The Official White Lives Must Not Matter To Whites Thread

im2 says hes smart, but this post shows otherwise. Whites dont riot, loot, burn white or black businesses down, kill cops in the name of white lives.

In the name of white lives? No, but you sure don't hold back when you win sports championships.
Sports riots arent anything remotely close to what we are seeing with BLM riots. There isnt any looting, and about the worst thing you see is one car flipped over and on fire. They dont burn down buildings and attack people.
Have you guys noticed yet how we havent defended one of these criminals? We would love nothing more than for them to be shot dead while resisting arrest. You wouldnt hear a fucking peep out of us. That is why we are better people than you. That attitude is why we dont have your ridiculous crime rates. Do you understand the difference between our communities NOW, dummy?
Have you guys noticed yet how we havent defended one of these criminals?
Because you can't.

We would love nothing more than for them to be shot dead while resisting arrest.
They weren't resisting arrest and it's good that you admit it, It's good that you've stopped pretending that you wait around for all the evidence before coming up with some general conclusions about the guilt or innocence of a black person.

You don’t.You jump the gun and assume that the black person was "resisting arrest" just goes to show.

When whites do bad things, it’s just an individual flaw.
When blacks do bad things, it’s just the way those people are.

That was the point of this post.

You and others use crime stats to prove something about the true nature of black people, but not that of white people. Or you trust FBI when they favoury our racist view of crime and throw them aside when they do not.

To come to a conclusion and THEN find facts to support it while overlooking those that do not is almost the definition of prejudice, a huge part of racism.

In no way am I asking anyone to turn a blind eye to crime committed by blacks. Instead I am objecting to the racist and therefore illogical and therefore idiotic ways people have of thinking and talking about i

You can’t have it both ways: Either crime statistics can be used to predict pathology, or it can’t, you can’t say that it works for one race but not the other .

When Micheal Vick was convicted to inhumane animal practices, the media tore him in half. When Jerry Sandusky, a KNOWN pederest, was outed, the media looked into the boys’ claim to discredit them.

One person was made to be a vile monster that destroys innocent lives. The other was just “horsing around” in the shower with 9 year old boys….

That is why we are better people than you.
Dude. Call me inferior all day. I don't give sh*t about that. All I want to know is what white supremacist are going to do next.

That attitude is why we dont have your ridiculous crime rates. Do you understand the difference between our communities NOW, dummy?
Yes. You do. It's just that whites don't get charged for crimes that black people do.

You can read from the mouths of whites about how they have got away with crimes they wouldn't have if they were black
im2 says hes smart, but this post shows otherwise. Whites dont riot, loot, burn white or black businesses down, kill cops in the name of white lives.

In the name of white lives? No, but you sure don't hold back when you win sports championships.
Sports riots arent anything remotely close to what we are seeing with BLM riots. There isnt any looting, and about the worst thing you see is one car flipped over and on fire. They dont burn down buildings and attack people.
There should not be any sports riots. There have been fights at sports riots. Stop making excuses for white wrongdoing. Whites are the ones fucking up BLM protests. It was a white man who killed the cops. 25 million have protested. 10,000 arrests for violence/rioting.
"That attitude is why we dont have your ridiculous crime rates. Do you understand the difference between our communities NOW, dummy?"

The white crime rate is almost triple that of blacks. And stick that per capita shit up your ass because you only use it to make a claim about crime. Bitch, if blacks and whites have the same population, that means we have the same representation and opportunity. These 2 things alone will decrease black crime while white crime would remain the same, this is where your raggedy, punk ass, per capita argument fails. Whites have tried wiping out races of people and your white ass wants to talk about attitude. It is psychosis that has whites like you talking about crime rates when all crime numbers point directly to whites. Your asses are so criminal that you elected one to run this country and want to give his criminal ass 4 more years.

Crime is worse in the white community boy.

