Russia Trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?
Putin <3 Harris

Biden <3 Trump

Well, if you knew ANYTHING about me, you would know the answer to that.

I was a Republican for 35 years. I grew up in life without a mother or a father to help me. I was a wreck of a person when I was 18 years old and joined the U.S. Airforce. There I was taught discipline and had a sargeant that took an interest in helping me get rid of the negative thoughts of my youth. When I left the Air Force, I had zilch (no money, no job, no one to help me). Nonetheless, I made up my mind to make something of myself and I started working from the bottom floor (as a waiter in a restaurant). 20 years later, I had made it. I was the #1 or #2 salesman for 4 different companies and then got into the Stock market and was taught by Merrill Lynch and Pru-Bache how to succeed trading. I was successful at it, not only for myself but for everyone else that I managed or in my later life, the subscribers to my service. I am now 79 years old, I am financially set for the rest of my life and have the one other thing I ever wanted, I have a wife who is the love of my life and I am the same to her.

All of this was accomplished following the Republican platform where each person gains in life what they work for and are talented at. As such, there is no reason and no way for me to be working as a Russian troll against the Republicans. I never took one cent from anyone in my entire life. I was the one giving and not the one taking. I care about people, help those that I know and that need my help as that is one trait that the sargeant taught me. I have now adopted the platform of the left simply because the Right has gone to the extreme, Trump was chosen, and have lost the values that I grew up with, which are morals, ethics, principles and humanity.........which now exist more on the left than the right.

I am not a Russian troll.
Hey kid who helped you to write that? :rofl: You excel at lying,you try to convince us that you were a Republican for 35 years yet you prove that is bullshit the fact not one of your posts has EVER said one negative word about the corruption of the Demonrat party and your evasion of facts to theur corruption and the corruption of Harris,your nose grows miles longer everyday with each post wanker.:rofl:

You paid Demonrat shills who hate America are so terrified of trump coming back you come back with the debunked conspiracy theory that Russia is trying to get trump elected once again. :rofl:
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The problem is that I like to take on blind-by-choice ass-kissing Trump suckers that have bought into his lies, his hate, and his egocentric views of what should be. In the end, I am going to be judged by a higher power that sent his son to show/teach us to have morals, ethics, principles, and humanity (something that Trump has none of) and by fighting for that, I hope to be judged positively. Giving up and going into hiding is not something that will be positively seen by him.

As far as material, it is you that has no material. Somewhere near 99% of all Trumper do what he does, which is try to con people by using words. Trying to find the suckers that believe words because they are selfish and want what is best for them, and screw the rest.

The reality of life:

View attachment 1006985

So continue to use words and I will continue to treat you as a clown and expose to everyone who you are, which helps me accomplish my goal in life.

Thank you for being one of the tools I use.
Epic triggering in process.......

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