The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I do disagree. One of four things likely happened:

1. The coroner was paid off.
2. The coroner was blackmailed.
3. The coroner was corruptly sympathetic to the idea that TM was a 'victim' and he fudged the report.
4. A lazy coroner simply used the height listed on the driver's license.

5. The ME is an idiot.

There I fixed it.

Does ME stand for something?

Medical Examiner aka Shipping.
...hey, I am not racist. I have a black friend?

And that proves you aren't racist, how exactly? Did anyone accuse you of being racist towards black?

Race is meaningless. You have no right to murder people because of your or their race. You have no right to deny someone else their right to self defense because of their race.

If you don't want to be shot in self defense, don't attack people.

That's the rub, though, Av.

Racism only exists when it's White/Black

"Creepy ass cracker" isn't a racial comment.
Man, you have a short memory

No one is telling you that you can't be racist. You just can't deny people a job because of it. Or shoot them dead because of it. That sort of thing.
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You know what I find appalling? That so many people are so callous about a kid getting shot to death because he didn't know exactly the right way to handle a situation. He was a kid, barely turned 17.

But he was a black kid, wasn't he? And I know without a doubt that's why so many of you just don't give a fuck about what happened to him.

You've profiled him in your minds just as Zimmerman profiled him on the streets that night. It MUST have been his fault. Those kind, they always cause trouble.


I'd say YOU were biased to begin with and didn't bother to look at the evidence presented to the jury.

The rest of the world was able to view tons of evidence the jury didn't get to see.

You are emoting...and playing the race card. :thup:

If you knew me better you'd know why it's so funny to hear someone say that I'm playing the race card. I'm not exactly known for being a huge fan of diversity. But right is right and wrong is wrong. The kid was killed because he was black and "therefore" suspicious. And his killer got away with it because a lot of people agree that black kids are indeed suspicious.

That's just wrong.

The Police were called because the kid was suspicious...the kid was killed because he attacked someone. Let's be candid here...Trayvon Martin doesn't get into a fight with George Zimmerman if he simply steps inside the condo he's staying at. He's a hundred yards away from Zimmerman...outside of his "safe haven"...yet Trayvon makes the decision to got back and confront the man. What he SHOULD have done is call the Police, like George Zimmerman, but Trayvon doesn't do that.
Convicted or not, this was still ultimately Zimmerman's fault.

Many people like to play the "domino theory" game when discussing this case. The like to say that "If Zimmerman didn't get out of his car.." or "If Zimmerman wasn't a wanna be cop..." etc... then this wouldn't have happened.

Couldn't you also make the case on the other side? If Martin hadn't been suspended from school for fighting and drug possession, he may not have moved in with his father and may not have even been walking through the neighborhood at the time Zimmerman was there.

Both gentlement brought this situation upon themselves; period. Zimmerman when he chose to follow Martin. Martin when he chose to physically attack Zimmerman. Martin had 4 minutes, from when he first ran, to get home (between 300-400ft). Instead he chose to return and confront Martin. Zimmerman put himself in the situation to be attacked, and Martin put himself in the situation to be shot.

This sounds a little like Zimmerman's logic when he said it was God's will.

George Zimmerman on Trayvon Martin?s Death: ?It Was All a Part of God?s Plan?? [VIDEO] | 93.1 WZAK

"I feel it was all God's plan", said Zimmerman...

Isn't the stark nature of Zimmerman's perception here how sociopathic killers think, and shouldn't the jury have considered this evidence of GZ's guilt?
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Many people like to play the "domino theory" game when discussing this case. The like to say that "If Zimmerman didn't get out of his car.." or "If Zimmerman wasn't a wanna be cop..." etc... then this wouldn't have happened.

Couldn't you also make the case on the other side? If Martin hadn't been suspended from school for fighting and drug possession, he may not have moved in with his father and may not have even been walking through the neighborhood at the time Zimmerman was there.

Both gentlement brought this situation upon themselves; period. Zimmerman when he chose to follow Martin. Martin when he chose to physically attack Zimmerman. Martin had 4 minutes, from when he first ran, to get home (between 300-400ft). Instead he chose to return and confront Martin. Zimmerman put himself in the situation to be attacked, and Martin put himself in the situation to be shot.

This sounds a little like Zimmerman's logic when he said it was God's will.

George Zimmerman on Trayvon Martin?s Death: ?It Was All a Part of God?s Plan?? [VIDEO] | 93.1 WZAK

I feel it was all God's plan, said Zimmerman...

Isn't the stark nature of Zimmerman's perception here how sociopathic killers think, and shouldn't the jury have considered this evidence of GZ's guilt?

The kid was killed because he was black and "therefore" suspicious.

No he wasn't, and if the evidence proved this to a jury, Zimmerman would have been convicted.

You are emotively applying your bigoted race-minded opinion here, on the events that actually took place. It contradicts the evidence and the testimony from eyewitnesses. He was killed because he was pounding Zimmerman's head to mush on the pavement, and would have likely killed the man if he hadn't shot him. Had he killed Zimmerman, it would not have met the criteria of "justifiable homicide" and Martin would have likely been charged with 2nd degree murder, and tried as an adult.
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Fuck that, from my point of view, Zimmerman is a dangerous person. He killed a 17-year-old kid. If I were to see him following me around my neighborhood, I would indeed consider that a threat. I probably wouldn't even need to kill him, just yell for help and several of my neighbors would shoot him. Maybe I'd bang my head on the ground a couple times to make it look like he attacked me.

Oh, think that wouldn't happen? Check out this story from a town here in Alaska, stupid dude punched himself in the face so he could blame it on his neighbor. LOL

one more candidate for conviction in murder 1.

your point of view does not matter. it's the law, stupid ( paraphrasing) :D

How am I a candidate for murder 1 if it's my neighbors who shoot him? In my defense? : ) I wouldn't call that stupid, I'd call that brilliant. : )

Why do you have signatures talking about following Christ, and yet you call someone a "complete idiot"?