Any time you are with a “conservative” white individual and they start off on black issues as they see it, we always have to hear the per capita crime dissertation. I must be crazy, but I used to think the most accurate indicator of things were total numbers. But in the world of the white racist, per capita is the only accurate measure. So from this point on when your football team loses, just mention how they gained more yards per capita so they won the game even though the total score said they lost by 2 touchdowns. If you are black go to the store with a 20 and by 100 dollars worth of goods. After all, your 1 action counts for 5 of a white persons, so most certainly your money does too. These things make as much sense as listening to a racist argue with you about how blacks commit more crimes even though whites are arrested 2.5 times more and actually commit more crimes.

“No, black people are definitely the more violent community. History has proven that.”

Anonymous white internet forum poster

Apparently that person was taught drunk history. The annals of U.S history document the overall violence of people in the white race. Sociologists and criminologists have stated that violent crime is a complex issue. Research shows that poor people commit the most crime. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, from 2008 through 2012, “persons in poor households at or below the federal poverty level had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households. This pattern of poor people having the highest rates of violence was consistent for both whites and blacks.”

Eighty one percent of whites who get killed are killed by other whites. What those who like to preach to blacks need to understand is that we have taken responsibility. The truth is there are people in our community who have been in the trenches for years fighting to reduce black on black crime. People that have for years been asking those in control for the necessary funds to help them eradicate or reduce problems but never getting what they need. Fixing the overall damage caused by the centuries of racism against blacks and other people of color cannot be done on the cheap. Whites spared no expense to be able to say they live in low crime communities even if that’s shown not to be true. They built these communities with tax dollars blacks put in the pot. When will whites take personal responsibility instead of arguing using whataboutisms, false equivalences, ad hominem attacks and gaslighting? Whites are arrested for more than twice the number of crimes as blacks. White people have a greater crime problem than blacks do.

There are 30 categories of crimes listed in the UCR. Murder is one category. In 2018, out of the 30 categories of crime, whites led in 27. Whites are approximately 70 percent of the population and led in 90 percent of the crime categories. Less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the deaths in America were murders. There were a total of 8957 murders in all races in 2018. There were over 12,000 arrest for rapes by whites in 2018 alone. Blacks had less than half that with 5,376. So we have whites here arguing an apparent racist argument. “What about white on white crime?”

Blacks are not responsible for 50 percent of crime in America. 14 percent of no race in this country is responsible for crime. Numbers represent people and by arrests, 2.5 percent of the American population were white and arrested for crimes in 2018. That 2.5 percent of the population made up 60 percent of the arrests for violent crime. Less than 1 percent of the of the American population was black and arrested for crimes in 2018. So whites made up more than double the arrests and that 2.5 percent of the American population made up nearly 70 percent of all arrests for crime.
im2 says hes smart, but this post shows otherwise. Whites dont riot, loot, burn white or black businesses down, kill cops in the name of white lives.

In the name of white lives? No, but you sure don't hold back when you win sports championships.
Sports riots arent anything remotely close to what we are seeing with BLM riots. There isnt any looting, and about the worst thing you see is one car flipped over and on fire. They dont burn down buildings and attack people.
There should not be any sports riots. There have been fights at sports riots. Stop making excuses for white wrongdoing. Whites are the ones fucking up BLM protests. It was a white man who killed the cops. 25 million have protested. 10,000 arrests for violence/rioting.
Im not making excuses for it, but im also not going to let you people pretend like those are the same as the wholesale democrat destruction that plagues our nation.
Have you guys noticed yet how we havent defended one of these criminals?
Because you can't.

We would love nothing more than for them to be shot dead while resisting arrest.
They weren't resisting arrest and it's good that you admit it, It's good that you've stopped pretending that you wait around for all the evidence before coming up with some general conclusions about the guilt or innocence of a black person.

You don’t.You jump the gun and assume that the black person was "resisting arrest" just goes to show.

When whites do bad things, it’s just an individual flaw.
When blacks do bad things, it’s just the way those people are.

That was the point of this post.

You and others use crime stats to prove something about the true nature of black people, but not that of white people. Or you trust FBI when they favoury our racist view of crime and throw them aside when they do not.

