The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?

Who are the indiginous people(s) of the Palestine region?

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You cannot be seriously suggesting that Judaism was lost and then rediscovered in the 13th century, thats just a hoot if there ever was one.

*sigh* I'm not suggesting anything, the person credited with re-introducing Judaism into Palestine said that Judaism was all but extinct there when he arrived, in 1267, if I remember correctly. He could only find 2 Jewish families in Jerusalem, a total of 12 individuals. Now be a good boy and run along and practice your English comprehension, then read a few history books instead of Joan Peters' fantasy novel.
Knowing how blinded you are by Joooo hatred and hasbara nonsense how about a number of sources, although I'm sure you'll find something to complain about.

arab immigration

The fact of Arab Immigration during the early to mid 20 century is so well established that you really don't hear it questioned much anymore but yeah.

its a no brainer

You can plot the graph yourself if you are having trouble reading




Just be sure and use enough sources to get a fair representation. Also one cannot go with the term Immigrant as the Arabs didn't seem to comprehend the term back in the times specified or even today for that matter.

I'll take this as a, "No I can't provide a link to the data behind the graph I submitted, I Bison 1, habitually make things up."
You cannot be seriously suggesting that Judaism was lost and then rediscovered in the 13th century, thats just a hoot if there ever was one.

*sigh* I'm not suggesting anything, the person credited with re-introducing Judaism into Palestine said that Judaism was all but extinct there when he arrived, in 1267, if I remember correctly. He could only find 2 Jewish families in Jerusalem, a total of 12 individuals. Now be a good boy and run along and practice your English comprehension, then read a few history books instead of Joan Peters' fantasy novel.


Pfffft You can't be serious. So you're saying that after the countless pogroms in the area designed to wipe out the Judiac people one guy goes back and says "wow, where are all the jews" and "I don't see anyone praying at the wall"

You can't be serious.

And what does that have to do with indigenous people, that the indigenous people were run off a few times. Guess what, they survived and are now back, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Its a win for native peoples everywhere
Knowing how blinded you are by Joooo hatred and hasbara nonsense how about a number of sources, although I'm sure you'll find something to complain about.

arab immigration

The fact of Arab Immigration during the early to mid 20 century is so well established that you really don't hear it questioned much anymore but yeah.

its a no brainer

You can plot the graph yourself if you are having trouble reading




Just be sure and use enough sources to get a fair representation. Also one cannot go with the term Immigrant as the Arabs didn't seem to comprehend the term back in the times specified or even today for that matter.

I'll take this as a, "No I can't provide a link to the data behind the graph I submitted, I Bison 1, habitually make things up."

When your response is a lie.

I'll take that as a lie.

And obviously you have no rebuttal to having been supplied with the source information.
The Arab Muslims aren't from Judea ergo they are NOT the indigenous people

Unfortunately for your "argument" the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine were a mix of ethnicities, some of whom adopted Judaism, or Christianity, or any of the many Pagan cults of the area over the centuries until ultimately they converted to Islam and adopted Arab culture.

In the 13th Century Judaism was "reinvented" in Palestine by Moses ben Nahman, a Jewish Spaniard who wrote at the time that when he arrived there were only a total of 12 Jewish "worshippers" in Jerusalem. Moses is widely credited with re-introducing Judaism into the area; building a synagogue and encouraging the establishment of yeshivas. Ironically, in his correspndence he writes how, living in Jerusalem he felt the strong pangs of his exile from Spain.

The European Jewish Zionist colonists were, on the other hand, descendants of European converts, and after 1948, more Jewish immigrants arrived Berbers from Morocco and Tunisia; Jewish Arabs from Iraq and elswhere. Religion, however, does not on its own grant indigenous status.

You know how you say if the Jews are from Europe they cant be indigenous, well you must also say if the arabs are from arabia they cant be indigenous. Also if the muslims are from Palestine they cant be arab, meaning they cant win when it comes to scientific method.
Now about the official recorded speech by the British foreign minister that stated the arab muslims were flooding palestine with illegal immigrants from 1920 onwards. Why do you deny his words yet accept his white paper.
The evidence shows that the Jews outnumbered the muslims in the sanjak of Jerusalem for many a year until the sudden influx of muslims in the 1920's
Most Arab-speaking people outside of Arabia have very Arabian genetic background. Just as most Spanish speaking people outside of Spain have little Spanish genetic background.

