The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Angela Corey should go to jail for withholding exculpatory evidence.

Man you guys are like scorpions.

Didn't you see her after the verdict was read?

She was happy.

That's the outcome she wanted. She's a conservative republican, and she wanted Zimmerman cut loose.
Mark O'Mara didn't mince words in his condemnation of the Zimmerman prosecutors.

He was regarding the violation of the Brady rule: which requires the defense to turn over evidence. The prosecution had attempted to withhold evidence in Trayvon's phone. And O'Mara even noted that Angela Corey had fired the mother of a three-month-old baby who had complied with the law.

And as you'll see in the video below: O'Mara slammed Corey for unethically calling Zimmerman a murder after the verdict.

Zimmerman's lawyer calls prosecutors 'disgrace' to profession

Mark O'Mara slams Angela Corey for her calling George Zimmerman a murderer in HLN interview - YouTube

The dog and pony show continues.
With all due respect, did you even watch the trial? Or listen to the 911 call?

1. The 911 Dispatcher did not give him an order. He said, "we don't NEED you to do that" and not "Please do NOT follow him." 911 Dispatchers are required to tell people that in EVERY situation. If you ask a 911 dispatcher if it's alright to shoot a home invader they won't tell you yes or no. IF you are asking a dispatcher if it's ok to save someone from a burning building they'll tell you that they don't need to you to that in order to take liability off themselves.

2. According to Zimmerman's statements, corroborated by his own 911 call, he only "chased" Martin for a few seconds before the 911 dispatcher made his comment about not needing him to follow and Zimmerman replied "Ok." What prompted the dispatcher to ask this question was because he heard Zimmerman's heavy breathing in the phone. After Zimmerman said, "ok" his breathing returned to normal indicating that he'd stopped running after Zimmerman.

3. Now here's a physics lesson, or perhaps a mathematical one. According to Zimmerman's statements he was returning to his vehicle when Martin attacked him, implying that Martin must have turned around and returned in order to confront Zimmerman. (I think this is actually what happened seeing has how the only evidence of initial verbal contact was when Martin asked "What are you following me for?" while Jeantel was on the phone with him.

NOW, Let's hypothetically say that Zimmerman continued following Martin at a walking pace. You have a 17 year old black boy running in the other direction being followed by an overweight hispanic guy at a walking pace. How did they end up running back in to one another? Either way Martin would have HAD to have turned around and came back to confront Zimmerman. He was only 300+ feet from his house and had plenty of time to get there...

4. There's no doubt that, in the space time continuum, the actions of Zimmerman ultimately led to Martin's death. But we could say that about ANYTHING! We could say that Martin's poor behavior, leading to him being kicked out of school, put him in that neighborhood that day. The "domino" theory can be used to explain EVERYTHING that happens. If only somone had set their alarm 5 minutes earlier like a responsible working American, they wouldn't have gotten in that car accident that killed someone. The problem is that the domino theory is not "law."

Nothing that Zimmerman did that day, leading up to the shooting ,was illegal. Nothing Martin did, leading up to the confrontation, was illegal. Hell, Martin could have stood there and called Zimmerman a racist profiling spick and nothing illegal would have been done. The first crime that was committed was when Martin decided to punch Zimmerman. That would have ended up being a misdemeanor charge. But when he decided to keep pummeling his head into the concrete, it would have escalated the charge to Assault and Battery; a felony. Then, according to Zimmerman, Martin saw Zimmerman's gun on his hip and said "You're going to die tonight motherfucker." This statement right there ups the charge to Attempted Murder.

It seems that most of the people disagreeing with this verdict simply don't understand self-defense laws and, honestly, haven't watched but a fraction of the trial, if at all. Most of the people rioting and protesting are just sheep being corralled by the race baiting of the media. A media that presented Martin as a 12 year old boy while they flashed Zimmerman's booking photos. A media that deliberately edited Zimmerman's 911 call to make him sound racist even though the ONLY time Zimmerman mentioned Martin's race was when the dispatcher asked for one and gave him options...A media that continuously injects white vs black racism into the issue when Zimmerman is obviously more hispanic than he is white.
I'm not accusing you of this because I don't know how much of the trial you watched. I watched almost every bit of it. I sat here at work with it live streaming on the computer. I watched it at home. I probably missed a few hours of it here and there. Also, being a CHL holder myself I was originally under the impression that Zimmerman was guilty; based on the reports by the media of course. However, after watching the trial, seeing the evidence, listening to witnesses, etc... I changed my mind.

