The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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open season on black boys

Why not simply 'Open season on anyone that tries to kill you'?

Are you suggesting one should not be able to defend themselves if they believe they're about to be killed?

What exactly are you suggesting???

Pretty sure he's telling us that he's such a blind, ignorant racist that he's incapable of seeing black people in any terms OTHER than their color. :eusa_eh:

Look who is talking, bigot.
If everything went down the exact same way, except that his victim was a pretty blonde white girl.

Even if she had stolen items from neighbors houses on her person and marijuana in her pockets, and oozing from her pores.

I'd bet my bottom-dollar on that.

It depends, would the pretty blonde white girl be beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete? If the pretty blonde white girl was bigger than Zimmerman, and a trained fighter who posted her fights on You Tube and carried them on her cell phone, it would have turned out the same way.

Zimmerman was a trained fighter as well.

And outweighed his victim.
If everything went down the exact same way, except that his victim was a pretty blonde white girl.

Even if she had stolen items from neighbors houses on her person and marijuana in her pockets, and oozing from her pores.

I'd bet my bottom-dollar on that.

It depends, would the pretty blonde white girl be beating Zimmerman's head into the concrete? If the pretty blonde white girl was bigger than Zimmerman, and a trained fighter who posted her fights on You Tube and carried them on her cell phone, it would have turned out the same way.
Zimmerman was bigger than Trayvon had police cadet training. Video at the time of Zimmerman's arrest did not even show a band aid. He could have used equal physical force but instead he used deadly force. Little PAB is what he is.
I will add, too, that when you start saying that a person who knows the law is automatically guilty, that is some really deep quicksand you are in. A lot of people know the law, and, IMO, if everyone did then we could all fight our own battles.
IF ZIMMERMAN HD BEEN BLACK.(And Trayvon had been white)The outcome would have been different. Zimmerman would have been arrested. An investigation of a homicide would have been done. Zimmerman would have been tested for drugs. He would have been brought to trial and found guilty of premeditated first degree murder with special circumstances because the victim was a child and sentence to death by lethal injection.

WE have just witness the perfect example of a "kangaroo court".
Member of the jury stated that Zimmerman was wrong by getting out of his car but he had a right to follow Trayvon and justified in shooting him? What led up to the shooting was wrong but the shooting was justified? What kind of reasoning is this. She sound like she is on the same radar as they claim Rachael G. was on.

That was just an amazing admission on her part.

As well as the book deal (well not really).
I must be either really stupid or horribly naive because, for the life of me, I cannot see how this case is about race. Absolutely not ONE SHRED of evidence was produced to remotely insinuate Zimmerman is a racist. Not one shred.

Profiling, yes, OK, I can see that. But as I said early on, we all profile every day and certainly it's part of the education in any form of law enforcement, psychology, all walk of life, really. Racial profiling, no, didn't happen. Unless you want to say Z was suspicious of a person sauntering around his neighborhood on a rainy night and that person happened to be black.

Where the HELL is this coming from? Who gives this claim any credence? The UN??? DOJ, again??? Really??? Where is the EVIDENCE? Just because the claim is made does not make it true. Or even "investigatable". Every death is tragic and this one certainly is tragic, of course. But not every death of a black person by a non-black person involves racism. Most do not, I feel confident in saying.

So where the hell is this coming from? I can see why the media is continuing to perpetuate this, but why does the government want to dwell in this fantasy and stoke these hateful fires?

Someone please give me a link to a book on hate. I guess I've got a lot to learn about how this fits into that mindset.

I totally get what you're saying, but the reason why I think it is about race is because it's something a lot of us don't have to worry about. White kids with hoodies aren't followed and persecuted the way black kids are.

Indeed, the recent burglaries in the area were committed by young black men. GZ did a very natural thing in the profiling we do every day, whether we like to admit it or not.

However, he went a step further. He went far beyond suspicion, down the road of assuming the kid was guilty of something, though there was no actual basis for that thinking other than the fact that he racially fits the profile of recent burglars.