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

How, exactly, do the two conflict?

Because people who follow Christ should be full of love and forgiveness, not calling people names. Otherwise, we kind of have to call them...hypocrites.

Not calling people names. Just stating a sad fact. If he truly believes that. I dont think he actually does though.
I must be either really stupid or horribly naive because, for the life of me, I cannot see how this case is about race. Absolutely not ONE SHRED of evidence was produced to remotely insinuate Zimmerman is a racist. Not one shred.

Profiling, yes, OK, I can see that. But as I said early on, we all profile every day and certainly it's part of the education in any form of law enforcement, psychology, all walk of life, really. Racial profiling, no, didn't happen. Unless you want to say Z was suspicious of a person sauntering around his neighborhood on a rainy night and that person happened to be black.

Where the HELL is this coming from? Who gives this claim any credence? The UN??? DOJ, again??? Really??? Where is the EVIDENCE? Just because the claim is made does not make it true. Or even "investigatable". Every death is tragic and this one certainly is tragic, of course. But not every death of a black person by a non-black person involves racism. Most do not, I feel confident in saying.

So where the hell is this coming from? I can see why the media is continuing to perpetuate this, but why does the government want to dwell in this fantasy and stoke these hateful fires?

Someone please give me a link to a book on hate. I guess I've got a lot to learn about how this fits into that mindset.

I totally get what you're saying, but the reason why I think it is about race is because it's something a lot of us don't have to worry about. White kids with hoodies aren't followed and persecuted the way black kids are.

Indeed, the recent burglaries in the area were committed by young black men. GZ did a very natural thing in the profiling we do every day, whether we like to admit it or not.

However, he went a step further. He went far beyond suspicion, down the road of assuming the kid was guilty of something, though there was no actual basis for that thinking other than the fact that he racially fits the profile of recent burglars.

My neighborhood watch captain told me this: "A good neighborhood watch captain would have put the suspicion on the backburner of their mind, and then actually rolled down the window and invite to drive the kid home so he can get out of the rain. By doing that, you establish connections with your neighbors and the residents in the area, you know his face up close and can remember it for future reference, and you figure out where he lives."

Of course, GZ didn't even think to do any of that, did he? He racially profiled a young man and escalated the tension instead of defusing it with well-known common sense approaches to being a volunteer in the neighborhood watch program.

Doesn't make GZ a "racist", but I think it does make this case about race and the subtle prejudices that exist in our thinking. And I also think the decision is about race, because it suggests that TM deserved his own murder because he was a typical "angry black man", which is a syndrome only put on to them by white people, and which has no basis in actual reality.

I disagree that black kids are being persecuted or that Trayvon Martin was persecuted by George Zimmerman because he was wearing a hoodie. I think the hoodie is irrelevant, a symbol the black community latched onto and ran with.

Surprised at the ease which you presume you know GZ went far beyond suspicion and believe TM was doing something wrong.

Disagree TM was racially profiled. I believe GZ saw someone lollygagging around on a rainy night in his neighborhood and he called the police non-emergency number to report it. Robberies and home invasions had become more frequent in that housing complex and he wanted to report a concern. He kept a safe distance away from TM and lost sight of where he was. At that point it was TM who escalated the situation by confronting GZ, according to TM's friend Rachel.

You must be kidding with your last comment! First of all, you are the only person in all of this who has referred to TM as an "angry black man". I certainly don't view him in those terms. We are all individuals and I try not to lump people into a "syndrome" or category. But now that you mention it, there do seem to be lots of angry black men and women who are unable to accept the verdict of an exceedingly fair trial.
...hey, I am not racist. I have a black friend?

And that proves you aren't racist, how exactly? Did anyone accuse you of being racist towards black?

Race is meaningless. You have no right to murder people because of your or their race. You have no right to deny someone else their right to self defense because of their race.

If you don't want to be shot in self defense, don't attack people.

That's the rub, though, Av.

Racism only exists when it's White/Black

"Creepy ass cracker" isn't a racial comment.
Man, you have a short memory

That is not true!
open season on black boys

Why not simply 'Open season on anyone that tries to kill you'?

Are you suggesting one should not be able to defend themselves if they believe they're about to be killed?

What exactly are you suggesting???

Pretty sure he's telling us that he's such a blind, ignorant racist that he's incapable of seeing black people in any terms OTHER than their color. :eusa_eh:
And that proves you aren't racist, how exactly? Did anyone accuse you of being racist towards black?

Race is meaningless. You have no right to murder people because of your or their race. You have no right to deny someone else their right to self defense because of their race.

If you don't want to be shot in self defense, don't attack people.

That's the rub, though, Av.

Racism only exists when it's White/Black

"Creepy ass cracker" isn't a racial comment.
Man, you have a short memory

No one is telling you that you can't be racist. You just can't deny people a job because of it. Or shoot them dead because of it. That sort of thing.

Considering hotysir has never wanted to be racist, I don't think he was that concerned about it. We are talking about Zona's racism. Oddly enough you don't seem to be telling him he cant shoot people dead because of his racism.
And that proves you aren't racist, how exactly? Did anyone accuse you of being racist towards black?

Race is meaningless. You have no right to murder people because of your or their race. You have no right to deny someone else their right to self defense because of their race.

If you don't want to be shot in self defense, don't attack people.

That's the rub, though, Av.

Racism only exists when it's White/Black

"Creepy ass cracker" isn't a racial comment.
Man, you have a short memory

That is not true!

Then why specify you have a BLACK friend?
(yes, I know you're black)
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