Actually, the first crime was when Zimmerman left his vehicle and followed Trayvon up into the backyards of the complex.

Sorry...............but he'd followed Trayvon for quite a while, as well as quite a ways up the backyards.

If Zimmerman lived on that row, I may be able to see a connection, but if he didn't, he's nothing more than a wanna be cop who fucked up and killed an innocent teen.

"Followed Trayvon...for quite a while.."? 30 seconds and no more than 100 yards? Get real. If you think that's a crime, anywhere, you are totally delusional as to what the law is (What you WISH it is, doesn't matter) !

As for that idea you have about hitting someone just for following you, without any clear verbal or physical threat...good luck with that. Try it, and I hope ALL you get is an assault charge and a night in jail! If you're lucky, that's all that WILL happen; it's not all that CAN happen, though! A number of people who have thought that way, are no longer around to discuss the matter. Trayvon Martin at least had the excuse of being an adolescent with adolescent emotions and judgement; you're an adult, and should know better.

If I don't get shot and killed, that person is going to jail.

Hopefully, before they shoot and kill me.

But.........................if you follow me like Zimmerman did, I hope that your ass is beaten down before you shoot me.

Zimmerman was wrong, knew he was wrong, and kept trying to change his story to prove him right.
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Naturegirl said:
Why didn't Trayvon get off the phone with his friend and call 911 if someone was stalking him? I know I would.
He couldn't, GZ had the line tied up...

Seriously, TM only lived there for several days so if he came from another state or town the 911 function wouldn't work at the new zipcode or locale. I know mine doesn't!

[ame=]Public Enemy - 911 is a Joke - YouTube[/ame]

But seriously..and a black kid calling the cops?

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Angela Corey should go to jail for withholding exculpatory evidence.



Mark O'Mara didn't mince words in his condemnation of the Zimmerman prosecutors.

He was regarding the violation of the Brady rule: which requires the defense to turn over evidence. The prosecution had attempted to withhold evidence in Trayvon's phone. And O'Mara even noted that Angela Corey had fired the mother of a three-month-old baby who had complied with the law.

And as you'll see in the video below: O'Mara slammed Corey for unethically calling Zimmerman a murder after the verdict.

Zimmerman's lawyer calls prosecutors 'disgrace' to profession

Mark O'Mara slams Angela Corey for her calling George Zimmerman a murderer in HLN interview - YouTube

The dog and pony show continues.

Certainly not that sham of a trial. But, yea; the media's crucifixion of an innocent man in the name of phony racial justice does continue.
Angela Corey should go to jail for withholding exculpatory evidence.

Man you guys are like scorpions.

Didn't you see her after the verdict was read?

She was happy.

That's the outcome she wanted. She's a conservative republican, and she wanted Zimmerman cut loose.

She's a Republicrat.....and that only means so much if anything. If she was happy, it was because she placated the media, the mob, and the govt. mafia and still doesn't have an innocent man in prison on her conscious.
Mark O'Mara didn't mince words in his condemnation of the Zimmerman prosecutors.

He was regarding the violation of the Brady rule: which requires the defense to turn over evidence. The prosecution had attempted to withhold evidence in Trayvon's phone. And O'Mara even noted that Angela Corey had fired the mother of a three-month-old baby who had complied with the law.

And as you'll see in the video below: O'Mara slammed Corey for unethically calling Zimmerman a murder after the verdict.

Zimmerman's lawyer calls prosecutors 'disgrace' to profession

Mark O'Mara slams Angela Corey for her calling George Zimmerman a murderer in HLN interview - YouTube

The dog and pony show continues.

Certainly not that sham of a trial. But, yea; the media's crucifixion of an innocent man in the name of phony racial justice does continue.

Society generally frowns upon murderers.

Funny that.
Angela Corey should go to jail for withholding exculpatory evidence.

Man you guys are like scorpions.

Didn't you see her after the verdict was read?

She was happy.

That's the outcome she wanted. She's a conservative republican, and she wanted Zimmerman cut loose.

