The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Please, If GZ didn't have an equalizer he'd have kept his "not being able to throw a punch" ass in his car.

Complete assumption.. as neighborhood watches do observe, follow, etc even without guns

Was he an official Neighborhood Watch, or just a vigilante?

Was he part of one?? Yes

Are those who are not on an official watch, who look over their neighborhood for strange happenings 'vigilantes'? No... just makes you feel all big to say yet another nasty word about the guy

But you have nothing since all your ASSumptions have been pointed out as such... and you still ignore evidence and fact
If this had been a white kid walking down the street with Skittles and iced tea, would Zimmerman had thought him suspicious? I have Black friends who were scared to death of going through White neighborhoods as kids because of the possible consequences.

Come on now, enough with the "kid walking down the street with skittles and ice tea" crap. Martin would have been the first to tell you he wasn't a "kid" by any stretch, in fact, he probably would have whooped your ass to prove that point. He wasn't just "walking down the street," according to the testimony. Wandering through back yards and lurking around houses, is not "walking down the street." It is very suspicious behavior, especially in a community with a lot of burglary and break ins. So let's stop it with the Skittles crap, like he was some innocent little child, it's totally dishonest, and irrelevant to the case.

Would Zimmerman have found a White kid to be suspicious?
Some in our Country will never stop beating that Racism Dead Horse. They see much profit in it, both politically and financially. What else could hucksters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do with their lives? The Race-Baiting Game has been very profitable for them. Why would they ever want to see it end? Many thought with the election of an African American President, the Race-Baiting Game would end. Well, think again.
If this had been a white kid walking down the street with Skittles and iced tea, would Zimmerman had thought him suspicious? I have Black friends who were scared to death of going through White neighborhoods as kids because of the possible consequences.

Come on now, enough with the "kid walking down the street with skittles and ice tea" crap. Martin would have been the first to tell you he wasn't a "kid" by any stretch, in fact, he probably would have whooped your ass to prove that point. He wasn't just "walking down the street," according to the testimony. Wandering through back yards and lurking around houses, is not "walking down the street." It is very suspicious behavior, especially in a community with a lot of burglary and break ins. So let's stop it with the Skittles crap, like he was some innocent little child, it's totally dishonest, and irrelevant to the case.

Would Zimmerman have found a White kid to be suspicious?

I think so, because he reported his behavior was suspicious, not him personally. If he had called 911 and said, "there's this black kid walking down the street and we don't have no black kids living around here..." that would have indicated race, but that isn't what he said.

Zimmerman was Hispanic, his grandfather was African-American. Obama is as "white" as Zimmerman. So I just don't see this as being a race crime. Now.... "I'm going to teach that creepy ass white cracka a lesson" ...that IS racist, and that's what Martin told his girlfriend, as well as indicating he thought Zimmerman was gay. So, I am all for this "race crime" trial, I look forward to seeing the evidence on who was the REAL racist here.
Maybe it was a clash of two Racists. But I can't say for sure Zimmerman is a Racist. That wasn't proven in the trial. However, i can say for sure Trayvon was Racist. His use of the term 'Cracker' proved his bigotry. So, maybe race did play a role in this awful tragedy. Who really knows though?
I have Black friends who were scared to death of going through White neighborhoods as kids because of the possible consequences.

And I can certainly relate, however, we don't judge Zimmerman on the basis of what might have happened to us as kids, do we? Yeah... there are a LOT of places in America, where bigots and racists behave that way, and it's deplorable when it happens... do we serve any purpose at all, in focusing on a case that was clearly NOT that behavior? I don't think so, I think it diminishes the actual racism that is going on out there... the real racist rednecks are laughing their asses off at you. Making a fool out of yourself over this, when there is nothing... and I mean NOTHING, to indicate Zimmerman was racist.
You know what, Marc? As little children we are taught that hitting isn't acceptable behavior. What Trayvon Martin should have done is simply walk inside the condo he was staying at. What he SHOULDN'T have done is walk back to confront the "creepy man" and punch him in the nose. That's idiotic. What's even more to knock the "creepy man" down and instead of walking away, straddle them and proceed to inflict more damage to an essentially helpless individual who isn't doing much of anything but screaming for help. Who does that?
You don't know WHO threw the first punch, yet you and others spew this BS out there as if it's Gospel Truth.


None of us were there, therefore we only have the physical evidence to go by, so what did the evidence suggest? Come on now, this is an easy lay up. According to the physical evidence, which person was more likely to have thrown the first punch?
The fact that you, others, nor myself KNOWS nor CAN KNOW, means we cannot nor should not SPECULATE.

Case closed.

Stop saying the victim, Trayvon Martin, threw the first punch.