To come to a conclusion and THEN find facts to support it while overlooking those that do not is almost the definition of prejudice, a huge part of racism.

In no way am I asking anyone to turn a blind eye to crime committed by blacks. Instead I am objecting to the racist and therefore illogical and therefore idiotic ways people have of thinking and talking about i

You can’t have it both ways: Either crime statistics can be used to predict pathology, or it can’t, you can’t say that it works for one race but not the other .

When Micheal Vick was convicted to inhumane animal practices, the media tore him in half. When Jerry Sandusky, a KNOWN pederest, was outed, the media looked into the boys’ claim to discredit them.

One person was made to be a vile monster that destroys innocent lives. The other was just “horsing around” in the shower with 9 year old boys….

That is why we are better people than you.
Dude. Call me inferior all day. I don't give sh*t about that. All I want to know is what white supremacist are going to do next.

That attitude is why we dont have your ridiculous crime rates. Do you understand the difference between our communities NOW, dummy?
Yes. You do. It's just that whites don't get charged for crimes that black people do.

You can read from the mouths of whites about how they have got away with crimes they wouldn't have if they were black
im2 says hes smart, but this post shows otherwise. Whites dont riot, loot, burn white or black businesses down, kill cops in the name of white lives.

In the name of white lives? No, but you sure don't hold back when you win sports championships.
Sports riots arent anything remotely close to what we are seeing with BLM riots. There isnt any looting, and about the worst thing you see is one car flipped over and on fire. They dont burn down buildings and attack people.
There should not be any sports riots. There have been fights at sports riots. Stop making excuses for white wrongdoing. Whites are the ones fucking up BLM protests. It was a white man who killed the cops. 25 million have protested. 10,000 arrests for violence/rioting.
Im not making excuses for it, but im also not going to let you people pretend like those are the same as the wholesale democrat destruction that plagues our nation.
You are making excuses for it. There is no wholesale democrat destruction.
From the White on White Murder Hall of Fame:

Jeffrey MacDonald murder

im2 says hes smart, but this post shows otherwise. Whites dont riot, loot, burn white or black businesses down, kill cops in the name of white lives.

In the name of white lives? No, but you sure don't hold back when you win sports championships.
Sports riots arent anything remotely close to what we are seeing with BLM riots. There isnt any looting, and about the worst thing you see is one car flipped over and on fire. They dont burn down buildings and attack people.
There should not be any sports riots. There have been fights at sports riots. Stop making excuses for white wrongdoing. Whites are the ones fucking up BLM protests. It was a white man who killed the cops. 25 million have protested. 10,000 arrests for violence/rioting.
Im not making excuses for it, but im also not going to let you people pretend like those are the same as the wholesale democrat destruction that plagues our nation.
You are making excuses for it. There is no wholesale democrat destruction.
You are what you accuse others of being.

And I think you know it and that's why you're crazy.
Yeah everyone does it.

Question; why do ya'll do it so much more than everyone else though?
What's the appeal?
Answer: We don't.

Actually, you do. And those videos are from multiple years. You get that number of murders in a single day in Chicago. That doesn't count the other nine violent cities.

But whites certainly do murder each other. Some in horrendous manner. They just don't do it at the rate blacks do.
Yeah everyone does it.

Question; why do ya'll do it so much more than everyone else though?
What's the appeal?
Answer: We don't.

Also, why do you celebrate and/or make excuses for those on your skin color that do it?

Note how none of these white criminals have "Justice for stupid evil white criminal" movements for them?

That's the difference.
Yeah everyone does it.

Question; why do ya'll do it so much more than everyone else though?
What's the appeal?
Answer: We don't.

Actually, you do. And those videos are from multiple years. You get that number of murders in a single day in Chicago. That doesn't count the other nine violent cities.

But whites certainly do murder each other. Some in horrendous manner. They just don't do it at the rate blacks do.

WHITES dont blame blacks for their killing either.

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