She's a Republicrat.....and that only means so much if anything. If she was happy, it was because she placated the media, the mob, and the govt. mafia and still doesn't have an innocent man in prison on her conscious.

She's you. You are her.

Stop your fussin and feudin

[ame=]Christine O'Donnell ad - YouTube[/ame]
Cherry pick the data, you can make it say anything you want.

Yes, you can.

Which wasn't done here.

Which brings me up to an obvious question, is there any form of data that would convince you AGW is true, or will you always find an excuse why it isn't.

93% of Climate Scientists think that it is true. Are they ALL in on it?

Academics believe what the grant money pays them to think; It's really very simple. Do I REALLy need to remind you of "Climategate"? Please! And by the way, Joe, in case you haven't noticed, this is America, NOT Australia; but hey, if you like their way of doing it better, you're free to join them; our borders are open, and you're free to go elsewhere anytime you like.

Why should we do that when we can fix this country. Your side is becoming smaller and more irrelevent as you drive people like me out of your party.

Never voted for a Democrat before 2012. Can't see a situation where I'd ever vote Republican again as long as the kooks and flat-earthers are running things.

But to your point, Climategate was a ginned up "scandal" by the deniers. They took one phrase out of a memo and tried to create a crisis.
Cherry pick the data, you can make it say anything you want.

Yes, you can.

Which wasn't done here.

Which brings me up to an obvious question, is there any form of data that would convince you AGW is true, or will you always find an excuse why it isn't.

93% of Climate Scientists think that it is true. Are they ALL in on it?

How many trillions should we spend so that the temperature is 0.2 degrees cooler in 2080?

As opposed to being 10 degrees hotter which would be devastating to the environment?
5'11" my ass. I see picture after picture with him towering over people. The 6'3" reports are more accurate. More corruption from the state to list him at 5'11"

The problem is, his autopsy report has him at five foot eleven inches. Do you argue with the autopsy report? You actually believe that is inaccurate?

Well, let's not forget who did that autopsy...

"I don't remember"

"I have no memory"

"This happened too long ago. I don't remember. Read the paper."

"I'm from China. We are always prepared"

"If my memory serves me right, Trayvon's the one who lost the fight?"

"I'll check my notes about what happened, I'll try to see what I imagined."

5'11" my ass. I see picture after picture with him towering over people. The 6'3" reports are more accurate. More corruption from the state to list him at 5'11"

The problem is, his autopsy report has him at five foot eleven inches. Do you argue with the autopsy report? You actually believe that is inaccurate?

TM's legs & body were likely not straight before rigor mortis set in. I doubt that incompetent little M.E. & his mixed up staff were able to straighten TM's body before measuring the next day. Then his shoes were off which adds another inch or 2.
5'11" my ass. I see picture after picture with him towering over people. The 6'3" reports are more accurate. More corruption from the state to list him at 5'11"

The problem is, his autopsy report has him at five foot eleven inches. Do you argue with the autopsy report? You actually believe that is inaccurate?

TM's legs & body were likely not straight before rigor mortis set in. I doubt that incompetent little M.E. & his mixed up staff were able to straighten TM's body before measuring the next day. Then his shoes were off which adds another inch or 2.

Actually he did say he didn't take photos of the hands because hands "curl" when you're dead. So apparently no one take photos of hands at autopsy because the the curl thing.

He lost every shred of credibility with me. I think he botched the autopsy, at best
The problem is, his autopsy report has him at five foot eleven inches. Do you argue with the autopsy report? You actually believe that is inaccurate?

TM's legs & body were likely not straight before rigor mortis set in. I doubt that incompetent little M.E. & his mixed up staff were able to straighten TM's body before measuring the next day. Then his shoes were off which adds another inch or 2.

Actually he did say he didn't take photos of the hands because hands "curl" when you're dead. So apparently no one take photos of hands at autopsy because the the curl thing.

He lost every shred of credibility with me. I think he botched the autopsy, at best

He didn't really botch it. He just had no memory of how to do one when he walked in the room.
Mistakes were made and a cold blooded murderer walks free.

I hear people say that we have the best justice system in the world.

Yeah, for guilty murderers with good lawyers and a prejudiced jury.
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