It's simply not true.
You know what, Marc? As little children we are taught that hitting isn't acceptable behavior. What Trayvon Martin should have done is simply walk inside the condo he was staying at. What he SHOULDN'T have done is walk back to confront the "creepy man" and punch him in the nose. That's idiotic. What's even more to knock the "creepy man" down and instead of walking away, straddle them and proceed to inflict more damage to an essentially helpless individual who isn't doing much of anything but screaming for help. Who does that?
You don't know WHO threw the first punch, yet you and others spew this BS out there as if it's Gospel Truth.


Marc, I think the difference here is, we DO know who threw the first punch, and so did the jury. You want so desperately to believe this was ambiguous, or worse, that Zimmerman attacked Martin. No one is "spewing BS" here, we're merely repeating the evidence presented in court. The question should be, why can't you be objective here? Is it because Trayvon was black, or Zimmerman has a Jewish name? Maybe you hate Hispanics? Something is causing you to completely disconnect from reality on this, and see things the way you want to see them.

Trayvon Martin wasn't Emmett Till.
No liar, we do NOT know, not me, not you, not the jury. JurorB37 said HERSELF that they didn't know, they could only BELIEVE. We've all watched the case, we all heard what the jury heard. It is YOU who WANTS the victim, Trayvon Martin, to have thrown the first punch.

However, the FACT of the matter is WE. DO. NOT. KNOW!!!

Plain and simple.

Stop saying Trayvon threw the first punch.
IF ZIMMERMAN HD BEEN BLACK.(And Trayvon had been white)The outcome would have been different. Zimmerman would have been arrested. An investigation of a homicide would have been done. Zimmerman would have been tested for drugs. He would have been brought to trial and found guilty of premeditated first degree murder with special circumstances because the victim was a child and sentence to death by lethal injection.

WE have just witness the perfect example of a "kangaroo court".
Member of the jury stated that Zimmerman was wrong by getting out of his car but he had a right to follow Trayvon and justified in shooting him? What led up to the shooting was wrong but the shooting was justified? What kind of reasoning is this. She sound like she is on the same radar as they claim Rachael G. was on.
Actually, the first crime was when Zimmerman left his vehicle and followed Trayvon up into the backyards of the complex.

Sorry...............but he'd followed Trayvon for quite a while, as well as quite a ways up the backyards.

If Zimmerman lived on that row, I may be able to see a connection, but if he didn't, he's nothing more than a wanna be cop who fucked up and killed an innocent teen.

Actually, the first crime was when Zimmerman left his vehicle and followed Trayvon up into the backyards of the complex.

Following someone isn't a crime. Even if the guy you're following is black.

he's nothing more than a wanna be cop who fucked up and killed an innocent teen.

An innocent teen who was beating on him.

You're right.................following someone isn't a crime here in the U.S.

However....................if you follow me in a vehicle and then decide to follow me for around 100 yards, I'm gonna think that you're going to do harm to me and I WILL confront you.

Would I be considered bad if you said racist crap to me while following me and I decided to kick your ass?

Quick many of YOU people would allow someone to follow you in a vehicle, jump out and start following you down the street, without asking what the fuck they were following you for?

I live in a pretty decent place, but if you follow me down the block after tracking me in a vehicle, I'm gonna ask you why you're there. If you can't provide a decent response, my response may be to attack.

Trayvon was murdered and Zimmerman needs to go to jail. Sorry, but the 911 operator told him "we don't need you to do that" when he said he was going to follow him.

Zimmerman should have stayed in his vehicle, going out of it lost him the "stand your ground" defense.

Would I be considered bad if you said racist crap to me while following me and I decided to kick your ass?

Yes, if I called you a creepy ass cracka, you'd be wrong to kick my ass. Nothing like that was heard on the 911 tape.

I'm gonna ask you why you're there.

If only Trayvon had asked questions, instead of attacking, he'd be alive today.

If you can't provide a decent response, my response may be to attack.

In that case you may be arrested.

Trayvon was murdered and Zimmerman needs to go to jail.

Wrong and wrong.

Sorry, but the 911 operator told him "we don't need you to do that" when he said he was going to follow him.

In America you can still follow someone, even if an operator says, "we don't need you to do that".

Zimmerman should have stayed in his vehicle, going out of it lost him the "stand your ground" defense.

His self-defense claim had nothing to do with SYG.

It's going to get 10 degrees hotter? Link?
Spending trillions to only get 9.8 degrees hotter is going to help?

Flat Earth Todd, even a couple of degrees will be devastating.

And spendng money is a good thing. It puts people to work. Letting the rich hoard it is the problem.

Flat Earth Todd, even a couple of degrees will be devastating.

What about a couple of degrees cooler?

And spendng money is a good thing. It puts people to work.

How many were put to work by the money spent on Solyndra?
How many will be thrown out of work by higher taxes? By more idiotic regulations?

How much do you feel we need to spend to stop this awful AGW you fear?
Spell it out.
IF ZIMMERMAN HD BEEN BLACK.(And Trayvon had been white)The outcome would have been different. Zimmerman would have been arrested. An investigation of a homicide would have been done. Zimmerman would have been tested for drugs. He would have been brought to trial and found guilty of premeditated first degree murder with special circumstances because the victim was a child and sentence to death by lethal injection.

