The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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How do you know who started the altercation between the two men?

What evidence do you have?

I didn't know that that aspect had been proven.

Do you actually have any real answers, or are you just one of those people on here who shoots their mouth off without being able to back any of it up? Cause there's a lot of that around here.
Common sense tells me who started it. The thug.

The best witness in the trial testified to evidence that it was solely Zimmerman that started the fight. When she states GZ was behind Martin right before, it shows Martin was fleeing and other things she said Martin said are consistent with GZ following and tracking down Martin from the get go.

Friend of Trayvon Martin testifies in George Zimmerman murder trial | World news |

A friend who was on the phone with 17-year-old Trayvon Martin moments before he was fatally shot by George Zimmerman testified on Wednesday that she heard the Miami teen shout, "Get off! Get off!" before his telephone went dead.

Rachel Jeantel recounted to jurors in Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial how Martin told her he was being followed by a man as he walked through the Retreat at Twin Lakes townhome complex, on his way back from a convenience store to the home of his father's fiancée. Jeantel is considered one of the prosecution's most important witnesses, because she was the last person to talk to Martin before his encounter with Zimmerman on 26 February 2012.

She testified that Martin described the man following him as "a creepy-ass cracker" and he thought he had evaded him. But she said a short time later Martin let out a profanity. Martin said Zimmerman was behind him and she heard Martin ask: "What are you following me for?" She then heard what sounded like Martin's phone earpiece drop into the grass and she heard him say, "Get off! Get off!" The phone then went dead, she said.

I have a serious question for you, what planet do you live on?
The best witness in the trial testified to evidence that it was solely Zimmerman that started the fight. When she states GZ was behind Martin right before, it shows Martin was fleeing and other things she said Martin said are consistent with GZ following and tracking down Martin from the get go.

Friend of Trayvon Martin testifies in George Zimmerman murder trial | World news |

No one saw how the fight started you lying piece of shit.

She didn't state it outright, but she gives the play-by-play and like listening to sports on the radio, it isn't hard to figure out from there.

she didn't because she couldn't. Speculating doesn't count. You don't get to just make up shit in a court of law
Common sense tells me who started it. The thug.

The best witness in the trial testified to evidence that it was solely Zimmerman that started the fight. When she states GZ was behind Martin right before, it shows Martin was fleeing and other things she said Martin said are consistent with GZ following and tracking down Martin from the get go.

Friend of Trayvon Martin testifies in George Zimmerman murder trial | World news |

A friend who was on the phone with 17-year-old Trayvon Martin moments before he was fatally shot by George Zimmerman testified on Wednesday that she heard the Miami teen shout, "Get off! Get off!" before his telephone went dead.

Rachel Jeantel recounted to jurors in Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial how Martin told her he was being followed by a man as he walked through the Retreat at Twin Lakes townhome complex, on his way back from a convenience store to the home of his father's fiancée. Jeantel is considered one of the prosecution's most important witnesses, because she was the last person to talk to Martin before his encounter with Zimmerman on 26 February 2012.

She testified that Martin described the man following him as "a creepy-ass cracker" and he thought he had evaded him. But she said a short time later Martin let out a profanity. Martin said Zimmerman was behind him and she heard Martin ask: "What are you following me for?" She then heard what sounded like Martin's phone earpiece drop into the grass and she heard him say, "Get off! Get off!" The phone then went dead, she said.

I have a serious question for you, what planet do you live on?

I'm guessing that he is an old burnout hippie with one too many hits of acid.
They are POS for trying to railroad an innocent man in order to gain fame & fortune. They knew the truth, they kicked their own son out of the house. He called himself a gangster & he was not just playing around. He bragged about beating the hell out of snitches like GZ. They are a POS!

It was the US government that brought the trial on. The parents are humans that were hurt and have a pain that will stay with them until the day they die. They loved their child like any parent would.

