The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Here's what influenced the jury. They were five white woman and a hispanic woman. Blacks had been moving into that neighborhood and ruining it. We've all seen how that happens, right? The article MikeK posted talks about just that. Come on, you know what I mean! I grew up with a racist father, I know all about how those blacks ruin property values and all.

So anyway, those white women on that jury probably think a lot like my father did. Zimmerman was just trying to save the damn neighborhood, and here's this suspicious black kid...the root of all the problems, these fucking coons!!! They're going to convict Zimmerman? I think not. And the hispanic woman...of course not, he's one of her own. She's especially not going to fight against all the white women, who want to acquit him!

That's what influenced the jury.



On Monday night, one of the jurors in the George Zimmerman trial offered shocking insight into how the group of six women reached its decision to acquit the defendant of all charges in the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Juror B-37 — who initially planned to write a book about the trial — revealed that the jurors considered Florida’s Stand Your Ground law in reaching their verdict, appeared to strongly sympathize with the defendant, and felt that race played no factor in the incident. Below are Juror B-37′s most surprising revelations:

1. Martin was responsible for his own death.

2. Juror felt just as sorry for Zimmerman.

3. Zimmerman should continue to serve as a neighborhood watchman because he has learned his lesson about going too far.

4. Verdict hinged on “Stand Your Ground” law, even though Zimmerman did not use it in his defense.

5. Zimmerman was only guilty of using poor judgment and was “egged” on to follow Martin by the 9/11 operator.

6. Race played absolutely no factor in Zimmerman’s profiling of Martin.

7. Zimmerman’s history of reporting black men to the police and his decision to follow Martin played no role in the verdict.

DETAILS: 7 Mind Blowing Moments From Zimmerman Juror B37's First Interview - Transcripts

Each time I read this interview - the more bizarre it sounds.
I listened to a lawyer that said the biggest mistake the prosecution made was allowing Zimmerman's multiple statements into evidence.
I'd say the biggest mistake the prosecution made was charging Zimmerman with Murder. I think under the circumstances he would have had a problem getting a Manslaughter conviction, and Manslaughter is substantially less serious than Murder. I think the best chance the prosecutor had for a conviction would be a charge of Reckless Endangerment Resulting In Unintentional Homicide. Because that is actually what happened -- and in New York (I don't know about Florida) that conviction could bring (up to) a ten year prison sentence.
I have to agree as well.

I believe that Zimmerman didn't intend to kill him upon sight, but because of his own actions, got himself into a situation where he felt that he had no choice but to shoot to kill.

Manslaughter all over it.
they should go to school ,refrain from drugs ,refrain from having sex with and having babies with 5 different men or women ,raise their kids,stop blaming whitey for every thing that is wrong in their lives,don't join a gang ,and last but not least do not attack a neighborhood watchman !!

Now there's racism raising up its ugly head. Right there in plain view. Ain't it a pretty sight?

The neighborhood watchman was not on duty, was not in a uniform, was just a creepy guy.

Fuck you for thinking it's okay this kid was killed because he supposedly "attacked" a neighborhood watchman. You are fucking evil.


You apparently don't know what "racism" means. To you, it must mean whenever someone doesn't share your warped views on things, that's the best I can tell. Nothing he said was racist in the least. "Do not attack a neighborhood watchman" is "racist" to you? Please, go find a dictionary and look up racism, and see what it tells you. Because you are totally ignorant, if you think that constitutes it.

Nobody, and I mean, nobody... "thinks it's okay" that a young black man was killed. We are all saddened for the loss, saddened for the parents and family, and it's a shame that such a young person lost their life. This does not mean we subvert the justice system in order to feel a sense of revenge. There was no "supposedly" to it, he DID attack Zimmerman, the wounds were there, they were real. Unless you think Zimmerman laid on the ground and beat his own head into the pavement before police arrived, there isn't another explanation.

Neighborhood watchmen don't wear a uniform, they aren't police officers or even security guards, just volunteer people who are trying to keep their community free of crime. And why do you call him a "creepy guy?" Why don't you use the racial epithet Trayvon used to describe him? Or why not add to that, what Trayvon's girlfriend now says Trayvon thought... that he was a "creepy ass GAY cracka?"

Yeah.... Bring on the Race Hate trial! Let's SEE who the REAL racist bigot was here!

I wasn't talking about the "do not attack a neighborhood watchman" comment. Are you really that dense? I was talking about these remarks:

they should go to school ,refrain from drugs ,refrain from having sex with and having babies with 5 different men or women ,raise their kids,stop blaming whitey for every thing that is wrong in their lives,don't join a gang

You don't see the racism there? The stereotyping? WTF
The kid was killed because he was black and "therefore" suspicious.

