is a fact. Thus I am right and you are wrong
Lol, yes there are established parameters of what murder is. The judge briefs the jurors in what they are. That jury was of the opinion that those parameters where met, you are of the opinion they haven't been. Yet you are claiming certainty of being right. Claiming you are certain of this claim being factual doesn't make it so. In fact, you are directly disagreeing with all of the jury.

Just out of curiosity. Can you name the legal parameters for something to be considered murder without looking it up? I'm guessing no.
Lol, yes there are established parameters of what murder is. The judge briefs the jurors in what they are. That jury was of the opinion that those parameters where met, you are of the opinion they haven't been. Yet you are claiming certainty of being right. Claiming you are certain of this claim being factual doesn't make it so. In fact, you are directly disagreeing with all of the jury.

Just out of curiosity. Can you name the legal parameters for something to be considered murder without looking it up? I'm guessing no.
Can you? I'm guessing no
..... a jury is selected by judges, the prosecution, and the defense. It only takes one of twelve to get someone of the hook. The American justice system is designed to give every possible advantage to the defense, and despite that Chauvin was judged guilty.
"Naïve" is the highest compliment you're worthy of. The lowest isn't fit for minors to read.
Yeah…except for the approximately 8 minutes of video where Chauvin has his knee on Floyd’s neck. Sorry, that’s evidence…you won’t be able to get thrown out or ignored.

Chauvin is where he belongs.
A knee on top of a neck doesn’t kill people.

Police use it all the time.

So says an ideologue who thinks that political persecution is the way to go for their agenda. Thank you again for making us all less safe
Fact is we're all less safe now because of your political persecution of police. Congratulations

So your “Truth” that Chauvin is innocent is based upon your ideal that I am awful. The idea that police are here to protect you. Odd.

There are two Supreme Court decisions in which it is clearly stated that the Police do not have a Constitutional Duty to protect anyone. So the idea that the police are protecting you is based upon the fact that you want to believe it.

Perhaps you can explain something to me. Why is it that the idea of Cops following the law and respecting the Constitution is wrong?
So your “Truth” that Chauvin is innocent is based upon your ideal that I am awful. The idea that police are here to protect you. Odd.

There are two Supreme Court decisions in which it is clearly stated that the Police do not have a Constitutional Duty to protect anyone. So the idea that the police are protecting you is based upon the fact that you want to believe it.

Perhaps you can explain something to me. Why is it that the idea of Cops following the law and respecting the Constitution is wrong?
Yes let's all do that, I hope that you've learned something from this discussion: stay off drugs, if you've broken the law don't fight the police
Yes let's all do that, I hope that you've learned something from this discussion: stay off drugs, if you've broken the law don't fight the police
You & police need to learn to follow the constitution. It's illegal to point a gun at nonviolent unarmed George Floyd's head & threaten him forcing him to beg for his life.
You & police need to learn to follow the constitution. It's illegal to point a gun at nonviolent unarmed George Floyd's head & threaten him forcing him to beg for his life.
You had the right idea, follow the law and respect the Constitution. Stay off drugs and don't fight the police. George Floyd was a career Criminal Who probably deserved what he got. Too bad

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