The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Many people like to play the "domino theory" game when discussing this case. The like to say that "If Zimmerman didn't get out of his car.." or "If Zimmerman wasn't a wanna be cop..." etc... then this wouldn't have happened.

Couldn't you also make the case on the other side? If Martin hadn't been suspended from school for fighting and drug possession, he may not have moved in with his father and may not have even been walking through the neighborhood at the time Zimmerman was there.

Both gentlement brought this situation upon themselves; period. Zimmerman when he chose to follow Martin. Martin when he chose to physically attack Zimmerman. Martin had 4 minutes, from when he first ran, to get home (between 300-400ft). Instead he chose to return and confront Martin. Zimmerman put himself in the situation to be attacked, and Martin put himself in the situation to be shot.

This sounds a little like Zimmerman's logic when he said it was God's will.

George Zimmerman on Trayvon Martin?s Death: ?It Was All a Part of God?s Plan?? [VIDEO] | 93.1 WZAK

"I feel it was all God's plan", said Zimmerman...

Isn't the stark nature of Zimmerman's perception here how sociopathic killers think, and shouldn't the jury have considered this evidence of GZ's guilt?

You mean a sociopath that lead the charge against the Sanford police when a white officer beat up a homeless black man? Or do you mean the sociopath that tutored black teenagers for free when the tutoring program was shut down?

A sociopath would have killed somone a long time ago. A sociopath would have had a history, from a small child, of being a sociopath. Calling someone a camel doesn't make them a camel. While I agree that I would not have taken the same steps Zimmerman did, I cannot fault him for something he did legally when he followed and reported TMs movements to police. I've reported suspicious persons myself because that's what decent citizens should do when they see something odd or something that seems unusual in their own neighborhood. I've personally left my house, walked down the road and reported two suspicious persons in my own neighborhood. The sheriff's department stopped them, determined that they weren't doing anything illegal and all was fine; and yes I had my CHL permit and my firearm on me.

Many people like to play the "domino theory" game when discussing this case. The like to say that "If Zimmerman didn't get out of his car.." or "If Zimmerman wasn't a wanna be cop..." etc... then this wouldn't have happened.

Couldn't you also make the case on the other side? If Martin hadn't been suspended from school for fighting and drug possession, he may not have moved in with his father and may not have even been walking through the neighborhood at the time Zimmerman was there.

Both gentlement brought this situation upon themselves; period. Zimmerman when he chose to follow Martin. Martin when he chose to physically attack Zimmerman. Martin had 4 minutes, from when he first ran, to get home (between 300-400ft). Instead he chose to return and confront Martin. Zimmerman put himself in the situation to be attacked, and Martin put himself in the situation to be shot.

The suspension has nothing to do with that night and Trayvon had every right to visit his father and going to public store to buy snacks. And you can not tell the Martin's how to raise their child. If his parents dcided he best spend his suspension time when his dad then that is their decision.

George was there when Trayvon got there. You have no conception of walking and taking alternatwe routes. The four minute was him walking back home , George was there before Trayvon got there. Rachel's phone call tells you Trayvon just got there and was suprised too see George there.

The wholr thing would not have happend if Zimmerman staid in his car and that 911 oerpator out to be fired for egging him on. He tell Ziimerman to not follow him ,. then says were is he now? TThe 911 oporator should toatly be fired for that.

WTF? Did you even read my post? I'm not criticizing the way the Martin's raised their kid. What I said was people using the domino theory, AS YOU JUST HAVE TO ASSERT ZIMMERMAN'S GUILT, don't stop and think that Martin's own actions put him in that situtuation as well.

1. He was suspended from school for fighting and drug possesion. Had he been a better student he would not have been suspended and would have likely still been at his mothers house. Had Martin used his 4:00 minutes wisely to call the police and or run home, instead of returning to confront Zimmerman, he might still be alive as well.

I'm not asserting anything other than the fact that if you're going to use GZs prior LEGAL decisions before the shooting to say he's guilty of murder than you need to us TMs prior LEGAL and eventually ILLEGAL behavior to put him in a situation to be shot. Because let's face it, the first criminal act during this incident was when TM punched GZ in the nose.

No matter how you all want to slice the pie, the courts, the law, and the jury has already proven that GZ was innocent and he was justified. So as many little tidbit of opinion that you want to throw out there to assert GZs guilt, the facts, the evidence and the witness testimony ALL stomp your opinions into the ground.
Looks like Angela Corey has another problem...
(Reuters) - A former employee of Florida State Attorney Angela Corey's office plans to file a whistleblower lawsuit against George Zimmerman's prosecutors, his attorney told Reuters on Tuesday.