No he wasn't, and if the evidence proved this to a jury, Zimmerman would have been convicted.

You are emotively applying your bigoted race-minded opinion here, on the events that actually took place. It contradicts the evidence and the testimony from eyewitnesses. He was killed because he was pounding Zimmerman's head to mush on the pavement, and would have likely killed the man if he hadn't shot him. Had he killed Zimmerman, it would not have met the criteria of "justifiable homicide" and Martin would have likely been charged with 2nd degree murder, and tried as an adult.

Now we're "pounding Zimmerman's head to mush"? WTF I hope someone does pound his head to mush, actually. I really do. I'm an evil bitch, and I wish it had been me he was following instead of that kid. Things might have turned out differently.

There was a man once, a few decades ago, and I am still seeking revenge for what he did. So any man who harrasses me or, God forbid, attacks me, becomes that man in my mind. And I will go for his throat. And it's to my advantage that men think I'm not dangerous, I can tell you that. : )
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The most common perception of the Trayvon Martin shooting is George Zimmerman is a wannabe cop who pursued and harrassed Martin because Martin is Black and Zimmerman is a racist. This source of this perception is the media's focus on the events surrounding the actual confrontation and their failure to afford equal exposure to the following circumstances.

Reuters| By the summer of 2011, Twin Lakes was experiencing a rash of burglaries and break-ins. Previously a family-friendly, first-time homeowner community, it was devastated by the recession that hit the Florida housing market, and transient renters began to occupy some of the 263 town houses in the complex. Vandalism and occasional drug activity were reported, and home values plunged. One resident who bought his home in 2006 for $250,000 said it was worth $80,000 today.

At least eight burglaries were reported within Twin Lakes in the 14 months prior to the Trayvon Martin shooting, according to the Sanford Police Department. Yet in a series of interviews, Twin Lakes residents said dozens of reports of attempted break-ins and would-be burglars casing homes had created an atmosphere of growing fear in the neighborhood.

In several of the incidents, witnesses identified the suspects to police as young black men. Twin Lakes is about 50 percent white, with an African-American and Hispanic population of about 20 percent each, roughly similar to the surrounding city of Sanford, according to U.S. Census data.

One morning in July 2011, a black teenager walked up to Zimmerman’s front porch and stole a bicycle, neighbors told Reuters. A police report was taken, though the bicycle was not recovered.

But it was the August incursion into the home of Olivia Bertalan that really troubled the neighborhood, particularly Zimmerman. Shellie was home most days, taking online courses towards certification as a registered nurse.

On August 3, Bertalan was at home with her infant son while her husband, Michael, was at work. She watched from a downstairs window, she said, as two black men repeatedly rang her doorbell and then entered through a sliding door at the back of the house. She ran upstairs, locked herself inside the boy’s bedroom, and called a police dispatcher, whispering frantically.

“I said, ‘What am I supposed to do? I hear them coming up the stairs!’” she told Reuters. Bertalan tried to coo her crying child into silence and armed herself with a pair of rusty scissors.

Police arrived just as the burglars – who had been trying to disconnect the couple’s television – fled out a back door. Shellie Zimmerman saw a black male teen running through her backyard and reported it to police.

These are facts presented to the jurors by the Defense and which account for the Not Guilty verdict. While race certainly played a part in shaping the jurors' opinion of Zimmerman's motivation to pursue and question Martin, in view of this history of ample provocation it seems presumptuous to accuse Zimmerman and his jury of racism.

While Zimmerman is clearly guilty of using bad judgment his actions were motivated by far more substantive circumstances than racism. And to charge him with murder was excessive.

In an interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN, Juror B-37 said the subject of race never came up in the jury room.

The subject of race didn't have to come up in the jury room. They don't have to vocalize it. It's totally ingrained in their little southern pea-brains. No need to talk about it, but it influences their perception.
Looks like Angela Corey has another problem...
(Reuters) - A former employee of Florida State Attorney Angela Corey's office plans to file a whistleblower lawsuit against George Zimmerman's prosecutors, his attorney told Reuters on Tuesday.

The action will put pressure on Corey, who already faces criticism from some legal experts for the unsuccessful prosecution of the case, which led to the acquittal of Zimmerman for shooting unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman's defense has also called for sanctions against her and her prosecution team.

Ben Kruidbos, Corey's former director of information technology, was fired after testifying at a pre-trial hearing on June 6 that prosecutors failed to turn over potentially embarrassing evidence extracted from Martin's cell phone to the defense, as required by evidence-sharing laws

I don't usually support employment suits, but if anyone deserves to win a suit based on wrongful termination it is Ban Kruidos.
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