As far as immigration. The facts are clear as per the official census figures of the Mandatory as reported by the UN prior to partition in UN Resolution A 364.


15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947

Did you read this in your link freddy boy, that shows it is illegal for the muslims to live in Israel

3. During the transitional period, no Jew shall be permitted to establish residence in the area of the proposed Arab State, and no Arab shall be permitted to establish residence in the area of the proposed Jewish State, except by special leave of the Administration.

(b) Settling all international disputes in which the State may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.

(c) Accepting the obligation of the State to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or' political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.

(d) Guaranteeing to all persons equal and non-discriminatory rights in civil, political and religious matters and the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of religious worship, language, speech and publication, education, assembly and association.

(e) Preserving freedom of transit and visit for all residents and citizens of the other State in Palestine and the City of Jerusalem, subject to security considerations; provided that each State shall control residence within its borders.

All of these are breached by the Palestinians daily, so they should be called to face the charges
You cannot be seriously suggesting that Judaism was lost and then rediscovered in the 13th century, thats just a hoot if there ever was one.

*sigh* I'm not suggesting anything, the person credited with re-introducing Judaism into Palestine said that Judaism was all but extinct there when he arrived, in 1267, if I remember correctly. He could only find 2 Jewish families in Jerusalem, a total of 12 individuals. Now be a good boy and run along and practice your English comprehension, then read a few history books instead of Joan Peters' fantasy novel.

And what is your source for this, which as you know is different to what the person allegedly stated... In other words who claimed he said this ?
Pfffft You can't be serious. So you're saying that after the countless pogroms in the area designed to wipe out the Judiac people one guy goes back and says "wow, where are all the jews" and "I don't see anyone praying at the wall"

You can't be serious.

And what does that have to do with indigenous people, that the indigenous people were run off a few times. Guess what, they survived and are now back, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Its a win for native peoples everywhere

"Countless pogroms in the area designed to wipe out the Judiac people" Please provide evidence to support this assertion, or are you just making things up as usual?

"the indigenous people were run off a few times." Please provide evidence to support this assertion, or are you just making things up as usual?
When your response is a lie.

I'll take that as a lie.

And obviously you have no rebuttal to having been supplied with the source information.

From someone who invented a "Judaic People" who lived in a mythical, non-existant "Canaan Valley", once upon a time, who then declares there were "waves of Arab migration" and then presents a graph that demonstrates quite the opposite and is unable to provide source data for that graph but instead substitutes another graph again without supporting source data; who patheticaly tries to reinvent "Hasbara" as an Islamist concept and then accuses ME of lying, that's rich.

There's nothing I need to rebut because your own "evidence" does it for me.
When your response is a lie.

I'll take that as a lie.

And obviously you have no rebuttal to having been supplied with the source information.

From someone who invented a "Judaic People" who lived in a mythical, non-existant "Canaan Valley", once upon a time, who then declares there were "waves of Arab migration" and then presents a graph that demonstrates quite the opposite and is unable to provide source data for that graph but instead substitutes another graph again without supporting source data; who patheticaly tries to reinvent "Hasbara" as an Islamist concept and then accuses ME of lying, that's rich.

There's nothing I need to rebut because your own "evidence" does it for me.

1) Judaic=Jewish, tomaito=tamahto (both tomatoes).

2) Are you saying there was no land called Canaan in ancient times?

3) Churchill (who lived in those times) said that the Arabs have crowded into Palestine in such great numbers, so that all of World Jewry could not compete with them.

4) The word Hasbara (which simply means "public relations" in Hebrew, from the root word "explanation") has been co-opted by Arab sympathizers to mean something negative. Boston is just turning the tables on you.
When your response is a lie.

I'll take that as a lie.

And obviously you have no rebuttal to having been supplied with the source information.