The action will put pressure on Corey, who already faces criticism from some legal experts for the unsuccessful prosecution of the case, which led to the acquittal of Zimmerman for shooting unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman's defense has also called for sanctions against her and her prosecution team.

Ben Kruidbos, Corey's former director of information technology, was fired after testifying at a pre-trial hearing on June 6 that prosecutors failed to turn over potentially embarrassing evidence extracted from Martin's cell phone to the defense, as required by evidence-sharing laws

ben is the way in to exposing the corruption in the state
Many people like to play the "domino theory" game when discussing this case. The like to say that "If Zimmerman didn't get out of his car.." or "If Zimmerman wasn't a wanna be cop..." etc... then this wouldn't have happened.

Couldn't you also make the case on the other side? If Martin hadn't been suspended from school for fighting and drug possession, he may not have moved in with his father and may not have even been walking through the neighborhood at the time Zimmerman was there.

Both gentlement brought this situation upon themselves; period. Zimmerman when he chose to follow Martin. Martin when he chose to physically attack Zimmerman. Martin had 4 minutes, from when he first ran, to get home (between 300-400ft). Instead he chose to return and confront Martin. Zimmerman put himself in the situation to be attacked, and Martin put himself in the situation to be shot.
He was NOT suspended for drug possession and fighting. He was suspended for writing "WTF" (3 letters) on a locker. Period. That is the only reason he was suspended: graffitti. He also had an EMPTY baggie in his book bag with traces of pot in it: he was not 'in possession of drugs.' And fighting was no where mentioned in the reason for his suspension. I guess this is how rumors start: a lot of untruths spread around and expanded upon. Go back and read the facts. His suspension was for one thing and one thing only: writing 3 letters, WTF, on a locker. That's vandalism, yes, but it is also something at least 1/3 of the kids in any given public school do: they write on lockers, on school desks, on the tables in the cafeteria, on the bathroom walls, etc. Oh the horror: a kid got suspended for graffitti. He must be a thug and a gangbanger and deserve to die. Society saved from a future criminal.

The suspension has nothing to do with that night and Trayvon had every right to visit his father and going to public store to buy snacks. And you can not tell the Martin's how to raise their child. If his parents dcided he best spend his suspension time when his dad then that is their decision.

George was there when Trayvon got there. You have no conception of walking and taking alternatwe routes. The four minute was him walking back home , George was there before Trayvon got there. Rachel's phone call tells you Trayvon just got there and was suprised too see George there.

The wholr thing would not have happend if Zimmerman staid in his car and that 911 oerpator out to be fired for egging him on. He tell Ziimerman to not follow him ,. then says were is he now? TThe 911 oporator should toatly be fired for that.

WTF? Did you even read my post? I'm not criticizing the way the Martin's raised their kid. What I said was people using the domino theory, AS YOU JUST HAVE TO ASSERT ZIMMERMAN'S GUILT, don't stop and think that Martin's own actions put him in that situtuation as well.

1. He was suspended from school for fighting and drug possesion
. Had he been a better student he would not have been suspended and would have likely still been at his mothers house. Had Martin used his 4:00 minutes wisely to call the police and or run home, instead of returning to confront Zimmerman, he might still be alive as well.

I'm not asserting anything other than the fact that if you're going to use GZs prior LEGAL decisions before the shooting to say he's guilty of murder than you need to us TMs prior LEGAL and eventually ILLEGAL behavior to put him in a situation to be shot. Because let's face it, the first criminal act during this incident was when TM punched GZ in the nose.

No matter how you all want to slice the pie, the courts, the law, and the jury has already proven that GZ was innocent and he was justified. So as many little tidbit of opinion that you want to throw out there to assert GZs guilt, the facts, the evidence and the witness testimony ALL stomp your opinions into the ground.

He was NOT suspended for drug possession and fighting. He was suspended for writing "WTF" (3 letters) on a locker. Period. That is the only reason he was suspended: graffiti. He also had an EMPTY baggie in his book bag with traces of pot in it: he was not 'in possession of drugs.' And fighting was no where mentioned in the reason for his suspension. I guess this is how rumors start: a lot of untruths spread around and expanded upon. Go back and read the facts. His suspension was for one thing and one thing only: writing 3 letters, WTF, on a locker. That's vandalism, yes, but it is also something at least 1/3 of the kids in any given public school do: they write on lockers, on school desks, on the tables in the cafeteria, on the bathroom walls, etc. Oh the horror: a kid got suspended for graffiti. He must be a thug and a gangbanger and deserve to die. And a teenager who smokes pot? OMG he must be a real villain! Society saved from a future criminal.