WE have just witness the perfect example of a "kangaroo court".
Member of the jury stated that Zimmerman was wrong by getting out of his car but he had a right to follow Trayvon and justified in shooting him? What led up to the shooting was wrong but the shooting was justified? What kind of reasoning is this. She sound like she is on the same radar as they claim Rachael G. was on.
Check out my tweets...I tweeted about JurorB37 exclusively for two days straight.

IF ZIMMERMAN HD BEEN BLACK.(And Trayvon had been white)The outcome would have been different. Zimmerman would have been arrested. An investigation of a homicide would have been done. Zimmerman would have been tested for drugs. He would have been brought to trial and found guilty of premeditated first degree murder with special circumstances because the victim was a child and sentence to death by lethal injection.

WE have just witness the perfect example of a "kangaroo court".
Member of the jury stated that Zimmerman was wrong by getting out of his car but he had a right to follow Trayvon and justified in shooting him? What led up to the shooting was wrong but the shooting was justified? What kind of reasoning is this. She sound like she is on the same radar as they claim Rachael G. was on.
Check out my tweets...I tweeted about JurorB37 exclusively for two days straight.


If everything went down the exact same way, except that his victim was a pretty blonde white girl.

Even if she had stolen items from neighbors houses on her person and marijuana in her pockets, and oozing from her pores.

I'd bet my bottom-dollar on that.

It depends, would the pretty blonde white girl be beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete? If the pretty blonde white girl was bigger than Zimmerman, and a trained fighter who posted her fights on You Tube and carried them on her cell phone, it would have turned out the same way.

It wasn't one phrase, Joe,: it was the longstanding pattern of frankly unprofessional and dishonest behavior that phrase revealed and was an example of, that was the problem.

Actually, what they did is what everyone does, in business as well as science. You remove the outlying data and only concentrate on the majority of data points.

The Earth is getting warmer. You can see it in the droughts, the mild winters, the receding glaciers, and so on.

It was one more example of liberals never letting the truth get in the way of their agenda, a practice we have seen again in the Zimmerman case, (along with many other examples to numerous to go into here).. In fairness, a lot of conservatives have taken to acting in kind, producing the screaming match that characterizes our political discourse these days.

I agree that politics have turned into a screaming match. I disagree on who started it. Hint. You guys came out with Limbaugh and his lying ilk long before the left matched in kind. But when it comes to lying about THIS issue, most of the climate change denial were funded by the OIL COMPANIES.

Conservatives saw, that the screeching and the shrill diatribes actually got you some traction, and also that your philosophy was one of "by whatever means necessary", and decided they might as well try the same. The only difference, is, we don't have a built-in constituency of non-productive people who have nothing better to do that protest, march in the streets, and/or engage in civil disorder on behalf of "the cause"; we don't march, or riot, because we are too damn busy being productive citizens, carrying out our daily responsibilities. I'm actually OK with that; what I'm not OK with, is the desire on the part of some of your compatriots to use disadvantaged youth as a sort of thug "army" with which to terrorize and intimidate the rest of us; a disgusting tactic which has been acknowledged rather openly by a few on the left right here on this board.

You see, this is where you guys are a bunch of rubes. I stopped being Republican when I realized that the people who employ me were not my friends, and the GOP puts their interests ahead of theirs. You complain about these folks not having jobs. Well, where did those jobs go? They went to China, they went to Mexico, they went to places where they could exploit people dirt cheap. The problem with a lot of you productive citizens is that you think the GOP actually cares about you. If you don't have six figures in your bank account, they really don't. Deal with it.

Even when it's only frustrated rhetoric, that idea is repulsive. It's wrong, and exploitative of the very people your side claims to be concerned for. I wish the more rational portion of the left would disavow that sort of thing, which actually serves no one well; but I'm not holding my breath...

The problem is, you seem to think that the outrage is manufactured.

People are upset about Zimmerman because he shot a black child and suffered no consequences for it. Not because Jackson or Sharpton or Obama told them to.

You remove the outlying data and only concentrate on the majority of data points.

Like when you throw out many sets of tree rings and only use a few?
Yes, lets. Lets make law based on emotions instead of facts. It seems as if we already do, whaddya say folks?

Everyone has issues with the jury being all white and all female. All those self proclaimed non bigots have really crawled out of the woodwork and strutted themselves out to be nothing more than garden variety racists and misogynists, haven't they? I would point out that the law sets out that a jury of the DEFENDANT's peers hear the case, not peers of the accused, not peers of the witnesses. I think it is completely racist to demand that a non white should have been on the jury. How would understanding the culture of a black person facilitated a more fair verdict for a person who was not black, but rather a mixture of black, Peruvian, and white? It wouldn't have.
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