My neighborhood watch captain told me this: "A good neighborhood watch captain would have put the suspicion on the backburner of their mind, and then actually rolled down the window and invite to drive the kid home so he can get out of the rain. By doing that, you establish connections with your neighbors and the residents in the area, you know his face up close and can remember it for future reference, and you figure out where he lives."

Of course, GZ didn't even think to do any of that, did he? He racially profiled a young man and escalated the tension instead of defusing it with well-known common sense approaches to being a volunteer in the neighborhood watch program.

Doesn't make GZ a "racist", but I think it does make this case about race and the subtle prejudices that exist in our thinking. And I also think the decision is about race, because it suggests that TM deserved his own murder because he was a typical "angry black man", which is a syndrome only put on to them by white people, and which has no basis in actual reality.

I disagree that black kids are being persecuted or that Trayvon Martin was persecuted by George Zimmerman because he was wearing a hoodie. I think the hoodie is irrelevant, a symbol the black community latched onto and ran with.

Surprised at the ease which you presume you know GZ went far beyond suspicion and believe TM was doing something wrong.

Disagree TM was racially profiled. I believe GZ saw someone lollygagging around on a rainy night in his neighborhood and he called the police non-emergency number to report it. Robberies and home invasions had become more frequent in that housing complex and he wanted to report a concern. He kept a safe distance away from TM and lost sight of where he was. At that point it was TM who escalated the situation by confronting GZ, according to TM's friend Rachel.

You must be kidding with your last comment! First of all, you are the only person in all of this who has referred to TM as an "angry black man". I certainly don't view him in those terms. We are all individuals and I try not to lump people into a "syndrome" or category. But now that you mention it, there do seem to be lots of angry black men and women who are unable to accept the verdict of an exceedingly fair trial.

Zimmerman's hard on was in the right place.:evil:
Good Morning!

Snookie, in your heart do you believe GZ was racist? Because there really hasn't been any evidence of that. He took up the cause of underprivileged kids, tutoring and mentoring them. He tried to bring attention to the case of a homeless black man who was beaten by the son of a police officer. I know you feel the jury came to the wrong decision, but do you really feel GZ was racist and hateful?
I posted long ago on this thread that this case would lead to a repeal of the stand your ground law.

It is unconstitutional and unamerican.

Everybody has an unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Zimmerman took away that right from an innocent kid.
I posted long ago on this thread that this case would lead to a repeal of the stand your ground law.

It is unconstitutional and unamerican.

Everybody has an unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Zimmerman took away that right from an innocent kid.

We have the right to self defense. Same result.
Good Morning!

Snookie, in your heart do you believe GZ was racist? Because there really hasn't been any evidence of that. He took up the cause of underprivileged kids, tutoring and mentoring them. He tried to bring attention to the case of a homeless black man who was beaten by the son of a police officer. I know you feel the jury came to the wrong decision, but do you really feel GZ was racist and hateful?

I believe he was racial profiling.

Zimmerman is an underachieving attention whore.

He never helped anyone without an ulterior motive.

Like the woman who testified that Zimmerman came to her house after she was home invaded and offered to help.

I think he was trying to put the blast on her for some nookie.
I posted long ago on this thread that this case would lead to a repeal of the stand your ground law.

It is unconstitutional and unamerican.

Everybody has an unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Zimmerman took away that right from an innocent kid.

it will not lead to a repeal of state stand your ground or castle laws
I posted long ago on this thread that this case would lead to a repeal of the stand your ground law.

It is unconstitutional and unamerican.

Everybody has an unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Zimmerman took away that right from an innocent kid.

it will not lead to a repeal of state stand your ground or castle laws

Only time will tell.


Good Morning!

Snookie, in your heart do you believe GZ was racist? Because there really hasn't been any evidence of that. He took up the cause of underprivileged kids, tutoring and mentoring them. He tried to bring attention to the case of a homeless black man who was beaten by the son of a police officer. I know you feel the jury came to the wrong decision, but do you really feel GZ was racist and hateful?

I believe he was racial profiling.

Zimmerman is an underachieving attention whore.

He never helped anyone without an ulterior motive.

Like the woman who testified that Zimmerman came to her house after she was home invaded and offered to help.

I think he was trying to put the blast on her for some nookie.

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