Zimmerman and Zimmerman only is responsible for the death of an innocent, unarmed person. He was the Neighborhood Watch person, the one responsible for what happened. He set up the situation in which a young person died. Zimmerman should not have carried a concealed weapon. He SHOULD have identified himself to Trayvon. He never should have gotten out of his car. He and he alone is responsible for the death of an innocent, unarmed civilian who had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. Hope what happened to him doesn't happen to you: but it could.

As well, Zimmerman has not been found innocent or justified. He has been found not guilty based upon the way a certain legal statute is written and interpreted. That does not mean he is innocent of anything, and it certainly does not prove in any way that he was justified.

Blaming the victim is completely pathetic and unscrupulous. How anyone who is being intellectually and morally honest can do so is beyond comprehension.
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It's not going to stop until the NEXT George Zimmerman type loses his life trying a stunt like that.

The Wild, Wild West gun-slinging nonsense will start to slow down then.

Black males kill white men every day, and in far greater numbers than the white men killing black men. If your theory is correct, then shouldn't we be seeing the wild west gun slinging nonsense stop in the black community? How many white people have to die before THAT happens?

This assertion is not true. If you have valid, verifiable proof that it is, please cite the source.
On Monday night, one of the jurors in the George Zimmerman trial offered shocking insight into how the group of six women reached its decision to acquit the defendant of all charges in the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Juror B-37 — who initially planned to write a book about the trial — revealed that the jurors considered Florida’s Stand Your Ground law in reaching their verdict, appeared to strongly sympathize with the defendant, and felt that race played no factor in the incident. Below are Juror B-37′s most surprising revelations:

1. Martin was responsible for his own death.

2. Juror felt just as sorry for Zimmerman.

3. Zimmerman should continue to serve as a neighborhood watchman because he has learned his lesson about going too far.

4. Verdict hinged on “Stand Your Ground” law, even though Zimmerman did not use it in his defense.

5. Zimmerman was only guilty of using poor judgment and was “egged” on to follow Martin by the 9/11 operator.

6. Race played absolutely no factor in Zimmerman’s profiling of Martin.

7. Zimmerman’s history of reporting black men to the police and his decision to follow Martin played no role in the verdict.

DETAILS: 7 Mind Blowing Moments From Zimmerman Juror B37's First Interview - Transcripts

Each time I read this interview - the more bizarre it sounds.

1. Martin was responsible for his own death.

2. Juror felt just as sorry for Zimmerman.

3. Zimmerman should continue to serve as a neighborhood watchman because he has learned his lesson about going too far.

4. Verdict hinged on “Stand Your Ground” law, even though Zimmerman did not use it in his defense.

5. Zimmerman was only guilty of using poor judgment and was “egged” on to follow Martin by the 9/11 operator.

6. Race played absolutely no factor in Zimmerman’s profiling of Martin.

7. Zimmerman’s history of reporting black men to the police and his decision to follow Martin played no role in the verdict.


the state never had a case to begin with

"could have"

"might have"

"it is possible"

clearly was not enough evidence to convict
With all due respect, did you even watch the trial? Or listen to the 911 call?

1. The 911 Dispatcher did not give him an order. He said, "we don't NEED you to do that" and not "Please do NOT follow him." 911 Dispatchers are required to tell people that in EVERY situation. If you ask a 911 dispatcher if it's alright to shoot a home invader they won't tell you yes or no. IF you are asking a dispatcher if it's ok to save someone from a burning building they'll tell you that they don't need to you to that in order to take liability off themselves.

2. According to Zimmerman's statements, corroborated by his own 911 call, he only "chased" Martin for a few seconds before the 911 dispatcher made his comment about not needing him to follow and Zimmerman replied "Ok." What prompted the dispatcher to ask this question was because he heard Zimmerman's heavy breathing in the phone. After Zimmerman said, "ok" his breathing returned to normal indicating that he'd stopped running after Zimmerman.

3. Now here's a physics lesson, or perhaps a mathematical one. According to Zimmerman's statements he was returning to his vehicle when Martin attacked him, implying that Martin must have turned around and returned in order to confront Zimmerman. (I think this is actually what happened seeing has how the only evidence of initial verbal contact was when Martin asked "What are you following me for?" while Jeantel was on the phone with him.

NOW, Let's hypothetically say that Zimmerman continued following Martin at a walking pace. You have a 17 year old black boy running in the other direction being followed by an overweight hispanic guy at a walking pace. How did they end up running back in to one another? Either way Martin would have HAD to have turned around and came back to confront Zimmerman. He was only 300+ feet from his house and had plenty of time to get there...

