The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What I find amazing is the overt sexism on this thread. Just because the jury was composed of women doesn't mean they were automatically wrong or stupid. They heard the evidence and came up with a conclusion. I'm sure even though they were "just" women they probably were educated and maybe even some of them had jobs. The left's war on women is sickening. Why doesn't the left have faith in women to think for themselves while abiding by the rules of the court. Yes, I'm sorry to tell people on the left this but I believe women are smart and capable and can be just as good a juror as a man. I don't care what the left says, women have a right to vote and should not be chained to the kitchen. The misogyny on the left is repugnant.
(This was my impression of rdean if he were a republican).

what I find amazing is the prosecution had a hand in selecting the jury. they interviewed each and everyone of them and gave each the yes nod, Now they suck, after the fact? they picked women because they felt mothers would be sympathetic to losing a son
It says she didn't know who said get off until the prosecutor prompted her. You're lazy as hell if you can't click and read. You really are worthless.

No, forum rules and etiquette are that you don't post a link and nothing else. Besides, I could read it and still not know what the hell you were trying to get at. :badgrin:

No, they didn't hear her correctly at first. The analysis of the testimony I just posted clearly shows what she testified without any contradictions. Her final and definitive testimony ON the stand is what counts, not all the second guessing.

There is no forum rule that requires anyone to post anything other than a link unless it is an OP. As for etiquette, when you stop lying about the rules you can start lecturing people on being nice.

How is explaining etiquette a lie? Do you habitually accuse people of lying always so casually? WTF

At my last forum it was a rule, so I included that possibility also.

This is a perfect example of how desperate GZ lovers are.
No, forum rules and etiquette are that you don't post a link and nothing else. Besides, I could read it and still not know what the hell you were trying to get at. :badgrin:

No, they didn't hear her correctly at first. The analysis of the testimony I just posted clearly shows what she testified without any contradictions. Her final and definitive testimony ON the stand is what counts, not all the second guessing.

There is no forum rule that requires anyone to post anything other than a link unless it is an OP. As for etiquette, when you stop lying about the rules you can start lecturing people on being nice.

How is explaining etiquette a lie? Do you habitually accuse people of lying always so casually? WTF

At my last forum it was a rule, so I included that possibility also.

This is a perfect example of how desperate GZ lovers are.

Get a fucking life dude!
Where the HELL are you guys seeing these juror reactions? Gosh, I'm out of the loop! Who did they talk to? I missed the connection.

DD on Piers @ 9. Got it.

When did this jurors' reactions come into the news? I thought for sure they would remain anonymous for awhile. WTH?

Anderson Cooper had an exclusive interview with juror B-37 on CNN. He said there will be a replay later tonite.
There is no forum rule that requires anyone to post anything other than a link unless it is an OP. As for etiquette, when you stop lying about the rules you can start lecturing people on being nice.

How is explaining etiquette a lie? Do you habitually accuse people of lying always so casually? WTF

At my last forum it was a rule, so I included that possibility also.

This is a perfect example of how desperate GZ lovers are.

Get a fucking life dude!

Get the least amount of objectivity, dumbfuck.
[ame=]Pee Wee Herman - Tequila - YouTube[/ame]
One black woman

Now how the paper get that wrong? I swear the news so messed up.

Juror on CNN addressed your concern about where stuff was located and said she found it to support GZ.

Really. I didn't here anything in the trial how Trayvon's phone got sperated and from the ear piece and hoe they got were they got. Pardon me but something smells here. Sorry I just like the finar details.
she didn't because she couldn't. Speculating doesn't count. You don't get to just make up shit in a court of law

She came damn near close.

1. Zimmerman was behind Trayvon
2. Trayvon was trying to avoid GZ
3. Martin asks GZ "Why are you following me"
4. Immediately, phone drops
5. Immediately, Trayvon yells, "Get off! Get off!"

Looks damning to me. It's testimony and needs proper consideration.

The six women in the room thought she was full of shit.

Do you read minds, blowhard?
How is explaining etiquette a lie? Do you habitually accuse people of lying always so casually? WTF

At my last forum it was a rule, so I included that possibility also.

This is a perfect example of how desperate GZ lovers are.

Get a fucking life dude!

Get the least amount of objectivity, dumbfuck.

You're right I'm based on evidence. You are based on fairy tales and conspiracies.
:rofl: DeeDee said she speaks funny because she has an underbite.

No stupid, you speak funny because you don't know English.
She came damn near close.

1. Zimmerman was behind Trayvon
2. Trayvon was trying to avoid GZ
3. Martin asks GZ "Why are you following me"
4. Immediately, phone drops
5. Immediately, Trayvon yells, "Get off! Get off!"

Looks damning to me. It's testimony and needs proper consideration.

The six women in the room thought she was full of shit.

Do you read minds, blowhard?

The woman on the jury just said it fuck face. Join the technological revolution old timer.
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