From someone who invented a "Judaic People" who lived in a mythical, non-existant "Canaan Valley", once upon a time, who then declares there were "waves of Arab migration" and then presents a graph that demonstrates quite the opposite and is unable to provide source data for that graph but instead substitutes another graph again without supporting source data; who patheticaly tries to reinvent "Hasbara" as an Islamist concept and then accuses ME of lying, that's rich.

There's nothing I need to rebut because your own "evidence" does it for me.

1) Judaic=Jewish, tomaito=tamahto (both tomatoes).

2) Are you saying there was no land called Canaan in ancient times?

3) Churchill (who lived in those times) said that the Arabs have crowded into Palestine in such great numbers, so that all of World Jewry could not compete with them.

4) The word Hasbara (which simply means "public relations" in Hebrew, from the root word "explanation") has been co-opted by Arab sympathizers to mean something negative. Boston is just turning the tables on you.

1) In that it appertains to a religious cult, I can accept that, but an ethnicity? No.
2) Where was the georgraphical feature "Canaan Valley"?
3) Just because Churchill said something dosn't make it necessarily true; Churchill was a well known racist who despised "brown people" in general.
4) Hasbara is what it is, the Zionists use the term "Public Deplomacy", pro-Palestinians call it "Israeli Bullshit"

Boston1 just likes to make things up.
When your response is a lie.

I'll take that as a lie.

And obviously you have no rebuttal to having been supplied with the source information.

From someone who invented a "Judaic People" who lived in a mythical, non-existant "Canaan Valley", once upon a time, who then declares there were "waves of Arab migration" and then presents a graph that demonstrates quite the opposite and is unable to provide source data for that graph but instead substitutes another graph again without supporting source data; who patheticaly tries to reinvent "Hasbara" as an Islamist concept and then accuses ME of lying, that's rich.

There's nothing I need to rebut because your own "evidence" does it for me.

1) Judaic=Jewish, tomaito=tamahto (both tomatoes).

2) Are you saying there was no land called Canaan in ancient times?

3) Churchill (who lived in those times) said that the Arabs have crowded into Palestine in such great numbers, so that all of World Jewry could not compete with them.

4) The word Hasbara (which simply means "public relations" in Hebrew, from the root word "explanation") has been co-opted by Arab sympathizers to mean something negative. Boston is just turning the tables on you.

1) In that it appertains to a religious cult, I can accept that, but an ethnicity? No.
2) Where was the georgraphical feature "Canaan Valley"?
3) Just because Churchill said something dosn't make it necessarily true; Churchill was a well known racist who despised "brown people" in general.
4) Hasbara is what it is, the Zionists use the term "Public Deplomacy", pro-Palestinians call it "Israeli Bullshit"

Boston1 just likes to make things up.

Is that because it would burst your bubble and show you to be a rabid Jew hater

Didn't you see the map that showed it, or are you suffering from selective vision again

Not that when you rant about his white paper is it, is that because you can twist it to meet your POV

So the people who speak the language it is part of would know better than you and 2 billion semiliterate muslim's

When your response is a lie.

I'll take that as a lie.

And obviously you have no rebuttal to having been supplied with the source information.

From someone who invented a "Judaic People" who lived in a mythical, non-existant "Canaan Valley", once upon a time, who then declares there were "waves of Arab migration" and then presents a graph that demonstrates quite the opposite and is unable to provide source data for that graph but instead substitutes another graph again without supporting source data; who patheticaly tries to reinvent "Hasbara" as an Islamist concept and then accuses ME of lying, that's rich.

There's nothing I need to rebut because your own "evidence" does it for me.

Note to the mods

Can we get these last few posts by Challenged moved over to the delusions thread where they belong, they guys gone off the deep end completely

Thank you
When your response is a lie.

I'll take that as a lie.

And obviously you have no rebuttal to having been supplied with the source information.

From someone who invented a "Judaic People" who lived in a mythical, non-existant "Canaan Valley", once upon a time, who then declares there were "waves of Arab migration" and then presents a graph that demonstrates quite the opposite and is unable to provide source data for that graph but instead substitutes another graph again without supporting source data; who patheticaly tries to reinvent "Hasbara" as an Islamist concept and then accuses ME of lying, that's rich.

There's nothing I need to rebut because your own "evidence" does it for me.