4. There's no doubt that, in the space time continuum, the actions of Zimmerman ultimately led to Martin's death. But we could say that about ANYTHING! We could say that Martin's poor behavior, leading to him being kicked out of school, put him in that neighborhood that day. The "domino" theory can be used to explain EVERYTHING that happens. If only somone had set their alarm 5 minutes earlier like a responsible working American, they wouldn't have gotten in that car accident that killed someone. The problem is that the domino theory is not "law."

Nothing that Zimmerman did that day, leading up to the shooting ,was illegal. Nothing Martin did, leading up to the confrontation, was illegal. Hell, Martin could have stood there and called Zimmerman a racist profiling spick and nothing illegal would have been done. The first crime that was committed was when Martin decided to punch Zimmerman. That would have ended up being a misdemeanor charge. But when he decided to keep pummeling his head into the concrete, it would have escalated the charge to Assault and Battery; a felony. Then, according to Zimmerman, Martin saw Zimmerman's gun on his hip and said "You're going to die tonight motherfucker." This statement right there ups the charge to Attempted Murder.

It seems that most of the people disagreeing with this verdict simply don't understand self-defense laws and, honestly, haven't watched but a fraction of the trial, if at all. Most of the people rioting and protesting are just sheep being corralled by the race baiting of the media. A media that presented Martin as a 12 year old boy while they flashed Zimmerman's booking photos. A media that deliberately edited Zimmerman's 911 call to make him sound racist even though the ONLY time Zimmerman mentioned Martin's race was when the dispatcher asked for one and gave him options...A media that continuously injects white vs black racism into the issue when Zimmerman is obviously more hispanic than he is white.
I'm not accusing you of this because I don't know how much of the trial you watched. I watched almost every bit of it. I sat here at work with it live streaming on the computer. I watched it at home. I probably missed a few hours of it here and there. Also, being a CHL holder myself I was originally under the impression that Zimmerman was guilty; based on the reports by the media of course. However, after watching the trial, seeing the evidence, listening to witnesses, etc... I changed my mind.

Actually, the first crime was when Zimmerman left his vehicle and followed Trayvon up into the backyards of the complex.

Sorry...............but he'd followed Trayvon for quite a while, as well as quite a ways up the backyards.

If Zimmerman lived on that row, I may be able to see a connection, but if he didn't, he's nothing more than a wanna be cop who fucked up and killed an innocent teen.

Actually, the first crime was when Zimmerman left his vehicle and followed Trayvon up into the backyards of the complex.

Following someone isn't a crime. Even if the guy you're following is black.

he's nothing more than a wanna be cop who fucked up and killed an innocent teen.

An innocent teen who was beating on him.

You're right.................following someone isn't a crime here in the U.S.

However....................if you follow me in a vehicle and then decide to follow me for around 100 yards, I'm gonna think that you're going to do harm to me and I WILL confront you.

Would I be considered bad if you said racist crap to me while following me and I decided to kick your ass?

Quick many of YOU people would allow someone to follow you in a vehicle, jump out and start following you down the street, without asking what the fuck they were following you for?

I live in a pretty decent place, but if you follow me down the block after tracking me in a vehicle, I'm gonna ask you why you're there. If you can't provide a decent response, my response may be to attack.

Trayvon was murdered and Zimmerman needs to go to jail. Sorry, but the 911 operator told him "we don't need you to do that" when he said he was going to follow him.

Zimmerman should have stayed in his vehicle, going out of it lost him the "stand your ground" defense.
You know what I find appalling? That so many people are so callous about a kid getting shot to death because he didn't know exactly the right way to handle a situation. He was a kid, barely turned 17.

But he was a black kid, wasn't he? And I know without a doubt that's why so many of you just don't give a fuck about what happened to him.

You've profiled him in your minds just as Zimmerman profiled him on the streets that night. It MUST have been his fault. Those kind, they always cause trouble.

If this had been a white kid walking down the street with Skittles and iced tea, would Zimmerman had thought him suspicious? I have Black friends who were scared to death of going through White neighborhoods as kids because of the possible consequences.
He's likely to shoot and kill another black male minor within 5 years.

Oh, right.....they're all criminals.

If everything went down the exact same way, except that his victim was a pretty blonde white girl.

Even if she had stolen items from neighbors houses on her person and marijuana in her pockets, and oozing from her pores.

I'd bet my bottom-dollar on that.

I have to agree. If George was black and the victim white, he would have been convicted long ago.
When they notice and/or observe some creepy man following them?