I'm very sorry they're unhappy, but let's be honest. They raised their son to be a violent, "cracker culture" thug. And judging by their behavior, they saw nothing wrong with that. Indeed, their behavior seems to indicate that they were offended by the idea that Trayvon was expected to behave in a more civilized fashion. You reap what you sow, and unhappiness is the harvest for those seeds.

Not sure I get your drift. We all know this was about race. And power. 0bama has made it clear he is not adverse to throwing federal money away. It will happen on this as well.

have you seen the prezbos statement on the verdict

The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin

President Obama Issues Statement on Zimmerman Ruling - Philadelphia News, Weather and Sports from WTXF FOX 29

I had not seen it. Thanks for posting. It is undeniable that black culture is one of gangs and violence. Don't believe it? Just go by some rap and hip hop. Hispanic culture is loving and nurturing. There are things to be learned. I have absolutely NO confidence whatsoever they will be learned. In my 65 years, I've yet to see it.

That's a good question. I know they do that for people with thick accents. I wonder if they will do it for Ebonics. :dunno:

On the other hand, if they provide an in studio translator, please let it be Dr Shipping. :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray:

Do they have Ebonics across the pond?

The Brit does Ebonics.

Nah, Shipping would be more fun...

DeeDee: "Trayvon sayed the man wass a creepy azz cracka anna rapiss."

Shipping: "She say he cleepy ass clackel and lapist."

Did you catch Eric Holder's "speech" on looking into this?


Fuck him too.

i missed it

did he talk about fast n furious by chance

Why do you think they are pushing this so much? So, the low info people forget all their REAL scandals. HINT, I don't forget crap like that. And, there are a lot of us. Be assured!
I'm not going to bother reading that right now unless you comment on it or give a quote from it. What's your point?

It says she didn't know who said get off until the prosecutor prompted her. You're lazy as hell if you can't click and read. You really are worthless.

No, forum rules and etiquette are that you don't post a link and nothing else. Besides, I could read it and still not know what the hell you were trying to get at. :badgrin:

No, they didn't hear her correctly at first. The analysis of the testimony I just posted clearly shows what she testified without any contradictions. Her final and definitive testimony ON the stand is what counts, not all the second guessing.

There is no forum rule that requires anyone to post anything other than a link unless it is an OP. As for etiquette, when you stop lying about the rules you can start lecturing people on being nice.
Where the HELL are you guys seeing these juror reactions? Gosh, I'm out of the loop! Who did they talk to? I missed the connection.

DD on Piers @ 9. Got it.

When did this jurors' reactions come into the news? I thought for sure they would remain anonymous for awhile. WTH?
The paper says there were know African Americans on the jury. All wihte. Shouldn't there have been some African Amercans on the jury to be even? This is straight out of the 30's. Gosh!

You should ask the prosecutor what he has against blacks.

Probably should ask Jesse and Al not to taint the entire black population for the jury pool too.

The defense actually asked the judge to force the prosecution to justify why they were challenging everyone who was not white.
No one saw how the fight started you lying piece of shit.

She didn't state it outright, but she gives the play-by-play and like listening to sports on the radio, it isn't hard to figure out from there.

she didn't because she couldn't. Speculating doesn't count. You don't get to just make up shit in a court of law

She came damn near close.

1. Zimmerman was behind Trayvon
2. Trayvon was trying to avoid GZ
3. Martin asks GZ "Why are you following me"
4. Immediately, phone drops
5. Immediately, Trayvon yells, "Get off! Get off!"

Looks damning to me. It's testimony and needs proper consideration.
She didn't state it outright, but she gives the play-by-play and like listening to sports on the radio, it isn't hard to figure out from there.

she didn't because she couldn't. Speculating doesn't count. You don't get to just make up shit in a court of law

She came damn near close.

1. Zimmerman was behind Trayvon
2. Trayvon was trying to avoid GZ
3. Martin asks GZ "Why are you following me"
4. Immediately, phone drops
5. Immediately, Trayvon yells, "Get off! Get off!"

Looks damning to me. It's testimony and needs proper consideration.

The six women in the room thought she was full of shit.
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