1) Judaic=Jewish, tomaito=tamahto (both tomatoes).

2) Are you saying there was no land called Canaan in ancient times?

3) Churchill (who lived in those times) said that the Arabs have crowded into Palestine in such great numbers, so that all of World Jewry could not compete with them.

4) The word Hasbara (which simply means "public relations" in Hebrew, from the root word "explanation") has been co-opted by Arab sympathizers to mean something negative. Boston is just turning the tables on you.

And here I thought hasbara meant

Complete and utter racist nonsense spoken by terrorist and Arab Muslim sympathizers.

Which I guess does mean public relations, the Arab Muslim terrorist way.

So I got it right ?
From someone who invented a "Judaic People" who lived in a mythical, non-existant "Canaan Valley", once upon a time, who then declares there were "waves of Arab migration" and then presents a graph that demonstrates quite the opposite and is unable to provide source data for that graph but instead substitutes another graph again without supporting source data; who patheticaly tries to reinvent "Hasbara" as an Islamist concept and then accuses ME of lying, that's rich.There's nothing I need to rebut because your own "evidence" does it for me.

Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jews (/dʒuːz/;[11] Hebrew: יְהוּדִים ISO 259-3 Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation [jehuˈdim]), also known as the Jewish People, are an ethnoreligious group[12] originating from the Israelites, or Hebrews, of the Ancient Near East.[13][14] Jewish ethnicity, nationhood and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish Nation,[15][16][17] while its observance varies from strict observance to complete nonobservance.

Jews originated as a national and religious group in the Middle East during the Second Millennium BCE,[10] in the part of the Levant known as the Land of Israel.[18]
The Merneptah Stele appears to confirm the existence of a people of Israel, associated with the god El,[19] somewhere in Canaan as far back as the 13th century BCE.[20][21] The Israelites, as an outgrowth of the Canaanite population,[22] consolidated their hold with the emergence of the Kingdom of Israel, and the Kingdom of Judah. Some consider that these Canaanite sedentary Israelites melded with incoming nomadic groups known as 'Hebrews'.[23]...​
From someone who invented a "Judaic People" who lived in a mythical, non-existant "Canaan Valley", once upon a time, who then declares there were "waves of Arab migration" and then presents a graph that demonstrates quite the opposite and is unable to provide source data for that graph but instead substitutes another graph again without supporting source data; who patheticaly tries to reinvent "Hasbara" as an Islamist concept and then accuses ME of lying, that's rich.There's nothing I need to rebut because your own "evidence" does it for me.

Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jews (/dʒuːz/;[11] Hebrew: יְהוּדִים ISO 259-3 Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation [jehuˈdim]), also known as the Jewish People, are an ethnoreligious group[12] originating from the Israelites, or Hebrews, of the Ancient Near East.[13][14] Jewish ethnicity, nationhood and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish Nation,[15][16][17] while its observance varies from strict observance to complete nonobservance.

Jews originated as a national and religious group in the Middle East during the Second Millennium BCE,[10] in the part of the Levant known as the Land of Israel.[18]
The Merneptah Stele appears to confirm the existence of a people of Israel, associated with the god El,[19] somewhere in Canaan as far back as the 13th century BCE.[20][21] The Israelites, as an outgrowth of the Canaanite population,[22] consolidated their hold with the emergence of the Kingdom of Israel, and the Kingdom of Judah. Some consider that these Canaanite sedentary Israelites melded with incoming nomadic groups known as 'Hebrews'.[23]...​

"Judaic" not "Jewish" and of course, it's in Wikipedia so it HAS to be true. Go talk to Phoenall about Wikipedia....
From someone who invented a "Judaic People" who lived in a mythical, non-existant "Canaan Valley", once upon a time, who then declares there were "waves of Arab migration" and then presents a graph that demonstrates quite the opposite and is unable to provide source data for that graph but instead substitutes another graph again without supporting source data; who patheticaly tries to reinvent "Hasbara" as an Islamist concept and then accuses ME of lying, that's rich.There's nothing I need to rebut because your own "evidence" does it for me.

Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jews (/dʒuːz/;[11] Hebrew: יְהוּדִים ISO 259-3 Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation [jehuˈdim]), also known as the Jewish People, are an ethnoreligious group[12] originating from the Israelites, or Hebrews, of the Ancient Near East.[13][14] Jewish ethnicity, nationhood and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish Nation,[15][16][17] while its observance varies from strict observance to complete nonobservance.

Jews originated as a national and religious group in the Middle East during the Second Millennium BCE,[10] in the part of the Levant known as the Land of Israel.[18]
The Merneptah Stele appears to confirm the existence of a people of Israel, associated with the god El,[19] somewhere in Canaan as far back as the 13th century BCE.[20][21] The Israelites, as an outgrowth of the Canaanite population,[22] consolidated their hold with the emergence of the Kingdom of Israel, and the Kingdom of Judah. Some consider that these Canaanite sedentary Israelites melded with incoming nomadic groups known as 'Hebrews'.[23]...​

"Judaic" not "Jewish" and of course, it's in Wikipedia so it HAS to be true. Go talk to Phoenall about Wikipedia....

Why don't you talk to monte then and ask him how many entries he has "edited" to meet with his personal POV
Palestine is nothing more than a label. what we are observing today is a game of playing with labels to cause confusion.

The Palestinian cause is a political cause. There are Palestinians and Zionists. The people are the Arabs and The Jews. There is no such thing as a Palestinian national Identity.
Zuhir Mohsen - a member of the PLO - says:
"The Palestinian people do not exist ... Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people since the Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. "

Before 1948 The Arabs refused to call themselves Palestinian as in the picture bellow:

Indeed at those times The Jews were called Palestinians:

in 1964 PLO created the Arab Palestinian flag (by applying a minor modification to the Jordanian flag) with the intention of fabricating history and pretending Arabs are indigenous to Palestine:

Palestine comes from the Hebrew word pilishtim which means invaders. When the Romans conquered the Jews they called them Palestinians to humiliate them. For 2000 years the Jews were humiliated until the declared independence and stopped calling themselves Palestinians.

So calling people Palestinian is really a game of playing with labels and has no root in reality.

Now the all important question is that were do today's Arabs and Jews come from? More than 95% of Arabs and Jews in Israel are descendant of those who immigrated to British mandate for Palestine after 1920 Balfour declaration. 5% of them were living there for hundreds (in case of Arabs) or even thousands of years (in case of Jews). Many of the Arab Muslims were Jews who were forced converts. Depending on time and place Jews or Arabs were a majority in the area:

So except for a minority, they are all immigrants. The Jews have a ancestral connection to the land while the Arabs don't. I think it is safe to say that Jews come from Judea and Arabs come from Arabia. Also note worthy that most of the Israeli Jews are Arab Jews who were expelled from the Arab world:
Palestinians, Muslim and Christians are the same people that have always lived in the area. The fact that some converted to Islam does not make them Arabians. Arab is a language distinction. A Moroccan has very little in common with an Arabian genetically.

As far as Jews being a majority in Jerusalem in 1864, they weren't even a majority in 1896 after years of Jewish invasion. There are film documentaries to the effect. The Jewish propaganda is so easily debunked by fact.

Palestinians, Muslim and Christians are the same people that have always lived in the area. The fact that some converted to Islam does not make them Arabians. Arab is a language distinction. A Moroccan has very little in common with an Arabian genetically.

As far as Jews being a majority in Jerusalem in 1864, they weren't even a majority in 1896 after years of Jewish invasion. There are film documentaries to the effect. The Jewish propaganda is so easily debunked by fact.

Then they cant be arab's and claim they are fighting for arab nationalism. The fact that some Jews and Christians were forcibly converted to islam means nothing as that is against International law. The arabs are a distinct race as are the majority of Jews, which is why the DNA of both groups is so markedly different.
The Ottomans show that the Jews were the majority as does the Catholic encyclopedia and all you have is some booklet that used muslims to collect the date and send it to France for the committee to mull over. Not that long before this the British foreign secretary went to Palestine and saw for himself the masses of muslims invading the land. Much as the hordes are invading Europe now.

Your islamnazi propaganda and LIES are so easily disproven by cold hard facts from multiple sources and not just one that was always taken with a pinch of salt
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