You know what, Marc? As little children we are taught that hitting isn't acceptable behavior. What Trayvon Martin should have done is simply walk inside the condo he was staying at. What he SHOULDN'T have done is walk back to confront the "creepy man" and punch him in the nose. That's idiotic. What's even more to knock the "creepy man" down and instead of walking away, straddle them and proceed to inflict more damage to an essentially helpless individual who isn't doing much of anything but screaming for help. Who does that?
You don't know WHO threw the first punch, yet you and others spew this BS out there as if it's Gospel Truth.


Marc, I think the difference here is, we DO know who threw the first punch, and so did the jury. You want so desperately to believe this was ambiguous, or worse, that Zimmerman attacked Martin. No one is "spewing BS" here, we're merely repeating the evidence presented in court. The question should be, why can't you be objective here? Is it because Trayvon was black, or Zimmerman has a Jewish name? Maybe you hate Hispanics? Something is causing you to completely disconnect from reality on this, and see things the way you want to see them.

Trayvon Martin wasn't Emmett Till.

It wasn't one phrase, Joe,: it was the longstanding pattern of frankly unprofessional and dishonest behavior that phrase revealed and was an example of, that was the problem.

Actually, what they did is what everyone does, in business as well as science. You remove the outlying data and only concentrate on the majority of data points.

The Earth is getting warmer. You can see it in the droughts, the mild winters, the receding glaciers, and so on.

It was one more example of liberals never letting the truth get in the way of their agenda, a practice we have seen again in the Zimmerman case, (along with many other examples to numerous to go into here).. In fairness, a lot of conservatives have taken to acting in kind, producing the screaming match that characterizes our political discourse these days.

I agree that politics have turned into a screaming match. I disagree on who started it. Hint. You guys came out with Limbaugh and his lying ilk long before the left matched in kind. But when it comes to lying about THIS issue, most of the climate change denial were funded by the OIL COMPANIES.

Conservatives saw, that the screeching and the shrill diatribes actually got you some traction, and also that your philosophy was one of "by whatever means necessary", and decided they might as well try the same. The only difference, is, we don't have a built-in constituency of non-productive people who have nothing better to do that protest, march in the streets, and/or engage in civil disorder on behalf of "the cause"; we don't march, or riot, because we are too damn busy being productive citizens, carrying out our daily responsibilities. I'm actually OK with that; what I'm not OK with, is the desire on the part of some of your compatriots to use disadvantaged youth as a sort of thug "army" with which to terrorize and intimidate the rest of us; a disgusting tactic which has been acknowledged rather openly by a few on the left right here on this board.

You see, this is where you guys are a bunch of rubes. I stopped being Republican when I realized that the people who employ me were not my friends, and the GOP puts their interests ahead of theirs. You complain about these folks not having jobs. Well, where did those jobs go? They went to China, they went to Mexico, they went to places where they could exploit people dirt cheap. The problem with a lot of you productive citizens is that you think the GOP actually cares about you. If you don't have six figures in your bank account, they really don't. Deal with it.

Even when it's only frustrated rhetoric, that idea is repulsive. It's wrong, and exploitative of the very people your side claims to be concerned for. I wish the more rational portion of the left would disavow that sort of thing, which actually serves no one well; but I'm not holding my breath...

The problem is, you seem to think that the outrage is manufactured.

People are upset about Zimmerman because he shot a black child and suffered no consequences for it. Not because Jackson or Sharpton or Obama told them to.
If this had been a white kid walking down the street with Skittles and iced tea, would Zimmerman had thought him suspicious? I have Black friends who were scared to death of going through White neighborhoods as kids because of the possible consequences.

Come on now, enough with the "kid walking down the street with skittles and ice tea" crap. Martin would have been the first to tell you he wasn't a "kid" by any stretch, in fact, he probably would have whooped your ass to prove that point. He wasn't just "walking down the street," according to the testimony. Wandering through back yards and lurking around houses, is not "walking down the street." It is very suspicious behavior, especially in a community with a lot of burglary and break ins. So let's stop it with the Skittles crap, like he was some innocent little child, it's totally dishonest, and irrelevant to the case.
"...He was NOT suspended for drug possession and fighting..."

"...One suspension was for tardiness and truancy.

...Another suspension in October 2011 was for graffiti, when Martin was observed by a security camera in a restricted area of the school marking up a door with 'W.T.F.'...

Martin's third suspension involved a marijuana pipe and an empty bag containing marijuana residue...

Incorrect, apparently.
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if Zimmerman had not had a gun that night... it's pretty clear Trayvon would have been found guilty of assault, and possibly murder.

HAA !! the little shithead would have been found guilty of nothing more than a teen prank !! :up:

when it comes to "neegros" killing whites, it is not considered a crime worthy of punishment. :clap2:
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